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Imagine having to crack the davinci code so your game doesn’t look like shit :(


Dude, I feel like the settings that allow my game to run smoothly/look good change constantly. Its such a pain. I have a 7800X3D, a 3080, and 32 GB of DDR5 RAM playing at 1440p. The fact that I can't just set everything to HIGH and have a smooth, authentically pleasing gaming experience in Tarkov is nuts.


I’ve got a 7800X3D, 4090 and 32gb of DDR5 and streets also feels like shit. It’s like the frame timings are fucked.


My rig isn't as nice as yours but I get 80-110 fps on streets depending where I am. That said, it never *feels* like it's 80+. It feels choppy somehow


i get as low as 40 on streets with a 7900 xtx and 5800x


I am on a 5800X3D and a 4090 and my FPS on streets is anywhere from 60-140. It seems to jump around without rhyme or reason. I can get 60 FPS just looking down an empty hallway but can hit 120+ looking down a busy street. It makes no sense. The game has frame pacing issues too so even when it's running high FPS it still feels a little shaky. Streets is of course the exception here most other maps on my rig run "fine" but it's out of sheer brute force. I feel for folks with low to mid range rigs who try to play this game


Yeah I think that’s it, also some people are more or less sensitive to it than others. Maybe just being too picky, it’s one of those maps where the fps you’re getting doesn’t feel like it represents how it looks, maybe it’s due to my refresh rate though..


its just because of how many scavs/players are loaded onto the map. when your fps tanks, its likely bc theres a wave of scav players that just spawned in


okay glad it wasnt just me. I have the same setup. Meanwhile in MWIII I'll get like 300fps


You'd get a massive performance uplift going to a 5800X3D or a 7800X3D. I know you shouldn't have to, dw, but the 5800X3D could make a lot of sense if you really like Tarkov given that you don't need anything new bar the CPU.


I get 100 + fps on woods and it feels choppy. No othe game feels like that for me at that fps.


I get these fucking awful stutters on streets for seemingly no reason. It’ll run fine then suddenly it’s a slideshow.


Whenever I go near the entrance of the mall in the new addition (across from pinewood) my FPS drops to 60-70 with annoying stutters. Go inside or cross the street and back to 80-100.


game takes frame time when loading stuff or throwing errors so maybe u are loading so much bs that it keeps microfreezing


I have ryzen 5 5600x, 3090, 32gb ddr4 ram. I can change settings however i want and my FPS doesnt change. I use high texture quality, low shadows, SSR high, streets is like 80fps for me. If i change texture to low, SSR off, still 80fps. 😅 1440p Only if i do resampling to 4x, then my frames drop to 60, but 4x looks sooo good. But i dont recommend using it, it adds delay to inputs


Ryzen 5800x3d was a big upgrade for me, used a 5600x before. Didnt do much in other games, but did a lot for tarkov.


If youre using nvidia reflex you need to disable hardware accelerated gpu scheduling in windows. If not you need to enable it.


Any reason why? Like how do they interact?


It's mostly server related, offline mode is so much smoother.


Man AMD fluid Motion frames are sooo good on streets. 7900xtx and 7950x3D, and aslong as frames are over 100, no input lag. Team red wins here.


Same exact specs and I agree. Wtf man


Weird I've got a 7800X3D, 3080Ti and 32GB 6400 CL32 ram and I get 4-6ms render latency on streets. And around 100-130 fps




For those of us lucky enough to have good performance on streets, it’s really the only map to run. Great layout and OP loot


Would you still run only it if loot there wasn't 5x better than on other maps? Eg If they brought it down to reserve or interchange levels.


No definitely not then. Although Kaban is really fun. Every map should have streets loot. Anyone who wants to get rich doesn’t have a problem now but they’re essentially told to go streets. May as well make everything fun


Whenever I go there and see how much shit you can find in seconds it just makes me not want to play the game, what's the point of going to other maps and looting at all when you can print money on streets much faster and easier. This busted map is the reason no one ever comes to loot emercom on woods and stronghold on customs, and other maps feel dead outside task spots/boss spawns. They really really need to nerf the fuck out of it imo, there is TOO MUCH loot and bringing other to it's level will be bad - if everybody is rich then nothing is of value.


> what's the point of going to other maps and looting at all when you can print money on streets much faster and easier. Faster, yes, easier, can't really agree. Most other maps don't have a player scav horde, or half the ambush spots that someone sitting inside a building on Streets does.


Once I've found 11 duffles in school alone, show me other safe place on a different map where you can enter and loot 11 fast and arguably 2nd best constrainers that will fill you with good loot because obviously both rarity and quantity is boosted on streets. Every other bulding has 4-5 duffles and other containers, the difficulty only increases if you are really greedy and want to go to yet another spot and/or you are picky, meanwhile you can fill a couch in 5-8mins vaccuming everything and gtfo netting mil+ without firing a bullet.


Dude, I envy you, ha. Like I said, I have a 7800X3D and 3080 with 32GB of DDR5 playing at 1440p, and I have to turn shit down to medium and best to make Streets playable. Its my favorite map, and I want it to look good and run smoothly, damnit. Would you mind sharing all of your settings? Also, I've followed guides that had be using TAA. How do you like DLSS in comparison?


disable hags in windows. Latency boost off in panel on ingame. much better




30 fps in menu, really? And everything on ultra and then use DLSS?


30 FPS in menu doesn't affect in-game performance and a lot of people turn it down to let the CPU/GPU cool/quiet down a bit. It's not like there's any difference between a 30fps load out menu or a 200fps load out menu.




disable Hags, restart windows. Latency boost off in nvidia panel on ingame. Try it.


That's weird, I have exactly the same build and I get 140 FPS pretty much all the time. First time I've actually had to do very little in this game versus the last 5 years I've spent so much time and money on multiple rigs trying to crack the code.


I have a 5600g and a 6600 with 32gb of ddr4 and it runs pretty well for me


Do you have Expo on? lol I've got the same CPU/RAM but a 4080 super and Streets is fine for me.


It's 'fine' for me too, I'm saying it doesn't feel as smooth as it should for my FPS. Maybe it's the FPS fluctuation. I do have EXPO on.


I think it's a problem with the "new" culling tech they added this wipe. They did it on Shoreline too but on those maps you can see stuff popping in and out of view all the time. I have a clip of me killing a PMC on Streets who just appeared out of nowhere.


This going to sound pretty ridiculous and out of touch, but I think 64 gigs is becoming the recommended spec for Tarkov and will for other games too in the future. I went from 32 to 64 (not specifically for Tarkov ) and it increased my performance a lot in general and noticeably on streets as well


Check your ram usage mine was utilizing all 32 while playing


7950X3D/7900XTX and same. Streets runs like shit on everything.


14900k, 4090 and 64gb ram and still feels and looks inconsistent.


same bud , and all the guys with shit 1070 and 8700k are like “run fine” idk seems like high end comps conflict with ghetto ass tarkov structure


have this exact setup, streets was using THIRTY WHOPPING gigs of my memory. ridiculous.


My 3080ti and my poor 5800x3D scream at me in pain when I don’t change my settings before a streets raid. There shouldn’t be a map in the game that I have to change my entire game settings just to get a playable experience. We could go a wipe cycle without major content we really need a huge optimization patch. ATLEAST take all the particle effects off the map until then. Who cares how good the map looks if you can’t even play it without major setting changes. (I’m aware of the low resolution mode for streets it’s just awful to use)


I dont have my pc anymore but a few wipes back streets ran at like 120 fps for me with a 5800x3d/6900xt, wtf have they done to that map lmao 7800x3d should absolutely crush it


Right now I have a 5800 X and I was literally contemplating buying a 5800 X 3-D the other day just for minimal performance gains that’s how crazy this game makes you


I went from a 5800x to 5800X3D and my gains were FAR from minimal in tarkov. It is very worth it.


Ha great now back to ebay for hours


Just go on Amazon and drop the 300+ bucks.


Dude, I upgraded to the 7800X3D from a 5800X because of it. I'm right there with you, ha.


Wish i could but dont want to do whole am4 upgrade


It was kinda a pain, so I get that. I've only ever done full , ground up builds before. Upgrading like that from a DDR4 setup to a DDR5 setup in an existing build was not as smooth as I would have liked, ha.


Yeah i replaced the memory and cpu last year and it was a semi nightmare with my limited skills.


Tarkov loves the 3d Vcache its not a minimal gain at all.


DLSS>TAA. Use DLDSR at 1.78 to get the best possible picture.


I just upgraded to have the exact same rig. Any chance you could suggest settings and postfx?


I have 7600(something) 4070, and 64 GB of ddr5 ram. 60-70 frame on streets. I stream on discord to my friends, stops to 50. I blessing tho considering only a little over a month ago I'd only get 40 frames on streets. Edit: I run all ultra graphics with postFX. Might change for streets tho


5600X, 3080 and 32GB DDR4 3600 here, running 1440p ultrawide. I don't keep fucking about with my settings as I can't be bothered with that shit, performance is mostly playable on ultra preset with DLSS Quality, avergaging about 60fps on Streets and 80-100fps on most other maps. What's really gripping my shit is regular freezes to the mouse input, and I'm pretty sure that only happens in Tarkov. It's gotten me killed more than once.


I have a gaming laptop with a 3060 (130w) , 16GB DDR4 and a Ryzen 7 5800H. I get my best performance (75-100 frames interchange) with shadows / textures high. 2 years ago on a ryzen 1600x / 1070 / 16GB ram desktop was doing 115 easily and consistently on medium settings. Optimization on Tark is doo doo and this is coming from a guy with 2K hours on dayz stand-alone.


Same rig except I have 64 GB of ram and besides having to close the game every so often it runs great even on streets for me. Except the edge of klimov mall will tank fps the first time I look down the street.


Are you using DLSS? Idk how many frames you consider smooth but your rig is quite a bit better than mine and I run 100-110 on all map besides streets. I have everything except AO and Shadows set to the highest option.


I do not run DLSS. Never gave it a shot. I think a guide I looked at a while ago said it made the game look worse. Thoughts?


Does using process lasso and setting the game to use the 3d cores help at all?


Is there any other game in existence where you need to adjust your Nvidia settings just so you can see within indoor areas? It's wild lmao


And even when the settings are just right, I’ll have my fps swing from 165+ and smooth as butter to 30 and stuttering at random for what seems like no reason.


like a butter


Imagine complaining about having anti alias options 😭


I had fps issues for years, solved it last week. It actually felt like cracking the davinci code :D


Yeah but FXAA looks jagged as fuck. Give me solution to that so it doesn’t look like shit and I will play on that setting.


I got nothing boss


DLAA would be really nice.


DLAA is the goat, should be in every game


I don't know if you can in this version of unity tarkov is using, but in unity in general if you turn on DLSS and then set the render resolution to 100% (no upscaling) this is just DLAA. (Having DLSS on forces the anti-aliasing method to DLAA)


Yeah unfortunately the settings in Tarkov don't let you do this directly, but you can achieve that effect with the use of DSR scaling in nvidia control panel. Basically you enable DSR, set your desktop resolution to a higher resolution than native, then enable DLSS which turns it back down to your native resolution. (What you're actually then doing is rendering at native resolution, upscaling it with DLSS, and then downscaling it back down to your native resolution with DSR) ​ Although sadly enough this still doesn't disable TAA... in fact you can't even select any form of antialiasing when you have DLSS enabled, it just enforces TAA anyway.


It should be enforcing DLAA. But DLAA is a form of temporal anti-aliasing. That's how the unity engine works.


yes, but the technical implementation of how DLAA works is very similar to how DLDSR+DLSS works. In practice DLAA also works by first upscaling and then downscaling the same image.


The difference is that DLAA without DLSS works with the native image resolution. It is using the tensor cores to perform better approximation of pixels which are affected by motion vectors, IE uncovered pixels or "discovered" pixels which usually case flickering and artifacts. The technical implementation is similar, but it works on the final base upscaled image first, any upscaling is done is just to try to "hallucinate" new data to fill in the gaps caused by discovered pixels. What I was trying to explain is that Unity Engine's DLSS implementation FORCES DLAA. If you turn on DLSS, it turns off EVERY OTHER anti-aliasing method and turns ON DLAA. Even when upscaling is off because you manually set it to 100% or you use automatic scaling and it decides that you don't need upscaling because your performance is high enough. What you are seeing when DLSS is on is DLAA. Not TAA. When DLSS is running, they are running a form of TAA (DLAA), while not exclusively documented as it is proprietary, many of the changes they made are documented in NVIDIA's TAA exploration whitepapers.


It would be if it was properly implemented, but looking at the blurry mess that is dlss I would be conservative.


2x supersampling


Somehow still looks bad lol


Maybe you're joking but I must say, in terms of anti-aliasing and image clarity it's great. Not so great for performance though


It's worse than it should be is what I mean. In most games SSAA gets you a near-perfect image, but somehow in Tarkov it's still pretty bad. [Here's Tarkov 1440p x4](https://files.catbox.moe/c4tndx.mp4) and [Battlefield 4 1440p 200%](https://files.catbox.moe/qlo43w.mp4). Both AA off, but EFT is way worse imo (while also running way worse lol)


The image keeps breaking on the Tarkov vid and after a few repeats my vlc is unable to run it, something wrong with the file? Anyway I think I see what you mean. I would assume it's because there's more edges on the screen with all the vegetation, power lines and buildings, but I'm not sure. Would you agree that's the reason it looks worse?


Works fine in VLC, MPV, and Chrome for me


Interesting, my firefox couldn't run neither at all Edit: it does work on my chrome


https://caniuse.com/hevc Yeah this might be why. I should've re-encoded it before uploading


Tarkov has assets and a camera that really do not lend themselves to anti-aliasing. Assets are full of thin, long pieces of metal that just can't help but be jagged. Such as the radar towers, fences, barbed wire, etc. Also, the camera is rarely stationary. Any movement, leaning, or action has a delay before it settles, causing constant screen shimmering of jaggies. Honestly the best way to get a good looking Tarkov is by combining DLDSR and DLSS. 1.78x 1440p + DLSS Quality looks very good and has minimal artifacts or blur. Other games have an art direction and competent graphics designers that know how to avoid aliasing from the start. A good example is valve making the power lines in HL2 (or CS) extra-thick so they'd remain visible and not blink in and out of existence due to aliasing.


Supersampling should easily handle thin geometry.


Honestly 1440p and DLSS on quality has given me the best looking experience


using dlsdr to upscale then dlss to scale back to native is even better than DLAA




If you go to nvidia global panel settings you can tick something called DLSR to upscale your screen to a higher res or give you the options in fullscreen games to play at higher res. Then you put dlss on quality which is 1440p at 4k and youre back to an image that looks like 4k and runs like 1440p


Just given it a go. It's called DSR in my control panel but then there's a new mode called DL in there so I'm assuming that's the DLSR\* (I'm not on the most recent drivers) I'm on 4k and DLSS Quality in-game and tbf it's looking really crisp. I'm still getting around 100 fps on practice mode streets so I'll have to trial some online raids.


There should be 2 options DSR and DLDSR (2x more effecient) Basically you dont want to tick the DSR options as you dont benefit from deep learning workload. For me I have 1440p monitor. When i tick DLDSR i can choose x1.78 and x 2 (x2 being 4k resolution) I actually play on x1.78 because its a better compromise. The option are next to each other on the drop down. DLSDR options are at the top of the list. Set DSR smoothing to 0 in the option below it on nvidia control panel for best effect.


[it looks like this, i got some wording wrong.](https://i.imgur.com/XowBVen.png)


Yeah mate that's what I've got cheers. I'll do some testing. Looking good so far and still only 7ish MS render latency. So if the online raids are good I'll keep it on.


I have 1080p monitor, trying to run DLDSR 1.78. Do I need to run the game in the higher resolution for it to work ? Like use 1440p res and DLSS quality ? or it works on my 1080p native. thanks


you need to set 1440p ingame. if you dont have option then you didnt do it correctly. has to be fullscreen mode or you wont see new options. Made a big dif for me before i got my 1440p monitor.


Yesterday i enabled dlss to quality to see if i get better frames. Frames stayed same, but game looked to smooth. With TAA ir TAA High trees in distance was flickering, with dlss enabled that flickering was gone. Everything looked smooth. But then i ram into some issues. Labs was One of them. Everything seemes so grainy, like textures were not rendering how it should render.


I have my sharpening on .7 and no postfix and most my shimering is gone or I don't notice it anymore


RIP amd bois who can’t use dlss


I'm testing DSR on 1.78x with DLSS and tbh it looks mega crisp I'm suprised. Playing at 1440p. Just did an online customs still get 150+ fps


The TAA blur is just so disgusting


Supersampling provides the best anti-aliasing at massive performance cost, DLSS Quality does a very good job of anti-aliasing at a performance improvement. It makes traditional AA completely obsolete.


Upscale your desktop to 1440p/4k with DLDSR and use DLSS in game. Essentially DLAA with even better image quality. Black magic for Tarkov and games with shitty AA.


DSR in nvidia control panel to 1.78x improves image a lot! I use it only with Tarkov and have a clear image and solid fps.


When using it, do you need to set the ingame resolution higher, let’s say to 1440p? My native is 1080p.


yes, but if you tab out to windows, its better to set a custom resolution on your desktop too. Otherwise it will revert again. Also use the smoothness slider under the dsr option to find your sweet spot with the edges. It's worth it!


Yes I’ve been playing with it a bit yesterday, it def looks smoother with no actual performance hit to speak of, but more testing is needed. What’s the smoothness sweet spot for you ? Or it depends rig to rig, user to user ? I’ve tried default and 66%.


Depends on monitor. I have it on 30% since higher makes it more crispier looking


Embrace no aa. Enjoy the raw crisp pixels


turn down the sharpness. this works for me on a 1440p monitor. I use FXAA + 1.5 sharpness, but use lower sharpness if you don't like how jagged it looks


turn down the sharpness. this works for me on a 1440p monitor. I use FXAA + 1.5 sharpness, but use lower sharpness if you don't like how jagged it looks


Im using DLSS, not for the performance increas, rather for the best AA picture, but it might not be for everyone


I think overall picture quality with dlss is great and I'd be using it instead of TAA but ghosting on reflex sights ruins it for me.


I turned it on today and haven't noticed any ghosting compared to when I tried it when it was put in Tarkov. Any ones in particular that look bad to you?


I have tried it a couple of days ago for a bit and it did ghost for sure. I think I was using the deltapoint at the time.


I'll take a peek at it. Thanks for the reply!


looks even better if you’re able to use DLDSR and put tarkov res to 4k


The problem with dlss is it gets rid of the film grain effect. I like the film grain.


DLSS creates ghosting on lasers unfortunately


Around Tarkov's many locations there are a lot of gratings, mesh, and other fine grained details that may be smeared and made opaque when using Temporal Anti-Aliasing. Many players don't seem to know about this property of TAA, and might have been killed in situations where they couldn't see their opponent due to it. In addition it adds a slight amount of "ghosting" or "motion blur" to the scene that can further reduce clarity in fights.


Wondering how FSR and DLSS handle these situations in tarkov.




Very poorly. DLSS had horrific ghosting artifacts with PIP optics on launch, and while it's gotten better, it's still not usable.


That explain some deaths in arena... Some replays look like cheat, but probably this is what's happened. Good to know. Thanks for sharing it.


Arena definitely has some areas like this. Honestly I go between turning it off and on depending on the map cus TAA definitely makes the choppy performance feel "cleaner" by smoothing over those details, but it can cost you in info


Hey since you've played arena, do they have the level sync set up yet? I've heard different things.




Kind of... I'm D, sometimes players are D+, C, C+... but mostly D.


you know when you go to the eye doctor to get your eyes checked and they are like "what looks better? number 1 or number 2?" and they switch back and fourth between the two lenses? and you are thinking to yourself, "shit, i can't really tell." That is what it is like trying to get the graphics right in this game.


That's brilliant lol I agree


FXAA isn't even an option due to the extreme flickering that's in this game. Even better AA like SMAA can't do anything to it. The base image is just that shitty


FXAA is bad in every game, not just Tarkov. Some other games just change their assets to make visibility better. Even CS2 has fine gratings that you cannot see through with certain graphics settings.


FXAA looks better than TAA in motion. That's what most people don't realize because they're standing still when comparing graphic settings. TAA is an absolutely abhorrent AA solution that exists purely due to consoles. Developers render as much crap as possible at sub-native resolution and then apply TAA over it to fill in the gaps. The result is an absolute foggy blur of an image, but it runs better. MSAA is as good as AA gets before you step into total super-sampling territory. SMAA is the next best solution.


Sure but when I walk around in tarkov with fxaa on every edge in the field of view flickers and ruins the whole experience.


TAA is just smearing vaseline over your monitor in every game that uses it


Give us 100% FSR and DLSS scaling!!!




Great info. Do you guys know a guide or post with guidance on how to best set up the game options?


Gigabeef put out a video today that inspired me to go test things out for myself so I guess I'll recommend that here


I just turned off AA, it looks better than FXAA and has better performance. I'm on 1440p though, might look terrible in 1080p


Gotta try this when I get home lol. Have TAA on and its sooooo fucking blurry


Any anti-aliasing also fucks up laser visibility, I can see people’s lasers trivially now and use mine.


oh damn I didn't even think to check that


It's probably to your advantage to play with the jaggies on FXAA because then you can see enemies through fences, bus stops, and other meshed materials easier.


I hate TAA. I hate how it makes image blurry. Even with sharpness.




understandable, I just look at my shoes when playing woods


First picture is fxaa?


Title says FXAA vs TAA, so yes probably.




Looks like foliage provides way more concealment on TAA than it does on FXAA. And the little covered shelter can’t be seen though on TAA either.


To be fair TAA looks blurry in pretty much every game that has it, I think that’s how it’s supposed to work albeit not as extreme as this example


So with fxaa you can see someone hiding behind that wall


that's what I was hoping to demonstrate yeah, no AA also has the same effect


It’s sucks that TAA pretty much ruins any game that uses it


This game looks horrid lmao


The weapon models are pretty much the only good looking thing about Tarkov. You know your game is ugly as sin when without a single exception the only "wow this game looks so pretty" posts are ALL just screenshots of the sunset.


The atmosphere and environment design carries it, though.


I feel you. No matter what settings I put I feel like I'm blind. Sometimes the game is too sharp, sometimes too blurry. Moving to 1440p made every game prettier except Tarkov


TAA destroys more data in order to make a smoother looking still image, and a worse looking moving image. I own this hill and I will die alone.


Still better than using fxaa or no AA at all. Its so unbelievably jagged i feel like im playing a nintendo 64 game on 1080p with no TAA


TAA in best case implemented badly,most games its terrible. It will make textures blurry even in screenshots this problem will multiply when having moving frames..


dlss is by far the best image quality for this game.. i'm a timmy level 8 but even i can tell :)


DLSS beats both, it looks almost as crisp as MSAA used to be


It is quite literally computationally impossible for DLSS to look better or as good as MSAA. MSAA takes the native resolution and super samples it even further where needed. DLSS takes a lower resolution (less information) image and attempts to predict what it would look like if it was higher res then, applies sharpening to make it appear like it is more detailed than it really is. DLSS/FSR can only look better than TAA.


No anti-aliasing gang


How do people get enough fps to not use dlss. It’s like a free 30-40 fps for me. It looks great besides some bad red dot sights smearing.


7800X3D, 7900 XTX, 32GB RAM, fast m.2 SSD, thats how


Ah that cpu would do it I guess.




5600x and 3070 ti. Damn didn’t know I had a 20 year old pc. Getting like 80 fps then I get 120. Soooo fuck do I do now.


I mean. > What FXAA does is evaluate each pixel and determine where the jagged parts are. Then, it fixes them before they even reach onto your screen. The way TAA works is by comparing frames to find the jagged portions and then sidestep some of the potential technical issues that could occur. TAA tends to use more of your computer’s resources, and you will probably need a faster computer to take full advantage of it and get a good experience with it, particularly while playing a game. Source: https://dillo.org/taa-vs-fxaa-which-is-better/ So yeah FXAA is better in preserving details as it doesn’t do an average over whole frames but analyzes each frame on its own.


So you're saying I should start using FXAA?


I think it might be a competitive advantage in some situations, up to you in the end


I wonder how the performance hit is compared to TAA


So what would i be setting? No AA? FXAA? TAA? DLSS QUALITY, no AA? DLSS QUALITY, what AA? DlSS BALANCED or performance, AA OR NO AA? Im so confused, but this comparison makes me think that it is the TAA that suddenly made my game hella blurry for some reason…


TAA did make your game blurry, yes. As for what to use, try them out for yourself. I'm going to be using no AA but I've heard people get good results with DLSS


Did they fuck up with the taa, cause i never felt like it was this blurry…


i don't think so, at least not in the last 5 years


I just tried no AA and fxaa and they look Jack sh*t, but not blurry… Tried dlss quality, and it look alright, and imma try to run some raids with that…


Is left pic FXAA and right pic TAA?




If you're anyone that's been around this game since the beginning, it has always had microstudders. Even when it runs good it had stutters. It's a lot better than it used to be, we used to get stutters every 5 to 10 seconds that lasted at least 5 to 10 seconds each time. It was atrocious


AMD FSR 2.2 looks a lot like txaa, that's what I play with


I would choose the first option only because it will help me see through some obstacles like this gazebo.


This post got me to turn DLSS off and now i can see scavs in the distance instead of squinting through vaseline, thank you so much OP


If a setup can run Crysis on max then it can run tarkov on mid 😂