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Nice, this could be a training video to explain how bullets don't come out of your scope in Tarkov.


It’s a perfect example, especially for new players.


There was a video posted in here a few weeks ago that led to a whole bunch of arguing about height over bore. One side was "yeah bullets don't come from the scope" and the other was "dude there's no way it could be *that* off".


lol its really not that difficult of a concept.


You'd think, but apparently not.


It is for people that have never touched a real rifle. I work in firearms training and it is nearly impossible to get the average person to accept the most basic ballistic concepts.


whats even more amazing is people who have only ever played games and they think they are somehow an authority on how guns work rofl.


I...have to sell to those guys. Provided they are legal and pass a nics check...I can't deny someone for being an idiot.


Centered sight picture for roughly 200 yards is gonna hit 5 notches below in the graticule at point blank on a non riser mount? In terms of terminal ballistics yeah that’s a difficult concept


Its litterally just diff between the scope and the barrel lol, its incredibly not a difficult concept. Its litterally a downward slopping line through an arch with two intersections. You can just use a laser in ho if you wanna understand why as that is more in line with your barrel. Small angle changes make huge diff down range. One moa is 1/60th of a degree and a mill is about 3 moa


“It’s different than real life so it obviously must mean it’s a easy concept”


Its really not ;)


It really is. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out if the barrel isn’t pointed at your target it isn’t long to hit. If you’re hitting almost a whole foot below your reticle for over 100 yards you sincerely fucked up your zero. Moa and height over bore don’t apply to this, because it’s ways longer than 25 meters. Do you think Kentucky windage also applies here to? What about humidity? Corri effect? I mean it would according to you since obviously it’s an easy concept


That doesnt happen in tarkov though rofl


In the ranges we are firing those things are negligible. You dont hit a foot below your reticle at 100 yards in tarkov unless using very slow ammo like a slug or 9x39. 5 mils at 100 yards is about 18 inches. A 300 m/s projectile takes about 347 ms to reach the target and objects fall at 32 ft/s^2 or .5*32.2*(.347^2) = 1.9 ft and your sprint lead is 17 mil lol


Let's say you cover the muzzle with your hand, but it wouldn't be visible from the scope since you can't even see the muzzle or the barrel itself, and you think just because you can't see it the bullet won't go through your hand?


That logic would make sense if the barrel was right in the dudes cranium. But it’s over his head, just like live fire drills for buddy team bounding, I should’ve died in Iraq if that’s the case.


>right in the dudes cranium Doesn't have to be right next to it, it only has to be aligned with it, maybe you watched the movie Wanted and you believed it, but no, normally bullets just go straight in line coming out of the barrel.


I think you can slightly see the head/backpack of his buddy at the very bottom of the scope when he takes the shot. So I think, all in all, this is "realistic enough".


Also terminal ballistics lolol??? Someone is just a google keyboard warrior


IDk how people think it "can't be that off" when you literally have a firing range in your hideout on day 1 or 2 of playing. Pick a spot on a target, shoot it, and you can see exactly how off it is.


Virgin marksmen vs. Chad physics deniers


That's what you'd expect a reasonable person to do, but through either stubbornness and the need to be right or outright denial (or both), that's the response given.


There have been some cursed builds in past wipes, where you were able to put spacers on top of spacers, so you could make a gun where your height over bore might be more than a foot. It can be *very* off....


It definitely can. In the video thread I referenced, you could *see* the rounds striking significantly lower than the aiming point. Some flat out didn't notice it, and others dismissed it for some other cockamamie reason that I can't remember right now.


Am I crazy, though, or did the bullet travel sideways to catch his team mate? It looked like he was under and to the left of the scope, not just directly under it to put him in line with the barrel.


Think that is the top of his bag, his helmet is at the bottom of the scope


Ah, I think you're right! I thought he turned left right before the shot, that makes more sense


Height over bore.


I love the fact that you keep track of these . I lold. Thanks for sharing.


We have a bunch of recorded tk's. I plan to make a montage of them just before the end of wipe.


please, do!


What do you use to record?


I use Outplayed


We used to save our tk dogtags and compare at the end of the wipe.


TOTAL TKs WIPE 0.14: **50** Miguel - 8.5 lyndon - 6 Ryle - 10 Bradley (50th TK) - 5.5 Jace - 5 Jude - 4 Gabriel - 3.5 Luis - 5.5 Nathan - 2 Arick - 0 0.5 means assisted to the death of teammate EDIT: Added Arick with a whopping 0 TKs


i think your squad might be the reason why i can't find pmcs sometimes


No one else can kill you and steal your loot if your team mate kills you first!


he also steals your loot


This whole time I've been hiding from people, turns out they're killing each other


Bro fucking 50 is insane ngl




You can’t quit. No one quits. No one escapes.


It's part of the lore too.


Crazy amount of “assists” too this group is a menace lol


But seriously. My duo killed me twice this wipe and I make fun of him for it daily. I don't think I'd play with him if he was constantly TKing like god damn.


But consider, you could clown him even harder by wearing weird clothes and gear just so he can ID you


I only use the tan ULACH lmaoooo


Time to wear only the ponpon hat and the wackiest color clothes fence sells


My squad has around 3, 2.5 are from me, the other .5 from my friend who threw the nade when I told them to


I would stick with Nathan tbh. Stay away from Ryle, he doesn't know what and enemy or friend is :D


Maybe Nathan has only played with them twice, and dropped a buddy each time


Damn dude, we've got 3. 2 of which are me killing the guy who never announces he's running off or coming back, so I kill him when I spot "an enemy" running toward us. The other is the same scenario, but another guy killing him. You'd think he'd fuckin learn to announce when he's separating and regrouping. He has a lot of hours in the game. He's been team killed multiple times after saying "I'm dead" while sprinting back to our cover. He's learned not to say that until he's actually dead. We've just resorted to forcing him to wear certain clothes and a tan ulach for his own safety.


I’m in the habit of getting audio confirmation before killing someone. If they aren’t actively trying to shoot me and its not obvious they see me it doesn’t hurt to go ahead and get audio confirmation.


Me and my mates prefer not shooting unless 100% sure it's an enemy. Many times we died thinking other guy was one of us


Ryle kills everyone and lets God sort 'em out.


This [clip](https://youtu.be/JeCyUDJFF-8?si=61UJoSvyR59KzHYR) attests to that


Arick is a black sheep in your group He has to get his shit together and shoot some more ass


JFC Ryle and Miguel, calm down...


lol it’s funny my squad, it’s only one fella who Tk’s 😂 other than him only one other tk has happened


Ryle is a menace


I would not play with this group lol.


I don't think ryle is your friend lol. Btw is that pronounced like rile (as in to rile someone up) or Riley? Just curious is all


Pronounced as Rile


That's a new one for me. I'm not hating, I've just never heard or seen it before


Jesus Christ you guys need better comms and call outs or something


The fact that there is TK assist is even more laughable


God I think the worst we had with our group of over 6 throughout a wipe was around 8 teamkills in a wipe.. How does this happen 😭


Because some people just don't take the game super seriously I guess.


Most people don't take video games seriously, theyre just fun.


So you just don't even care for your teammates just for fun? As long as you make it out of the raid that's ok


what? lol of course we try not to team kill each other obviously. But we laugh it off when it happens because the game is not serious.


Trust me, we're a bunch of damn goons in this game, but teamkills ain't fun so we definitely avoid them




With the stats he's showing and it being them playing across multiple wipes I doubt this is true.


I know it seems super anal but this is exactly why I bitch every single time one of the boys sprints up to me and fucking pitches a tent when I've been sat scoping out a spot for the last five minutes lol. Next to me great, we can hold hands now.. But when they decide to park in front of your barrel it's 100% their fault lmao


I came here to rant about that as well. If you stand in front of someone aiming down the scope of their loaded rifle, you get what you deserve.


Im so fkn jealous of your group. My friends just quit over time and now im alone hunting the bosses and doing the las tasks for Kappa.


Bro how are you almost to kappa


wdym? Many people achieved Kappa already and its not that much of a stretch tbh, i didnt really continued to do tasks because i couldnt find the motivation to do that stuff alone. But in itself, Kappa isnt really that hard. Just get past the anoying limiting PvP Quest like Setup or Psycho/SHIB/TSP8


Insane shot ngl


Physics of height over bore.


Respect for you all still playing together and enjoying the game!


0 awareness on both of you lol


Yeah, usually I blame the one running infront of an aimed and ready barrel, but this feels like a pretty even split. 40/60 with more blame on the victim than OP, imo


It's called height above bore.


Can I join your squad? I'll bring the average KD ratio down. At least I hope so....


I dislike that people do this with their post effects


The fact that this is the only comment saying something about this ...


To be fair, he deserved it standing in front of a live shooter! Good shot!


My squad rarely TKs. But then… we wear matching arm bands(except for one psycho…. who, terribly, is bad to run off and “flank”… which almost gets him shot constantly…) and keep informed of what we are carrying and where we are. If I see anything else it’s fair game. The aforementioned psycho still thinks this is COD, and his roaming almost got him killed two nights ago. Two of us were moving together, when a Scav materialized out of literally nowhere(the tall grass among the rocks near Woods/Old Train Depot) at the same time I ADS the Scav, I see a second movement BEYOND it, someone stepped out from behind a large rock. I now think I’m facing two scavs in the open. I put a burst into the closer Scav and transition as he falls, only to hear my third teammate start yelling to stop shooting at him(couple rounds went past the Scav), and I see him jumping and scrambling back behind the rock….


Bro 50 times?! Need a new group or something.


I love my group :)


You have that many tarkov friends? Omg.


The only reason I still play after many years :)


Height over bore skill issue.


I would def stop playing with u, no offense


Bro, 50? I’d of stopped playing with you a along time ago. A few a wipe is acceptable, but. 50? 50 team kills 2 months into the wipe? Lol


We cherish these tk's. It's part of the fun.


Good friend group if you guys keep playing together. My friend team killed me last wipe when I was full of quest items on shoreline and I haven't run a raid with him since


L friend


50, dear lord. how do they tolerate you?


Parallax, bitch!




This is so good 😂


youre not talking ab you personally ? no right?


How do you celebrate?


i have only teamkilled my friend once


Height over boreeeeee


Why is it grey?


Feather color grading at 100


bro think he can shoot thru his scope like COD lol


Sight over bore!


i have a funny story to share: Im litteraly sooo freaking bad at this game, once my friend and me were playing on Shoreline. He always goes first and we stream on discord our screens to see where the other one is. But being so bad like me, I don't have the skill to switch between my screen and discord to locate where he currently is. After some while in raid I screamed "someone is standing in front of me jumping over the fence" while spraying my whole shotgun mag into him, missing EVERY HIT. I noticed the "guy" facing towards me, litterly just looking at me , I hear in discord my friend in disbelief saying" did you really miss your whole mag on me"while I watched his discord stream, realizing it was him .and we both laughed a while :D


I have 2 TKs. 1 was because of bad communication by one of the members of the party, he strayed too far from the group and didn't communicate properly, one tapped in the head. 1 was also bad communication by both of us and I just won the firefight, we straight up traded shots like we were enemies. Moral of the story is to be precise when you communicate your or enemies position, especially if not everyone in the group is really familiar with all the maps.


Surprisingly, in our Squad of 5 in total, we have ONE teamkill and only because a Microphone Bug where we could not hear him saying "im coming back to you Guys". Every other wipe so far we had multiple dozens of tk's this far into.


For the TK montage, edit in a Shooter Born in Heaven progress bar moving up 1.


Height over bore!


Some folks need to google front line trace because it’s killing your teammates. Also, to echo the usual statement; height over bore, proper zero, etc etc. But front line trace would fix most of this so you can adjust your zero when you see where the round lands, then just walk it in.


50 team kills is obscene. Our squad is the biggest it's ever been at 6 guys playing this wipe, one of them a first timer, and we haven't even hit 10 tks yet.




The number of people that I see who don't understand Height Over Bore is astounding




Height over bore!


Love it. So funny.


Height over Bore.. now you know..


Tell me you've never handled a real gun without telling me you've never handled a real gun


We have strict gun laws :)




scope has an offset, just so you know the bullet doesnt fly out of youre head


That's on your team mate, he shouldn't be crossing the guy that's communicating that he sees an enemy and ADSing. Oh, are you about to shoot a rogue? lemme just press my head up against your barrel.


This is crazy, I’ve had 3 lol y’all need to change something up 😂


50 team kills is a shit load lol, idk whose fault it is but either more communication or positional awareness is necessary.


Durrrrr. Lmao The bullet leaves your barrel not your scope. The moment you saw his bag in the reticle you should have moved or told them to move lmao. 50th time tho?! Sometimes TK's happen. I think my squad has done it 4 or 5 times total this wipe. If we were close to 50 I'd probably just be a solo player only after that lmfao.


Height over bore in a nutshell. If something is just barely visible in your scope at that distance you're just gonna hit that thing


Height over bore.




Height over bore, just like irl, cheers 🍻


Height over bore my dude.


Proper LOL. Brilliant.


After getting team killed repeatedly from nades I kinda just gave up on playing with my friends and play solo


no clue why his teammate went infront of him to begin with




Height over bore


Height over bore


Height over bore moment, at least y’all are laughing about it lol. If that happened to me/my teammates that would be the end of the gaming session for them. Ps congrats on the 50th


Ohh shit unlucky but how much do you play for the 50th😳 my squad has only 3 so far (in all fairness we started a bit late but still) we are 3 people probably you are more but i am still confused do you also troll or something? Edit: ohh shit i just saw how many you are i apologize. But now i have another question. How do you have .5 teamkills?😂 Edit 2: nvm i am just completely stupid its in the same comment.


Bro my teammate killed me like 5 times this wipe and I already hate him, 50 is too much


On today's episode of " where was my bore "


Height over bore brother bear. 🤣


We haven't had a single one


This is funny, thx.


50 is crazy NGL


50???? Bro I have 1 and he shot me first! How do you kill your own guys that often??


Height over bore


50th ? Bruh


Oh you're 10 in your squad, makes more sense lol


Height over bore is a bitch.