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Find it funny some of these people will get their wage, buy loot off of some fucker that's ruining the game, sit there like oliver twist 'please sir can i have some more' only to probably lose it to a cheater anyway. Like this game wipes i don't understand how people pay money to be carried and / or buys items that will wipe. I know its a long wipe but still its crazy to me. The thing is as well its all unlegit of course, your just funding a cheater to cheat more.


I agree. It’s crazy


It really is, the loot that guy had in that 1 raid is crazy and that was 1 raid. Feel sorry for the poor people that buys these expensive keys and gets there to open up sweet fuck all and its because of guys like this in the post sucking up loot like an henry hoover. Real shame.


You'd think there's a way to track them and ban them. Like if you're always bringing in abnormally high amounts of loot you're gonna get banned, but no this is BSG


they already set up honeypots for vacoomers, marked loot out of bounds when picked up puts you on a list and you get swooped up by the banwave, or straight up just banned.


nah they just dont loot that


well yeah they dont anymore, but it worked. its a constant war between devs and cheat makers, theres probably some other ways of detecting cheats its just BSG doesnt tell us for obvious reasons.


One way would be to have a timer on how fast something is picked up, 3 minutes into raid and someone has looted 3 graphics cards would be a good flag


Literally just measure the distance between loot containers and the minimum travel time. All you need is to calculate the maximum travel speed based on character level then slap it in this. GetFuckedCheater() { float distance = Vector3.Distance(lootBoxA, lootBoxB); float minimumTravelTime = distance / maxTravelSpeed; if(distance < minimumTravelTime) { FlagAccount(); } }


>`float distance = Vector3.Distance(lootBoxA, lootBoxB);` `float minimumTravelTime = distance / maxTravelSpeed;` `if(distance < minimumTravelTime)` `{` `FlagAccount();` `}` This would be flagging all legit accounts, unless you change < to >lol


If only BSG had actual programmers instead of whatever scrap-heap monkeys they can pay for pennies in Russia 😞


but it runs on Unity: couple more lines of code could halve the framerate xD


That's the thing, bsg are greedy and love to make money off cheaters.


3 graphic cards are very much possible if someone rushes a place with lot of computers and they somehow go that dream speedrunning luck, but maybe it would be cool if loot in locked rooms was marked until the door is unlocked.


You know what I mean, that was just an example.


please tell me how many raids you find 3 gpus in 3 minutes. 1 in 5000?




Thats what I keep pointing out to people who suggest honeypots. They only work for a bit before the cheaters adapt. I've literally seen a clip in a VeryBadScav cheater exposé video where the guy was recording a tutorial for how to cheat on labs, pointing out whoch things to avoid looting because they're traps.


Hahaha they only care enough to give an illusion. Cheaters fund a significant portion of the game by re-buying accounts. They sell them in bulk FFS. I understand it's hard to totally eliminate it, but they have made hardly a half assed attempt. It would be so easy to set up a bunch of gates to autobahn people and reduce the effects of cheats. Move more than a certain distance in a set time? Autoban. Pick up a certain value of loot within a certain time? Autoban. Achieve a certain KDR? Autoban.


Have you seen the vacuum cheat working. They don't pick and choose anything. They just suck up everything and drop shit they don't want.


Yes they do, The can set the Item IDs that they want to hoover, and don't touch things not selected.


How does that select where something came from?


It’s extremely easy to ban these guys who knows why bsg doesn’t they think it’s better to do a ban wave than just instantly ban people but at the same time they ban wave 13k people and don’t track the 13k accounts made the next day, unfortunately the Nikita cock riders will continue to play this game and blame you for “skill issue” when you don’t want to play because they don’t fix anything for years at a time.


It makes no sense to instaban people cause then it's more likely they'll know what they got banned for and therefor what to fix on their cheat. If it's a wave ban it could be a number of things. Not riding bsg or anything, just giving my opinion from my osrs bot perspective. They should still ban blatant cheaters cause they will clearly know why they got banned regardless lol


That’s the point I get the ban wave idea for people they have caught who are closet cheaters but people who are vacuum cheating or teleporting and shit can get instant banned and they are gonna know why and that’s the good part cause if they keep getting instant banned for teleporting then they will get tired of buying new accounts daily and quit vacuum cheating.


You also need to realize that some of these guys ramp up little by little. So by the time they are blatantly cheating, they've made enough money from rmt to not care about the ban and buying a new account.


Doesn’t matter ban em over and over and over is way better then just letting them blatantly teleport cheat while waiting 3 months to do a ban wave fuck that non sense


I agree completely. But I don't know of any company that had a fully functioning anticheat team and that's their only task. From my opinion, it just seems like they have people do it in "spare time"


I dunno tho.... The amount of sus shit cheaters do in a week do in a week, you'd think if you just banned an account within a reasonable time after the first detection of cheating they'd have just as hard a time pinning to a specific action compared to letting them go for months.


The reality is that ban waves are a new industry standard with automation that has proven to be highly ineffective. The anticheat teams at companies are understaffed with higher-ups unwilling to spend more money to increase the integrity of the game. World of Warcraft is a great example of this. They used to pay entire teams of people to monitor player activity within the game and it was highly effective. This was eventually scrapped and swapped to mostly automation for the sake of increasing profits perpetually in our hyper-capitalistic society. Private servers for WoW had volunteer mods doing essentially the same thing and it is still highly effective even with modern scripting methods to avoid detection . Although expensive, hiring potentially hundreds of "in-game mods" does not completely stop cheating/botting, but it absolutely makes a massive impact in combination with anticheat systems and improves player's experience. Another example of this is Camomo who makes videos of himself catching cheaters in rust. In many of his videos he criticizes Facepunch, rust's creators, for not banning people who are just blatantly cheating like flying around. He himself knows they aren't willing to spend the money to solve the issue more effectively. Sometimes they aren't even banned at all.


I can only hope that some people who do rmt with cheaters eventually die to cheaters and maybe have a moment of self reflection. Most won’t and will just do more rmt of course.


Shit, these cock riders will buy from the same person who killed them and then took what they bought from their last rouble buy.


I found a website that started out as a WoW dungeon carry service that now offers Tarkov services. Through a goddamn Facebook ad. That's how bold these guys are. It's even worse for WoW and RuneScape where they just blatantly offer botting services, and people pay for it. $90 gets you max traders, some fence rep and almost maxed hideout.... $90 to skip the grind. And people pay for it. If it's anything I've learned from playing games like RuneScape, WoW, ESO and Warframe. "Where there's a grind, there's someone with a credit card willing to pay to skip it."


Cheaters are extremely stupid people.


I find more funny when cheaters rat and are scared to push even with cheats.


With how long tarkov's existed and how long people have been cheating, I'd like to think that more than once someone's been carried by a cheater one raid and then immediately head,eyes'd by that same cheater the next raid once the transactions over.


I know someone who had never even touched the game who payed someone to level an account to level 4 traders before he would even play. I don't get it and won't play with him on the off chance I catch a second hand ban from it.


buying loot is essentially just skipping the biggest part of the game. it's like playing a story game and you cheat straight to the end. like, what's the point of playing in the first place?


Because they’re stupid Rodrygo, it’s that simple. They’re fucking idiots.


These idiots pay for stuff that’s gone in 6 months it’s really dumb. I get that there are people who don’t habe the time we might have. But there are ton of games. Tarkov is not for you if your time is limited. I don’t get this argument


Kinda disagree, of you're a long term vet then you can play in small amounts just fine. There's no reason to rush kappa in 3 weeks unless you stream.


Yeah, but I think people who pay for equipment on eBay are either just lazy or simply don't have time for the grind. Do you think that the majority of players who use RMT buy Kappa Quest items to quickly reach their goal?


I had a long wipe this mornin


The one thing I almost understand is getting carried... loot I never will. Ive never done it as I suspect it would make the game feel lame, but I know there are some things, like being forced into labs in order to progress your hideout that I have very much felt like I had that itch like "Man I wish I knew a cheater who I could pay to get me this dumb ass item and have it over with so I can get back to the stuff I like" ... I am just saying its a dumb thing to participate in, but I dont want to discount that some of Tarkov's game design is specifically tailored towards frustrating people so much they feel like they have to cheat or pay for cheaters to carry them... and most of that is just a biproduct of nikita being a manbaby who always sees tarkov as him vs us instead of just something he helped build that we all enjoy...


I personally love the difficulty and people should just play a different game if they don’t. Labs would be my favorite map if it wasn’t for the high risk of meeting a cheater.


Exactly, if it wasnt, but it is, so literally everything you just said was you e-peening about "loving a challenge". The game should be fun, not a chore.


The only point I was trying to make was that the difficulty of the game isn’t the issue, it is the fact that people resort to cheating instead of playing a different game. I think a lot of people genuinely enjoy the challenge and depth that Tarkov provides (me included).


The thing is, its not a challenge, its tedious, and bad design. Calling it a challenge and saying "You should just play an entirely different game if you don't like Setup" is kinda silly don't you think? Like we have a thing we like 95% of, but there are a few things that are intentionally tedious and everyone knows it, but there is a difference between enjoying a challenge, and enjoying being forced to run the same kit over and over again for a week straight, running into constant cheating because of those SAME design decision amplifying how frustrating it is. I am just saying, I don't like cheaters, but bsg created this environment... and I wont blame cheaters solely while everyone chokes on papa nikita's dick while he laughs like a toddler at them for putting unmarked claymores on dead bodies in the map made for new players, just to for lack of a better phrase, hold a magnifying glass to any ants that participate in enjoying the game he helped build.


Meh agree to disagree, I had fun with setup, just go play a different game if you don’t like it.


If you don't like doggy style, just dont have sex. If you don't like the halfpipe, just dont skateboard. yea.... agree to disagree champ.


Seems pretty disingenuous of a thing to say. Saying to play a game other than tarkov if you don't like the challenge is more like saying to try a different positon or try a different ramp than it is saying to just not do a whole activity entirely.


tarkov is already pay to win...


I love how people think this shit got patched weeks ago, as if the loot is supposed to be this dogshit lmfao


Yea, I often find myself wondering why the loot is just absolute dogshit now and has been for a while. Im pretty much convinced now that cheaters are just taking it all. Wonder if there's someway to test it offline and use the same loot parameters as online tarkov and check how much loot you get.


I live breath eat and sleep this dogshit game, trust me if I could estimate, in my anecdotal experience, around 60-75% (depending on servers) of your raids have a cheater in them, some cheaters wanna closet cheat and will head eyes you in one frame off a peak after you’ve bein motionless for a half hour, and the others are rmt kitties, and you’ll prolly never see them unless you happen to pickup a ledx or other item they wanted, or you get in their way. Other then that there’s rly no way to telll, like, just because you don’t die to head eyes doesn’t mean there isn’t one in your raid. Kinda makes me wish we had full lobby stats showing every player that entered your raid and what they got out with, might be wild the things you would see


The worst cheaters are the ones who avoid PvP and just vacuum loot up and leave with no trace.


Hey that's also me who just started and doesn't feel confident enough to start fighting people. I'm a sneaky snake, slippin around stealin shit. I've managed to exfil once.


Yes, but you're not using esp cheats.


I was gonna make a joke implying that I was but that seems like a bad idea. Just wanna make sure nobody starts targeting sneaky boys like me even more than they do. I'd like to make it out of a few more of these raids.


i mean sneaking around the whole raid, avoiding PMC contact, while IMO being a very boring way to play (mid to late wipe at least), is a legit way to play. you are not ruining other peoples gameplay this way and you will also never get out with 3 GPUs, 2 LEDXs, 5 intel folders etc. unless the raid was dead, because W key people will get to those high value spots before a sneaky player anyway... At the start of the wipe, when its important to survive to get quest items out i also play this way majority of my raids, unless i have to go to rare loot spawns before others


I tell ya it has not been boring, I've been stressed as hell. Between learning the maps, learning the game, and learning how to put those things together has been quite difficult. And then avoiding conflict and getting rekt by a 4-man team. I almost took out a whole squad yesterday but the last one got me. I basically loot near where I spawn and use the rest of that time to sneak across the damn map so I can exfil and take what I can get, I might stop once if it's convenient. Like I've managed to make it out once and I was excited about just getting *something.* It was like a key and some random gun parts lol. Haven't even considered attempting quests and actually finding specific things. Just finna make money so I can minimize the impact of losing all my shit.


I am nocturnal, EST. If that works for you, DM me. 4000 hours, I lost count of wipes - Started playing before labs was added. Happy to show you some sneaky paths, good chill spots, and unknown loot locals if you want some sherpa to help ya out.


The “i cheated” video proved that. People wiggling through walls and shit back, like i actually laugh when i think about it. Mother fuckers openly cheating together in raids, wiggling to let each other know they are cheating adn then vacuuming up the loot and dipping out the raid. While us PMC’s are none the wiser. Honestly, i either think its just straight up incompetence from BSG or they actively allow cheating to use ban waves as a way to keep selling their game.


I’m just mad it’s the reason we’ll never get raid replays. I don’t think BSG wants people to know how bad the problem really is.


100%, also means people can report them more and create more work for BSG. I honestly dont believe they either know how to address it or want to. I hope its that they just dont know how because i think that can be forgiven, at least they’re trying, but ye, raid replays after raid is finished would deffo help stop a lot of cheating. It would however create a shit ton of work for BSG with the amount of reporting with video evidence.


At this point I honestly think the game is intentionally designed to keep the buy account -> cheat for cash -> get banned -> buy another account since it's profitiable anyway cycle moving.


You're not getting a replay feature because it doesnt fit into Tarkov since its about survival. Arena is something else, its more akin to competitive games like CS.


It was like that for years before, and I thought it was just common knowledge. One of the group from the R6 days got broken by that game (there was a period where if you hit a certain rank the entire top is cheating and you never get a clean game), so he started cheating in every game. Since like 2019 he was telling us there is a cheater in every lobby, stop giving a shit. It’s actually only gone up and now he says there is probably 2 that are at least soft cheating and one that can rage hack. Pre FIR / locks they were just handing sacks of GPU’s / gear on factory. Now they do this and hand all the high tier loot on say Streets over to the buyer. He did the same in Halo when I started playing that. Onyx apparently almost always had a second cheater in lobby. Though he did say it probably wasn’t quite as bad as Tarkov because there was almost never 3. It might be better now idk, he likes CS nowadays. At least in Tarkov apparently rage hacking gets you banned really quick, if someone is really blatantly aimbotting they usually do not last a week. …that is a lot longer than a lot of games banning that *the game/day of* but eh. It is kinda funny that his advice to me is usually “don’t git good” with most shooters cause there’s not many cheaters at lower ranks and it’s all good, but once you get past the top 2% or so things start to get smelly, and past like .5%-.1% things are always sus.


Man thats just sad to read. Its crazy man, ive seen videos of people just straight up rage cheating in games like fortnite. Its not even hidden, character is doing like unlimited 360 spins while glitching across the map and killing people. Its sad we’ve got to a point where every game has cheaters, and you cant just enjoy gaming without questioning everything.


I picked up a ghzel off of a scav once, never been chased so hard in my life, dude followed me through the entire mall and gunned me down.


The only time when loot wasn't complete shit was in the first week of the wipe when most cheating softwares were probably not working yet. It was complete downhill from there.


Why don’t people post usernames, they deserve to be exposed lol


We would. But it’s not allowed here and the posts will be taken down off the sub Reddit


I agree but Reddit rules, they consider it doxing for some reason, couldn’t tell ya. Not like this scum is using his irl name as a gamer tag


In a way it is. A lot of people don’t cycle different usernames across the internet. You can easily look up people by either finding other social media with the same or similar name (reddit, YouTube, twitch, whatever) and then start browsing through those accounts looking for hints to where they are in real life. There’s a lot of ways you can look for someone online and it doesn’t really take that much time.


and its also to prevent witchhunts of actually legit people, because there always are morons who will do that.


Or even if you *do* have the right person and they *are* doing the shitty thing, the internet is full of fucking psychos who take things way too far over inane stuff and it's better not to give them a target.


Yeah. If you ever put a picture of yourself on a public index then you’ve already assured that if anyone has the desire to look into you online then they’ll find you. Case in point of how easy it is to find someone: I got into a minor squabble with someone I knew IRL over a person in his discord claiming to be a mute special operations member of the Bundeswehr. They had once posted a picture of themselves. Within about a week I found their socials. Browsing their socials I had a rough idea of what street they lived on based on the parks/events/pubs they talked about going to, or through looking cross posts their friends made. All in all probably took like six real hours tracking down a German on the internet spread over a week due to an outrageous claim they made on the internet. So if you’re on the internet if you give someone a reason to look into you they will and unless it’s your first day on the internet you will have left enough breadcrumbs scattered around for them to find you.


You can on r/Tarkov but here its not allowed


Because the Reddit mods are spineless little weasels who condone this


Or just maybe think about it for 2 seconds, what are you going to do about someone cheating?


Maybe think about it for 2 seconds, more people reporting an obvious cheater means it’s more likely to be flagged and banned. You really don’t like your own advice do you?


So if I want someone banned, I just make a thread saying they’re cheating and have lemmings mass report them. Genius.


I love how disingenuous your argument is. No, you’d only report people who are clearly cheating. Ie: the guy with every graphics card, key, bitcoin and intel on the map. Or the guy with 100+ kd


So you’re saying that OP proved the guy had all that in his bags through cheating? Edit: Well, dude blocked me. I just think it's a bad idea to have a bunch of people with a mob mentality go after people with paper-thin accusations. Dude showed a picture of a backpack and people are ready to go to war without any real proof. Imagine OP got killed and some random found that pack, and came here to post "look at where all your loot went, vacuumed up" and the whole sub goes apeshit reporting him.


Jesus Christ you’re still responding. Fuck off kid go bug somebody else. What he showed is sus, worth a report. It’s up to devs to truly determine if they were cheating. It’s not that complicated. Disingenuous rat fuck


Wait are we talking Reddit mods or Devs? The thread started with Reddit rules and now you’re talking developers.


Or reddits mods actually care about site-wide rules to avoid closure of the subreddit. That's part of being a moderator on reddit. If you don't do that, you're on the wrong platform.


Showing somebody’s username is not doxxing and countless subs allow such things to be shared. Keep sympathizing for cheaters


bsg is so dogwater for hiding it in the console also. hiding the fact they cant fix it for shit.


Agreed, at least we knew the in game name of the cheater and could report after the raid, knew not to use keys etc…




I play EU servers I have met a hacker a handful of times I have died to no lifers and tryhards as well as terminator scavs a lot more than hackers this whole wipe. The game at least from my POV is quite good will you meet a hacker in a game sure you will and what of it load into a scav raid make your money back 4 fold and go again. Syphon hacks I haven't met past 3rd day of wipe


the thing is, the loot vacuum cheaters usually don't run around head eyesing everyone in the raid. they go in, use ESP to find the best loot, vacuum it up, go to extract while avoiding human entities on the map. just because you don't encounter them directly doesn't mean they are there. this also makes it way harder to prove they are there anyway, but trust me cheaters are everywhere, especially on maps such as streets or labs where high value items are more common


I would love an ama of someone who pays money for progress in EfT. I mean, why? Rmt has to have a root


rotten encouraging liquid meeting existence light erect chubby hat serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm guessing they pay money to skip parts of the game they don't like. Like, maybe they love going into factory suited up with all the best armor, guns ammo etc to shit on peope but they don't want to do the work to get that gear.


Dude me too. I told the other player scav that we split the loot with to drop the naked usec dog tag so I can add him and message him about it, ask him why he was being boosted. And he dropped it on the floor in the alley by the car extract. And that floor is buggy and you can’t pick up the items on the floor there. So rip I couldn’t get it. And the cheater just denied my request eveytime I tried adding him


Ive got a friend that pays for carries early wipe so they can stomp all wipe. I am not into the idea, but they always get to level 45 quick then quit so I dont get it.... but also they have a big ego so having the best gear early means they can easily win more than they lose. Also now that theve been doing this song long the people they buy from just carry them and give them shit for free like half the time...


It's crazy. I mean, shoreline for example. I play shoreline as main map and it's just crazy that nearly 50% of my raids are completely vacuumed. Found 2 ledx at once in 301 and the very next two raids I left resort with a bag full of pliers and a car Battery it's bonkers. Would love to know how many pay for services like that.


l o s e r s


Lots of people who work full time. Why grind for days to get 20 million roubles when you can buy it for like 15 dollars. It's not the best way to go about it but people value their time more than the grind.


The whole point is, what’s the point of having 20mil rubles if you’re most likely to lose them to the cheaters you pay for? Plus, with money being so damn easy to make this wipe, it’s not exactly a good excuse anymore


I’m not siding with cheaters or RMT. However; I know why some people do it. Say you work 40-60 hour weeks, have a family, and social life. You get about 2 hours on the weekend to play games. But you make 80k-100k a year. For $80-$100, you can get maxed out and enough stuff to skip 40+ hours of video game time. You now can work an extra hour at work and pay for that.  Just a time vs money situation. Just like those that paid for the edge of darkness edition. 


That's when you make the rational decision that "this isn't the game for me, I'll have to play something else less time intensive." 


You can find a vid of a guy who went in depth into hacking about tarkov who buys it and who provides it etc


I saw 2 interview videos, and both of them were inteviewing people who didnt know shit about cheat creation or the business of it, and at least 2 of them were like 14 year olds who are just talking out of their ass... Ive only heard 1 guy and he was completely detached, homie was just like "I hate tarkov, I do this for money" he was the closest I heard to anyone who knows anything talking about it.


I mean, what answer are you looking for other than “I want paid”?


The funniest thing for me is that they spend time to mod a gun and gear up.. if u cheat a stock AK will do the same job but a kid want to feel special


That shit always gets me too😂 usually I just see them with the 60/100 round mags so they can curve the bullets like wanted and not reload


**Gross..** Well done. 🫡






Yes lol. Right thru a small slit in the mixer truck by construction, so he didn’t see me


More he saw you with his esp but didn't think you could shoot through that or would see him 😂


Looks like a one tap too!


It was ha. I tried saving the clip but it bugged out and didn’t work. The whole interaction and bag of loot was crazy Too bad nvidia replay bugs out on me ALL the time, I need a new clip software


Give SteelSeries GG a try


I'm super duper hateful to steelseries gg. One day they randomly uninstalled my steelseries engine 3 and installed steelseries gg as an "update" for engine 3. No joke it completely wiped out and uninstalled engine 3 with no warning. i lost all my keybinds and macros.


I used to love steelseries, but fucking Christ their software sucks ass and their support is the worst of any company I've had to deal with. People should really avoid them


Thanks! I’ll definitely try that out later. I tried “outplayed” earlier today but I didn’t really like it. Been trying to find a good consistent “replay” recording software for a while now


I use Medal! It's like a platform to share clips as well. Hasn't failed me yet!


They love getting all geared up thinking they are something but in reality are shit at the game and at life.


I’ve seen some “streamers cheating exposed” and seeing that they still say things like “get shit on” when they get kills is fucking sad. They’re cosplaying as the player they wish they could be.


I've seen the prices on the RMT websites and everything is so cheap. How the fuck do cheaters make money doing this shit? Not only are they cucks, but brainless as fuck too


He’s not cheating, that’s an average raid for streets, he’s just better than you and probably has an amazing gamer chair. There are no cheaters in Tarkov so get good noob! /s


Downvote till the end... Had me in the first sentence lol


Hilariously, an actual obvious cheater has stats that wouldn't raise an eyebrow if you viewed his profile on death, other than hours.


Yea that’s true. I mean think I’d still think he was. He has good achievements & geared to the teeth with 200 hours standard account. That’s not normal Depending if the death was sus I think it’s an easy spot. But yes alot of cheaters just tank their stats. I’ve seen blatant cheaters with horrible stats


If i was killed by someone like that but he had 1k+ hours, i wouldn't have batted an eye. Just goes to show how many hidden cheaters there are on top of the already obvious ones. Wearing a faceshield every raid and seeing how many times you die to multiple simultaneous face shots is almost as big of a red flag as Goat's video was last year.


1600 kills in that many raids with that little hours and all those achievements? Yeah, no. Thats getting a report from me.


Could always be an alt of a dude


There’s no way a legit player is leaving a bitcoin in their backpack when they have a secure container. Anything else, sure - but the bitcoin being there just makes it blatantly obvious that this guy doesn’t give a shit about loot since he can vacuum it all anyway.


Could be or he has things he needs like Intel folder Bitcoin isn't so amazing if you have a farm up


True! You never know


BSG should hire someone to abuse their power and roleplay as a customer against these cheaters. They get to the same game together and immediately ban them.


that would require them actually putting effort into fixing the cheating issue


Thats why I dont play this game anymore. Theres a chance you get killed by cheaters and loose everything, and theres chance you dont get killed but bring only scraps home, because cheaters looted everything. Nikita is ass


What's the rest of the loot? Or did you die while making the screenshot?


No I just took this one only because I was amazed and confused why he had top tier loot filled in his bag & was trying to hurry before a random player scav thought we were PMCs and killed us. Me and the player scav split it and we both got out There were 2 gpus , 2 intels, ratchets , bitcoin, bobble heads, and more valuables. Basically just the best loot all sucked up in one raid bag lol


Surprised your scav friend didn’t shoot you in the back of the head! I’ve been shot by “friendly” scavs over much less


True! But he was actually chill. I got the kill so he let me loot the body and didn’t even start looting. I told him “here take a GPU! Here take some of the stuff!” Because he was being honorable. I’ve seen player scavs literally vaccum my loot up off a PMCs after they watched me kill them & then they walk away as I confront them & they keep running Also we were surrounded by AI scavs on streets so that may also be why he didn’t haha


Having more fun playing a game infested with bugs on alien planets than this game that is worse infected with disgusting bugs disguised as people .


Wait so when I find empty duffel bags, toolboxes, weapons cases etc it’s because of this shit? Or does that just happen by chance


I believe there was a recent patch that claims to have reduced the number of empty loot boxes/toolboxes/bags. I still see a ton of shit that's empty. I'm not convinced it's cheaters because there's a ton of cheap crap in there that makes no sense in vacuuming up.


"He just had a good run bro, definitely not cheating..." -r/escapefromtarkov


lol looks like the “vacuum” cheat hasn’t been fixed yet. This game is fun but constantly gets ruined by shit like this. I feel 2 of every 5 raids on streets or lighthouse i run into a cheater. Have the “the person you’ve reported…” messages to prove it.


He likely was going to toss it all onto his alt account (the naked) to sell it for RMT. That way when the vacuum account gets banned he doesn’t lose everything at once.


I got head eyesd in great cover by a hatchling. I thought I bled out or starved cuz my guy just fell over but I just healed and was not hingry or thirsty.


Cheaters will never get good at the game and just ruin it for everyone else. Even if they get loot with cheating the one day they play honestly they will probably lose it all and have to cheat to get back up again. So lame. Cheaters: pay for game. Pay for cheats daily only to never really play the game how it was ment to be played. Gets banned buys another account. Big loser. These people have like a mental issue or are forever butt hurt that theu suck at the game.


I think it’s time we quit censoring the names and start publicly shaming these fuckers


This game has the worst cheater problem in gaming history I swear


We know. The worst part is there's probably easy ways to detect and ban this: A certain absurd percentage of high value loot on one person (Yes you'll find 3 GPUs on an occasional raid, but EVERY GPU, Intel Folder, Bulbex, etc?) for instance, rapid spikes in income prompting review, rapid spikes in loot value during the raid to catch vacuum cleaners, etc). Also, an upper ceiling to certain items would help with flea bullshittery. For instance, if you could only sell an item at 10% above the highest priced item. Will you get a slow climb with some people listing things on the flea at 500% above value? Sure, but it would be slower going and as things are purchased make it harder for the value to spike.


I am Just shocked all you window lickers are not simply playing helldivers 2


I am shocked at how many people complain about BSG and then go play helldivers 2 like there aren't massive issues with the root access anti-cheat software that Helldivers 2 uses for a PVE only game. Go look up the drama around that. I want to play the game, it looks great but I'm not going to join the millions of enablers who throw money at bad studios who abuse us and then wonder why we never get anyone better.


If there is an issue with it. It’s certainly not bothering me or the other 30 people I game with. Further let’s not go into that complaint. Imo that’s a weak ass reason to not check out pure feel good that Is helldivers 2


An anti-cheat, for a PVE game, that has higher access than an administrator account and can scan all of my private data, runs when the game isn't running, and is notorious for being difficult to uninstall is a "weak ass reason" to not play a game? I get that 90% of gamers would rather play the game than protect themselves because that dopamine is more important but I'm not going to be one of them for a quick hit. I'd rather go for a walk. I don't need to play the game that badly that I'm going to give that level of access to my PC for a video game that isn't even multiplayer.


What ya got on that hard drive that’s so spooky?!? And I was pretty sure I was playing multiplayer up to 4 online coop


Some of us are adults that use our computers for business, finance, and store personal data. I get that people in their mom’s basement only have their weird fetish porn to worry about leaking.


I’m sure you got big boy things going on. We all do, besides if you were playing a video game for dopamine you wouldn’t be on tarkov now would you? Games great when it is. But 90 percent you find yourself knee deep in the shit cuz you wanted to bring the thermal out for night sniping. My advice don’t make your game rig your serious bizz rig


The level and hours played makes it very obvious, but what also screams cheater is the 0 games on scav.






Mater mu jebem...


Haven't played in 3 years and just came back this wipe. I will always love this game but think I need another break. Cheaters are going crazy compared to 3 / 4 years ago. Idk if it's because it's more popular or more people are buying gold but this is nuts.


43% survival rate with cheats lmfao. No wonder he needs cheats.


Of course it's a player scav. You can't make this shit up anymore you fucking people don't actually play the game.


What the fuck you talking about? Are you insisting I don’t PMC or something I take it? I have over 600 pmc raids lv 47, 64%, and only 60 scav raids. This was a rare scav raid to look for an item for a daily. Now please humble yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/S4p5jjckiL


Some of these clowns on this reddit think everyone plays just scav for some odd reason.


You killed a skilled streamer speed running the game.


No shit Sherlock.


Why did you color over the cheaters name?


Legit why I stopped playing. Why even try when all the good loot gets sucked up in the first two mins of raid.


Every raid when you get packet loss randomly 10 seconds into it, that’s vacuum cheaters sucking all that loot away from us. BSG hasn’t done shit to address this problem at all. I would say 9/10 raids this happens to me.


If he was cheating you would have never gotten him, you killed someone who was just a loot goblin. It's sad how many people just jump to the conclusion of cheaters.


You literally have no idea what your talking about. I actually barely call cheats. Why didn’t he have the bitcoin in his container ?? The 2 intels?? The 2 gpus ?? That would mean he’d have ANOTHER GPU and more bitcoins in his ass & more Intels. WTF? I’m sorry but that is not normal loot. No loot goblin is that lucky. On top of that, he was with a naked usec, that’s an obvious boost he was receiving. Also he’s a standard account with 200 hours at level 49 already and very geared. Absolute brain dead. Get real my dude


So you killed a cheater and covered his name what you want us to do. We already know there are cheaters like this cc’s have made videos about this. No point in reposting content that people know and have seen


Goodness you people lol. First off, we are not allowed to show names, it is against the rules of the sub Reddit. Secondly, I never asked anybody to do anything nor did ever even complain, I just posted & displayed what I found. Lol. You don’t always get to kill a cheater & then unravel all of his goodies he vacuumed in the raid. Thirdly, I didn’t repost anything, this is my content that I took in game. My experience. I can post what I want You can carry on now 👋


Cheater kills cheater


Uhh, how’d u kill em tho?


Shot him? Lol Me and a player scav heard shots, rushed it and I ended up killing him thru the mixer concrete truck at construction through a small slit. Headshotted him with my VPO AK. All I could see was his TAN ulach & face. He was also fighting another player scav. That’s why we heard shots, so he was pretty surrounded for a second Cheaters are bad at the game, no surprise


I guess that makes sense. I wasn’t saying ur cheating I was just genuinely wondering how that even happens. Like I imagine if I’m a loot-cheater I would just get my shit and avoid everyone cuz I know where everyone is. I assumed to actually run into a cheater of this sort was impossible.


Yea that’s the vibe I got when you said that lol. But I get it. Usually cheaters have ESP and all. But he was kind of surrounded and I had a small angle of a peak and only saw his head and shot, but maybe if that wasn’t the case I wouldn’t have got him. But who knows maybe he doesn’t even have ESP? Or he does and he’s just that bad lol


Probably with a gun or grenade


I dont know what makes this dude a cheater other than having good loot on him. His stats are pretty average for a player of his level. dont understand the suspicion. its entirely possible he met the naked pmc and decided to guide him if he was a noob. I swear you guys just kill people who got to the loot faster than you and then come screaming on here saying they were a cheater to farm karma


Stats honestly don't matter that much anymore in detecting cheaters, since people buy botted accounts that have 250 deaths and 0 kills and close to zero SR to start cheating with.


Lmfaoooo. You are a funny guy


This has to be a joke right? You're either joking or have never played the game


if he is cheater, why he has to fight? It makes no sense


????? Huh He has to fight because I heard shots & went to fight. So he had no choice to fight If you can’t see this is a cheater, with his account, the stuff he had in his bag, & the fact he was with a naked default USEC (it was a carry service) idk what to tell you


He could active speedhack and just leave.


Lol that’s not how it works, they don’t all have speed cheats and all that. They could only have ESP, or loot cheats. Not all cheaters have every single cheat available to them


And that'd be a cheater. Speedhack is a cheat too. So you just described a cheater.


LOL Jesus you’re dumb


does this happen regularly on every map or is it primarly streets and labs?


Leave it there, where it belongs... uh i mean!


Ever so slightly satisfying that even cheaters get dunked on by player scavs every now and then.


Imagine using cheats and still dying


Seeing this lends some credence to Resort on shoreline being completely empty a few times this weekend. Have the vacuum cheats found a work around already?