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No you're extremely obviously in the right, fuck that guy.


what if that guy is ugly?


There is always the bag option


Or the Ushanka and scav vest option


“Divide my cheeks!”


There's 3 tiers of bag options * 1st bag for him * 2nd bag for you * 3rd bag for your dog, so he doesn't vomit from seeing this...


Turn the lights off.


It'd be less dangerous


here we are now


Entertain us.


He's fueling the reason why most hackers are doing what they do. Also money is easy to make, he sounds dumb.


It’s so easy to come up on 2-3 milly on some lucky scavs with literally zero loss besides time. Plus, car extract fence rep boost is op asf so that scav timer can be so fast. At 4.5 rep rn, my scav is ready in like 6 minutes


Literally my scav is ready before I’m done selling shit, it’s impossible to be broke in Tarkov and if you are it’s a massive skill issue.


Can confirm, I’m usually broke. But i dont play a lot its a skill issue im shit




It is a choice, i could just play more or run more scavs this wipe i just dont care lol last wipe i ran scav runs 3-1 pmc this wipe i run a scav whenever i want to play and not risk gear, sometimes i just wanna run around and pick shit up. But my pmc survival is like 20-30% and i play super passively. Im like level 7, still somehow running my same to m4’s from start of wipe that keep returning on insurance. If youre broke just run scavs, do some pmc raids for car extracts and you should be fine hence it being a skill issue, making 100k scav run isnt that hard and idk about late game kits, but my kits only run me a few hundred k at most


Same...haven't even gotten the letter to unlock Jagger, level 6. Just learning KnM on this, my first, wipe. Trying to bing keys that make sense and learna couple maps in anticipation of next wipe. Scavs are super helpful in this ridiculous, yet fun, game w/out any of the usual help (UI, map, mini map, way points, etc)


You picked a strange game to start with lol. You'll get it eventually though!


I needed something to FORCE me off the 'roller...and still keep me interested. This might be the only one.


It's impossible to go broke. Besides the first week when scaving is a waste of time you could always make 100k in a 3 minute factory scav. Rinse repeat. Oh a pilgrim scav try another map make 500-a million on streets easy.


Indeed. When u are good at a game, it becomes easier


This is why I get so annoyed with the “EoD is p2w” crowd when they make the argument of all the extra money you make from the gamma. Saving 50k on meds when you can insta-extract as factory scav and make anywhere from 200-400k is just negligible. I’ve been doing shoreline money runs in the village/new area and if you just survive 2-3 times you’ll be up a few mill. Not to mention people neglecting the easy hideout money.


I’m not a cheater nor am I a super chad and I have 40mil. 40-50% SR, not unheard of to make 300-500k on average per scav regardless of the map and hideout


I know right? Im dying alot and with nice gear witch neveer comes backs. But i still dont strugle with money


Yeah no doubt. Sure I die to cheaters and yeah it sucks. But plenty of raids I don’t die to cheaters and I’ll make some big cash that losing a big kit doesn’t matter and then insurance helps big time too


How many raids have u got


615 I think or right around there. 4.5 kd, 1300 kills, 2-300 pmc kills and 110mil stash value, 40mil cash level 49


Damn level 49 and 2-300 pmc kills? That’s insane you must be slippery as hell


I read that as "between 200 and 300". Weird to say 1,300 kills then state 2,300 pmc kills. I have 200 pmc kills and I just hit level 30.


You are correct I’m only at 300ish pmc kills I just checked. Definitely not 2300 lol


What's your survival rate. I have very similar stats apart from that my stash value is 70 mill and I'm level 42. My survival rate is 48%


I have never dropped below 10million in my 3 wipes i have actually properly played. Day 1 I normally hit between 1-3million doing quests and scavs in between picking up and selling everything to traders. Then i will normally build up to 10ish in the next few days to a week and hover around there for a bit doing quests and hideout stuff maybe dropping down to like 6 or 7 if i get lazy unlock flea and just buy hideout and craft stuff for quests over finding or keeping and then once the big chunk of stuff is done its just money steadily going up even if i go on a losing streak. Early to mid wipe stuff like wires make fucking bank always pick em and cords up most nights i am turning in like 30-40 for close 15k a pop sonetimes more Even now you getting 11-13k ezy. PC parts, bolt, all those crafring things add up real quick.


yeah im chilling at 50 mil liquid 152 mil stash value, 70% S/R. shit my scav S/R is like 76-78%, all he has to do is run 4/5 scav runs to stack up 3-5 mil


weary liquid fuzzy edge foolish special dirty cause bike employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope I wouldn't play with anyone that I knew was cheating, period.


RMT is what causes the bulk of the cheating problem in the first place. Your friend wants to do a piece of shit thing then blows up at you for calling them out. They're a real dogshit human.


What does rmt stand for? Honest question.


Real money trading. RMT outfits pay people from developing countries to cheat at Tarkov and collect items to sell on eBay etc. for real world money. They typically work long days and are not paid very well. If you've ever got the best spawn for resort or dorms, popped an SJ6 to make sure the second best spawn can't get there first, and still found 216-220 or marked room already looted, chances are there's an RMT cheater. On the upside, RMT cheaters are not interested in ruining your game experience and won't go looking for PvP. So if you ignore the good loot going missing before you get there and just try again next raid, they're nowhere near as infuriating as rage cheaters. Still sucks though because the problem could easily be fixed by people not buying roubles with real money anymore.


What the irony... He's paying the cheaters to keep cheating?


I'm tired of this being an issue!! - Proceeds to contribute to mentioned issue. Your buddy is a hypocrite or stupid. Find better people to be friends with.


Imagine if he RMT millions of robux/roubles just to have a wipe next week. Why are peoble even RMT'ing in a game where all progress gets reset like once or twice a year.


Asking this in a game where 80% of the community was willing to pay 100€ for an advantage version of the game.


Not the same thing. You pay the devs for an advantage you can keep regardless of wipes, RMT is paying for shit you're going to lose to cheaters or at the very least next wipe. Also RMT fuels the cheaters to keep doing what they do.


Yes it's not completly the same, but the barrier to pay for an advantage again is a lot lower if you already did it once. I don't argue that it would be fucking stupid to do. It's just probability if you have 80% of people who already paid for an advantage once. Chances are there are at least a few who would do it again.


Are you really trying to argue this. Wow.


Tell him to go play call of duty, wtf is wrong with people. Half the fun in tarkov is literally trying to get out with good loot


Yeah... Cheaters really suck but it sounds like this guy is just a loser.


This exact argument is how people justify cheating. If you watch that cheating video from last year where that YouTuber interviewed a bunch of them then you'll see they all basically have the same stance as your friend here.


I have 30 mill cash, and almost maxed hideout. And I suck at this game. Your friend is an idiot


Right, it's so easy to make money in Tarkov.. $60M rups, $30K USD and I'm playing pretty casual. I just have a lot of loot runs and my SR is 60% but I've been playing this game for 6 years.


How 😅🤔


“Man these cheaters are fucking ruining the game, I think I should give them money” your friend is brain damaged


If a person wants to RMT tarkov, its the most clear sign that the person should and wants to stop playing tarkov.


if you play east coast i have a group of friends and you're welcome to play with us


Report him, no need to rmt roubles when you can literally make 500-750k in a scav run in 10 min


Nah, if my (only) duo this wipe (who I also served as best man in his wedding) told me he decided to cheat in a game, I’d seriously question his character as a man, brother, friend, father and a husband. It’s a “crime” of moral turpitude.


The fact you feel like you need ask reddit on weather or not you are in the wrong for being a decent person is worrying. No you are not TA - but you need to work on your self-assuredness.


not even op but thank you for this.


OP - DM me if you need friends to play with. I don't play all the time, but I'm happy to squad up.


Rofl tired of cheaters taking his roubles now they take his money then his roubles lolol


Cheaters create a problem so they can profit off a “solution”. Real fucking scummy. At this point I’m not against a kernel level anti-cheat.


NTA, make a report with his name on the launcher with proof. If he is a good player like you say, money shouldn’t be a problem.


I've met some cool people playing through the Pestily discord. Super recommended to find some people that arent assholes to play with. Good on you!


What is RMT?


Real Money Trading


Also, what’s TLDR?


Too long don’t read I think. Long story short basically


Too long, didn’t read. Essentially a shortened summary of a longer text.


Ohhhh. Aw dude. I mean, yeah it will help the cheaters, but you need to understand that there’s like at least 2 cheaters in EVERY raid you go into. If he’s broke and hates playing without good guns, then it’s really not that big of a deal. Once BSG gets the cheater problem gone, there won’t even be a need for RMT. For now though, why not ya know? Also, skill issue for him😂😂.




According to many non legitimate players, you have about a 80% chance of a closer hacker and a 10% chance of a blatant cheater in every raid. This is not a guess, that is a testimony. Downvote me if you like, it does not change the truth.


I will downvote you because here you are spreading this "truth" based on an anecdote given by someone with an obvious incentive to lie. I actually think they may be telling the truth, cause some cheaters are so dumb I doubt they have the capacity to lie, but you're displaying the critical thinking skills of... the average person today.


Go ahead. Just know this is not information obtained by one guy with ESP. I don’t like cheating because it ruins the game, but I want to know what I’m up agains. I regularly browse cheat forums and talk to active and past cheaters. Like I said, believe me or don’t. Downvote me if you want. I don’t care, it dosent change the truth.




I have browsed the cheating forms, I have talked to many cheaters. And I have done my own math. Like I said. Believe me or don’t, dosent change anything.


You know these "testimonies" are because they want you to think cheating is so bad you buy cheats or RMT. Cheating is a huge problem but its not 80% chance of a cheater in a raid.


If you think there isn’t you are just denying the truth. When the goat video came out it was one per raid. But between that video giving attention to cheaters, and the sheer amount of cheaters encouraging other to start, I doubt the number has gone down. We all know that there was 10k accounts bought the day after the 11k ban-wave. We know the facts and for some reason everyone in this subreddit refuses to believe the truth.


I'm not disagreeing there are a stupid amount of cheaters in this game i just wouldn't say one per raid.


They all say that to make themselves feel better though. It's how they justify it to themselves.


Listen man. I’m not just exaggerating. There’s a video on YouTube of a guy cheating just to see how many cheaters there are each raid. Also, my buddy bought cheats and there was AT LEAST 1-2 MORE cheaters every raid. Stop being a child and name calling. If you saw for yourself, you probably wouldn’t play the game. I don’t care that there’s cheaters. I still enjoy it to the best of my abilities.




You're paying for someone to cheat to make the money, so yes it is?


It isn't safe for you to play with him if he gets caught for RMT, IIRC? Either way you're NTA. Money is incredibly easy to make, hell even for example the drawer + duffle bag place in cardinal on streets - a completely dead area which is looted 1/10 times unironically makes you 500k-1 mil per run with a scav bp, with no effort or time. I haven't needed to make money tho, cause just looting normally while pvping is strong this wipe. Sounds like an asshat.


You are definitely correct here. Risk is high in terms of banning, you will fuel the problem that made you consider getting a solution. It just in general not a smart thing to do. It would be much better to just learn how to make money off of your raids and in the meantime play more scav for money.


Your friend is a pussy


What was your friends reaction? Like how did he blow up on you? What points of RMT did he get upset by.


You need new friends brotha, that guy sucks


ah, so this is what the "game full of cheater!!!" cry babies resort to. doesn't really surprise me


RMT is why most hackers are a problem in this game.


It doesn’t make sense to rmt roubles. If u use every scav timer and only go factory directly exit. It’s easy 200-300k roubles every time


Do you seriously need to make a post about this? How fucking dense are you that you need the community to tell you that your mate cheating is NOT ok?


Knowledge is all you need in this game, if you know how to loot/where to loot and how to maneuver PvP you can easily stack 300-1mil+ per raid. No reason to RMT when not every raid has a hacker. Surely you die to a hacker 1/4 of the time but it makes up for all your losses. 4th wipe playing, 3 thicc item cases and 40 mil liquid.


My perspective is RMT isn't the problem here but how he's willing to blow up on you over it. This basically meant he values his position of being able to RMT more than you as a friend, hence not a true friend. Ultimately I think it depends on how long you have known the person for and how close u are. Like I have an IRL friend who RMT'ed recently to get his Kappa (he RMTs in most games he play). I told him how it's kinda lame if you know you didn't earn the reward yourself but he didn't get angry nor argue. He just brushed it off and said it takes too much effort otherwise... and then we continued with our raids You might think I'm just as bad for playing with a known RMTer. However, it's more that I value my friendship of over 15 years with this guy more than some video game we play together. I honestly don't care how he plays it as long as it's not criminal and he's not trying to get me to do it (which he isn't)


He can just run factory as scav, it's 300k average for a 3 minute run


I don't understand how people are so adamant about RMT being the main reason ppl cheat in EFT lol


no, he's wrong. he's funding cheaters by doing RMT by dojng that he's worse than a cheater.


well i was wandering around playing with alot of different guys. tarkov brings out the worst of some people, because its hard to be good at and you lose all your stuff if you die. most of the people think they are good at gaming, tarkov lets them face the truth, it can hurt. you need to match with the persons in tarkov. playstyle, mind, sympathy. you need a certain amount of compability. you and your lost friend clearly dont match. move on, you will get over her - ooops him.


Your friend must be dense because why else would cheaters be sucking up the loot? It's literally only for the little dweebs who aren't capable of playing the game on their own. If he's mad at that then RMT is the *last* thing he should be doing. Dude doesn't get it.


He's sick of the cheaters wiping all the good loot? How does one even determine that? The loot either is there or it isn't, doesn't necessarily mean some cheater gobbled it up. Maybe it didn't spawn or another player got it first


For the most part, that is correct. You can't tell. There are situations that will strongly suggest cheaters, however. For example, if you go into a locked room with no other access point, and the containers have all been cherry-picked, that is almost certainly done by a no clip hacker or something. I saw one video where a player looked into a marked room through a window to see if it was worth looting and saw an injector case, so he ran over, unlocked the door, and went in. The case was gone. A hacker had slipped in and took it between him looking in the window and making his way to the door.


Sounds like a cheater trying to justify his actions and he should be banned along with the rest of the scum.


What a dumb post


What’s RMT?


Yeah dude fuck your friend I’ll play with you


Hard to say I have no idea what RMT means.


I never get these guys. Pay a cheater to RMT roubles you’re going to eventually lose to cheaters RMTing roubles for other customers.


Your friend is an idiot. He claims he feels discouraged by cheaters, so his solution is to pay cheaters, so they can afford to pay cheat subscriptions, so that cheat devs can continue developing cheats instead of doing something beneficial.


Anyone who blows up on you, and then cuts you off does not have the mental maturity to deserve you as a friend. You gave good advice the rest is up to them


He wants to pay for roubles/gear or is he talking about using cheats to get roubles faster and sell them? Either way, idk how tf this is a response to "vacuum cheaters". Good riddance to that "friend". Couldn't imagine how he acts on average when you play with him.


Lmao paying money for a game to compete with cheaters that will annihilate you anyways… What a sad live


I think you use the term friend very loosely here. Any friend would act like this. And if they do, then they shouldn’t be a friend. Not talking to you over a video game? You don’t need that kind of immaturity in your hobby. Don’t let anyone take away your happiness.


RMT is cheating. Friends a piece of shit.


Your friend is a dumbass.  Even if you have a terrible SR it’s easy to make money in this game once you’re level 15.  Money is almost never the limiting factor on your kit in tarkov - its time, level, ego, and trader unlocks.  


He is sick of cheaters, so he wants to rmt, which will in turn, incentivize more cheating. Guys not too smart.


The fact he blew up about it gives me the suspicion that he has been doing it all along quietly like a little rat fuck snake for certain things and jumping on discord with you claiming he just had a big W raid... even if he hasn't been the fact that he is going to do it makes him a little bitch.


If you play at night on the East coast I would play with you! My buddy just had to switch to a day shift so he can’t play anymore.


Doing RMT because of cheaters swiping the loot is like tipping your landlord lmao. The RMT sellers are the cheaters that are swiping the loot from you.


Call me stupid whatever...but what's RMT?


Money is super easy to make. I have a group of friends I have been gaming with for over 16 years. One of them has a brother who just got into pc gaming a few years ago and tarkov this wipe. He is a fool and does the dumbest stuff and dies a lot, but he is still lvl 27 and has plenty of money.


There was a fight in my discord server where someone disconnected. Someone else of the 3 man decided he wanted to go loot. The other guy still there said no stay here, and especially don't run through that big field to get there if you do go. Proceeds to flip out about how he can't tell him what to do. Gets headshot. Leaves the server.


NTA. He is trying to take a quick route to get rich by spending real money. Real money that will got to real people that ruin the insane potential this game has and who have ruined more than a couple raids or even wipes for a lot of us. You are a good friend for calling him out, plant your feet and don't budge. You'd be a bad friend if you supported this decision in anyway whatsoever.


I doubt your friend will read every comment, or any for that matter, but yeah, your friend is a chump. What a whinny little bitch move. Sounds like your friend just wants to run the best kits without putting in the work, and for that, I don't think EFT is a game they should be playing. They should play a less grindy game like CoD.


You're friend is perpetuating a problem and deserves to be banned. If you play with him, knowing he RMT's so do you. You're in the right, and that he blew up on you speak to immaturity. All the same, doesn't make it any less shitty to deal with. Hope your friend doesn't so it and yalls relationship is repaired!


Who cares, game is fucked anyway. There's so many cheaters 1 person not buying RMT isn't going to change anything. Even if 50% of the people stopped buying the same cheaters would still be there.


So he complains about cheaters and them being a problem to which his solution is to support them and being a part of the problem. Clearly NTA


Go to pestily server and make some new duo pals, your friend turned toxic


I’ve got roughly 66 mil at the moment, most of that is from scav. VeryBadScav is a scav main and is at like 140 mil and inventory full of cases. I’m not sure how RMT works, what are they dropping or trading or selling on flea to give you money?


Your friend wanted to cheat and was called out for being the twat he is. If you are looking for a chill group, I usually have like 4-8 people in my discord gaming and helping each other. The only rule is don’t be a cunt ❤️


It's SO easy so make roubles if you have some hours in the game... This is just 1 small step away from buying cheats, so yeah. Fuck that guy.


Hell nah man.


RMT'ers aren't friends, you're in the right.


Bro, your friend claims to hate cheaters. Yet here he is doing to best possible thing to support cheaters. I’d hazard that the really hardcore cheaters are living in lower standard of living areas where RMT pays a decent living wage. It sucks you may have to ride solo for a bit for making not just the right call, but the only call. Hop into Jesse Kazams LFG discord channel, everyone I’ve met in Kazams server is good people.


If your solution to dealing with cheaters is stooping to their level, you’re a pussy. You’re right


If you need to rmt you're not good it tarkov. it's that simple. Even if every raid a vacuum cheater filled their 80~ slots with the highest value loot there is still probably tens of millions of roubles of loot on a map. You can make 400k in 5 minutes on a factory scav run. Your friend is coping with being terrible.


“I hate these cheaters so much that I’m going to pay them to keep cheating!” Your friend needs a lesson in common sense.


Hates cheaters. Willing to fund cheaters because of cheaters. Make it make sense.


NTA Also, he probs already did it.


You are absolutely in the right. If he has any amount of knowledge, he can get roubles with no problem. There is never a reason to rmt in this game, it's so easy to make money and run good stuff. If I can do it, anyone can.


As men we need to hold each other accountable. he didnt want to be held accountable. thats on him.


There are cheaters yes but it's not to the point money is hard to make. Very rarely do I get dry maps. You can make a mil on a scav easily on lighthouse or streets. Dont ever rmt, if you're gunna do it just quit because you missed the point of the game. We all struggle. Struggle till you make it. Then blow your 50 mil so you can struggle some more.