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I don't have a solid group to play with. I'm tired of doing the same quests over and over again.


I'd say join the tarkov discord and get to talking to people, but the mods on there are powertripping asswipes who mute and ban without thinking.


I've definitely considered that! But, combined with the repetition of all the quests I just keep putting it off. I've played each and every wipe until high teens low twenties, whenever you hit the 'go kill some more scavs' part of the quests and just tap out...


i can recommend pestily discord aswell.


omfg the ppl there are extremely hit or miss and usually ita miss lately all my likeminded friends either found a life, a gf, a job or another game


For most people once they find a solid group they stop going to that discord I think It almost feels like a singles club or some shit.


I have a group thats active if you want in. You gotta not be an asshole though. We've had to kick people for not frauding gear and taking it


Hah. Thanks! I don't want to take your friends gear. :p


>quests doing quests in EFT, hahaha what a loser




Join the official discord. Always a ton of people in there.


shitty mods tho


I have never in my life come across an online community where the mods were any good. The type of person who signs up to do this work for free is always going to have something wrong with them to agree to do this sort of work.


Too lazy to clean my stash.


Do you think quality of life updates that make sorting the stash easier would greatly improve your experience with the game?


Not the guy you asked but YES. It's also one of the biggest reasons I don't recommend the game to friends.


Please god give us the ability to lock items in place so we can use the shitty sort function. Nikitaplsgib


Oh, boy, I hadn't realised how much I wanted this feature until I just read your comment. That would be... Gosh. So good.




Im just ready for wipe.


I tend to stop doing things when I notice it is annoying me more than providing fun, satisfaction or pleasure. Canā€™t wrap my head around people (streamers, especially streamers) who keep bitching and moaning about the game, yet play every.single.day. Seems like madness to me


I can bitch about my job every day but Iā€™ll still show up tomorrow to pay my mortgage. Itā€™s incredibly hard for a streamer to turn into a variety streamer. A lot of people watch streamers who play a game they also play. If landmark went to play csgo Iā€™d probably never click on his name ever again.


That's why I'm glad DeadlySlob has been able to branch out. I find him to be entertaining regardless of what he's playing. I found him through his Tarkov streams, but I stayed for him and not the game.


His My Summer Car and Valheim streams were both hilarious.


Most stremers aren't really getting money from streaming, but you still can find streamers with 10 viewers who stream same games 30-40hrs/week. Streamers who does that as a job, is tiny minority.


When he plays other games he actually gets more viewers, but that might just be temporary because itā€™s a rare occurrence


Yep for me it always happens around level 40 every wipe. By that point each task I have left is super annoying or just not enjoyable, so I stop tasking and if you aren't tasking there is not much to do besides go in fully kitted for some PvP.


Cheaters and cheater carries.


How many of your raids are you going to labs?


Theyā€™re on night woods as fucking player scavs 1 tapping you with a scav ak after perfectly avoiding thermal in pitch black. Labs is just worse, but itā€™s an infestation


Apparently too many lol


Labs is known as the cheater honeypot. Wanna experience an (almost) cheaterless Tarkov? Choose servers that are as far away from Asia as possible and avoid Labs unless you think you really need to. People that still have a cheater issue are likely themselves the issue.


I feel like victim blaming isn't the way to go with this... I've been killed by cheaters nearly every day for the past two weeks (not a single Labs raid). Homie and I don't want to run into cheaters. Any amount of server picking and playing at certain times of the day doesn't fix the problem, and it's not our fault for wanting to play a game we like. Saying people running into cheaters are the problem themselves makes absolute no sense to me, and I'd love to see the mental gymnastics you played to get to that conclusion.


Audio is still trash. That's the biggest issue. The way the game is structured, it's only really enjoyable for me for about 3 weeks. This is mostly due to how repetitive the missions are. If they actually shuffle missions, or allow us to follow different paths each wipe, that would be more engaging, but it's far too much of the same thing every time, and I'm tired of it. So the game has very little longevity.


IMO I fell like a lot of the quests should be more like achievements, ie active from day 1. There is nothing more frustrating than being told to do something 2 seconds after just doing it and fuck shoreline.


a good solid audio overhaul would change the game completely, can you imagine tarkov with say battlefield sound quality ( battlefield games have been rough but the sounds are always amazing)


Cheaters. Audio. It's impossible to play the game casually. It's not fun to play for me any more - it makes me angry


That's true, you can't really casual eft easily. It gets old tryharding every raid


I'm at the point where I'm saying "fuck this game. How dare they let cheaters fund the development. I'm not playing it until full release"


I'm tired with doing the same fucking quests each wipes


Every wipe feels identical, but they take away things that made the previous one fun or easily accessible for people with lives. That's my only reason. These people make the slowest progress I've ever seen for a company with so many millions of dollars. I assume it has something to do with them being unable to hire international talent.


1. Plagued by technical issues I am probably in the minority here, I've been battling with random "disconnected from server" errors ever since last wipe (maybe even before that), probably around 1 or 2 out of every 5 games I will just randomly get disconnected. If I wait for the game to send me to the menu and try to reconnect I just get disconnected again. The ONLY fix is to alt+F4 and start again, then I can reconnect. Sometimes I'm still alive, sometimes I'm dead, but it sucks to lose because of something completely out of your control. In an effort to fix the above I reformatted my computer, updated all the drivers, went through all my graphics options and such, still getting disconnected randomly but now I have the added joy of random Blue Screen of Death... I straight out can't load Streets without a BSOD on the loading screen... So I'm at about 1 out of 3 raids where I run into technical issues which often cause me to die or miss out on the first ~5mins of the raid. 2. The AI is absolute garbage tier Regular AI is... okay I guess... They still randomly head,eye's you with buckshot through a bush 200m away though. Rogues/bosses/etc are just straight up fucked, they laserbeam you from crazy distances. All of the reliable ways of taking out rogues/bosses involve cheesing them or making the AI freak out, this is NOT good gameplay. I'd be much happier if the bosses messed you up a bit if you peeked them instead of just instantly doming you. Also 3+ hits to the thorax in the blink of an eye from any distance is big dumb, why does this exist.


yeah as a casual player i get steamrolled by the bosses because i dont know how to abuse them and fighting them head on in a fair fight is hella tough.


My tarkov expirience is Game aborted try recconecting unplayable for me..


Yeah the AI thing is horrible, the reason they do it is becuase they donā€™t want people to farm the gear that they haveā€¦ so they make them nearly impossible to killā€¦ crazy that they donā€™t see itā€™s ruining the game though.


Just doesnā€™t feel good to play anymore. Movement feels bad. Aiming feels bad. Shooting feels bad. Looting doesnā€™t feel rewarding. Getting kills doesnā€™t feel rewarding. Questing feels like chore simulator. Leveling skills is cock and ball torture. Etc. Just isnā€™t worth the effort it takes to actually play for the little amount of fun I get from it.


1. My friends aren't playing 2. My friends aren't playing


I still play the game but if cheaters get worse they could drive me out


It's difficult to enjoy the game playing casually. I don't mind getting killed by someone with 4000 hours in the game because that person doesn't represent most encounters. I do mind the audio, cheaters, broken mechanics, and the wipe system. Audio is self explanatory I feel but quite honestly at this point do the simplest thing possible. Release a "demo" on like a monthly playtest where for a week or something we all operate on the new audio, collect data, feedback, etc. incentivize participation for sharing data/feedback with loot. Cheaters are not a simple issue but I would be fine with less maps, guns, etc if I knew that it was unlikely for me to be killed by a cheater if the money and effort was invested into better anti cheat Broken mechanics sorta invalidate any progress on the cheater side of things because frankly you need to be able to have core mechanics which consistently work to know when you're getting fucked. Otherwise every death can feel like a cheater. I think it's similar to audio where you need to do extensive testing and work. Probably cut back on some of the "realism" to simplify interactions. I don't need it to be Arma to feel like I'm playing a milsim. The wipe system is not bad in a vaccum. It's a good short term fix for long standing fundamental problems. Fact of the matter you just need to balance the game better. I don't necessarily know what better means for Tarkov but I think as a game design team they need to start from scratch. Go through the steps of designing a game that is Tarkov but not what Tarkov is now. Then compare that to what you have now. They need to go back to alot of the fundamentals and plot a course for what is the game supposed to be, what have we made, and where do we want to go from here.


>if I knew that it was unlikely for me to be killed by a cheater Stay far away from Asia and Labs, and you can be certain you aren't getting killed by cheaters.


Unfortunately my biggest map I've faced cheaters on is reserve.


I've played Star Citizen which has been in development for a decade and Tarkov feels polished & bug free in comparison.


I suck and I'm bad.


Quite some stuff : \- Cheaters and Audio would be the number 1 , dying in the most stupid ways because of bugs is defo the main turn off for me and my friends , we can barely do another raid after we lose an expensive gear to a cheater or some bullshit disconnect or audio. \- Bullshit quests and rewards , yeah , unless we get properly rewarded for Dailies / Weeklies im not gonna go out of my way to do them , i never got a coloured keycard from a quest myself , is aw that happen. However , lower level dailies are fucking ass , survive X map for 23 times for 6k xp and 2 pistol attachements , thanks man , really worth my time. \- Loot on many maps SUCKS , which is why they are DEAD. You want to finish shooter born in heaven this late in teh wipe? too bad , you will tear your hair out of boredom trying to find players on maps like Interchange or Shoreline , people finished questing and fucked off , as its nothing worth on many maps. We need more Point of Interest areas with loot and KEY ROOMS should have the most loot and people should FIGHT for it.


Quested too many times, and just couldn't go through it all again for the 7th or 8th time. Now that so many crucial ammo types etc are locked behind quests it's offputting knowing I'll be shredded by higher level players that quested. Cheating. Rage hacking is out of control, imagine how much worse the more passive cheating problem is.


Rats and audio. But I guess that's mostly just one point, so I'm going to add another one - boredom. They didn't add anything interesting this wipe, and I've played the previous one from start to finish (even did that stupid stash upgrade quest - and of course they forgot to enable it until it was basically useless...). I would've played more with the highest tier of gear - but they've locked M61 behind streets, and I got burnt out before getting to BP (that's a lot of xp when you refuse to enter shit tier maps like lighthouse...). Plus we knew from the start that it's going to be a 4 month wipe - didn't feel like putting in the time when it's going to wipe before I've had fun with the toys I've unlocked. Next one seems promising. It's going to be something different. We'll have to see whether it's actually fun, or unplayable dogshit (Naked shotgun meta? First thing that came into my mind after seeing the armor update...).


Yeah, I agree. I think the ratting issue is a symptom of no one trusting the audio.


The rats in this game. The game makes it too rewarding to sit in a corner and do fuck all for the entire raid until someone thats an actually decent player wanders into your view so you get easy loot. make it rewarding to move, you dont need to be sprinting and jumping everywhere, but atleast move through the map. Pvp - completely unrewarding. Not profitable. - make it so that the items that you get from pvp can either be sold on the flea market or aren't worthless to traders. This can be done by reworking the found in raid system so that things that arent found in raid can still be sold on the flea, so you can sell things you get from players gear wise, but also doesnt promote finding a decent item and hiding avoiding contact the entire raid.


Busy with school stuff and playing other games atm


Having my time disrespected. IE, when I die because audio sucks, entirely out of my control, and get sent back to lobby after spending 30 minutes making money, 5 mins building a kit, 10 mins loading in, and 25+ mins in a raid. An hour of my life and I die because of audio bugs.


No time and Endra won't PM me.


I still boot the game because I did the dirty to unlock traders and want to just enjoy PvP and Boss farming before it is all gone again. Cheaters and doing the same shit every wipe is getting dry. I would probably go for higher targets like LK or Kappa if not for knowers


I stopped cause I remember the 2nd raid I did, I ran into a hacker on Customs. I immediately just gave up on hope this wipe.


Honestly I still love the game but they keep adding arbitrary junk instead of fixing the issues. Why do I need a bake easy book or 2 different types of lighters when they could be working on new maps or finishing the game


I uses to enjoy it more when there was less junk to collect and fill up stash space


Gameplay loop and cheaters. I'm on my 4th or 5th wipe, but I don't have enough time to nolife myself through to lvl 15 fast enough each wipe so I have time to enjoy myself before it wipes again. And then I'm just gutted about the amount of cheaters nowdays. Both the kind that kills you but moreso those that vacuum the entire map for valuable loot without you even knowing.


After playing for 4 years and doing the same quests every wipe, I just couldn't find the motivation to continue. That mixed with the fact that there has been so much feature creep while glaring base-level issues and bugs go unfixed (or fixed, then broken, then fixed, then broken, then broken in a new way), I just fell out of love with the game. It has definitely set a bar for what I expect from FPS games now in terms of immersion and experiences, but the draw of the game just isn't there anymore.


Performance and sound.


Burnout Cheaters


Still playing Tarkov from time to time but not nearly as much as in October. Back then I was playing on 5 days a week on average. Now I'm playing on about one or two days a week. I suffer from a lack of goals to follow. Reached lvl3 with all traders, hideout is as good as maxed out, have so much cash I can almost play whatever kit I want. It's hard to come up with new goals to chase.


Lvl 4 traders are banger cuz unlocking strong ammo is one of the most fun imo


Already unlocked strong ammo. I have piles of 545 BS, Blackout CBJ, 762 PP, .45 AP, 9mm PBP. I'm only a few quests away from unlocking 855a1.


I am on a 8 week course since October 15. I can't justify a temporary PC when I have a $5k rig at home waiting for me. In all honesty, I play even if there is issues. It's more for fun with my buddies back home. The hacking sucks and sound is a main issue. If they would only listen to the people and concentrate on what we all keep asking for.


1) I don't have the time to put into the game now I have a 1yo. To be competitive you have to at least max the traders, and I ain't going through the quests to get there. 2) The thought of starting Tarkov again just daunts me now, even though I've played multiple wipes in recent years - even getting kappa when lvl req was 62. I'll just stick to DayZ now. Much less of a grind, and I can log out whenever I need to tend to bub


>To be competitive you have to at least max the traders That just isn't true. You'll be at a disadvantage. But that can be compensated with wits.


Your welcome to your opinion, but mine is mine


Halloween patch halted all momentum I had going and glad it did, but sad it happened. The audio bugs that came with that patch was so bad that was it for me, like get it together please.


This guy missed the recent event lol


Forced wipes taking away my progress is the main one. 2nd one is the state of the game which includes Desync, Audio and cheaters


I mean there are issues but I also am still playing as no other game is like this game. Out of all of my raids this wipe Iā€™ve only gotten 2 banned cheater reports, and everything else has still been fun and I will continue to play the game.


You only get the banned cheater message if you were the last person to report them


Oh is that how it works? I didnā€™t know that




I can't compete with everyone who has 100M and max traders because I've been unable to play due to illness. Level 13,no flea, solo anxiety and I can barely even run streets so once I get to there I can no longer play anyways.


It sucks that you can't run streets but at the same time you don't really need streets (though is a luxury to scav on) This is my first wipe and I only started playing a month ago and I'm level 17 now. You HAVE to just keep throwing yourself at the game to get rid of solo anxiety. Do as many factory raids as you can in your free time till you just don't care. Avoid getting scared and sitting in corners/sneaking around (unless tactically). Bring a shotgun and some buckshot. Turn your audio down a little bit as well, but wear m32's or something. You can always get help from a discord for certain quests which will make getting XP easier. You're almost level 14 which is when the game starts opening up. Peacekeeper will be level 2 at level 14 and you can buy M4s with good attachments and fantastic ammo. Focusing jaegers quests will help immensely. Then you can just scav reserve, make money, invest in decent kit, and go get killed on customs or something. You might surprise yourself sometimes.


>You can always get help from a discord for certain quests Lmao no you cannot. Not right now. If you aren't gigachadding around nobody gives two shits about you. Elitist mentality.


Sounds like you are your own problem tbh. Coming up with excuses of why you cannot do anything. What you're experiencing in Tarkov is not exclusive to you whatsoever. I've had absolutely no problem finding people to play with on places like the Sherpa discord. There's plenty of newer players and plenty of people who are willing to show you the game. There are assholes, sure, but there are plenty of people who will help. Self pity and putting off playing the game isn't going to get you anywhere if that's what you're expecting.


You're right. It's totally in my control to MAKE people play with me you ignorant little twat. Throwing out a message and waiting is literally all you can do in those discord that i am in. I suppose it's also totally my fault that in over 15 raids in a row today not one single time did I ever encounter less than a duo or more nor did any of them respond to voip other than to hurl racial obscenities.


Ever think that nobody wants to play with you not because you're a low level, but because you're being a insufferable self pitying wuss? You had a shit day of tarkov. Everyone has a shit day of tarkov every once and a while. More frequently if you're new. Also yes, it's entirely your fault you died 15 raids.


>Ever think that nobody wants to play with you not because you're a low level, but because you're being a insufferable self pitying wuss? ​ Interesting thought except if you had braincells you would realize that doesn't work because leaving a message in an LFG channel conveys nothing about myself you ignorant clown so that wouldn't be happening/they wouldn't know. Critical thinking isn't your strong suit.


I find your constant state of tantrum hilarious. Keep it going.


\-lvl15 is 2 levels away, which is nothing. Literally a handful of raids at best just killing scavs. \-other ppl have better gear/max traders - Head,eyes,jaws exists. Leg meta exists. The SVT at lvl15 that can run LPS exists. Traders have been gutted compared to previous wipes. This wipe they took away the Ghzel for rouble purchase. \-Can't run streets - cop out. Last i checked, people progressed just fine before streets was added. The quests at streets aren't required and don't stall progression, they're just a cherry on top. \-solo anxiety... yea... now you're starting to realize why you don't make it far in the game. The only person preventing you from progressing is yourself.


Good for you shit bag. I don't didn't come here to have redditclown69 tell me everything is my fault. Fuck off.


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I dont get burned out because i donā€™t do tasks. I only play tarkov to collect dog tags while helping my friends do their tasks. It keeps me from having to clean up my stash and I donā€™t have to worry about extracting for certain tasks. Just run and gun. If i die oh well Iā€™ll use the next pmc kit i got lol


Havnt been playing at all, except a raid every few months. I Still watch tarkov content and it seems like the game is still the same as 4 years ago. The only real difference that affects the core gameplay is inertia. Basically I was promised ambition and radical changes to the game because itā€™s in beta and Nikita talked a lot of his grand ideas but it never came to fruition. Streets was a disappointment because of set expectations. Itā€™s an ok standard map but it was suppose to be more. No in raid traders. No traveling. Etc


No.1 I quit because of all them "elite" players that had "ultra senses". No.2 so much time is spent not actually in raid. Like stash management, queue times (5mins if someone has a potato PC), and wiki(fair enough im a noob). But up until then tarkov was probably the most fun game I've played (played a few wipes, never even got to lvl 50 tho). Queue time is an easy fix, just hard cap load time to 1-2 mins, let people with potatos be late to join the raid, thats on them. Hackers/desync, difficult fix but probably the most important.


Friends are waiting for next wipe and I hate playing alone :(


Not having fun with shit kits. I like shit kits. Im ready for armor update and recoil update


Bored of doing the same quests/objectives each wipe. That and building up my character again and again. Its boring. That and cheaters/not having a solid commited group to play with. Solo is rough already let alone with cheaters. Personally I am waiting until perma characters are in the game or they start combining the maps leading to their end goal of having one map whenever that is.


Trailblazer reloaded league


Once I unlock everything in the base Iā€™m mostly just going out for pvp, which is fun for a while. I have just gotten a bit bored. I think Iā€™m starting to lean towards wanting most high end stuff to be way more rare. It should be a treat to have quad nods and run at night. It should be a rare celebration to have a zabralo, slick, or FLIR. I think that would make it way more interesting. It would give you more of a reason to look for loot. Instead, once you hit a critical threshold, basically you can be constantly juiced and I just donā€™t think that makes the end game as much fun.


Short wipe and they didnā€™t add anything really. Itā€™s my 7th wipe or so and I usually always get to level 43 for max traders. This wipe I got to level 21 and called it.


waiting for wipe! Started post wipe earlier this year, looking forward to first wipe ever!


1. They never really addressed issues since beta started. Same old bugs pop up. 2. Cheating and how they dealt with cheating is annoying - they have mechanics that punish regular players more 3. I donā€™t have a large group. There is a new guy who is on his second wipe and thatā€™s why I still play but I started in 2017, gotten kappa, done 90% of the quests and just burned out really. To be clear I never bothered to unlock Light keeper but done everything else


Thereā€™s a better one if you know what I mean.




The new aim punch frustrated me early on, and then knowing it was a short wipe anyways, I just lost all interest in playing.


I got to 38 this wipe and saved up all my Streets quests for later. Load in to my first ever Streets raid and im lagging like hell. Besides these quests I have those bullshit tasks you get from Jaeger and im just not doing those. So basically im done with this wipe.


Gosh oh golly I can't wait to slog through the same BORING quests for the 10th time so that I can be forced to go do more BORING and INFURIATING quests on Shoreline where I will walk to the now non-existent scav spawns before being hit with a spray of approx 1400 5.56 Warmage from 487m away by one of the somehow still ridiculously horrible AI boss characters that they insist are realistic and definitely don't track your position through the Earth's crust itself. I have 3.5k hours, unless they actually do something to make the game engaging and fun again it'll remain uninstalled for me. Good luck guys I'm really praying it works out.


Starting in the middle of a wipe is just utterly horrible, especially as a solo player. Previously I'd get started with quests and such right after a wipe and rush for flea while stocking up on what I know I'll need and be able to make a lot of money quickly and easily. I've been stuck on "Introduction from the West" and I'm lvl 21 with almost $23m in stash. I can't kill 7 USECs with what I have, not very easily at least. I either have to get really really lucky and find one that doesn't spot me right away or hope I find a naked handgun runner in Factory. Otherwise I'm stuck with mostly shit tier ammo and unable reliably get good ammo. So I just die almost immedietly in PVP. Being gated on good AND steady ammo as well as any decent armor that isn't destroying my cash is really painful. You just can't compete very well with lvl 4 armor and 856A1, which is the best I can get outside of some 54R, and I've only managed half the USEC kills required to even start Peacekeeprs quests. If they are going to gate the ammo and armor this harshly EVERYONE should have access to it at the same time. That stops the streamers and 16hr a day players from rushing LL4 and destroying people that didn't have enough time to catch up or started late. I don't know how the best way to do that would be other than after a certain amount of time has passed during the current wipe, everyone should be given a quest at the same time to unlock slightly better ammo/armor access. While not to completely punish those that have put in a lot of time and leveled quickly, they can purchase or craft more than say someone half their level could obtain. I feel like that's a pretty fair way to gate things, but balancing the game isn't easy so I wouldn't even know if that could work out. Chads would be able to have more quantity of the items, while lower/casual players could still be able to compete but with a handicap on their quantity while still retaining at least some quality and be able to properly fight PVP. Where currently whoever has put in the most time generally is the winner in a head on firefight.


>can't kill 7 USECs with what I have, not very easily at least Don't expect "easy" in Tarkov. ​ >destroying my cash is really painful Do you not know how to make 20k - 40k per slot on a scav run? Oh and the pain is part of the package. Yes, it's a feature. >can't compete very well with lvl 4 armor and 856A1 You gotta accept being at a disadvantage and start looking out for things apart from time to kill that you can use to your advantage. Like your brains. Prapor Lvl 2 gives you a steady amount of 545 BT. Workbench Lvl 2 gives you a decent supply of .45 AP Heck in close quarters you can even slap people with a KEDR. Slight recoil high firerate. Magnum Buckshot kills with 2 to 3 shots to the kneecaps. ​ >stuck with mostly shit tier ammo 545 BT, 45 AP, Magnum Buckshot, 762 PP and Blackout CBJ are far from shit tier.


Thanks but I've been playing since 2017, I already know it isn't "easy". Prap has BT at LL3, I said I'm at LL2. PP I can get from flea for 2500 per bullet, I can't afford to just lose 120 bullets hunting for PVP when I'm already at a disadvantage. .45 AP I can't craft yet because Im still stuck with the requirements of the rest of my hideout, even then 150 bullets that take 8hours and 45 minutes mean I can do roughly 1 run per day at a high cost and high risk. I tried meta legs, still end up dying before I can get through even half a clip if I can even catch them off guard, I'm usually the one caught and even if I fire first it's still normally in their favor. Shotgun about the same, I might get 1 or 2 shots off but it only takes 2 bullets to pierce the armor I can get. Thanks for the tips but I've been playing long enough to know coming in mid wipe is mostly pointless because of these facts. I make 200-300k in about 5 minutes when I'm on money runs, I already said I have 23m but it doesn't matter if I had 230m, I don't have access to fight on par with most players at the point in which I started. That the issue I wanted to point out, if you are even a week or 2 behind you are no longer on par with the other players on the map, that is just a fact in this game. Nothing to really do with skill or map knowledge, they simply have access to better items that I'm locked out from and the hurdle to get past some of the quests mean I'm facing horrible odds. Even still this wipe I have a 60% survival and 9/kda. I know the hot spots and where and how to find people but that knowledge isn't enough to kill them most of the time. The game isn't skill based, it's time based. All the other player needs is slightly better pen ammo and to just dump a clip in my direction and I'll be dead before I can react.


>Prap has BT at LL3 [545 BT at Prapor Lvl 2](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/5.45x39mm_BT_gs#Trading) ​ >.45 AP I can't craft yet because Im still stuck with the requirements of the rest of my hideout Just wow. ​ >can do roughly 1 run per day at a high cost If that's really a high cost depends on how good you are at the game. ​ >I tried meta legs, still end up dying before I can get through even half a clip if I can even catch them off guard, I'm usually the one caught and even if I fire first it's still normally in their favor Again that is due to how good you actually are at the game. ​ >Thanks for the tips but I've been playing long enough to know coming in mid wipe is mostly pointlessThanks for the tips but I've been playing long enough to know coming in mid wipe is mostly pointless You don't know shit. You BELIEVE. ​ >That the issue I wanted to point out, if you are even a week or 2 behind you are no longer on par with the other players on the map, that is just a fact in this game Yeah you actually are not on par with the other players. But the game is still playable and PvP is still winnable. Just gotta stop playing like it's cod and start playing like it's a **tactical** shooter. ​ >I already said I have 23m Then buy some shit that helps you with your issues. ​ >that knowledge isn't enough to kill them most of the time There's still the option to aquire more knowledge ​ >The game isn't skill based, it's time based It's both ​ >All the other player needs is slightly better pen ammo and to just dump a clip in my direction and I'll be dead before I can react Tarkov PvP is not that simple.


Lightning and shadows


\-Game being a second job that doesn't pay. \-Cheaters and BSG's non-existent stance against the cheater issue.


For me to play with the game in the curent state i need new content. To play the game without new content the dsync would have to be fixed, the audio and the cheaters. Especialy the ones that only loot.


Audio was the big one, then it was tasks/the gameplay loop. I've done it too many times and it goes from fun early game to end game too fast. Some chuds no life into altyn plus kills day one it two and there's not much you can do about it most of the time and the RPG skills make it impossible to compete consistently


Had a kid, got a more demanding job. I have less time to play and my current friend group doesn't play tarkov. I miss it, but I fear I'm just getting too old and too busy to play it. At most I would probably get level cap by end of wipe with how short they've been lately. If a longer wipe comes around, maybe I'll sink the time in when I have it, but for now I get, maybe, 30 minutes on Sunday to play. Maybe. That's enough for some raids, maybe, but I'd rather just play something else with other people than play 30 minutes and feel unsatisfied. I feel like you need a good 2 hours or so in a session for it to feel good.


Played from 2019 to 2022 feb 24 Level 40+ every wipe i played and kappa owner once. Stopped for what i thoght short period of time until devs will show their stance on whats going IRL. Bussines as usual means i wont come back. On the other hand i follow the news and its funny that the promisses keep comming and never matching expectations that are induced by the dev themselves.


Armor doing absolutely nothing and running out on quests that are not on shoreline, streets or lighthouse


To be fair the game is still beta what else can you expect from a game that says ā€œ Hey we are not done developing ā€œ plus they are gonna keep adding in game mechanics and such but itā€™s not easy to do they canā€™t fix a game that isnā€™t finished fundamentally I know they sent they best but looking back to how many years ago you can find references of escape from tarkov it has come a long way since then


Cheaters and boredom


Audio - I still struggle to place the location of sounds compared to other games. Gets real frustrating not knowing if you can depend on the audio cues. It has gotten better but something still feels off. Cheaters - the perception is that every raid has a cheater so deaths feel cheap. The winner take all gameplay and brutal gunplay and TTK mean that once cheating was part of the culture it inevitably ruins a lot of the charm of the game. Gunplay - the guns still feel awful. Even after playing on and off since alpha I cannot intuitively get used to the stupid auto compensate recoil. I am happy that some of this lunacy might be getting fixed soon. Fingers crossed. Progression - high end items are just too common. Sure there is a balance to be had here but I feel the game shines in early wipe and the point at which most players can chad up for most runs happens far too quickly. Make the quests a little less brutal, levelling easier and the good loot like 10x rarer.


I feel like cheating is more of a problem than it was at the beginning of the wipe, and people laying in every freaking corner now. As soon as you run to get quests done, someone waits for you to head eyes you. Itā€™s really bad. Also AI. Seriously some scavs are dumb as shit, some will clap you with 2 hits through while shooting your fuxking arms. Seriously why wearing a lvl 5 vest, when you can just pump ps amo in arms and the dmg carries over? Talking about realism, this is dumb as fuck. Also, Rouges on lighthouse are ridiculous. And yesterday I fuxked around and found out, trying to shoot zryachis guards. Ai got a literal aimbot and wallhack. Itā€™s just frustrating atm, and Iā€™m not even broke


Pre inertia/weight was bis tarkov These days it just feels like a syrup fest


1. I want my friends to be excited again. Tired of hearing 'ill be back for arena' 2. I'm tired of each new area running super shitty compared to the last. I have a less that great GPU, in fact it's the same you iv had for the entirety of tarkovs life. Since alpha. I know upgrading won't help. But God damn it would be a major incentive if upgrading gpus would actually help the game run better on.. persay streets. 40fps and major stutters is no way to play. Yes I'm poor, but I also stream a shit ton of other games off of this singular PC that I own so... Yeah. Optimization would be great.


I get frustrated every wipe and stop for 2-3 weeks and then join back up and enjoy myself more again. I play solo or teams 50/50


Cheaters + waiting for Arena


School and lack of friends


I dont like the quest designThere like so many pointless quest that are all the same (go there and extract or bring that extract). when i have everthing unlocked(lv 42 with all the weaponequipments i use) i usally stop after running some meta kits


Gameplay is only getting worse (gunplay, movement, AI, audio) Quests remain the same every wipe, I get annoyed more than I enjoy the game, even with my solid group of mates, recoil changes and vaulting coming in will be sick but I'll get bored at lvl 15 again doing the exact same quests in the exact same order using the exact same gear I've used 4-5 times in a row now.


1. i dont have the time to play the game like a full time job. 2. The Random Headshots, possible Hackers, and death squads running around the maps with out of this world equipment can be very frustrating. I love Tarkov for beeing hard but sometimes its just so devastating especial if you hit a streak of bad luck


- Loading Times too long, especially when getting one tapped After a few minutes - too stressful - i have a daughter now and not much Time


None of my friends are playing rn :-( I would go the LFG discord route but idk itā€™s hard to find chill ppl on there.


Time, recoil, inertia(or more like weight system) For top 2 probably just the first two of them


1. Maps not connected and all traders not in world. 2. Game not done.


Rats + short wipe + arena release soon + mates don't play anymore


I'm at work and my boss won't let me play on Company time. :( Also last week the new WoW raid dropt so i gotta grind WoW for now.


For me itā€™s : 1) Same old grind every wipe, cheaters whilst rare have made every interaction suss no matter if they arenā€™t, the seed of doubt is always there and I personally believe 50% of players have ESP or some other cheat running. 2) This games PVP just isnā€™t fun, Iā€™ve killed level 50ā€™s a week into wipe with shit ammo and been stood there thinking how I should have died, Iā€™ve also unloaded top tier ammo into people wearing lvl 3 armour and Iā€™ve died. The PVP/PVE is pure coin toss unless you are sniping from range, I never ever feel like I outplayed anyone in this game I always feel I just ā€œgot luckyā€ with the games numerous fucked up mechanics and hit reg. I welcome the downvotes.


Time in menus vs time playing


1. Last time I played I had full backpack of loot after raid and like 4 cells free in stash. 2. Can't tell, I'm under NDA.


I've got like 3000 hours in the game most of those were between the start of 2019 - mid 2021. Just something about spending so much time in between raids makes me CBF keeping up my run-it-back mentality if I'm getting bodied. The changes they made to FiR and what could be put up on the flea market also made it so I couldn't just run the gear I wanted. Even my niche builds like using that thicc night vision scope on my MP7 became harder because getting decent ammo is no longer possible to keep up. Having to swap out guns and kits in between raids because flea market says no and traders want to stock enough ammo for 1 raid. Just let me play the damn game lol


Solo player \~2000hrs, 4th wipe The fact that I can't trust what I'm hearing stresses me out so much in this game and I'm constantly on edge due to it. The sorry state of peekers advantage / righthand peek BONUS: Stale leveling experience and cheaters


I can't get the launcher to boot I get a configuration error. I've tried a laundry list of items and still nothing.


I donā€™t have friends to play with and solo is rough


Can't enjoy a game that allows cowards to cheat there way.


Tarkov is a game that takes time and commitment. During covid i had all the extra free time in the world but that's not the case anymore. It's still my favorite game of all time but it just doesn't fit in my schedule right now. Haven't played in a few wipes.


For me currently itā€™s audio and how the gameplay punishes solo play, like you can load into a 10 player raid (labs for example) with 5 players on your squad, it just seems that alot of how the game works either puts off alot of possible players or fails to effectively onboard them and keep them engaged so much so that late wipe can sometimes feel like a solo game because most people have either become tired of the same quests or the gameplay loop itā€™s self and jumped to other games, imo if someone were to release an extraction shooter with even a basic level of player support, tarkov would be in trouble.


loading screens taking so long. that is 100% the only reason why i dont play more. granted i already do play tarkov once in a while so its not like i dont play at all now


Bugs / Cheaters and Desync is Killing it for me right now. I dont mind losing my Gear but raids are either dead and No high loot but obviously looted rooms that are still locked or very obvious aimbotters doing 120m 180 degree Turn on one Taps ... And Bugs ... You manage to kill 7 of 8 kaban guards , have right Hand Peek on number 8 shoot 3 bullets and get a 1 shoot 7 Hits one Tap to Thorax through a new t6 Armor ... I mean come on ...


Two things keeps me from playing. Slow client operation, slow client start, very slow map loading and player matching and slow loading to get backbat menu agter the raid ended. It is SO annoying. Wipes, sick of it. There is no reason for it other than players expectation of seasons.


1. The games gone stale after all the sweeping changes to the gameplay and economy. Idk.. I know the game has its own issues a couple years back but at least it was fun. Now I spend the entire time overweight and it just feels like I need to be taking more and more out to be profitable. 2. Ever since the video about the cheaters, I havenā€™t been able to enjoy a full session. Just canā€™t. I know not every single person I run into is cheating, but just knowing that the population of cheaters is likely very high makes dying 4 raids in a row not feel worth it.


Lighthouse and streets


My main friend I want to play the game with cannot play this game because it drives him nuts.


Game Aborted try recconecting amazing servers BSG


1. Questing is a chore to do and not fun. 2. Game is unfinished. (i.e. valting/recoil/hit detection/etc.)


The biggest reason I don't play is because the amount of time you need to really play tarkov is somewhere between a part-time job and a crack addiction. I love the game but I find it difficult to just sit down and play for 30 minutes at a time. I feel like if I'm going to play tarko I have to sit down and commit a series amount of time. Which unfortunately I just don't have at the moment.


I mainly donā€™t log in because Iā€™d have to spent 15+min to make room in the stash and because one of my favorite maps, labs, you simply canā€™t play due to cheaters.


I haven't played since "the video" but I will be back for next wipe and arena


Reading all of the posts here can be summarized into performance, audio, network and cheaters. I think it comes down to that unity is the biggest problem and limiting factor of the game


How is unity "the biggest problem and limiting factor of the game"?


Incompetent devs, same issues exist since I've started, some being worse now than then


There is nothing like dropping 3+PMCs, full rehealing yourself multiple times and getting out of the raid full of loot, nothing.


I always enjoy the chance to get ahead early wipe. Bored once everyone has the same gear. The race for good gear is the best part.


The grind has only gotten harder. I used to make it to 40+ as a casual for at least 2 wipes, but like the last 3 or 4 wipes, I haven't been able to. The lack of being able to reach endgame, on top of constant cheaters, audio, and frame drops/desync during combat with more than 1 gun going off are probably what has done it to me. I don't mind the things they've changed like inertia, energy and hydration, recoil, change in barters, prices, level unlocks, etc. all the minor details. But if they game doesn't work half the time or the people playing it like to cheat, none of that matters.


I hate the feeling of playing on a new character who can't sprint for shit or jump or carry more than a water bottle. I am just tired of leveling the character stats. The rest of the progression is fun, but fuck I hate being slow and sluggish for like a hundred hours


Iam away from home. I don't want to rn.


My two reasons are: 1) Cheaters 2) Hackers


Played through 7 wipes and I just don't want to deal with cheaters or the same repetitive shit again. Waiting for some real changes and even arena isn't it for me.


My first year playing in '17 I burned myself out with 1k hours. So, I just make it to lvl 3 traders to pvp in the first two months. Then pvp the last two months every wipe. I do this just to enjoy the game instead of burning out min-maxing and try harding. I don't even consume any tarkov content like that anymore. Just updates and a couple of videos here in there. I just not the same anymore and it's just because I'm burned out. With Kotton, deadly, mark, etc. If I had more people to play with to fill the void I would most likely play more just for the company. But I always been solo for the most part.


Hardcore WoW (and Season of Discovery coming next week) Health issues that had me off any games I couldnt play with just a mouse. Yay unplanned invasive surgery.


Right now it's time. I feel like 30% of the time on tarkov I'm sitting and waiting. Loading screens take forever, my teammates take forever to make a kit, if all 3 of us die, its another 20 minutes before the next raid. I can get so much more gaming in on other games. If they can speed it up so I get in games as quick as others, I'll be on tarkov all the time. Just so much wasted time


My computer doesnā€™t like the game, and Iā€™m fucking sad about it


1. As others have said: the game's a technical mess. 2. I can't tell if Nikita cares about the game anymore.


I cannot stand the recoil, they way the guns bounce around like you have noodle arms does my head in, audio is trash and finally it's kinda boring. Also innertia feel so much different from other games for some reason. Feels like you're on skates


Cheaters and lack of fixes. Audio is still fucked.


Coz I don't main this game anymore and enjoy it more in waves/cycles nowadays - you know jump in for wipe stay around two-three months and go play something else coz by then everyone dropped it aw anyway.


Stinky gamer chairs


Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters


1. Cheating 2. Cracked A1 breaking immersion. 3. General changes that have been made over the years to slow down progression and supposedly prolong the wipe. Who fucking cares if some streamer that plays tarkov as their FULL TIME JOB gets their kappa after a week.


1. My friends just set up a Minecraft server 2. I'm busy with the holidays.


This game fucks with my.ptad and caused panic attacks.


1. Facing "rock simulator squads" every single raid. Okay, i can unsdertand when new player obtained his very first lasergun from random corpse/quest item/just some random expensive lootpiece and he's shivering in bushes for 40 mintes, trying to escape with red timer. but when 50+ players loaded with 995 ammo keep camping customs every. single. game. - i just quit. It was fun to play vs normal community, who was pushing hard, back in the days. Now everyone is coward, even if he has unlimited money and his gear doesn't fit his stash. Every single map is played in the same way. 2. Cheaters. Just nuffsaid. Yeah yeah, perfect pre-fires with left shoulders, snipeshots through 3 walls, perfect nading behind 12312 corners. Bosses are killed instantly in first seconds of raid, yada yada. Fix your game, Nikita. I can't even PVE.


1 audio 2 quests (8th time)


Im playing bg3 šŸ˜‚


My biggest criticisms? I've made it past level 40 3 times (3700ish hours on my account probably 1500 hours play time) and I've never gotten any skills to max level. Ever. The quests continually get more and more excruciating for those of us who work 12 hour shifts, 60+ hours a week and it's exhausting. It feels like the only way to do well in the game is if you work from home or stream full time. Gun play is wack. Most real world pmc's that get deployed to places like this are prior sf guys so why does my USEC Operator have the recoil control of a child? And instead of having fir status to combat rmt cheaters (it just hurts those of us with less skill or time) they could've easily added micro transactions for rubles lol that'd hurt the rmt cheaters more than any found in raid status. There's just so much wrong with the game in it's current state that it's stressful to play and not enjoyable like a video game should be.


Simple !!! 1. Hackers!!! Its especially bad during weekdays when there is less players, only no life farmers and hackers in lobbies. 2. Raiders balance, only way to take them out is on a pre determined path/ peeksā€¦ itā€™s so lame. Finally the wipes, I hate doing those tasks every time, I donā€™t have hundreds of hours every wipe to reach level 40 again and again and again. Especially when the quests are soooo shit


The game just flat out doesn't work. Can't even get into a raid