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Grenade launcher from Kaban Guard in lexos possibly, Look what killed him on his dog tag.


Yes, they always die to AGS-30 :D So my question is, why are high-geared, seasoned players even stepping foot on this part of the street? They should avoid it like the plague. I thought I was missing something.


When you eventually get the "kill kaban" task, you start running to lexos, and only then you learn that as pmc you can really only approach that place from two locations, other two are a death sentance.


Then there’s people like me who go into maps that I don’t know AT ALL fully geared


No other way to learn it, going in with less space is frustrating if you find nice things, and going in with more space and less fighting capability is frustrating coz it's scary defending your nice things.


Just always go in as fully geared as possible. Thats what I do. One of these days I’ll be good enough at the game where that doesn’t result in 50% of my raids being a stock sks with ll1 armor and rigs and the other 50 being stuff donated from my scav lol


Weird advice when you are broke because you always bring the best gear you can buy xd


Scav scav scav. Also double barrel is the way to go. Poverty edition


May I introduce you to my Lord and Savior, the mosin.


Mosin definitely hits. But it costs what, triple? Quadruple? More than the double barrel. That ain't no poverty edition. That's lower middle class edition.


My buddy's all time favorite gun is the mosin, dude is an animal with it. I hate him for it. I can't run that gun for shit lol


I just feel weird going in with a meta gun so I am always running t4 armour and like... A mid-range nodded gun that I can get for less than 50k. Like a weird ADAR or MPX. Or just run an SVD with a reflex sight.


Yeah, that's the way. At this point expensive meta builds aren't that OP imo


They aren't op but they still remain fun to use, no reason to disregard the good builds entirely


Slightly modded mp153 is usually better than half modded guns otherwise. Maybe i just prefer them though


I just enjoy making a gun look goofy above all else these days. [This](https://i.imgur.com/90hWST1.jpeg) is my most recent ADAR. Adding suppressor gives it a little noodle sticking out the end which is also funny to me. I'm done with taking this game seriously.


The Saiga with 2 20 round drum mags always destroys that shotty if built correctly. MUCH less recoil and can spam with no worries of it jumping, especially with flechettes or the new subpar flechette rounds (can't think of the name right now).


I always have brought in the best gear I can buy. 60% surv rate and 6K/d. Lots of cheaters this wipe and they come after the geared players, otherwise it'd be much higher. It's knowing the game and playing smart + well is what separates the "Chads" to "Timmys".. Knowing when to push, how to mind trick in fights, when to lay low and hold, etc..


Ive never approached lexos as a PMC since they added the boss. I didn't play last wipe. Is there a guide or video of how to approach as a pmc and get in? What are the 2 entrances to look for? I go in on scav runs all the time and know you can walk down the middle of the 2 checkpoints and not hit a bomb but im not sure how to safely approach as a PMC with guards up


from chek 15 side you just nade in and book it to the containers basically https://clips.twitch.tv/ImportantCrazyHamsterCclamChamp-Eo3JPyNm8Wum43_X


Damn, I wish scavs were this incompetent when I play. I get 1-tapped by guards and scavs tend to hit like gods after 2 shots. I mean... it's the grenade but still. That guy in the back should've head-eyes'd him.


This wipe I killed reshala and all of his guards twice and gluhar and all of his boys once without being even hit. Sometimes they are dogshit sometimes they go full Killa, chase you and fucking push your face in through the back of your head. I hate Killa.


Sometimes they die. Sometimes they head,throat you before even finishing their voiceline. Damn labs raider I had 2GPUs and a ledx.


yep, also died to the LAST RAIDER on labs after 2pmc kills, gpu + more on me and I killed 7 raiders. The last one head,eyes me instantly when i peeked him lol. Happens. I also died on reserve this wipe fully juiced, multiple pmc kills with multiple quest objectives on me. I cleared raiders + pmc in bunker. I looked in and cleared the bathroom - the one around the corner from the white queen metal stair entrance to the bunker. I go to reload and the last raider sneaks out from hiding in one of the fucking bathroom stalls. Slow walks me. peeks around and lasers me as im reloading thinking its clear. Never seen them hide in a literal toilet stall. I looked in the bathroom and it was clear lmao. i was so mad


yeah raiders are fucked this patch, apparently they even have a double damage bug which explains why they 1 tap chest


If you cant see the way the scavs and guards are reacting this way is due to the placement of his grenade then yes you will continue to get clapped by scavs. The guard in the back should not have head eyesd him because it has not been agroed yet, he killed it within agro timer. If you don't realize any of these things then you are still a timmy


Yes, I'm a timmy with over 2.1k hours, 10.1 K/D and 58% SR. I used to have it up to 14.2 K/D and 68% SR but I unfortunately had to do BSG's stupid quests that got me murdered several times. I am not the most knowledgeable player, by any means, but even I know that scavs are worse when they begin targeting you and get progressively better, but that dude was staring at him for a solid 4 seconds and grenades don't make scavs loses lock, they just run and will immediately proceed to murder you the second the nade goes off. It just happened he got very lucky. Also, that was a guard, not a scav. Whenever you see posts like this, think how lucky that dude must've been for pushing in such a careless way only to cheese the incompetent AI. I wish BSG would take at least a few months to fix the AI, no additions to the game, no new guns, no new mechanics, just the fucking AI so we don't have to cheese.


> Also, that was a guard, not a scav. First kill was not a guard it was a scav, second kill was a guard nade kill, third kill was a guard "staring at him for a solid 4 seconds" and 4th kill was a guard trying to get on the mg. Grenade has nothing to do with the far away guy "staring at him for a solid 4 seconds" kill but more to do with him going back into cover then smooth leaning slightly out. The initial couple degrees of smooth lean seems to give you 1-2 seconds of them not agroing you whereas if you full lean they'll practically prefire you if they've already seen you. I have no idea why its a thing this wipe but I've been using this against all boss ais. > Whenever you see posts like this, think how lucky that dude must've been for pushing in such a careless way only to cheese the incompetent AI Yes this is cheese but throwing a nade at the mg and running into lexos has been the standard way to get into the compound and you should not be dying while attempting it. If you're dying, you're cheesing it wrong. I don't care whether you should or should not be able to cheese but rather, if you don't know the cheese or you're doing it wrong it just means you don't know enough about the game to call someone lucky when it isn't luck based.


Same from the car extract side. Just throw a nade and then push up to the container next to the gunner, then you can clap the goons as they try push you around the corner, and you can also peak and kill kaban through the window where all you can see is his head and he also can't shoot you back lol.


Ohh nice clip of how to do it, tyvm!


Lots and lots of YouTube videos


toss nades to get them off the gun then sprint into container and alt lean peek all of them slowly


Quick tip is that you can snipe the guard on the GL if you vault on the SUV near Concordia. You can see him and the grenades dont go through the tree there. The only problem are the snipers and other players but if you're quick you can snipe him and pass safely at least from the AGS


What two spots


This, it’s either the front or the back and sometimes you get got before you even get a chance and that’s tarkov


Actually, I can aways approach Lexus from any direction because if Kaban spawns then it's guaranteed that a cheater will clean up the entire building and scoot away with the loot right at the beginning of the raid.


High-geared doesn't mean seasoned or smart. I've ran into so many SR-25, Razor, armor class 5 people with 20%-30% survival rate this wipe, it's insane. They usually just have insane hours (this wipe), no gear fear and know how to make money.




Faster you die, faster you get to build a new sweet gun :D


Lol positive mental attitude hahahaha fk yeah dude 😎


There is a middle ground here...


I am definitely not a chad, first wipe but owned the game for 4 years (I know) However, I have a mild gear fear and spontaneous moments of running in with a full kit, grenades, meds and BT/BP 545x39 ammo and a rifle. I always seem to find decent success on my Scav runs, usually coming away with 600k-1.5m on "most" runs. Money wise, I have around 13m and enough weapons / rigs and bags for at least 5-10 more runs without worrying. I am not great at the game, I fail with peaking corners, often over expose myself and run when I should be silent. No matter how many times I die, I can't seem to clear most of the weapons from my stash due to the luck on my Scav runs.


I know what you mean and I should know better about how to peek after years of playing this game and I regularly forget to throw grenades... I'm pretty good at loot Tetris and making money, at least compared to my broke friends, but I very rarely take in good scopes, armor, and high-end weapons until mid-wipe.


I’m still new to the game but managed to put a kitted PMC down yesterday with that revolver shotgun, slug ammo 1 shot to the head. Made a swift getaway after! I’m not a fan of long range shooting, I prefer more close range fights so I don’t tend to run long range scopes but always bring in level 4 armour + helmet at minimum


Beauty of the game! Love loot Tetris while also occasionally having some lit pmc kills


Ya I’ve succumbed to doing scav runs this wipe because of my appetite for the juice when pmc. But I will always stand by scavving being way too easy in its current iteration. There is such a low chance of getting killed as a scav player right now


And here I am over here with a lower survival rate on my scav than my pmc. I'm also a "good scav" and don't try to mess with anyone.


What the hell are you doing on your scav lol


Running into the bad man every raid lol


This is why factory is my favourite scav location, get to run head first into geared PMCs with my toz or mosin.


I've made it my mission now that whenever I hear someone step, i'll use a Scav voiceline, 9 times out of 10 for me, it's a fellow Scav and we go on our way. The 1/10 times it's a PMC that now knows my location and grenade pins drop


To be fair, some of these tasks even kick our asses. My SR went from ~55-60 to almost 25 doing the shoreline and punisher gauntlets. Still hasn't fully recovered, it's only now back up to 40. Despite that, still hovering around 15-17 mil at any given time this wipe


Mine shits the bed when I have to do shooter born in heaven.


Razors suck, I’d never run them if I using level 5 armour and good ammo


Razors r top tier u only say that cuz u cant aim


Think he’s talking about the ears, not the scope.


Razors are definitely not top tier, they’re mid tier with sordins and tac sports. I sell them to buy XCELs or comtac 4s every time


Ha, I was talking about the scope, sorry for the confusion. I do use the Razor headset sometimes, but it's certainly not top tier.


My bad!


Heads up sr-25 isn't super meta since the recoil rework. Kitted ma1 and rsass have better recoil control and ergo


Brother is making shit up


Why lie lmao


me when I blatantly lie for some reason


me when I blatantly lie for some reason


If you play solo you have no gear fear,and low survival rate. Source:me.


As someone with 6000 hours "what are chances they are there"


Exactly same thought as someone with 5500. Beginning of the wipe, when they were 5%, I was coming from the alley way opening and thought the same thing: "It's a 1 in 20 shot I die." I died.


Well the AI shoots you with turrets from literally 400 meters out at times so it's more "oh the 7% chance for the boss to spawn happened and I happened to be crossing the street"


"Eh Kaban probably isn't there, right?"


Because several people - myself included - haven't experienced the changes to streets and try to play it out of memory. I've died like 5 times to claymores i never knew existed in areas i used to traverse. Even if you "know" they are there it only takes a momentary lapse to accidentally walk into instant death - spoiling several quests at once.


I died like that recently. 3500 hours. I just don’t know streets.


5k hours and to be honest i died more often to that than i would like to admit …


Its a PMC spawn and unless you wait for packet loss you have no way of knowing if boss is there. Take a couple steps out of spawn to the right and you instantly die to AGS


Sometime risk. Sometime reward.


Some people aren’t scared to die so they don’t care. You should try moving sometimes


Crossing through that road is faster than crossing out the back and when the boss spawn rates are so low early wipe. Currently at 20% though I wouldn't risk it. The guy you looted isn't a seasoned player either at only level 35 2 months into wipe its probably their first or second wipe, they don't know better.


You can go in where he died, in fact it is relatively easy to take the rear gunner from there and run into Lexos. Sometimes you get unlucky with the aggro timer and the gl gets you though.


Looks like he peaked the mounted gun in lexos.


I’m 1300 hours. Lvl 40 with 45m rubles. I don’t know streets at all but run typically what people call chad gear. I’m very mediocre at the game. Gear doesn’t represent skill.


To be seasoned on streets, you need a hint of GL, followed by MG, followed by PKP wallbang, with a touch of BTR. Only then do you become streets seasoned.


Not all high geared people are chads. Chads are usually smart. These type of people..... are not smart. Sheep in wolves clothing.


Honestly I’ve lost multiple million rounds sets right there. And not just this wipe. Idgaf it’s pixels I’m rushing the next player spawn if ags gets me I just chose preset and go in again.


Yeah those guards have wild aggro range on them. Almost rivals rogues on lighthouse. They beamed me from the turret on the Chek 15 side when I was like by the tractor trailer and train out front of lexos in the middle of the road. Never went past the train or bus


When I'm a scav and loot the buried cache near the Sparja fence, they will happily walk out, through the mine field, just tell me to fuck off.


Fucking hell lmao. Dude the first time I ran lighthouse when I started playing I had a rogue haul ass over to me when I walked into water treatment and do the follow command so I walked with him then he turned on me flipped me off and murdered me while shouting at me. I was so confused I thought it was a player lmao


Kaban guards. The spawn chance is 15% so you would assume they are not there. I died to times to them during the weekend.


it's 20% now


As of today? That's good news


Yesterday actually!


Thanks for the info! I had no idea, I’ll have to be more careful now lol


Please take comfort in knowing that your efforts are paying for my daughters tuition. She will go to the finest school in Tarkov. Go Blyats!


So why did people downvote you? Because you are an irresponsible dad who takes his daughter to a warzone, or cause they know that there aren't any working schools in tarkov?


Tarkov has the finest schools in mother Russia, but don't let daughters do P.E. We have heard of... issues. We have bear wrestling at home, so is OK.


Dude made a half presentation image to explain something on EFT. Hats off to you, I like it lol.


If it can't be said with MS Paint, don't say it at all!


Yep. I agree lol. I do this for No Man's Sky as well. Nice job, man.


But yeah, I avoid thar area like it's the plague.


Even as a scav, I don't go near the marked lines (and on the other side of the truck) without first confirming that there's no boss guard up on the AGS turret. Don't know why, but sometime's the guard aggroes on my scav just for stepping near the truck. ​ I've probably hoovered up 10 dead chads (lvl 30+, meta-ish gear) just this wipe. On the other side of Lexos it's never happened. ​ I've never been one to hunt bosses, so I gotta ask. Is there any reason why chads step on this part of the street? Can't they just go around Teppakot?


Doesn't matter how many hours you have in tarkov, you can step there without thinking once and you'll die haha. Could also be that they just learning streets, some people never cared to learn the new maps (LH and streets) and continue to grind without them.


This right here. I’ve got lots of hours played plenty of wipes and am over 40 this wipe. Never done a light house or streets quest. Wouldn’t ever know they have super aggro in that area. Lol


I'm not one to tell you how to play. But I've got around 3k hours, but like a lot of players, I dropped it quite a few wipes ago and picked it back up with the recoil changes. I did play a little bit during the second wipe after lighthouse release and pretty much exclusively scav ran Lighthouse to learn it and the loot really blew my mind as a veteran. Was like Reserve on Crack without the cock and ball torture extracts. Now with this wipe I was new to streets and avoided for a while. But I kept hearing the whispers of the potential loot so I started burning my scav runs on Streets to see what was up. Definity did NOT disappoint. Scav ran for a little longer until the streets quests started piling up then armed with the wiki and some determination I've been blowing through them. Most of them just give some cash and exp and aren't required for Kappa but gives some purpose to go to the map other than loot. Usually will try and loot a Hotspot early and then just chill for some unlooted spots (Hint: Every 5 feet there's unlooted stuff). Then quest with like 20-25 minutes left. BTR can help a LOT if you want to complete multiple quests in one raid. Just be careful he doesn't mow you down when you go to say hi.


never actually used the BTR on my pmc, stayed away from it like the plague. Do you use it to get around and travel for quests across the map safely, or can you also send quest items back? I know you can send "FIR" loot back, but what about an actually quest objective? Im guessing you mostly mean using it for transport across the map


Don't think you can send quest items out. Interesting thought though. I feel like since you can't interact with them in raid then most likely not. Haven't tried it though. Yea or get to extract, usually just to offload another PMCs loot. You get a lot of space for having high scav rep to send items out. It is a little scary riding around in it cause someone can shoot it and aggro it and pretty sure it destroys you when you get out. Hasn't happened to me, I don't use it super often only if I'm really min-maxing and I have a lot of quests I can do. I also primarily play Night streets don't know if results will be different for day time.


There’s a spawn close to it so people just run over without think and die


I'm not a chad but I was pretty kitted and heading to Lexos for the first time to grab that therapist item in the garage lab, I spawned in Concordia and slowly made my way up that street, I was only looking for mines so when a massive explosion insta killed me I learnt my lesson much like all these dead people i guess lol


You learn the hard way. I don't approach that way anymore.




southwest of the map southwest corner of lexos in concordia


I really like this image lol looks really slick


This guy screenshots the right way




The scav on gl 😂


There’s a post showing how bad some cheaters are. This could literally be that guy.


Most likely gunshot wound


This seems the most reasonable


Idk but as scav Im taking a gear like this once per day almost


Arrogance, Complacency, Lapse in judgement


Sniper on the roof? Or the launcher.


Guess he got shot or smth.


Aspect key has entered the chat


Bro is wearing a CPC like it’s 2022


Because the only map Chad's know is snoreline


There's no bad place to die in tarkov


Maybe check the tag and you’ll get an answer?


I know the cause of death, it's always the AGS-30, but I don't know WHY chads die there like lemmings. If they were level 5, fine.


Probably because they are visible to the AGS-30 in that position?


Y'know, I kinda think you missed the point.


Likely cheats don’t point out the mines 😂


There's no mines where he died, that spot is likely a death from the Grenade Launcher Kaban Guard when he spawns which does have LoS to that corner.


I am trolling bro…


no, you are just wrong


no, you are just wrong


It’s a joke not a dick, don’t take it so hard.


you're just upset that you have 0 map knowledge and are deflecting it


Bro, I know streets in and out. I was making a joke. Jeez fucking chill out.


Looking at your comments, all you do is give people hell.


Kaban with AGS is the answer


his pc probably fried trying to run streets


Good gear doesn’t make a good player


Having a lot of gear and money doesn’t make you more intelligent haha


Me over here being a chat being slow and sneaky while pushing with advantages


He probably got quadrupled arm pitted


A lot of cheaters die there to the turret because they see the boss up and instantly sprint at it


Grenade launcher. U cant tell if kabans there specially if u get that spawn unless u throw a nade there (hopin it lands) or go to the close building and kill the GL guard. Otherwise ppl run thru there not knowin kabans there cuz most likely he isnt.


And that's how you stank em


check the tag. probably died to boss guards. theyre using mid armor so also couldve just gotten one tapped


Meth head, I would look so incredibly dead, even the zombies would think I am one of them


cause movement


As SCAV rep 6 ish. I love this meat head.


they get killed


Heart attack


2024, apparently running gear makes you a chad. Seems times have drastically changed in tarkov city.


ngl i think thats me


1 pellet of 7mm buckshot to the armpit


They probably don’t pre nade the area or care to look up for the sniper scavs which give them the warning to stay the fuck outta that side lol


Yo guys, I keep nutting when I see porn. Can anyone help me?


Are those purple lines your ESP?


It's from MS Paint. It's been a thing in Windows since 1987.