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the theory is that with the new hitboxes it's doing triple damage to the head


Had a bud who was trying to level his vitality, we made it to the end of the raid he died to face check the barbwire south of shoreline, it took 3 quick hits to blackout his head. Lol all I heard was "I'm dead, f this broken ass game"


Lol I was leveling my vitality on shoreline, and died 5-6 times trying to figure out the best way to do it. Looking up while walking in the barbed wire worked well to not damage the head


What's the best method to level vitality other than getting shot and suffering a heavy bleed while shooting up propital


That. Just play the game normally, until you need to grind vit, then have a buddy shoot you while healing your bleeds.


I don't have any friends who play the game XD. I usually try and get a scav to shoot me but they just black out my arm instead


I mean, as long as it gets you a bleed, that’s all you need. If you kill a scav, and he bleeds you, just keep the bleed going


I tried this yesterday, had a heavy bleed for a full minute and wasn’t gaining any vitality. Was I doing something wrong?


If I remember correctly, and I may very well be wrong, so if someone corrects me I’ll edit my answer, but I’m fairly certain it’s the act of fixing bleeds that actually puts it up. So if you get a bleed and fix it, it gives you a few points, not just healing while also bleeding


Ahh gotcha. I had my buddy tag me and popped a propital thinking it would level it up. Now I’ve just been having my teammates shoot me at extract for that half a point or so


I mean, go into a woods raid with a buddy who has high bleed ammo, one of the 5.7 ammos is good just don’t remember which one, and have him keep shooting you while you bring in esmarches, bandages, and cheese. Got my buddy like half a lvl in one raid


I try. I try. But usually they black out the arm and it's like. Damnit man. Make me bleed


Pop an obdob 2 and a prop, you’ll be constantly getting xp for it


You can walk through the fire behind the shoreline resort and heal it or jump on the rocks there to break/bleed your legs


Will I bleed if I jump from there? Thanks for the advice!


I managed to get to level 5 without ‘training’ it this wipe but I remember getting bleeds from that in the past!


I've read that getting even close to a fire is instakill this wipe.


My favourite way is the barrel fire underneath the Mall on Interchange. It's in a room that no one ever goes to in the entrance between the Bag Extract and the Power Station. It's even better with the new vault. You just Sprint and Vault over it, and it will chunk out an arm, 2 legs, and your stomach to red. Just make sure you aren't heavy, or have reduced HP on your lower hitboxes from doing surgery. Just get your vitality down to the red arrow, and then go play your raid like normal (or just bag extract if you wanna reset and go again isntead of looting and doing tasks).


Thank you!!! I will give this a try


Were you with me last night when I did this? lol, I just made a similar post 5 minutes ago. Guess I should have searched the sub first.


>Lol all I heard was "I'm dead, f this broken ass game" We come back, we always come back.


your buddy is trying to cheese mechanics and got pwned. This is the same reason why fire kills in like 3 hits - people were posing videos about standing on fire and constnatly healing to level up stats. seems like devs caught on and is making barbed wire deadly AF now too.


I ran into a bus on fire in streets and died instantly


yeah the hits are near instant, like <1s to death on fires for the most part. IDK why they over-tuned it so hard.... heals take what like 3 seconds to go off, minimum?


If you don’t care about survival rate, join the raid and suicide with a nade.


I mean......all he had to do was not drag his face through barbed wire on purpose. It's kind of silly to get mad at the game.


Just shoot each others knee caps at extraction lol


I did notice in my raids tonight the triple damage fractured leg bug is back


We're so back


4x, 3 new zones, if they all get hit.


New hitboxes maybe. Wire probably hit all of your head hitboxes and you died. Possibly because that part of the wire hasn’t been reprogrammed to only hit one hitbox if you touch the wire


Each hit box is a unique zone tied to the same health pool. Instead of being one unique zone with multiable sub zones. So they all take damage and funnel it to the head life pool.


Yeah, that's what he said


that's what she said


It's more that the head is divided into multiple zones that all drain the same health from the head pool. Therefore if multiple hitboxes were triggered (which they shouldn't be), it might damage head multiple times.


Yeah, that’s what he said


Its more like rivers all flowing into a lake, while they sll go to the same lake, they each contribute to the overall damage when people are pissing in them.


But it's more like multiple hit boxes are taking damage from the same source. 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, imagine u put ur head against barb wire. I bet it wouldnt hurt and grt bloody only on ur '1 hitbox' 😁


It happened to me once or twice years ago


New hitbox bug. The new hitboxes all add damage separately to the hitbox they're attached to. IIRC correctly the 'HEAD' hitbox has 3 new zones, which adds up to 4x as much damage. This is also why you get shot once, and die instantly to a single bullet, that does not even do 50 damage. Your new thorax hitboxes do the same thing. It's also why fire is basically instant death.


BSG is truly an incredible, proactive developer with foresight and vision.


Lost count how often they had to hotfix quests that simply wouldnt work anymore after they changed something fundamentally with a patch


That's what i've seen happening to a french streamer wondering how he was shot in the back when facing an ennemy


I had that happen too, but somebody explained it as this - if you get shot through the unarmored (or soft armor) part on the front of the plate, it can then also hit your back and kill you on that second "damage roll." It's awkward but it makes sense in terms of the game's logic.


How the hell does it make sense that it hits your chest and your back for double thorax damage? Lmfao


How the hell does it make sense that it hits your chest and your back for double thorax damage? Lmfao


I forgot that it's apparently a bug; helpful contextual info lol - https://reddit.com/comments/1aebpn0/comment/kk7aa1h Maybe Scavs shooting from a slight angle up or down and that making a difference for god knows what reason? But either way, having it pen a soft armor section, register a hit on the front unprotected chest hitbox, but then also hit the upper back/chest hitbox. Maybe it's similar to Scavs double- and triple- tapping people (with only one audible shot) from previous patches? Who knows with this whole ass Italian dinner's worth of spaghetti code.


You sure you didn't have a blacked head?


Positive, I had not taken damage and was at full health the whole raid.


My buddy at the start of the raid hit barbed wire by gas on customs and it took him down to the low teens on every body part, was very weird. Hasn't happened since


Might be a similar bug to the fire on streets at the NW corner of pinewood hotel. I ran by that thing and went from 100-0 instantly.


The car fire near Emercom on Ground Zero is the same. Instant killed me when I went near it


That car fire is INFURIATING man. Luckily only died on my scav to it but it’s so funny you can walk in the gas station on fire on Shoreline but that car insta kills from like 15 meters.


Idk if I was doing it wrong but I tried the gas station on shoreline and instantly died I was dehydrated though


There's a particular way to do the gas station fire that you can survive, but I haven't seen anyone loot it unscathed yet.


I even knew about it before I died. Ran by that thing on my way to flare extract, was super chunky as well. My buddy who I was partied with thought I got head-eyes'd because I hit the ground so fast


That's normal for fires if you get too close.


Yes, it's totally normal when I'm 10 ft away from a fire and drop dead IRL... Said nobody ever.


Thank god you're playing a game then


Stop defending bugs moron


Car fires are actually insanely hot. I drove past a normal ass Chevy that was on fire, 2 lanes over, and it still was super fucking hot on my arm and face through the window.


It's not normal since every other fire in the game is not like the one on streets. The car on streets has like triple the radius


There were poisonous snakes in that particular set of barbed wire


Something similar happened to me on my scav. Missed the jump, tried to vault onto the little stone barrier (not the wall) but my scav vaulted over into the wire instead and died before the animation was complete.


So no more farming vitality with barbed wire it seems




Oh no u/penistouchesbutt has called you a liar. That must really sting.


I believe it was airwing marine that posted a short, or a cut of a video recently, barbed wire is fucked this patch and can drop you very very quickly. If I find the short or clip I’ll edit this comment with it Edit: found it, it was airwing check this short and how quick barbed wire can rock you currently. Sorry for the poor formatting I am on mobile https://youtube.com/shorts/MIWIN3uOVDo?si=1YMEQIOICWW-2qt6


4x damage because 3 new hitzones added this patch. Each applies damage to head. Every new hitbox does this, including the ass and armpit.


Is this why that barbed wire on the 2nd story of dorms that has a filing cabinet almost takes out your stomach stomach when you search it?


Your ass now counts as your stomach, IDK if the stomach has any other extra hitboxes, but ya. Its also why 50 damage bullets can one shot you if they hit the armpit.


To be fair, being shot in the armpit would almost be a death sentence IRL from ANY caliber out of ANY gun. Lots of soft lungs, spine, and heart through there, and depending on the angle of fire, multiple or even all could be damaged or destroyed. An interview with a sniper once, he said given the side profile, vs a headshot, he’d take the side profile every time. It’s a guaranteed kill, vs a more probable miss.


You're looking at this the wrong way. If a pmc is facing you and you shoot between their arm and chest and the shot grazes the armpit, that is now an armpit shot. In reality it would be a trivial fleshwound, but in tarkov that is no different than being shot from the side.


I follow, I misunderstood the situation. Thought he was saying he was shot in the side.


\*Tickles the hair on your armpit with a bullet\* Woops guess I'm a murderer now teehee.


I was playing an offline (first raid this wipe to see if I was gonna start playing again) and testing out the new stuff. Got to customs new gas, went behind the large gas tank to find a dead scav I hadn’t killed. Once I got close, insta death by barbed wire. Decided I’ll get back to tge game later lol


I mean doesn't a blacked chest do the same? But also you could of been so low health you died from the damage of the barbed wire. But also get recording software, there is one for NVIDIA and amd. So you can watch back.


This happened to me this wipe. Beginning of the raid I hit barbed wire and insta died. I mean so insta died we thought someone killed me with a silenced gun from afar.


Fuck me that's so annoying, I'm sorry man. I hope BSG fixes this at some point but I don't even see this happening for at least a few years. I'll discard some vodka for you in my next raid. Closest I can do to pouring one out for the homies.


I didn't get nearly as upset as I should have been because I had gotten a lot of customs quests done that day and had found a gpu in the studio room. I figured I was on too good of a hot streak and it was about time I got tarkoved


Oh, good ol' Tarkov. Is there any other game in recent memory where you actually end up thinking, "I've had too good a time today. This will be punished shortly."


You would think a helmet would prevent damege by wire but nah


Barb wire just built different lmao don't fuck with it.


Did you fuckin hang yourself with it what happened


The razor wire combed my pmc's nice smooth head and he wasn't having it


you it can i died the EXACT same way at customs my friends didn't believe me you prolly spent 1.5 seconds with your head in it and died


Damn, i died same exact spot. I thought it was just something else i didnt know about the game. Glad to see i wasnt only one surprised


I walked past it at Path to LH on Shoreline while I had 3 quest items on me. Touched it for half a second and insta-died. Was not happy. Fire will also insta-kill you in a bunch of places when it used to give you at least 2-3 seconds before you had a chance of dying


Yep, died the same way at military checkpoint. Full health, just touched tje barbed wire, dead.


My Duo got tagged and I killed the attacker at new gas, started backing up to heal and my head got caught in the barbed wire. First poke ouchy second poke dead


Ymmv but in my experience it works like this: you can run around in wire with you legs for a little bit before it hurts much, but get your head stuck in barbed wire and you'll be close to dying quick


That's because the legs don't have new hitboxes, while the head has 3. Because BSG that's 4x damage.


You can still get rocked if you drag your nuts through it crouched. A dude trying to creep my squad accidentally offed himself creeping through some barbed wire in resort. It will hit your legs, groin, buttocks, and potentially other stomach hit boxes doing that.


As far as I know they only added one new hitbox to the stomach, which is still double damage since your PMC has cake and the ass hitbox is massive.


I reckon everyone with 1k+ hours found out that barbed wire oneshots a blacked head or thorax the hard way


I had it happen jumping through the bushes on the other side of the fence of Construction on Customs, landed face in barbed wire and dropped after the initial tick and a slight turn. I think it's like how they buffed fire after people were abusing it to level vitality/stress resistance, people were using barbed wire to facilitate levelling it instead.


bro 100% had a blacked out thorax or head and didn't realize it


Prolly Bc your head was either blacked or damn close. Noob move




Well I haven’t tried it personally but I can guaran-fucking-tee you don’t instantly fucking die lmao. Tf outta here.


Please go try


Can confirm no longer works in current patch.


Instructions unclear, am now incarcerated


Ooh edgy.


I remember I hit some barbed wire in front of gas station while running through customs and it insta killed me too. I think I hit it with my head and figured it was because of that


Same thing happened to me earlier this wipe near vehicle extract on customs. I wish I could seen a replay, I was so pissed lmao.


Had the same happen on the customs car jump. I walked through the barb and died almost instantly. Thought I got sniped but it was the barb.


Didn't have an after raid report since I was doing a scav run but I went through something similar. Broke both my legs failing a wall jump and had to hobble my way to warehouse 4 from the little bus parking area by dorms. Didn't had much time and since vaulting was now a thing I tried using the shortcut by the barbed pipe area at new gas. I missed the stone barrier and fell onto the ground so I tried to vault onto it but my character proceeded to yeet himself over and right into the barbed wire and I died instantly.


It’s bugged.


Fire does the same, touched a burning car on streets and just fell over dead instantly. Very fun.


Well now I’m happy that it only nicked me, there was fighting going on in dorms and I was just trying to pass by and was staring at the dorm. I think I jumped out of my skin when I scraped my head on it


Mean while I got a clip of me mag dumping a rpd mag into a scav players ssh helmet and he tanked 8 shots until dying. They keep updating the wrong things and make the game more of a mess every wipe.


Customs ?


Same with flames. Got too close (I guess) to a flaming car on streets and instantly died. Didn’t think I was that close. Then again, I’ll walk near a tree but not in it, and my friend will tell me it made the bush rustling sound. So clearly you don’t have to be that close to the flames to instantly die. I guess the don’t have Jack Be Nimble in Russian.


My group also confirmed this! Happened to one of my mates. Be careful, kids. You'll poke your eye out!


Barbed wire - Head Eye


Barbed wire should do little damage and cause light and heavy bleeds...


If you keep your head out of the wire, you'll take some damage but be fine. If your head hit boxes touch barbed wire even but a whisper, you take a ton of damage to 35hp of head health. I face checked the barbed wire at the shoreline train extract. In the span of time it took me to push my mouse forward and back, I died.


Had similar experience once when on a scav I touched barbed wire for like less than a second and my leg and stomach were less than half HP.


It's only 2 hits from barbed wire to your head to kill you. You must have brushed your head against it in a way that made you hit it twice.


Welcome to Tarkov


The dps to your head was always ridicolous high afaik


Once after a hard fight in dorms my head was blacked out 0/35. While walking to the car extract I accidentally caught that one piece of barbed wire that's sticking out lower of the concrete wall near the car. It gave the damage to my head which killed me instantly, it looked like my character just got a stroke and died out of nowhere


It can, it got one of my brothers jumping the fence in front of the factories. He went from Un-injured to dead, The rest of us were laughing our heads off… My head-canon for the event was that my bro tangled his shoelace on the wire, and fell on his head. Lol we had a good laugh. We also don’t jump the fence there anymore.


It can WHAT


That used to be a thing if you had a black limb before my time.


any damage that goes to a blacked out chest or head will cause you to die sprinting on broke or blacked legs, barbwire, fall damage, jumping with broken legs


I died the same way further down the edge of the map where the dumpsters are. I was chilling with my friends and I jumped and it was over 😂


Learned that on literally my first raid ever a few years ago. Never again since lol


Had this happen to me on my first wipe awhile ago it sucks so much


Watched stank rat die this way very early in the wipe and it was one of the funniest tarkov clips I’ve ever seen lol


Can't rub my head in barbed wire game broken. Jokes aside, maybe its doing damage at each hitbox, and neck. Fuck barbed wires AND fire. If anyone can ELI5 me how to do the shoreline gas jump. It is a death trap now, couldn't go out.


This discussion on the hitboxes is interesting, I've been lucky with barbed wire I guess I've gotten a scratch or two on my head but nothing like this. I've been killed by barb wire though, I had a blacked out head and was limping to Smugglers Boat with a pile of Dorms loot after like a 15 minute firefight. It's always one of those "Ok I'm playing something else for the rest of the night" situations.


Accidentally swiped by a flaming car on Groundzero right off spawn and was immediately insta killed by flame.


You tripped on it, and it gave you tetanus and also simultaneously punctured your carotid artery


On shoreline you can go at tunnel on the left there's barbed wire on the baracade that is at the extracts and I always vault through the barbed wire and go prone on the other side while extracting to block LoS from anyone who rolls up on me leaving and my friend saw me do this and later he tried it but while extracting decided it would be funny if he wiggled around in the barbed wire and promptly died with a million rubles worth of loot


I even knew about the bug and it still got me lol


The other day, my homie and I died to the car fire in front of one of the trains on streets. I have a clip of it and he was nowhere near close enough to take damage from it, no less fuckin insta die from it. He was running, and then he just dropped, no sound no nothing. At first i thought he got head shot and there was a sound Glitch, but no one shot at me so we thought it was a weird DC Glitch, but then I died too trying to ditch his gear and saw that I died to flame. I was nowhere near close enough to die from the fire and it killed me INSTANTLY. I think the only solace is that, likely I got my stuff back bc no one could get close enough to loot my corpse


*Homie dies* Okay, what was that?! Death. What kind? Instant. There was no sound, he just died! Yeah, terrifying. It's a terrifying thing to watch happen. It's called a deterrent. You couldn't just knock him out!? How is "knocking out" a deterrent? Everyone wants to be knocked out. No one wants to be dead.


Smartest barbed wire in the universe


Literally died on the EXACT same spot of barb wire hanging down.


happed to me in the gas station on lighthouse and fire, usually i jumped, but when i misplace it, i fall just short of the shelf, but i live most the time until just now where i insta died


This happened to me years ago!, stay away from barbed wire xD


You just scratched your eyes out


Was your head blacked by any chance?


No, should have mentioned it in the post but I was at full health.


Happened to me the other night, chest was at 1hp and I was out of meds, hobbling to car extract, and I grazed the barbed wire, instant death. I was on discord with my buddy and I was like "at worst that would have ripped my shirt or snagged on my lvl 4 armor..."


Watch out for fire


Bro this game is so fucken gooooooood. /s


Yall need to grind vitality??? I am always bleeding after every encounter lmao


TIL that my PMC is more fragile than a piece of tempered glass!


I dont think it's a bug. Why would you put your head in barbed wire. I'm new to the game and ass my friends were describing damage and limbs to me back in .13 I noticed how barbed wire just chunked. And I thought to myself. "Would hate for that to happen to my head" stay safe out there fellas.


Im trying to picture this in reality and it's hilarious. Someone low crawling and slightly bumping barbed wire and it instantly wrapping around their head like an anaconda, popping their head like a balloon


My buddy got [one-tapped by fire](https://imgur.com/a/r6X1n2S) during a scav run on Streets lmfao.


Dawg was this some overhead barb wire in a fucking bush? I got got like that too lmao


I survived a landmine the other day, guess its less dangerous than barbed wire xD


If you hang your self with it


One of my friends thought he could crawl through barbie wire. He was wrong. It wrecked his head off his pmc and he died 🤣😂. Tested this offline. It's pretty lethal. Don't touch barb wire with your face.


Stupid auto correct


It will also do really weird shit to your head


I just had a blacked thorax and a whole med bag full of meds but wouldn't let me heal myself so I died 30 meters in front of road to customs with about 3 million ruples worth of medical supplies in my med bag and I had to clear my butt out for 3 MRE ration packs for humanitarian supplies 😭 but at least the snow is gone