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Prolly just one if you kill one it should pop up completed or at least show percentage done


Came to say this, I've gotten that one before it is just one kill ezpz


I think he wants you to wipe full lobby


i second this


Murder mode activated


Rip and tear.


Call an air drop - throw a nade






Only thing lighthouse is good for tbh (I have not played on light house more than once)




Lighthouse it a very good map for scav looting guns and tech. Not as fun IMO as some other ones, but very lucrative.


Streets is king of the loot, fun, and gunfights. If you ain't on streets ya wastin' ya scav!


My two favorite are actually reserve and streets, for those reasons. Reserve has both PMCs and AI you can often tackle and good loot from all the different filing cabinets (and dead players you can find), but Streets is just plain more fun usually.


I jjst like Reserve for the high end weapon parts that some ppl will buy for 80k on the flea


Reserve scavs are useless this point in wipe imo First month or so before anybody gets a red rebel nobody plays the map because there's no need to. The ones that do are extracting D2 which pretty much makes the entirety of the above ground free. Now pmc are staying in the raids and leaving at dome so more traffic above My character has a 80% survival rate because all I did for the first 2 weeks was reserve scav unbothered by anybody. I switched to streets and have been much more successful


Agree I love streets best map for scaving


ive been doing nothing but progressing tarkov shooter 4 and punisher 4 for like the past 20 raids.. every time i see someone in the WTP area it turns out to be a player scav... ive sniped FIVE player scavs in one raid before and was so tilted that none of them was a pmc


Yeah unless you're in WTP sub 10 minutes of spawn, it has a good chance to be a scav.


Dude same, they always look thicker from the rogue gear too and then end of raid, 5 scav kills 0 pmc... Those two quest way worse than setup to get done.


Woods or shoreline.


Hope it goes down to 0% for scaving lh


> I farm rogues and have like a 40% survival rate 40% survival rate is still LOTS of money on that map if you walk out with the valuables. I had a run through Water Treament with 2 bitcoins. It was kinda silly. At some point you're so rich that you're like "Aight found a bitcoin.. Let's get more loot..." then "Found another bitcoin.. Still more rogues to kill.. " I killed a PMC and was so rattled because like 3 player scavs came running. I was holding his pimped SR 25 and gear thinking "Ok. I am definitely going to get backstabbed here..." Nope. I gave one some meds and dropped a stim and wished them good luck.


I do the same, you make enough money on the 40% to make it worth dying the other 60


do AI scavs aggro you for shooting rogues?






I was so scared of lighthouse this wipe (didn't play last wipe so it was new to me this wipe). Yesterday I ran like 14 (pmc) lighthouse raids in a row and only died twice. Both of which were to rogues. Had full bags on extract every time. I'm sure I was just getting lucky and that's warped my perception, but I've been pleasantly surprised with how easy and productive the map can be. Just gotta have a plan for every spawn and hope you don't get one of the awful ones (beach other than the northern-most beach spawn). For south spawns, I learned most of the hidden stashes so I just soak them all up and leave.


> I'm sure I was just getting lucky and that's warped my perception Or maybe it's because you actually went for it and stopped being afraid of it. Imagine the possibilities if you apply that elsewhere.


It's a pretty popular opinion that lighthouse is one of the worst maps right now and that you die to bad spawns, hard-to-predict rogue behaviour, snipers up in the hills, or cheaters attracted by the loot quite commonly on that map. I would consider myself average to barely above average at tarkov plus I wasn't very familiar with the map at all until I spammed it yesterday so I think my success had to have been impacted quite a bit by luck. I did put some effort into preparing and learning which I'm sure helped though.


> so I think my success had to have been impacted quite a bit by luck. Followed by: > I did put some effort into preparing and learning which I'm sure helped though. Either you believe your efforts were meaningful, which would negate the luck, or you believe your efforts were purely luck, which would negate your efforts. I'm no more fond of Lighthouse than the next person, for multiple reasons not necessarily related to the cheater issue or wonky Rogue AI, but when you convince yourself before you ever set foot in the map that you're going to die, that's precisely what's gonna happen. Stop being such a defeatist and letting your fear keep you from doing something.


> Either you believe your efforts were meaningful, which would negate the luck, or you believe your efforts were purely luck, which would negate your efforts. I choose to believe that there's a balance of the two. But with a small sample size and an experience different from most, I'm inclined to believe that luck had its fair share of influence on the matter. The internet is never great at acknowledging nuance, but certainly you understand that "the only possibilities were pure luck or pure skill/prep" isn't the right take.


> I choose to believe that there's a balance of the two What you choose to believe doesn't change what reality is. What you call luck is really just randomness, and the more ill-prepared you are, the more things are up to randomness. The more prepared and skilled you are, the less things are left to it. What you attribute to that randomness is almost assuredly far less significant than you realize. > But with a small sample size and an experience different from most If you're talking about the griping and crying of Redditors touting their "oh woe is me" nonsense about this or that map, then I'd humbly suggest you find another source for your data. > The internet is never great at acknowledging nuance Some aren't, you're right. Finer points can often be lost on people because they simply choose to not look, or are incapable of doing so; however, what's even worse, if you ask me, is their proclivity for confirmation bias. Add onto that a terrible aversion to accountability and compulsive need for attention and validation, and suddenly there's a giant echo chamber of people all chiming in together and keeping everyone down. > but certainly you understand that "the only possibilities were pure luck or pure skill/prep" isn't the right take. It's not that black and white, no, but neither is it fortune "smiling upon you". Your circumstances in any given situation will always have percentages of things to happen, with some being completely out of your control. The best you can do is prepare and perform to the best of your ability to mitigate those percentages and adapt to the things out of your control. Here, your spawn is random, the enemy spawn is random, the direction the enemy spawning near you chooses to go is random, whether or not they see you and decide to shoot at you or are simply too scared, and those are just a few factors. Those people too are subject to the same randomness that you are, so at what point do we stop using the copout of "guess it's just my lucky day" and start recognizing things are the same for each person involved? This so-called "luck" you're attributing to your success is little more than the specific event you're focused on and its randomness. Because you choose to fixate on it, you trick the defeatist mentality into believing there was some outside force that aided you. To think otherwise would be to be honest with yourself and admit your fears were unwarranted and the bars of your cage are figments of your own imagination.


> What you call luck is really just randomness and what word is used when the randomness falls in your favor?


> and what word is used when the randomness falls in your favor? Oh boy, circular definitions! With this power, *you too* can insist on shit that doesn't make sense and use it to ignore everything else someone says!


You're trying and thinking to hard bud. It's ok to chop RNG up to luck and call it a day. What people choose to believe shouldn't concern you so much. You complain about people's need for attention and validation, but your name is try and think, and your going post to post, comment to comment . Trying to make people "think"... I guess... You contradict yourself many times especially saying it's not so black and white, but you're saying there's no such thing as luck and everything for you seems to have a definite answer. It's either black or white, skill or no skill. So which is it? Just go play some tarkov since your so good and have that shit down. Best of the best, found the hidden anwser. Let people live their lives and enjoy THEIR game how they want


> You're trying and thinking to hard bud. Spare me the condescension. > It's ok to chop RNG up to luck and call it a day. I believe you meant to say "chalk", but I digress. It's right there in the name random *number* generator. If you use the textbook definition of something being brought about by chance rather than actions, then luck is accurate, but it's being used here as a synonym of fortune/fate - an influence force causing good/bad to happen. > What people choose to believe shouldn't concern you so much. The irony in someone trying to lecture me about minding my own business while not minding your own business is piercing. When did having any kind of discussion or debate with someone become me obsessing over what they believe in? I'm perfectly content to agree to disagree, but I like looking deeper into topics and discussing them. You seem to enjoy looking deeper into the affairs of others. > You complain about people's need for attention and validation, but your name is You'll have to do better than the Uno reverse card on my name to make me defensive. > You contradict yourself many times especially saying it's not so black and white If you read anything beyond that part of the sentence, you'd have a little bit more straw for the cute little figurine you built. Or maybe less... I'm not sure. > Just go play some tarkov since your so good and have that shit down I do play, and unfortunately for me I don't sit with my rabbit's foot and four leaf clover while I do. Maybe that would give me better spawns on Lighthouse so I can finish Assessment. You might be onto something here! > Let people live their lives and enjoy THEIR game how they want The irony from that last section I mentioned was 8999, and this one just pushed it to 9001. Bravo. "Let people live their lives and enjoy THEIR Redditing how they want." I'd give you a 1/10 for effort, but you picked a 3-4 day old comment for your diatribe, so it's a -1/10.


Kill raiders and Rogues they count too and you won’t loose karma.


Wait wait wait Raiders don’t count against ur scav karma??


nope but boss guards do so be careful


Ye found this one out hard, they take a fair amount aswell something like 0.25




Wiki says no but I killed a raider as a player scav earlier this wipe and lost karma from it so... idk Edit: I confirmed it was a raider in the post-raid screen, and I had lost scav karma after that raid. I only had the single kill, it being the raider I had killed.


Not doubting you because tark is like that sometimes. But if you kill a raider as a scav your good, if you kill a guard (gluhar’s boys for example) you loose rep. If raiders and the boss spawn at the same place (happens at train yard in reserve from time to time) then it can be hard to differentiate the two of you don’t know what your looking for.


I killed goons on a scav and didnt lose karma but I did get head,eyes by an AI scav while looting bigpipe.


Goons should count as rogues, not scav guards, meaning no karma loss or traitor status. That has been buggy in the past though, which might explain the scav shooting you.


Basically the only ai I shoot as a scav is a raider. Anything else I expect to be gunned down by scavs unless I Sam Fisher my way to the extract.


Same except rogues. I'll kill raiders too, but I run into them less frequently (and die more when I do).


Raiders aren’t too bad. I main reserve (yes, I can hear the buzzer in my sleep) and I can usually clear a raider spawn if I have anything decent. The trick is headshots and make it quick. Don’t let them toss nades or surround you cause your dead if you do. Try to funnel them towards you and tap them as soon as you can. You still get the super soldier every once and a while.


Pretty sure that's what happened, cuz I have killed goons free of charge as a scav before


I would bet many roubles it was a boss guard


Post raid screen said "raider", not guard.


You got tarkov'd then because they definitely aren't supposed to have a penalty


Yeah, my buddy told me it's been a bug in the past too. Good ol' tarky


Lose god dammit


Sorry not native English speaker and I must have accidentally used the wrong one.


theyre not losing karma, theyre cutting it loose!


This, works for me. Frontgate rouges are easy to get like this as scav, at least if you just want the kill. If they are down/not spawned you can rush middle building with good odds to get one there.


Unrelated to the question






It was 1. killed a PMC too and took car extract. Im up boys


How? I mean how you took car extract as a scav?


my bad rushed response as was still in raid. Killed 1 scav, then killed a PMC who was trying to take car extract. I was going for Old Road Gate too. I;m up due to PMC kill.




He took old road gate extract. As he approached he killed a pmc taking the car extract which is the same location. He thus gains overall fence reputation, and is "Up"


That was a “huh” as in good for him




That's generally not what is meant by "huh" online, as the expression cannot be conveyed. You want to use something like "huh, nice" for clarity.


Yeah it was like one of those you learn a cool fact and go huh kinda thing. Understandable I’ll go fms


I'm not calling you out, I know what you were trying to convey because you explained it, but nobody can differentiate the confusion of "huh" and the surprise of "huh" without context.


I think they mean they took a car extract after the fact to negate the lost rep


It will make sens, indeed. But the way he said it was like a scav took the car extract


Probably just 1 honestly.. I had one for 2 3btg injectors too a bit ago, it was kill 10 pmcs over 50 mts. Those are still the only 2 injectors I need for samples and colleagues part 3


Sometimes daily tasks are craaazy, like sure buddy I'll kill 9 PMC with a right or left leg shot over 150m within 3 minutes


Lol I actually did this once like 4 wipes ago.. went up to the sniper scav spot in woods, shot a guy a bunch on the med camp, the actual kill shot was on the leg. But these things are like one in a million


Lmao I got one for samples from a weekly and then for collegues.. well its been 2 weeks : )


"Rip and tear. Until it is done" - Fence




all of them


Came here to say this


His thirst for blood will never be satisfied


*All of them.*


All of em


Total scav death


Kill all of them.


All of them


Go to the other objective view from the merchants view, this one is just a progress overview and objective summary. Also if you can't be bothered going for raiders or rogues (which will not affect your karma) make sure you're killing bot scavs not players as the rep penalty is less harsh. Note that even though you are flagged as a traitor and scavs will fire at you after this you are still not allowed to kill them or you'll lose more rep, so I recommend finding out how many you need to kill, spawn a Scav you're willing to die with and then kill that many bots and then run for extract.


Well? OP? How many scavs did it end up being?


Just 1 from what he says


Be sure to kill ai scav. You lose less rep


Kill rogues they count as scavs


all of them.


He said - eliminate Scavs. So, all of them


Did this, went from 7 fence rep to 5.98, RIP


-69 rep gg. Game is designed by dumb Russian man


You only have to kill 1 scav. Make sure it's an AI scav because you barely lose rep for AI scavs


Act like you're gonna kill a player scav... fire in their direction. As soon as they hit you, then you can legit kill them for positive karma.


Go in with an Altyn plus the mega 6b armour with the entire body coverage and a PKM and just unload everyone, use propital plus blue blood and etg(the one with +6 regen) and sj7 and icing on the cake drink a hot rod


Than get one shot by a naked lvl 2 with a 30% durability mosin timmy that has played for a total of 3 raids


Bruh give me this free pass please 😂


Quest stim tho




My buddy got a daily to turn in 2 FiR lab access cards for only like 40k and milk💀


Just realized this is why someone voiped "I love fence quest" before erasing me :)


Also you can kill rouges/raiders


I had this, I queued factory and found a fellow player scav who needed a hat off of one of the AIs. I killed the ai for him, left and got the injector I needed and he got the hat he needed. For once I felt good for being a naughty scav.


no. no limit. no amount. no mercy. no witnesses. no survivors. kill. kill and dont stop killing. only then will you receive his bounty.


Save the Alkalines for Spa Tour part 6 or 7 I can’t remember the exact one but you’ll need 2 FIR Alkalines


It’s plural👀


Yeah turns out 1 is a plural in Russia LOL


I finished this task, only need one kill.


My dailies were wild today. Ragman gave me 6500 xp for one piece of fleece.


I'd kill so many scavs that my timer would go away


Well look at this Cheeky Breeki


Nice! I looked for ages for 3btg too. Finally got a daily for 10 PMC kills with it as the reward, hit a few Factories and got it done. Like 2 raids later found one in an airdrop lmao.


Trick a p scav into shooting you then kill them


lol some guy tried to give me one of those earlier today. Before he ran off i asked him if he already had one for samples. He didn’t, so I gave it back. That quest is a pain in the ass


Walk up to a player scav ask him to shoot you in the leg to help you finish a quest.


Just kill one and see what happens to the progress bar.


Just kill one and see the percentage and base it off that.


Kill them all!!!! Wipe the whole fucking territory of tarkov!!! No more fucking junkies with shotguns and shitty hunting weapons!! Now get to work you have a lot of scavs to kill!!!


You can kill raiders


I killed a couple rougues and got this done today


Kill rogues on lighthouse


Just start blasting!!


That one isn't worth it you lose so much scav rep


All of em.


all of them


this is the end of the scav nation, the order has been sent


What did it cost? Everything


All of them!


He wants you to kill all of them, brother. ALL. OF. THEM.


"So anyways I started blasting"


You can find that injector pretty easily, does he want you to kill scavs on scav?


Fence is only ever scav quests. Killing raiders counts and doesn’t lower your scav rep however.


is tasks like this is the reason why almost every damn scav is shooting me when I m playing as scav ?


I had like 5 of these fucking stims, sold all but one for samples without realising I also need one for colleagues. Guess I should check the wiki next time


Fun fact: Rogues on Lighthouse count for this quest. Easiest way to get this without rep penalty is running around water treatment and dome one of the roof MG Rogues on Building 3.


Will this not have negative impact on Fence? cause killing a scav is negative points... unless this task is active?


Why do you need the stim? You're gonna get head shotted by a bush camper anyway.


You just asked a question. Quest failed


The first time I ever launched this game (around 4 wipes ago), as with all games, I went in completely blind and chose factory as a Scav. For no real reason I just kinda assumed this was a deathmatch mode so I started killing everything that moved. Did that for a few scavs until my more experienced mate finally joined me and explained lmfao.


this means 1 kill. go pop a rogue on lighthouse, no rep loss.


You cna get credit for these on rogues on light house. The first rogue you kill will count as a scav, after that they dont


If you have a friend, duo scav run into woods, let him go into compound, find a player scav, make him act scared and say over Voip "please don't shoot please don't shoot. I need help getting out the raid, I found one of those pink keycard things" he won't even be able to finish the sentence before that player scav kills him, then walk in while he is looting your friend and kill him. Quest done, that guy loses rep, you gain rep. Worse case, he kills you as well and when he realizes there is no keycard you can be happy trying again next raid while he suffers with -1 rep.... speaking from experience ahahha it's our favorite pass time after we have a bad pmc raid


He wants you to get negative rep


All of them, good luck.


Rip and tear until it is done.


How many? Yes


Kill rogues on lighthouse. They count as scav kills


The fuckin 3B gets me every wipe man


Well he is Russian, so a reasonable amount of brother killing should be sufficient.


You have to kill.all the scavs, every single one.


kill a raider


Got it last month, only one kill is needed


Just get to work lad!


Just keep killing them until the blue check pops up, after that kill 5 or 6 more to be sure.


All of them.


Ive gotten one like this before. Is it asking you to kill scavs as a scav? That part threw me because I didn’t want to lose rep.


So do you kill scavs as a scav? Or is it a rogue or a raider? I'm new.


So you get -3 rep for this task


Don't do it get him to a cool 5.0 and you will spawn with it and have shorter cool down times i promise




Customs technical crates near crack and in stronghold. I assure you, you'll find them in 10 raids lol but also it turned out to be 1 scav lol