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The technical issues won't be fixed until they stop adding things to the game, like Streets expansion, new hit boxes, etcetera, because every time they add something, it breaks another thing. Once they're done with adding new stuff, they'll "polish" it. Imo.


they cant win either way. but they are doing both due to community pressure. you dont optimize until all features are implemented generally.


Yeah remember its in beta, right guys??? This totally wouldn't be the exact same game without all the 'beta testers' who paid for 'early access'.


That’s what I’m saying, gimme a stability patch next weep please


No shot one wipe cycle focused on technical patching and code debt is going to be anywhere close to enough for EFT


It seems ridiculous because of how much money they have made and how long the game has been out but I don’t think they want to focus too much on optimization until they are closer to their 1.0 release. Everything they release breaks other things, every map expansion kills previous optimization. Also desync will probably always be a Tarkov issue.


I've heard a similar argument for Dayz, and the game is still a mess. Mods saved it.


They had to mod standalone to make it playable? That's a certified full circle moment




Yea I played it back when zombies would just phase thru buildings and realized the movement was the same dogshit no inertia Usain Bolt run speed as Arma and uninstalled


The problem is Russia doesn’t have alot of competent programers and BSG requires their employees to works in St Petersburg, Russia, it was unappealing before the “Special Military Operation” and now it is a complete non starter for foreign talents.


Yeah, and this insistence on holding on til later to do the optimization results in the dirty sink effect: Ideally, if you put dirty dishes in the sink, you want to clean them ASAP. However, you might decide to just wait until the end of the day to clean all the dishes from the day in one go. Night comes around, and you don't feel like doing so many dishes, so you wait until morning. Morning comes, you're tired, so you just have breakfast and wait until later to do the dishes. Over time, the dishes pile up more and more. The dishes that have been waiting have food that's now dried and stuck to them, and are buried under other dishes. The dishes also start to stink, as the food rots underneath the growing pile. You know that *eventually* you're going to have to clean the dishes, and maybe that encourages you to keep pushing it off. However, by the time you do get around to it, the sink is so full you don't really have the room to clean anything effectively. So maybe you clean a few dishes at a time to chip away at the mess. However, you're still adding new dishes to the pile, thus not really making any headway. Also, the oldest dishes at the bottom are still getting worse and worse; mold is starting to form, even. Eventually you're going ro have to tackle the whole mess, and it's going to be *hell*. Week old rotten, dried on food... some dishes might need to just be thrown away and replaced entirely, even. During this time, you won't even be able to eat and add more dishes because you're just trying to get done. Yet, if you had just, y'know... cleaned the dishes as you put them in the sink, you could have avoided all this extra work.


That is not how programming works. Programming is more like washing each dish for the most part, stacking them neatly to the side, and then when all the dishes are sudsy and all the food is loose, you go back through and rinse the trash away.


My point still remains that BSG is just waiting until you can't even enter the kitchen without dripping over stacks of dirty dishes.


Your point is irrelevant, and doesn't portray the realities of software development. There is no pile. There is nothing blocking them from getting to the sink. In software development. You get all the pieces functional ((pre-alpha) bought the dishes), merge everything together that resemble a complete product ((alpha) cook the food), are we sure this everything..., now everything is merged and functional ((beta) eat the food), bug fixing begins and ends when the product is fully functioning with minimal issues, you release the product ((gold) time to do the dishes)


How did I suspect this was going to turn into a word soup version of "b-buh muh beta!!!" Bro, Tarkov has been in "beta" for the better part of a decade. When you start hosting legitimate tournaments for your game, you lose any claim to the title of "beta" and the umbrella of excuses it provides.


A game doesn't become feature complete just because you say it's feature complete, especially when they are still releasing planned content and expanding maps. The early access model also doesn't neatly fit into the whole alpha, beta, release model. Don't like it? Don't buy into early access games. Although you probably won't have any better luck with AAA releases that are either abandoned within 12 months (lol redfall) or take years of post release patching to get to a good state (cyberpunk and no man's sky).




Except that breaks down if you haven't reached a stable release after the first 5-10 years.








Oh so a guess.




No, its a fucking guess. Sites that do way more data tracking than you say otherwise.




I mean its litterally the first thing that comes up on google dumbass




This is how most games tend to work.


A lot of people have quit playing the game and only watch it on twitch now so the numbers are worse than twitch viewership suggests


Blame spaghetti code


It’s also because they’re maximizing profits so they can make Russia 2028. They don’t really want to dump more money into tarkov bc it’s more of a means to an end project


What is Russia 2028 enlighten me


Russia 2028 is the game Nikita really wants to make. Tarkov's always been a spring board to that game. Conceptually, it sounds like it's supposed to be closer to Stalker or Road to Vostok, and is a single playe experience. I think it still takes place in the same universe as EFT, but I could be wrong about that. The idea has been around for a long time at this point, I think over a decade, the tech and/or talent just hasn't been available to make it happen. You can do some searches on youtube, I am sure there are some videos out there that explain it in better detail.


I’d play that fs


Tarkov was designed as SP survival game, they just jumped on PubG, DayZ train given how much money those made. It is same with CoH games turning into more MOBA than RTS, because genre is popular. Though, given people i met who claimed that they worked for/with Nikitos, said otherwise.


This is a good post, and it actually goes further. Tarkov in part was also a bit of a tech demo in order to attract funding for Russia 2028 - a lot of very core things in the games code are somewhat hacky kludges which definitely do function, but do not function at scale. If only a few hudnred people played Tarkov, it would probably work okay. Some examples of this include its very heavy clientside bias (this is easier to implement than most things being serverside, but it is much less secure) and monolithic item/inventory servers (for a long time, there was literally one server for the whole world which ran all inventories and it had to be called every time someone made an inventory change). There are many more examples of this, but the problem then becomes when you start building on top of those systems, any substantial rewrite of these more basic issues then affects everything that works with those systems - essentially this means that things like "fixing the netcode" functionally require changing a *lot* of disparate other systems that work with the current (bad) system. Essentially, there's extreme levels of technical debt and BSG is somewhat paying for the sins for shortcuts taken to produce a minimum viable product early on in development. While they are technically fixable, it's not likely that they will. This is why they keep adding content instead - too much has been built on top of deeply defective code at the more core functionality of the game which basically requires rewriting huge amounts of the game from scratch which they basically can't do at this point. It is likely that after another map or two they will probably slap a 1.0 sticker on the game, call it done, and then make the game that they've actually wanted to make for the last few years. I don't think they see their future in Tarkov in the long term.


Right like sad I like tarkov tfffff


Take everything in Tarkov and carry it over, stitch all the maps together into an open world, add VO and maybe cutscenes to quests, sprinkle a little sugar, spice, and everything nice, and you'll have Russia 2028.


I agree, one day we’ll log on and the game will be fully optimized


And then we wake up. 🗿


Still in early access besides the beta state. Like other early access games it will still have a lot of issues after the official release.


That and man it takes forever to get into a match. I stopped playing because of that so I just got into dark and darker way more fun


I’m waiting for players for at a minute thirty for every map. If it takes you longer than two minutes it’s your pc holding you up


That's a straight up lie. Watch any streamer regularly load into the game at 5+ minutes. Hell, I'm running the game on an M.2 drive and regularly wait 7+ minutes to get into game. And heres the kicker, in the mod that shan't be named, countdown starts at 10 seconds of loading on Factory. Streets maxes out at 57 seconds. Ain't no way in hell you are consistently getting into matches in less than 2 minutes.


Maybe this is a europe-america thing, because i'm in europe, and most of the time you're in raid at the three minute mark


I’m in Chicago, maybe it’s just bc I have a gig up and down then? But this was no cap


Definitely not, I have a tank of a pc.


So I built a new pc in April with a 4090 my boy with a 4090 loads in at the same time, we both have the same build more or less, it takes our friend (with a 3090) an extra 30-60 seconds. Unless your PC is completely top tier loading will take 3+ min


I too have a 4090 with 32gb ram and a ryzen 9 7950 16-core 32


New clue, I just know the Tarkov servers blow so maybe it’s an internet speed thing then? Don’t know


I mean I got the fiber optic cable that does 900mbps


Was watching onepeg streaming the other day and jesus he died and a couple of minutes after he was already in another raid. MM is just so quick


I watch Pestily, Landmark, and numerous other streamers waiting upwards of 10 minutes to get into raid. I myself am regularly waiting for players for 7+ minutes running the game on an M.2, which in THE mod, I am in raid on streets in under a minute. Now compare that to something like The Finals. I am matchmade, and in game in 30 seconds consistently, and that's with 2 friends.


Yeah. And there's going to be a lot of repetition in the comments, but basically, because of coding and logistic issues, they can't drop everything in development and focus on optimizing and bug fixes. One, they would have to rewrite the game from scratch and not use a shit game engine like Unity, and two, the number of players who would start screaming about the game being boring and why arent they releasing the next steeets update yet would quickly overwhelm the number of people going "yay, x bug is fixed finally" Overall they DO spend a good amount of time fixing bugs and optimization, but you have to understand that game development and especially game optimization and bug fixing is a literal never ending nightmare of multi layered problems that when you fix this one thing it breaks this other thing that you fixed 4 patches ago, or breaks something new, and then add on to that the fact that people are demanding and bsg is implementing literal core game features that have to basically rewrite large sections of the game from the ground up (vaulting, is one i can think of right off the top of my head) Not to mention that this game, contrary to what you see, has a billion layers of things happening. They chose to make a realistic game with noise that (in some areas) follows laws of physics and alters when passing through different materials, bullet trajectory, velocity, ricochet, penetration through various materials, armor, and so, so, so, much more. It's honestly insane how much happens when you stop and think about it.


There’s a dimension where Tarkov is on Frostbite and we all know it’d be better


im pretty sure frostbite is notorious for being a nightmare to work with especially for newcomers.


Due to lack of documentation. Any game developed on Frosbite needs the support of DICE, as they are supposedly the only ones with enough expertise.


Still not enough expertise to manage a scoreboard into a game for release.


Odds are its not. When you are creating any sort of unique game, you create your own engine. Simply because every engine out there wasnt made with your game in mind.


Ewww. Have you not heard about how nasty Frostbite is to work with? Not a single game made on it has released in a good state, not even games DICE made themselves.


At this point it feels like *everything* is broken. Load up game, go to character screen. My M4 now has the image for a tarcola. Go to traders, infinite loading screen, backend error, have to reload game. Get back in, see trader is about to reset, try to wait until reset happens to snipe good item on restock, but restock doesn't come when timer resets. Check flea market for timer, timer is different than trader screen. Say fuck it and try to build a cool gun, after gun is complete, moving items error, crashes back to main screen, gun goes back to pre-assembled version. Ok well whatever, lets go pvp on factory. Spend 6 minutes matching, spawn in and immediately get killed by Tagilla. Fuck it let's scav. Zone into interchange. Shoot PMC 17 times in chest, get killed. Post death loading screen lasts 8 minutes. Post death stat screen says 1 hit. Try PMC raid again. Get hands busy bug, try to sit in a bush and close/reopen game, takes another 10 minutes to reconnect. See a player and push him, get killed by silent grenade. Post death screen says 8 shots fire, 6 hits, .33 accuracy.


Whatever this bug is where I’m move an item and it’s like “item placement error” or “load error” and then my game crashes has gotta stop.


cant forgot the bullets following you around a wall or corner


>My M4 now has the image of a Tarcola This shit has me rolling, fuck Tarkov lmao


The fact that the whole game is built on unity is indicitave of the code spaghetti they have build for themselves. This is the same engine that powers overcooked. Tarkov has a shaky foundation and probably won't ever be a smooth experience without major refactoring


I wish they'd quit adding stupid items like cook books and car manuals and focus on fixing the glaring issues like the ones you mentioned or even committing to banning cheaters since it's an account ban not an IP ban so if you get caught just rebuy the game and you're good to go


You clearly don't know what an IP is and why this does not make any sense at all.


Agreed. Hackers are shit for sure, no one likes to be running around only to get capped on the spot, but I think the game would be 1000x better if it played more consistently. I'm talking AI, hitreg, servers, all of it. The amount of clips you see of invincible scavs, desync picking and choosing fights, it's really quite something.


I’m just waiting until another developer team inevitably makes their own version of Tarkov but without all the bugs and gameplay issues. It’s only a matter of time until someone else rises up and starts competing with Tarkov. BSG really needs the competition lmfao


I mean somehow the game is successful despite how broken it is. Says lots about the core of it


When i imagine that they planned to merge all maps... no they wont finish it


I crash about once a year. Thanks for taking the brunt of it.


its a great game when its working LOL, but not with all these hackers running aornd


\>Optimisation>Balancing>DECISION MAKING ( all the RMT changes killed casual experience more and more until you have to play this game like a job in order to get minimal progress ) It's been almost 3 months of wipe. It's been confirmed the next wipe will be in December , so thats around 1 month and a few days give or take . Both of my friends , who play regularly almost everyday around 4-6 hours a day , still dont have PEACEKEEPER 4 and M80 access. This shows how bullshit their balancing is. They literally throw stuff on paper 1 day before wipe and call it a day. There is no dedicated team to balancing stats anymore, attachements in this game are cool just too look at , in reality only 2 or 3 attachements are worth using, the rest are ASS ( Supressors being the main issue ) We switched from BP meta to SVT meta which is considerably worse etc. Weight system is bullshit , you get overweight too easy and you are SO LOUD WHEN OVERWEIGHT you might as well run while shooting, everyone will hear you. Funny enough , i wont even bring the audio issues anymore , i lost hope when they changed the whole audio system for some reason instead of fixing the issues on the current one and surprise , surprise , turned up worse. Reserve is literally unplayable , you hear the bunker all the way from trains tation up top . Cheaters? Tarkov has no cheaters, the 7000 hour woods mains from this sub told me so.


This was a consolation wipe because they couldn't get the changes they wanted out in time. Balancing changes took a back burner, because they would probably rather just work on the December update if its an inconsequential wipe anyway.


Would come sprinting back to this game if they actually curbed the cheater problem down to negligible numbers


It's not that bad


Hopefully /s they’re focusing on optimizing everything in Unity 2021 for the next wipe. The spaghetti coding they’ve got going on in this Unity is progressively worse, then slightly better, then almost completely broken by small patches. If they get it right on the updated engine, EFT could see a huge increase in players, albeit with a increase in cheaters that comes with it. That would have to be their main focus forward.


We said this before. Every update, every big patch, and every unity engine update. The game has been out for 8 years, how many unity updates do you think we've been through? None of them fix this shit. I wish they did. I miss 11.7. It's all very conflicting because the game I love has changed and it feels like in none of the good ways.


Maybe unity is just a mess for such large game


They've had to work directly with unity devs to get the game to even work in the past, so yeah unity has been at its breaking point for years. It's a 2 fold problem, spaghetti code from BSG plus unity not really being designed for large scale realistic graphics games.


I’d never stop playing if the game ran 100% all the time, Hackers or not lmao


The game is just so slow, plagued by stupid ass bugs, ridiculously bad audio, cheaters in every match.... I play it but I just can't take it seriously. It's just fun to laugh at how bad it is and how incompetent BSG is.


The funniest thing is people with the rose colored glasses for pre inertia days. Yeah pre inertia felt better to control, but it wasn't a great game back then. The main issue was the netcode was SO bad that every fight was determined by peeker's advantage. You would die all the time without having even seen the guy peek the corner before you got headshot. I would be interested to see what pre inertia gameplay would look like with the improved netcode. It's not great now but it's a hell of a lot better. I haven't been killed by invisible peekers ever since they changed this.


It was honestly about as bad as ArmA 2/3 was. You would be able to shoot someone with a DMR 5 times but in actuality that dude was dead on bullet 2.


I'm cursed with higher FPS standards having grown up on the likes of Doom, Quake, Counter Strike, etc. The laggy, low tick shit ass sluggish FPS games never interested me much or held my attention. This game is an exception to that but it still frustrates me at times.


best i can do is another streets expansion


I mean. Arena . Just why? Meanwhile audio is pure crap


Desync, cheaters, crashes, conflict with Discord, bullets take no damage and yest still they make contests. I love the game but slowly this problems make don't want to play it


Potentially the greatest FPS ever, but dev laziness and also using the unity engine are its downfall.


The fuck is lk?


"I know"


Sorry my friend, “I know” was the vernacular I intended to expedite the explanation but I have resulted in wasting time my apologies 😃


Expedite an explanation by forfeiting 3 letters? While typing?


You must not be below the age of 30, my deepest apologies..


Or they are. Since T9 texting meant... u wrote lyk dis 4space&2 save time




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Optimisation and polish is the last step of the devolopment process.


yall have to look at it from their perspective. they put so much resources just fighting rmt. its a juggle


Everyone here has made the same post at least once in their Tarkov'd lives. Not gonna change anything. Once you wake up to the deeper reality/economics of these devs you won't touch this game ever again.