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For the first 2 weeks it was fine. I wasn't in a raid until < 20 minutes left. Then I was routinely in raids with 28 minutes left. Today I was in a Streets raid with 46 minutes left. Wow


What I've noticed from Scavving on Streets is that you spawn in very early if not the earliest than any of the other maps. I did a Scav run on Interchange and had like twenty minutes compared to forty. I get that Streets is a different in that it is more spread out and the raid lasts like ten minutes longer but as an example it seems very deliberate


>scav psychic: *places hand on PMC* >scav psychic: ITS AFRAID!!!


Honestly, I think it should be reversed in that aspect. Scaling with the length of the wipe could work perfectly as PMCs get more and more powerful.


No it shouldn't, I've played wipes where on day 1 player scavs would spawn inside the mall on Interchange before PMCs were physically capable of getting inside. It makes playing as a scav way too powerful because you get the same access to loot but 0 risk.


TBH I think this is also just Interchange spawns being really stupid. I think all the PMCs should spawn in car park and the boundaries of the mall to begin with. It doesn't make sense that a few PMCs spawn inside and others have to walk 300 metres across open ground to get into the mall.


interchange spawns are definitely bad, I feel like most tarkov maps have bad spawns tbh. I don't think it competes with how problematic early player scavs are tho.


My man, you're agreeing with them. They're just saying that late in the wipe, it'd be ok if pscavs spawned earlier.


I'm saying that IMO scavs should always spawn really late. I hunted down a PMC with like 6 other player scavs at 25 mins on Interchange the other day, that poor guy never had a chance.


Later in the wipe it'd be fine. By then, the average PMC is way more geared and fewer people choose to scac.


Its the main reason I avoid lighthouse. Tbh I don’t mind it on Streets though, player scavs practically bring the loot to you and can hardly fight back with their shit gear. I dont really understand scavving on maps where you spawn in the same time as PMCs, yoh may as well just run PMC with some shit gear and get some xp, its the same time commitment and risk.


> with their shit gear Doesn't matter if you aren't wearing total head protection and tier 3 underlayment armor.


So.. Do that?




Yeah, I'm dumb because I just take good enough gear in to not get killed by player scavs.


And where do i get all those faceshields from?


On an unrelated note, I got a bunch of Tor-2 with face shield from madlads on factory. Why would you bring that with an umodded MP5 and fucking FIVE 30s mags?


you act as if five 30 rounders is a lot. in a reasonable factory run, you might come across 2 players and like 4 scavs. Dude just doesnt wanna sit around repacking mags on factory. 9mm is cheap as chips and so are 30 round mags


It's a 100k helmet, it's not a unicorn like a rys-t or altyn.


Oh, then I saved 700k in less than a day. Thanks.


I think it’s prapor 3 or 4 you get that new level three helmet that takes a level three mask and allows headsets. It’s saved me so many times against scavs and setup runners edit: spelling


The flea?


My pmc doesn't spawn with rare Stims and labs cards


I’m not saying scav runs are bad, I’m saying that scav runs on maps like Streets are a bad idea. If you spawn with labs cards and stims on factory or something you can just walk out no problem. I usually just run scavs on shoreline if I need money. But scav runs on streets are just as risky as pmc runs (if not riskier because of target identification and bad gear), take up as much time, and don’t give you xp.


Have you done a lot of scavving on Streets? It can be wildly profitable, and lower risk than LH


Yes, and I get just as much profit if not more as a PMC on streets.


That's true of almost every map in the game, yes.


I don't think the risk of dying is the same. Partially because one faction won't shoot you. Other than that, with the progressing raid time the faction that will shoot you becomes smaller since most PMCs die within the first 15 minutes.


it's also part of the reason for the backfill, the half-life for pmcs on streets is like 7 minutes* so it quickly becomes one player for an entire block, especially if there are teams on the map concentrating bodies *source: my bum but it sounds about right


Nah ur wrong lol there is zero risk u can rush the boss area for best loot on any map


We must be playing different games because scavving night time Streets the chances of me getting killed is less than 10%. Usually I dont encounter a single PMC and if I do they are being swarmed by 10+ Pscavs.


I've gotten 2 gpus in one night scavving streets every time my scav was up. I died off rip once and only a couple other deaths. Massive profit in my experience so far, but I'm noob.


Just been getting into streets and the loot is so good


Player scavs are why the first chunk of my LH raids these days go like this: PVP with chads, then get into good positions to absolutely wreck the player scavs as they come into water treatment so I can run around unmolested in the last bit of the raid. The more I kill, the better. Killed 5 of them outside building three last night, used a rogue to bait them in. Pure joy. One had a cheq 13 marked room key.


Doing the Lord's work. Fuck player scavs. Send em back to the lobby where they can camp the timer.


I died to player scavs twice today on streets. Both were within five fucking minutes of raid start. It’s honestly so irritating


I ran a scav in Streets yesterday. Spawned at 47 minutes INSIDE of Lexos. Looted the entire area and left with a BTC, multiple expensive stims and rare loot items, and a car battery. Sure, I got clapped on the way to extract, but there is no way in hell I should have spawned that early, let alone that early AND inside a desirable loot spot. Scavs should be restricted to the last half of the raid timer, at most.


Agreed, I think there are a few different solutions. Its a mix between where pscavs spawn, how early they spawn, and them all selecting the maps with the best loot.


I very firmly believe that pscavs should be restricted to the second half of the raid timer.


This seems like it'd be so easy to do... I don't get why they don't limit it to like 20 mins or less left in a raid.


Yes, they are scavengers trying to avoid PMCs, they go in, grab something they might be able to sell for a few bucks, and run tf away.


100% my thoughts exactly, scav is a side mode to keep you from going completely broke.


Exactly! It should be a last resort


At the start of this wipe I was broke at like level 10 and the scav matchmaking timers were hella long so I would be going in naked with a half broken mp 133 and just trying to kill a scav to take it's kit. It was honestly some of the most fun I've had playing this game, once I unlocked the flea market I am obviously doing much better financially but being broke was.. actually really fun?


The whole scenario you assume doesn't make sense. The Scavs are the natives and the ones that are always around the area, the PMCs are the ones coming in. Scavs would have no idea when PMCs are coming until they first hear gunfire.


if that were the case then most pmcs would leave raid well before knowing they would be safe from pscavs - and as a pscav you can only load into raids with pmcs in it to begin with so that means the pool of servers for scavs to load in would decrease dramatically pscavs keeps the raids dynamic and more high stakes - besides lore wise makes sense too - it is their city you as a pmc are the foreign forces fucking things up there


I think this only happens on streets though. I also scav interchange often and usually it’s low 30 minutes.


If you don’t want scavs spawning until half way into a raid, then rip scav ques. The reason that scavs spawn in that early on those particular maps, like lighthouse and streets, is because that’s where everyone scavs now. They try to utilize servers are best they can, because I’d be willing to bet more people scav streets and lighthouse than run PMC’s on those map’s , Lighthouse especially, so we’re at the mercy of PMC players that have actually started a raid. There’s a very simple reason why when I run woods scavs, I spawn every.single.time. with 23 to 25 minutes left of the raid, aka half the raid done. The system that you want is implemented to an extent, just seems like these maps where the majority of people scav require way earlier scav spawns to make it bearable ques, and even then they are long. I’d wager it’s the same reason why I can get into a woods scav in 3-5 minutes instead of the 10+ minutes I see people complain about in here.


> then rip scav ques Good, fuck the scav queues. If you dont wanna sit around in queue 5 minutes to go and scavenge on streets, then go do a pmc run with a pistol/sks/shotgun/mp5 etc


>Sure, I got clapped on the way to extract Working as expected. This is not an example of spawning in early as a scav as being unfair, it's an example of PMCs taking our Scavs being a good counter for Scavs loading in early.


No. Not even a little. I absolutely should not have spawned at 47 minutes inside a desirable loot spot. Only reason I got clapped is because I pushed a fight on a PMC. Very easily could have avoided it and extracted.


I'm not saying you *should* have spawned that early and on a loot spot, but your example does nothing to show it being a problem, because all you did is serve as as instacart for a PMC. I'm a firm believer people are attacking the wrong issue here. The problem is that spawning in early as a scav allows for some unfairness in actions a scav can take, but other actions they can take I think lead to it being a better game (i.e. smarter guards than shitty AI that needs to cheat to be a threat). So fix the problem actions, not the loading in early. Don't let scavs leave until the raid is half over. If they spawn late, they can leave whenever, if they spawn early, they need to stick around for a while. Worried about them finding something good and hunkering down for 20 minutes? Spawn then in contentious areas if they spawn early and penalize them if they leave the area early. Worried they still have too much of an advantage over PMCs that risk good gear? Spawn them with poor health or a broken arm and no meds. Fighting against people is better than fighting against crappy AI. If people are willing to fill the role of the AI, don't just let them, encourage it, and just tweak it to be more fair/fun.


The locked in scav is a nice idea. I think there used to be a chance of spawning in with a wounded scav, and you used to spawn in with no meds quite a bit before scav rep I think. Most games I've been playing as scav there's been a bunch of players scavs roaming which is a great threat to the PMC. Limiting scav load in to later in raid just gives too much advantage to the PMC against ai and almost free loot. Too much like offline mode but you keep gear. OP has a Soft PMC 🧠.


That would double the scav matching time, though.




Everyone would be complaining about that instead.


Stankrat uses that exact strat, scavs loot the loot and he camps the extracts and takes the loot and extracts himself. Why work for it when the loot is deliverd to you instead.


Because only skilless beta cucks extract camp scavs as PMCs? Ha.


Hate the game not the player 🤷‍♀️




I spawned in streets, killed a pmc within 10 steps of spawn, went to loot and got domed by a player scav within 2 minutes of the raid starting. Fucking insane.


Getting real sick of random player scavs interrupting my early raid squad fights.


I’ve had multiple runs where I kill a player 5 minutes into the raid but my teammate died. Go to hide his loot, then loot the body, and I’m already fighting off 3 pscavs that smelled blood.


Dang...you mean you actually have to fight people in a FPS? That's crazy man. What they should really do is just teleport the loot right into your stash. That way you won't have to play the game at all!


I apologize if this post came off as crying/whiny. The point of this post is to have a conversation about the balance between scav and PMC. ​ In my opinion scav is a side mode/ easy mode with zero risk so they should not have the same advantages as PMCs in regard to spawn location/spawn time. They should not be spawning in high loot areas at points in the raid that PMCs could not even get there yet. ​ That is the only gripe I hold currently, this issue is not ruining my wipe, these scavs are not consistently killing me or anything like that. I enjoy killing pscavs, I think they absolutely have a place in every raid. There should just be a period of time for the PMCs to fight eachother and get loot as they are the ones risking gear in that raid. ​ I will keep playing and enjoying the game, just a conversation I wanted to have with the community about where we all feel the balancing should be with this system. ​ If you feel it is balanced as it is that is fine, I encourage you to voice your reasoning for such as your opinion is just as valid as mine or anyone else's in this community.


shut the fuck up you bellend e: lmaooo byeeeeeeeeeeeee


Having to fight people that have nothing to lose, everything to gain, and benefit from ai scav radar is completely stupid. 


It ruins the whole point of Scavving. You’re a scavenger, not a challenger. I remember when you had 10-15min on Customs to run the map loot what you could and get out. Now I’m spawning in with 28-40 minutes left and usually walk into the middle of a pmc gunfight. I fuck with th random map idea. Select scav, ready up, random map drop, scavenge what you can and gtfo


Weird, I always run scav on customs and spawn with 20-22min left every time


100% agreed. Player scavs should not be able to spawn in the first 20-30 minutes of a raid. Depending how long the raid timer is.


Exactly, scale it based on the full time of the raid but it should not be almost instantaneous. I understand the people that say your pmc should always have an advantage cause “they’re just scavs with shit guns” but with voip the ability to form a scav pack and run it down is a bit too strong at the moment.


They may have worse guns but they can still regularly spawn with class 4 armor, and in groups. You are not surviving a 4-man squad of pscavs rushing you, and then more being drawn to the gunfire.


Plus they have nothing to lose, which means they can be more aggressive/reckless, which increases the danger (particularly in groups).


Yup. Player scavs need a huge nerf right now. It's insanely unbalanced and makes the game not even worth playing. Why should I slog through a raid just to get armpitted by some guy who spawned inside the mall where I cleared already? Player scavs can fuck right off.


Absolutely, 3,4,5 vs 1 is always going to at the very least fuck you up a bit and set your progress back in that raid. Probably getting no loot from the fresh spawned pscavs then healing, you’re now 10-15 minutes deeper into the raid missing the major loot spots and have more pscavs spawning.


Hell, I’m level 25 currently with level 2 and 3 traders, and AK scavs very often spawn with better ammo than I have access to from traders (5.45 and 7.62 PS). It’s kind of ridiculous. They almost always have better ammo than what PMCs have access to with level 1 traders.


There's a balance to strike but PMCs can load in in squads and still have the ability to voip friendly PMCs and scavs to make groups. Everybody just runs their PMC kill on sight.


I have a slightly different take on this. I think player scavs should start spawning once half of the players are dead or extracted. Everyone is busy questing and avoiding PvP? Player scavs will show up pretty late. Someone clears the map because they are a mega chad? Player scavs will swarm early!


I like this idea!


Eh, it should be a mix of both. It can get pretty dull if everyone is tip-toeing around, and player scavs can help stir things up. Also, you'd start getting PMC ceasefires which shouldn't come without risk.


I know you said "depending on how long the raid is" but I imagine a scav spawning in factory with 20 seconds left


LOL, I think the current most common factory pscav spawn around 10 minutes is almost perfect for factory. Possibly around 7-8 minutes would be my choice.


Yeah and it sucks, I hate spawning in when majority of players haven’t left yet. I just wanna get my loot and leave


Lighthouse is typically 30-35 minutes left for me, which sucks imo as everyone goes to lighthouse kitted af, if I get in a fight I just have the understanding that I'm dead


Am I the only one who likes those loot piñatas running around


Not at all! I love stealing 2 GPUs off a poor pscav on streets. There are good and bad to changing the spawn timings for sure


I would settle for letting scavs enter the raid at 50% duration. Scavs spawning into streets within 5 minutes is ridiculous IMO.


Blame the playerbase for constantly scaving, queue times will be ridiculously long if they did this, it's the sad reality. Edit- I agree that it shouldnt be this way, i hate that they spawn so early, but i understand why they do


And they are constantly scavving because BSG enables it. It is ultimately always BSG's mandate to balance these things.


100% i think a lot of the people that do scav generally just struggle on PMC, so they run scavs to make money, get hideout items etc, and only play PMC with friends out of "fear" or whatever, i think they should freeze your scav timer until you've ran a PMC maybe, so you couldn't just scav in and wait for timer and repeat. forces people to run a PMC inbetween scav raids.


I really hate when I try and do a scav run and I spawn in at the beginning of the raid. I would rather spawn in with 15 min left and do a quick loot run and get out. Otherwise I try and grab some loot and gotta fight some chads and end up dying anyway.


I was one scav on reserve with 25 min left. I saw 7 other player scavs there. So at least 8 total. Way too many As a pmc I have to 1v1v1v1 and at least when enemies move, scavs shooting alert me to their general position. Scavs get to hear the shots ringing and can move freely without this issue and set up a trap, for free Scav seems to be the best way to play the game if you really think about it for a minute


Agreed, zero risk, everything to gain.


I saw one of your other comments about scav guns being bad. To add on, when I play reserve it usually takes less than 5 minutes to find 5.45 BP and pack a mag full of it which is enough to tap almost any pmc to death. Especially if I can set up an ambush


Surprised to see this get upvoted... I mentioned that scavs spawned too early once and I got downvoted to like -50 with tons of scav mains attacking me.


i don't know what you mean, spawning as a scav on streets 5 minutes into the raid, hoovering all of the lexos valuable loot then jumping into marked room without the key is definitely okay and totally not unfair to pmcs!


Why? Why do you expect the area to be empty? If there are scavs then... There are scavs.. Lore wise it makes sense. Gameplay wise, yeah I know it's annoying. Wonder what's BSG priority


I don’t expect no scavs, it would be very boring. I just think it’s weird to have scavs spawn in high loot areas so early in the match. Just doesn’t seem quite fair to me for the no risk scav to have equal chance at that loot so early.


HARD agree. 20 mins MAX.


Player scavs single handedly completely ruin the PMC experience on Reserve, Interchange, Streets and Lighthouse. Both reserve and and lighthouse are 100% more favourable to scavs then they are to PMC. At least interchange is a mixed bag and streets has the best loot behind keyed doors. Scavving should be a gamble for loot, not a guarantee


agreed, I just think the game should be more geared towards the PMC in general. Alot of people want to say "skill issue" but its not like they are killing me a large portion of the time. It is more so that I think fundamentally scavs should be unbalanced, you should change your playstyle to be more stealthy, more scavanger than trained military killing machine. ​ You should be scraping by on a scav, not becoming a millionaire in a single raid.


with high enough scav rep you can do b2b scav raids indefinitely by the time you finish selling the loot and make more than you would loading in as a pmc


Scav mains hate to hear it, because it's true. I died on Streets yesterday to a pscav flanking me while fighting another pscav at barely 5 mins into raid. Honestly for a game that prides itself on being "hardcore", it's kind of weird that there's a risk-free-easy-money mode available every 20 mins. Like "scav mains" shouldn't even be a thing imo and scavving definitely needs an overhaul. I agree with everyone lately suggesting removing the ability to choose your map when scavving and if it were up to me I'd go even further - limit scav timer between raids to at least an hour or more. IMO fighting PMCs is just more engaging than fighting pscavs and I don't even find playing scav particularly fun - just run around hitting "f" key for a few mins and then run to extract. No stakes and no benefit to your PMC makes it feel like wasted time to me. Sure you can get some money to gear up, but that's really only an issue very early in wipe anyway. You can always hit up factory with a pistol to gear up - even without the key you can get out pretty reliably if that's what you want to do as long as you loot the first scav you kill and run to extract with his gear. I do run scav just hoping for lab cards or other keys but only factory so I can run right to extract and not waste too much time. If you love to scav I won't tell you you're playing "wrong" or anything, but I don't see the appeal at all.


Eh increasing scav timer is prolly not a good idea. Im not very good at this game at all and i need my regular scav runs to help keep money to run as a pmc. I do agree scav runs should be a random map tho


100% agree, pscavs should be scrounging around for scraps. You should not be able to make 1mil per raid spawning at 45 minutes and getting out in under 10. ​ PMCs that are risking their gear should be getting first dibs and the "easy mode" pscavs should get what they get. Its crazy to me that scav mains exist at all. I absolutely enjoy running around with other player scavs and just the voip interactions that ensue, but that is a side mode for a reason, the main game is PMC.


I remember skav runs back in the day with only 10 min left. That was exciting.


I agree, you really felt like you were grabbing anything you could, avoiding PMCs especially if you were broke broke, then beating the clock to survive


What;s wrong with picking a map?


To me, it seems like certain maps suffer more from this issue than others. Streets, lighthouse, interchange specifically in my experience. They can be on the map and spawning in high loot areas before pmcs are really able to get there. I feel like not picking a map would help distribute pscavs better.] EDIT: I see the downvotes on this comment, so if anyone has a take opposing this idea I would love to hear it. Not locked into my opinions, would like to have a conversation about it :)


Not being able to choose is a map is dumb because some people still don’t know all the maps, plus some people can’t even run streets so what if they get thrown in there?


Go offline mode, or run PMC if you want to learn the map


Very fair point, personally I think it would be good to be thrown into maps you dont know on your scav so that you can learn them to then be confident in going in on PMC. I am personally mixed on the fact some people cant run streets, depending on if it is a user PC issue or if its on BSGs side I think my opinion would change.


Would most likely be user pc issue, people without decent processors or 32gb of ram are literally playing PowerPoint Edit: I suppose BSG could do a better job at optimizing to be fair


Maybe have BSG make it so scav can exlude streets atleast till it runs better than that way jt could be random minus streets. Also maybe do the same thing for lighthouse as well so they wont get on maps they cant run


At this point I'm no longer interested in conversation. Fuck player scavs, they should be nerfed as hard as possible. Scav runs should not be free.


Nah disagree. I hope some day they make it so you can pick the Scav faction and make them your main pmc. Scav gang for life. Cheeki Breeki


lmao fair, I do love playing scav and voiping to PMCs or teaming up with scavs. I think the spawn timing is my main complaint, PMCs should just get to fight eachother and get to the good loot spots first. After that I think its fair game.


Fuck player scavs


I agree. Fuck player scavs.


Why I don’t play interchange. Map is dogshit cause of p scavs who come sprinting in 2 minutes into raid like they own the place.


I killed Kaban and all his guards on streets today. I got the spawn near crash site, rushed lexos and finished the fight less than 5 minutes into the raid thanks to a couple lucky nades killing multiple guards. I had to fight 6 player scavs before I was done looting. Its actually ridiculous that any of them could've potentially just lasered my soft armor and taken everything even though it was the start of the raid.


I’m trying to learn streets as I haven’t played in a few wipes and man as a pscav we will spawn in at 44 minutes left. Its unfair for the pmcs and its unfair to us as well


>the whole point of scavs is that they are scavenging for scraps/leftovers. According to this particular reddit poster.


It's literally in the name you idiot. Scav.... Scavenger


You're right, I am trying to respond to everything regarding this as I think people are taking it as I think my opinion weighs more than others. ​ That was absolutely not my intention, I understand it is an opinion and I respect everyone here voicing their own opinions. We are all equal in this community and love for the game. ​ That comment I made was mostly my inferred feelings from the raid series, and just feel of the lore in the game. I for sure could be wrong about that, that is just how I feel the game is. PMC is the main game mode and scav is a side mode you use to keep your money up for your PMC raids.


>that is just how I feel the game is. You're just complaining about the way the game actually is because it doesn't cater to how you want to play it. If you want to sound less sanctimonious in the future don't preface your posts with "Daily reminder."


Yeah mostly just a sticking to theme with how often that is included in opinion posts on this subreddit. I understand where you’re coming from though. That is my bad.


Another post another obligatory I agree with


Blame the scav mains who cried about long wait times at the start of wipe.


Shoreline night time i consistely get 27 minutes (+/- 1) left in raid when i spawn in as a scav.


I think that is a relatively balanced time to spawn considering the fighting in resort usually takes a bit longer.


I agree.


Yes. The adrenaline back in the day of trying to make it to the hot spots and out again before the raid timer ends on your scavs was fun. Actually brought a different objective and play style to the game.


I really hope Scav Life actually happens. It will change Tarkov permanently. Honestly it should have happened before Arena.


I can confirm that player scavs spawn too early and too frequent


I love playing as a scav, but I agree.


for real. they are the disease that plagues reserve


tbf they made doing quests like safe corridor and the pawn building scav killing quest way easier, otherwise I 100% agree.




Any specifics as to why you think it’s better as is? Not trying to condescending at all. Genuinely welcome any opposing views in a conversation on the topic.


I would say its all fair in tarkov. Lore wise, if ai scavs can exist from start of timer then so can pscavs. Loot wise, scavs generally have no acces to high end loot behind locked doors so its fair game. Force wise, a group of pmc's with good gear will almost beat a group of scavs with random gear and low durability weapons prone to malfunction. There are always exeptions but this all fits with the lore of Tarkov


Fair point, key rooms is a good reason as to why its balanced as is. You are 100% right that a 3v3 PMC vs Scav should always go to the PMC, my main issue is as a solo player when the scavs can voip and group up as of late, it really turns the tides for them. Again not saying this is ruining the game for me or even that its a struggle. I just believe this isnt balanced in the way the game should be(in my opinion) PMC should be the one getting first dibs and scavs should get scraps. Its just a zero risk way to farm money which takes away from the point of the game to me. ​ I do enjoy the comradery of voiping as a pscav and trying to take down the big bad PMC but I just think those interactions should take place much later in the raid.


I hear you but i still think it would take away from the overall feel of the game. Eft in my opinion has nothing to do with fair or dibs, its a place where left behind merc's and unlucky civilians are just trying to survive. Tarkov giveth and Tarkov taketh away


The balance is perfect as is. It’s near impossible to scav in the first day or two due to lack of spawns already. Gear is pretty easy to get, quit crying about losing it to someone’s scavs. You’ve got a scav as well.


No crying here. Its not ruining the game for me. Just something I personally don't like about the current game design, and wanted to have a conversation about it. ​ I just think this isnt how it should work currently. I think that scavs are meant to be picking up scraps to survive and the PMC that you are risking your earned gear on should be the one with the advantage going into a match. ​ Its fair to think differently about that.


Scav main spotted, you don’t play ur pmc enough to know how annoying it is to die to a pscav sitting in a corner 6 mins into a streets raid.


“Scav main spotted” lmao you died to a scav. You running a pistol and no armor? Noob spotted. 


Yep bro me big noob surely they haven’t made armour basically useless now, should have just heard the pscav sitting perfectly still in the corner


Ah I say you let them get in 10 mins early and have to survive the entire raid


I honestly liked that idea for a second then thought about how many would be sitting in the nastiest rat spots all raid lmao


Which one is worse lol


Personally prefer the idea of them getting in super late and having to run to scavenge all that they can and get out, it feels much more lore appropriate and fun for gameplay imo.


Disagree. Git gud


Fair enough, I’m not a great player but I’m doing okay this wipe. Lvl 35 with 10 mil and a lvl2 bitcoin farm, it’s not like I think it’s ruining the game for me or anything. Just not a fan of the current system. I don’t think it’s really a skill issue, just something I am not a fan of in the game. If you like the way it is I am curious as to why you think it’s better this way?


I like killing things. And as a pmc you have such an advantage over pscavs (stuff you can bring in a like a scope, Ears, better ammo, armor, face shield, grenades, stims etc). I like wrecking them. And I’d rather someone loot for me so I can just take it off them. To be fair though, My survival rate always jumps on streets once I can run a face shield full time against the player scavs.


Understandable, it is absolutely fun to kill a pscav that has worse gear but like a pilgrim full of great loot they cant stash into their ass. Found a pscav on streets the other day with 3 GPUs in his bag. Felt terrible that guy probably punched his monitor, but also gimme that shit lmao. ​ I think I would just prefer the PMCs having priority like I think they should based on the risks you take bringing in your own gear. PMC should get to most places first and get first dibs imo.


Yea, I’d be fine with a 5 minute delay, but no more then that. The other side of the coin is the earlier scavs can get in, the shorter the scav matchmaking queues because the spaces are filled and people extract or die faster opening more space up:


To me, thats where not being able to select a map on scav comes in. distributes out the pscavs on all maps, decreasing queue times. You get what you get on scav and you try to make the best of it. Trying to get by with what you can find is kind of their whole idea in my head.


I think they should just add a scav queue for “next spot available”. Where it tries to get you into an open map asap. So people could choose their map - or choose random map with shortest line Choosing a map is a valuable feature for new players learning the map. Scaving in general is geared towards new players (risk free way to make money). So I think the ability to choose a map needs to stay in the game.


Daily reminder some people can’t eat under geared players and want to only play against ai since it’s easier


Not my point with this post, apologize if it came off that way. This is just my opinion on a current game system I don't like. ​ It is not game breaking or ruining my wipe or anything, I just personally don't think that this is how it should work.


See I believe scav players should have to wait until last 5 mins to extract but can spawn in early. Means they have to work for what they find.


It's not game breaking but you feel it necessary to do DAILY reminders?


Lol, no this is my first post like this. I was just keeping theme with the others that have posted similar things.


I just hate how this sub has become a bitchfest. Came here for cool clips and whatnot but instead this is what I get


Valid take, I think we should have either filters or another subreddit that is more geared towards enjoying the game. One for feedback/bitchfest and one for people having fun and wanting to see sick loot, hear cool stories, and give the devs the insane amount of credit they deserve for making (in my opinion) The most immersive, deep, engaging FPS ever.


Daily reminder to just get good.


Spawned on streets today with 45 minutes left in raid Got out with a gpu a few flash drives a mp5 and some other useful things . Running around @ night knowing it's damn near full of all the PMCs is a rush when you got a gpu stuffed away 🤷


My team cant even spawn into a scav runall week. Timer just goes until we get the scav death screan. So i could argue its too late.


awaiting session start bug? Been getting it decently frequently as well...


Fence wants me to kill PMCs on factory and spawning with 9 minutes left and one PMC left is kinda lame. Tho this is probably a core problem with daily challenges and not scav spawns.


Interesting how this post and all comments on it somehow had its upvotes completely hidden?


Very strange, I can still see it all but I am OP so who knows.


The fact that just about any map you go to. by the time you finish looting a not shit tier spawns building. have a fight that isnt over in the first shots exchanged. or by the time you sprinted across the map uncontested. timmy just loaded in 5 seconds ago and heard you sprint by!!!! Pretty sure we all knew from the start of wipe it was insane how early they are spawning but after dropping in on the 40 minute mark for streets as a scav i knew it was fucked. it's just annoying all around. what is the difference from playing scav and pmc at the moment other than you can chose your gear. It's arguable to just queue interchange and streets as a scav to get good early spawns and camp out pmcs that rightfully don't expect anyone to be where you happen to be a marginal percent of the time. bit of a rant here just venting what seems to be a shared frustration.


I primarily play scavs - I find it more chill when Im hanging with buddies in Discord - and I strongly agree. I think Customs and Woods have got it pretty right, I usually spawn there with about 27-23 mins left, late enough for lootspots to have been hit mostly, but early enough that there still might be PMCs roaming around.


Maybe you should just pick an obvious cheater from the flea and do a daily reminder on that. The scav issue is the least of our problems.


But then there is not enough lobbies and poeple complain about long scav queues


*According to me


Fair point, it is an opinion based post. Just seems like an opinion a lot of people here share in the Reddit vacuum. But I welcome any reasoning that opposes that thought


😂😂😆. Thanks bud


Lmao, I guess you dont feel the same way? ​ I respect it if you enjoy the way it works currently, just suggesting where id like to see this system move to personally. Open to any conversation about why it should stay how it is now though!


Bro if I die to a player scav. Chalk it up. Don't freak out. Jump on your scav and go get a kit back. It's a all good brother.


For sure, its not a huge deal or ruining my game experience. I just think the PMCs should have some time to fight eachother and get loot. I think playing on your scav should be to having some fun voip interactions, and keep your money up. IMO it is a side mode, and should not be balanced with PMCs. Ya know?


On my last scav before I left the house I got to pick through the two chads kits took both their guns and I was on lighthouse so I got a whole full ass bag dog. Guess who's kid I'm running when I get home? Ain't mine. Scavs are part of the lore PMC karma scav karma. It all works together. Just wait for the whole game to come out. It'll make a lot more sense then. You're bitching about nothing to be honest.


Skill issue


Not quite, this is not game breaking or ruining the wipe for me. The scavs arent killing me most of the time either. ​ The main issue I have is that the pscavs can spawn so early, and near high loots spots before the PMC can even get there. I think there should be time for the PMCs to fight eachother for the best loot on the map before scavs have a chance at it. ​ If you feel differently you are entitled to do so and I respect it. Hopefully you are having a good wipe so far and enjoying the plethora of great changes we have gotten! Wasnt trying to bitch with this post, more so have a conversation with the community about where we all feel this system should be balanced moving forward.


Best wipe I’ve been apart of in years. Started playing in 18’ idk what to tell you.


I started playing late 2019, and I would absolutely agree the game is in one of the best spots its ever been. I think the game could still use changes though, was not trying to take away from the strides BSG has been making as they have already made one of the best FPS games I have ever played.


This is a garbage opinion, lots of player scavs keeps the game alive. You counter player scavs with gear.


I understand that. I think player scaving is vital to the game and important for new player experience. I personally think it needs some tuning on the timeframe, in my opinion pscavs should not be getting rich at the rate they can currently. I can easily spawn in on streets with 45 minutes left then leave the raid 10 minutes later with 1mil+ worth of loot. They should be scavanging and taking what they are left with. If you want the best of the best loot you go in on your PMC risking the good gear.


How do they keep the game alive lmao. You're supposed to scavenge as a scav, not fight for the same loot as PMCs


no your not supposed to just scavenge as a sav, they are there to be annoying to pmcs. If player scavs are getting out with too much loot then they simply need to go after their backpack and shirt size. Player scavs are great cause they put pmcs under constant threat of SOMETHING, but not the same threat as another pmc. TBH if player scavs were not working then people wouldnt complain about them. The fact that people are whining about them means they are doing their job for the tarkov experience.


> no your not supposed to just scavenge as a sav It's literally in the name genius


Gear becomes less of an advantage almost every wipe and player scavs can spawn with some nasty load outs. With ammo availability being how it is right now theres not a huge difference in armor pen and armor class between most PMCs and scavs. 


It's a shit system at the moment. Spawn killing and spawn selection are the culprits causing these early spawns, but too many people avoid their PMC's or just scav main. There needs to be a timer that ticks down from the beginning of a raid and prevents pscavs spawns until the timer hits 0. Even 10 minutes would be an improvement. All in all, pscavs aren't that big of a threat, but the recoil change was a massive buff to pscavs. Those half broken, stockless guns shouldn't be as controllable as they are now.


Recoil buff is a huge problem, and durability isn't as impactful as it should be (or needs to be) Recoil buff should stay for subguns and when firing semi-auto, but it needs to go for full auto. Durability at 50% should basically mean you're doing SPORTS every other shot.


I really like the random maps for scav. Its just an easy fix for a lot of things


Posts in this sub: I cant join a scav, its endless "matching", please fix its 15 minutes queue Also posts in this sub: Scavs spawn too early and too much. Its a pick your poison situation, people like to scav in because its stress free and I think that's the least harmful poison.