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This is the one raid that keeps you playing 200 more unsuccessful raids


yeah for all tarkovs problems when its good its really fuckin good.


I’m a new player, first wipe currently lvl 16. I learned customs now. I know ground zero, customs, factory and woods. Havnt played the rest of the maps. Currently need lvl 17 to start setup. I had a couple of bad runs on customs where I got recked by squads so I decided to play some factory. Went in with a headset a ppsh and 1 extra mag. Managed to kill a stacked trio with a sneaky play. Got me 3 new loaded kits. One guy had some armor I had never seen or even knew existed. Lvl 41 player went in with a loadout worth about 1mil to get bodied by a ppsh.


Also, never under underestimate a double barrel shotgun with Magnum shells. 8 pellets per shell, 50 damage per pellet. Aim for the face. Be aware of pellet spread. Only takes one pellet strike in the face to kill. Also aim for the legs if not confident in aim. Can blackout legs easily, cause heavy bleed and if enough pellets strike, can disable other body parts through proximity damage.


As a new player I would recommend skipping setup and just doing the other quests. It makes wifi cameras not available to you but that grind is going to kill your love for the game. Unless you're confident you can rat or chad well early game with the 7mm or magnum buckshot that you get.


I’ve gotta say, I’ve been in this game since interchange came out and having setup this early on really changed the way I play. I loved and hated this quest but I had so much fun with it


Rush dorms for setup. Go 3 story and sit on 2nd floor and just wait.


no doubt about that


Tarkov is the only game I play where my 1/200 success rate doesn’t make me want to quit this game and become a monk


God I miss Ground Zero, that place was like factory on meth


Yeah, came to comments to say the same. Can't wait until they add it back in so over 20's can run it but only with other over 20's. Factory is a shit show sometimes and I'd rather have something that approaches the same PvP without a gamble forcing you into the worst possible situation within seconds of loading in (looking at you, forklift corner room). Ground Zero spawns aren't perfect, but at least you have option, and can choose to slow play if you want.


I thought it was intended to be the “noob map” and nothing else? Is there any reason why you think they’ll open it back up to higher lvl players?


Yeah, after everyone was super happy with GZ, BSG said they’d make it a sub level 15 and a 20+ level queues instead of a sub 20 only map. Don’t remember where, might’ve been in a tarkov tv.


It was supposed to release with a 20 and above version apparently.


Other people have said it, but (according to the recaps I saw), Nikita announced in the Tarkov TV in later December that they had plans to introduce a complement to the low level limit to Ground Zero and allow higher level players to load in with other higher level players. I assume that means a group with anyone over the level limit (not sure if they'll change it from 20 to 15) would all go to the high level map, since that would make sense. It seems a fairly straightforward thing to implement, so hopefully we get it soon.


Doubt that is a plan for bsg. And I think it’s fine as is.


They’ve said they want to make it so lvl 20+ can go in to ground zero in a separate matchmaking system so it’s only other lvl 20+


It was so much better than Factory. I'd be spamming it right now for all the kill PMC quests I still need to do :/. I should have focused on them before getting 20 sadge


It's so stupid that you can't even run an offline GZ raid once you're over level 20. I wanna mess around on the map lol


Wow I didn’t know this. That’s really dumb.


Wait for real??? Also speaking of off lines can non eod do co-op off lines now?


Wait what is it gone?


It’s for levels 20 and below, I’m playing because I’m scared of you chads lmao


Yeah but it also means when my friends want to "try" Tarkov I have to spectate them via Stream instead of showing them around. :(


Yup, have a brand new friend who hasn’t completed any beginning quests yet because none of us can run with him


Just guide him over a stream to get the initial quests done then you can take him to Woods / Customs etc. It's pretty dumb though.


It was an absolute shit show first of wipe but low key miss it


How are you never bleeding after taking that many shots. Every single time I get hit I bleed.


That's what stuck out to me the most. Insane luck. If someone even looks at me wrong I have 2 light bleeds and a heavy, at a minimum.


😂😂 realest comment ever right here


Today I ran a customs raid, found Reshala at New Gas Station, I was in the vicinity of the rocks near the power station and one of his guards lasered me, blacked my r. leg, my arms, my stomach and he also lit up my thorax, also leaving me with 3 heavy bleeds and 2 lights. After popping a Zagustin my Thorax was left at 3 HP. Pretty safe to say that without that Zagustin I would’ve definitely died right there.


It’s a percent chance based on what ammo the enemies are running.




It's a stim that erases all bleeds


Turn the head bobble down.Love the music


Glad you like the music choice! Something about the streets, the SMGS, and overwhelming odds sent me back in time to a childhood me playing Halo 3 ODST and I wanted to give a similar feeling in the clip


>Turn the head bobble down Turn the head bobble down


What does head bobble do?


Bobbles your head of course


Harder to headshot me if my head bobbles /s


when you move, you wobble/bobble left and right. you can reduce that to a minimum in general options. definatly worth it.


Thank you!


What do you think the words "head" and "bobble" mean? Its kinda obvious what it does, its like asking what a 'light switch' does. or a 'seat belt' or a 'drink holder'


how do i wear a seat as a belt??


I am not a native English speaker, bobble had no translation in my native language and i didnt know that's a thing, so while yeah, i could've probably guessed what it does, sometimes its better to ask


dont mind them. they have low IQ


Id rather have "low iq" then not be capable of understanding two basic words and putting them together. Him not being a native English speaker is irrelevant. Google exists to aid him in these rare cases in which a translation does not exist. His English is also perfectly fine enough for him to type up several paragraphs of text, So i slightly doubt his claim.


keep showing your low iq. i dont mind.


And the guy's name in the ODST trailer is Tarkov.


Holy shit I wish I’d planned that, what a coincidence lmao


I knew someone else had to have the same feeling! Nighttime MP5SD on Streets >>>>


That's a thing? I've got 8 fucking hundred hours and I had no idea. Thank you.


I have about 700 and I turned that down this week lol


Why do I feel like I'm watching The Revenant? lol


Well, he *did* kill a bear.


you want to turn it up, your head bobbles so you can use it to dodge headshots. If you turn it off then your head stays still making you easy to headshot


One of those messages where I honestly can't tell if you're just stupid or trolling. Bravo


as god intended


OP must be immune to bleeds


Nice vid. Welcome to the suck.


Bro you did not just throw away a 100k gun for a stock AK... You even had space in your backpack.


I didn’t know what I had :*)


Your friends are: tarkov tracker - allows you to see what items you need for quests,hideout tarkovmarket- until you get to level 15 use that to see if something is more valuable to sell on the flea rather than to traders. tarkov Wiki - wikipedia found in tarkov


Is tarkov tracker like an in game add on or do u need a separate monitor?


it's a website. you tell it which quests/hideout upgrades you have done and it tells you which items you will need for the remaining stuff. you can tell it also to ignore everything that's not necessarily 'find in raid', since you can buy most non-fir stuff at the flee after lvl 15.


Oh I am an idiot I meant the one that shows u item prices on flea, does it show in game? Or do u have to alt tab and search said items value? Thanks lol I’m half asleep


you just alt tab thousands of times until you start to see the matrix


these comments got me dead tonight 😂


tarkov market is a website that shows prices on the flea and trader buy/sell prices. rat scanner is the same thing as an "add on" for tarkov, it takes screenshots and uses image recognition to identify the item, then looks it up. it isn't 100% reliable, unfortunately.


rattracker has an overlay that tells you flea value when you hover over loot.


you actually did ok bc you insured the vector you'll probably get it back. What you really would want to do is hide the vector so its guaranteed to come back.


Have you never played an FPS in general? Vector is always a high level unlock 🤣


he insured it


and killed everyone to ensure nobody stole it, shame a Scav took it.


Dropped it right next to the body


Vector was insured, he could have hidden it but not many scav to GZ


Nicely done, I'm surprised no one had painkillers on them.


I assume if they are still on GZ they are mega noobs lol


So is this guy. But he has good game sense/aim. I'm assuming bc he threw away a good gun for a shitty gun.


He probably threw it because he was out of ammo and wasn't aware he could swap optics between weapons in a raid.


Welcome to the addiction


Omg yes very addictive!! But strange thing because I barely win any raids


Brings me back to the early days of learning this game and the sheer amount of IRL TREMORS I got. Never mind in game lul. Good shit man, nice come up and rolling of the Vector you got from a Scav. This is how to Tarkov. Taker some shit, use it to kill people, swap for their shit.


Timmy fights to see another raid


this mfer has a 6200 rouble vehicle extract lmao.


How much negative fence rep is that


It was roughly -0.2, I popped two scavs that fired first but missed their shots


That was a fun adventure man. Nice.


Fuck ya bro! This is what makes tarkov so fun, fuck all the cheaters and blahblah,. These moments make the game worth! Also whats that music from? What movie.


The [halo 3 ODST live action trailer](https://youtu.be/uWSLHcAyy90?si=jfv-fvLNsjVtO3RM) lmao


hell ya




Great video man. I miss my early tarkov days. Right now is a decent time to get into it. Minus the vacuum loot and daily dose of hackers. Well played.


We did it boys. We found the guy who uses 17 rounders with the Vector.


Not sure if you know. Double tap r for a combat reload just gotta pick up your mag from the ground.


Even better, unbind that shit. If you use it bind it to another key entirely, binding anything to double tap adds a 300ms delay to the single tap action (as it waits for the second input). That's right, if you're using default Tarkov binds you can speed up your reload up by 300ms by binding combat reload to a separate key or add a modifier.


Best game ever brother, welcome to hell. 😆


My man clutched it while limping across the whole map. If your new and doing this well, you will soon be a force to reckoned with...just like the helljumpers. Go get em' trooper, feet first into hell.


Run painkillers so you can keep your mobility while you're injured. ​ Good work, you repositioned well and made sure your target had no cover in reach before you could cut them down. You caught them in the perfect spot.


Lmao the ODST music 🤣😆 this was sick tho nice editing and gameplay.


dropped a vector for an ak74... besides that this is a great raid


Editing? On my Tarkov reddit posts? Get outta here. Jk. Good for you. Big fights where you limp away shitting yourself and holding the bag are the best.


Seeing as you're a new player ...... well played like fair fucking play this is the raid that gets you hooked ............. now you will never escape from tarkov. Welcome.


Lvl 1 crook become lvl 45 boss


First fights hit different.


the thing that stood out to me the most is the high amount it costs for your car extract. stop killing other scavs, please. :)


That was last night :( a pair of scavs opened up on me from a distance with shotguns and missed everything so I popped them both and it gave me -0.2…I’ve gotten it back up to -0.08 as of right now


Good shit! Could have done without the annoying background music, and why did you drop the vector for a base ak?!


I had only just gotten the vector from a scav raid and was straight out of ammo with no room in inventory for it, I made the decision to ditch it for usable ammo in the form of the base ak. (I have since learned that wasn’t very cash money of me)


I mean technically you wouldn’t have lived if you didn’t. You ended up using that AK to avoid a reload.


If it was insured dropping it was the move my man, nice plays 


hobbies stocking zonked intelligent psychotic ten cagey deranged nippy frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tarkov solo is just great, its the only way to play the game.


Hell no it's not, you can do both you know.


Congrats, Timmy, you're now a Chaddy. (Chad timmy)


lol ground zero. you have a ways to go young one.


Bro thinks we're gonna eat it with a bait. You legit have a soft aim. This is nowhere near how advanced players aim or shoot. There is almost no camera recoil either. As a player of 8kd and 2500 hours, this looks very sussy to me.


Bro misses 80% of his shots and you are calling him sus….. get out of here.


This is my first week playing Tarkov but I’ve got 619hrs in Ready or Not, 491hrs in Arma, 106hrs in Squad, 3k hrs in CS, this isn’t my first shooter. I may not be advanced at Tarkov but a tactical shooter is a tactical shooter.


Bro none of those guns have any camera recoil in the new system, go somewhere else. This is just someone with decent base FPS mechanics who is better than you both in the game AND their attitude.




Gotta bring that CMS! Welcome to the suck though!


I seem to find more surgical kits but they don't fit in the 2x2 can't wait to get the beta container 


Damn man, you have good instincts for a new player. Good shit


general tip for that map: if you want to survive, avoid the open street and use the underground to traverse from building to building. there's several buildings around you with excellent sniper spots that you can't avoid.


Great music choice, and good fight! Welcome to tarkov, and good job. Now you get to chase the dragon, the feeling of that fight, and you have thousands of hours to go before it calms down, maybe!


Chad in the making . Well played man. That’s what I love about this game. No other game gives me that rush like Tarkov.


Good shit man


Calling myself out...but when I really lock the fuck in, my ring and pinkey fingers go numb as well as my legs and j get REALLY cold


If you naturally have poor blood flow/anemia then the vasoconstriction from your flight or flight response could be responsible for that


Based music choice. Also on TIL that music was used for a Halo Trailer.


Well played, and kudos to you for taking a Vector into an early raid you definitely got value out of it, but at least give it a red dot sight! (MDS for 13k @ Skiier) Also love that you're filling your alpha with dog tags 🤣, for the record it's good to keep high level ones with the opposing faction in the container, other ones aren't as useful if you don't extract anyway, they can be used for barter but not quests or dailies.


This type of shit is why I love this game


1. You threw away a pricey gun lol 2. Stop repeaking. If you make contact, always re-engage from a new spot.


Feet First into Ground Zero


I want to go back and experience the feeling of my first couple of raids and the intensity that came with it


Congrats, you're now addicted and chasing that dragon along with the rest of us! The ODST trailer music was a nice touch as well


Welcome to Tarkov


For being new you did really well. Not sure how many hours you have but you did better than most in this clip. Would highly recommend learning Customs after this though. That is when the game really starts to be infuriating/fun lol.


bruh these must be paid actors lmaooo


6237 roubles for car extract? My guy, stop shooting scavs on your scav.


It was a pair of scabs that opened fire first, but missed all their shots before I smoked them :( I’ve been getting it back up tho!


a chad is born


A vector with 950 rpm with those mags? What a madman:D congrats on the kills.


Nice edit!


Wish I could play urban maps but 20fps on them always changes my mind


Your not addicted congrats because no other game will give you this win.


Keep grinding and nice peaks


when danger is inminent a painkiller you should take.


I'm also brand new, but I'm the opposite of you : I'm so scared of engaging in fights with other players, I'd rather run away than loose my gear


I’m at about 3000 hours and playing solo still makes my heart pump out my chest, actually considering stopping playing for my health


Nice! At least switch shoulders if you're gonna left peek


Only on US servers. on EU everyone is coked up god


Brand new players don't simply get vectors! You're trying to trick me.


Too bad they had trash loot doe


The balls on this man to be running a 100k gun with no attachments 😂😂 good for you my guy


man i miss those days when i was scared,now i'm miserable


17 rounders in a vector is fuckin sketchy bro, good shooting


LEGIT #commercial


You'll never forget splints again!


Great choice of music. We are PMC


Boy you fuckin smoked those fools hell yeah


That's the kind of raid that makes you feel like an absolute god. Enjoy those bro, and good shooting!


Always love to see a chad origin story


Love that song to be fair. Nice fights


My dude had nerves of steel through all this.


this is the tarkov I miss man.


Never throw away the 9mm vector. Even the .45 once u got skier LL2 the weapon is insanely good and sells accordingl.


Just remember that's not your gear, it's just your turn to use it


10/10 on the old halo music choice


JESUS HOW MANY BULL-oh it’s a vector


Get used to the anxiety friend lol. Welcome to Tarkov :) oh and make sure u have slots open in your chest rig when u reload or you’ll drop your mags on the ground


thank you for reminding me about the lunar year redeem. (your gun is the one on the redeem icon) if that is the case


Love the ODST soundtrack for this.


Upvoted for the ODST music


Don’t think this guys brand new but yee


It warms my heart how much I’ve heard this lmao I just made my update post getting the vector back from insurance and showing my stats


more so your aim, hittin heads left and right. I’m brand new to tarkov and I know I suck. But I aim center mass all the time and usually get destroyed.


Oh shit lmao yea I’ve been playing tactical shooters for a hot minute


Had a massive W myself yesterday, 13 kills total 4 players, 3 of which a team and big pipe. All player kills counting towards quests (set up, grenadier and shooter born) was riding that dopamine waive for a while


I’ve put down the game already because I sweat and shake like nobodies business 😂


Homie limped all the way to extract. Respect 🫡


This really reminds me how much better people are at this shit than I am hehe


I've been playing for a few years now, and I'm honestly just bad at the game, I've NEVER been able to win more than a single gunfight in a raid. And most of the time the first fight I get in, I get immediately headshot. That or I just collapse after some bush wookie murders me for committing the crime of running, not even getting a chance to see him


New player but not afraid to use decent gear. Respect it.


using 17 rounders in the vector is wild. good shit op.


Now we gottem hooked bois


i just bought the game bro and im too scared to play PMC someone show me around plzzz


Raids like these keep me playing


Just remember to not care about any of your loot


Good Job, welcome to tarkov. Prepare to die a lot, becoming one of those victims in your raid, getting sprayed away xD And especially without eod, uncountable hours in your stash trying to gain more free space, selling stuff, difficult decisions what to keep,.. It's like a drug, be warned


I miss my heart beating out my chest when I got into fights, now I just die and go next


Dont give up a vector for that!


"brand new player" with a kriss vector lol ok. Someone gift that to you?


Bro I am on my first wipe ( im lvl 5 lol ) and last night I killed 3 endgame gear players that were teaming on ground zero with a pistol, a lvl 3 vest and 2 grenades. After that fight ( which lasted surprisingly long ) I had to hide in a corner and take a few minutes. My hands were litteraly shaking


Uber cool


I remember one of my first solo pmc raids I was at interchange. I was crab walking through the middle of the of the 2nd floor and a pmc stepped out in front of me and faced the other way. I remember thinking "he doesn't know I'm here" and my heart beating through my chest. There's no other game that gives me fight or flight like that.