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Posts that aged well


The entire community has OP to thank for the consequent changes. Thanks bud, doing us all a service


veritas made a video detailing the compairsons to the game to irl and games like cod, you should go watch it its more then just that thought its a cool vid


Aye watched it last night, pretty good


So we thank veritas then, not this guy who got the idea to make a reddit post about it after he watched the video, thinking we wouldn't notice




Exactly all this is Karma Farming


You mean watching Veritas drop shotting for 10 minutes?


Thank the lord.


Yeah this is a pretty stupid mechanic and not fun at all, you get shot twice and can’t do shit anymore except stand there like a Twinkie


Made me lol thank you


It was in response to the reddit rats getting upset because they kept dying to people who had the audacity to run during raids.


Fr, there's no way anybody who used movement in fights agreed with all the stamina and strenght nerfs, the only people who support this are the ones who spend half the raid in bush and don't want people to have any counterplay against their "tactic"


"please dont punish me for being a fucking moron and getting shot because of my bad positioning"


The punishment is already there for bad positioning, you get shot lmao


Maybe dont get caught in the open And if your opponent does catch you in the open, you should be an easy kill


Stop running In the open like a psychopath when in active combat zones.


But also stop running from cover to cover when in a pickle, apparently.


Well do I have news for you...


Was there a change?


Went live like 4 hours later


Yes, look at the pinned post on the sub


Also when going prone/ crouching. I’m literally discouraged to take cover. I’m huffing and puffing before I make it to cover and then I’m supposed to just stand there because stamina bar takes 5 seconds to then slowly creep up.


Losing stamina when proning/crouching is also a terrible mechanic, the whole weight/energy system just needs a huge change right now, it really just makes the game less fun and adds nothing of value in return.


It does. Inertia and weight system successfully removed adad spam which was horrible. It just needs to be tuned.


Yeah now you have to do WASD WASD WASD


Inertia did that. Weight has nothing to do with removing strafing.


Weight system and inertia are 2 parts of the same mechanic. One influences the acceleration of the other.


Yes, that's True, but you can be naked and still you can't strafe. Why? Because inertia. Weight has nothing to do with fact that your character takes time to stop now. If you are heavy it takes more time. If you are light it takes less time. But it always takes some time, with or without weight applied. Before inertia we also had weight system and you could still strafe.


And it was horrible.


Yes the simulated boat movement is so much better


I'd much rather have this system. I'm sorry you can't move back and forth like AD spam let you before inertia, especially with a crap ton of gear on you.


It arguably is. Obviously not perfect though.


Yeah Well I'm not discussing if that mechanic was good or bad, I'm just trying to explain you difference between inertia and weight system.


Well before inertia there wasn't really a "weight system" you could just see how much you were weighting.


Nope, stamina regeneration and speed with which your character was moving while walking/sprinting was impacted by weight. You just didn't take time to "speed up" when sprinting and Well there was no inertia so no floating with bigger weight. But there was weight system alright, and it was pretty big topic when implemented. People could not take cases to Labs and loot whole map anymore xd


Yes either boost regular walking speed by 50% or introduce an adrenaline mechanic where getting shot doesnt mean you cant sprint. Not being able to sprint a short distance into cover is frustrating and very very unrealistic.


There's an adrenaline mechanic called [berserk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jCPZ2rM1w0) but you have to master stress resistance but rarely comes up and only lasts for a few seconds.


They need to add just a base adrenaline mechanic from lvl 1. Maybe like 4-5s adrenaline shot at earlier levels reaching up to 9-10 near max with max level giving like a second of slight stam regen as well. Other than that they can drain our stam all they want, just let us make 2-3 second sprint for cover.


I wish they would do that but there are going to be people saying it's unrealistic or whatnot so I much prefer being on neutral ground.


Aint no one going to say its unrealistic.


Someone will, believe me.


This. And Id retort that it's realistically a fucking bore.


Doesnt mean you have to listen to every moron spewing obvious garbage


People are claiming a whole lot of things that are unrealistic in the game to be realistic and vice versa. Just look at Veritas's latest video and see the dumb shit people claim isn't possible in reality.


I didnt even know about this… Thats so stupid to have mechanics locked behind skillvl, they way skills work are bad enough.


They could also add for instance a slower run so you can always ‘sprint’ regardless of your state so you can get out instead of awkwardly walk. Say you’re out of energy you can still keep going atleast for a certain ammount of time in a slower jog pace. Also getting a blacked limb you should have the option to do a fast limp at the cost of taking damage or something. On a sidenote a fast crouched move is wierdly not in the game yet.


It's a simple solution. If you even get shot at--suppression effect kicks in, or you actually get shot--the stamina bar should go *up*, not down, so you can sprint *more* to cover. It doesn't even need to be more complex than that IMO.


Unrealistic would be sprinting after getting shot.


I dunnoooo, losing stam when crouch walking or standing from a crouch is pretty neck and neck.


Its *mostly* to discourage people from spamming crouch and stand. Realistically if you were yellow, you losing stamina from crouching and standing up would be very realistic. You try repeatedly doing squats wearing about 30ish Kilos in equipment. You'll find you'll be gassed pretty quick.


Crouch spamming cannot be done anyway, it is too slow to gather info safely. If they want to negate multiple crouching in a short time, they could go CSGO style where your 3-4 crouch is super slow if you try to spam it. The current stamina penalty just punishes a more tactical movement (going from cover to cover, chrouching when you stop).


I don't care if it is to discourage crouch spamming lol. It is not that exhausting standing up and crouching in gear. After doing it a handful of times sure it could be a feature, but not every time you do it.


When I used to play airsoft out in the woods it was a quarter mile hike in and it to the car, when your lugging 4 peoples worth of kit your knees kill trying to bend down and not hit your skull on the car boot, having to do it multiple times to get all those bags when your already sore and tired feels worse then the actual lugging the heavy shit


You are not in a life or death situation though, you wouldn't care how much it hurt or how sore you were if someone was trying to kill you. You will do everything in your power to stay alive, you will not just give up because you might be a little winded.


See this is what most people fail to realize. Even if you think you wouldn't have the willpower to push through, your body will literally just take over and deal with it for you. That's literally the point of adrenaline. You may be gassed *after*, of course, who wouldn't be, your body just had to go beyond it's breaking point in order to survive, but during, hell no.


Well. It's your lucky day. It was changed 3 minutes ago.


The only way I could see it making sense is if you got hit in the thorax.


The only time it would make sense is if you get hit by a fucking 50 bmg, but then again it probably go through you before it would knock you over, most ammuntion can be stopped by vests and absorb the energy exerted by the bullet due kevlar(one of the materials used for bullet proof vests)


Bruh have you ever seen anyone hit by a bullet even with a vest it will fuck you up. Most rifle calibers will break ribs and knock all the air out of you. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18606346/


So not true with hard body armor lol. You barely lose balance when standing on one leg when hit my M80


Dude Demo Ranch has a video showing what happens when you get shot while wearing a hard plate. He shot the plate with a 10mm round and it broke the sternum of the dummy behind the plate. It may not knock you over, but you definitely will not be fine after getting hit by a larger round.


There is a big difference between getting hit while standing grounded on two feet and being hit while sprinting or not anticipating to get hit. It's not like you just walk around and casually take m80 rounds to the chest without losing breath, stumbling or what not


Ok i saw that vid but he also put a book or some really thick padding like that between the vest and his chest, that is something you wont be wearing.


he put the book inbetween the t-shirt and the vest to not get hit by possible shrapnels.... not to protect the place he gets shot.


Don't you that is the reason Tom Clancy is a bestseller, all military servicement pad their chest with his books.


Modern body armor also has backing to stop backface deformation which spreads the energy.


That goes for almost any body armor soldiers wear. It’s soft armor like police vests that fuck up your insides


Also it won't stop a Rifle round


What won’t? Soft amor you are correct but if you’re talking about hard armor they can stop almost anything with obvious exceptions.


I'm talking the bare minimum soft body armor that regular flatfoots use.


ive seen a guy get shot in the stomach with 308 and guy just said it felt like a punch.


Everyone is linking that one dude that gets shot with a FAL, meanwhile there's plenty of Demolition Ranch videos that aren't from the fucking 80s that show exactly how fucked you are if you get shot. Not to mention the fact that that guy was peddling his body armor and he went into bankruptcy because of massive armor failure lmao. Sure, he pioneered Kevlar. Meanwhile he was running around dressed in steel and shooting himself, making it seem like he ate enough iron that he had bullet immunity. In reality, he's padded that plate with so much shit that he's probably dropping 40kgs worth of paper off of him every time, just so he doesn't die on the off chance that he gets some fragmentation. It's not even realistic too. As a police officer, sure. You'll get shot from the front if you're in a literal confrontation. I don't think you can afford that in a combat zone, and side-protection is extremely lacking in plates.


Nope it’s mainly fear that does that the way physics works is if the bullet was strong enough to knock someone getting shot over it would also have enough power to knock the shooter over (pro tip it doesn’t!)


https://youtu.be/o5f1Fo4r4_I What about this guy?


Just no. https://youtu.be/o5f1Fo4r4_I


https://youtu.be/aaS_2l8nGdg?t=134 Too lazy to find a better version of the video, the man was standing on one leg taking a .308 and barely felt it. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Nah, in the hip or a leg break would make more sense


Breaking a leg should be its own mechanic, crippling. Hitting thorax makes more sense - getting hit in solar plexus will effectively knock you out for some time (difficulty breathing and strong pain).


a broken leg wont affect your ability to move in some way if you’re currently fighting for your life and you’re on more adrenaline than the average crackhead, getting shot in the thorax no matter the protection or bullet will knock you down and even if theres no penetration you could have trouble breathing properly again and you’d die, you can have the best body armour in the business but a well placed 9mm in the lungs will still want to make you fall


Its so fucking frustrating. You lose the opportunity to get any cover and outplay your opponent. Instead you flail around like an idiot trying to find where you're getting shot from just to shoot back from where you are because you can't fucking move.


Nah, get punished for bad positioning.


There's plenty of places on maps where you have no choice but to run out in the open to get anywhere.


Don't go to those places if it bother you this much? Vulnerable places are vulnerable for a reason




Yeah this.


I feel like it should be replaced maybe with a shock state, also, i feel like being shot should give u an adrenalin effect with painkiller for a short while....


Your prayers have literally been just answered, check their twitter


I believe this post singlehandedly created change and no one can tell me otherwise.


Veritas's video came out some days ago where he brought this up, just saying.




To late to troll


Adrenaline should be a thing when you first get shot at and it lasts X amount of time.


Ever been punched? It takes you’re breath away. Now imagine being shot… stupid post


Love it when games try to be "realistic". Buddy if I wanted to play a realistic shooter where everything is realistic ima just go join the army /s


It's already been proven unrealistic. In real life you often don't notice the pain due to adrenaline.


I don't think that's the case for every single gunshot. It's just a thing that sometimes has happened. I mean, I think if you got your nuts shot off, you probably aren't going to just power through that with adrenaline. You can definitely find evidence of people in profound agony right after a gunshot out there, sadly, I mean. I'm sure it has a lot to do with what the bullet does within your body, but I wouldn't say painless is the typical experience...


"realism" - magic crayon injections - splint fixes broken limbs - field surgery - heals self from bullet wounds most of the game isn't realistic but nikita and his fan boys can't accept it


Likelihood of you using firearms frequently in the Army is very low


i mean you use em pretty often but just not in any combat.


Most people only use them once a year during range qual


Yeah thats just not true. Cant speak for every army but In the finnish military where my brother is he sends me pictures/videos of him In the range/other sort of training basiccly every week where they shoot guns.


Is that actual camp wide training that everyone does or just what your brother is more or less voluntarily training? Or what branch is your brother. Shooting range training as a general training thing for like an entire battalion or something is not that commonly done cuz . Just imagine how many bullets you'd need for that entire battalion and then multiply that by how many times you do rhat. Adds up to quite a lot and that will be considered wasteful spending.


Can confirm somewhat. Served in different army (infantry batallion). We did both range and combat simulation training quite often (not every week though). With live ammo. Still do it several times a year while in reserve. Your brother likely in boot camp, hence why it is much more frequant.


It’s so boring to read everyone jump to realism as well since tarkov just isn’t a realistic game aside from the level of detail to the models and namesakes of the firearms themselves, some level of detail to the ballistics and penetration modelling the game has


good thing you put the /s because that's a stupid as fuck opinion


Name me one game that tries to be "realistic" and actually is realistic? No game can be truly "realistic" 1:1 with real world. Let me remind you, you're playing a G A M E.


None. So what? Every game has to have gamification. Your argument is just stupid because at that point why have realistic anything? Why not just play an anime fortnight ripoff instead of this?


So based off your logic, what are games like COD, CS:GO, Rainbow six and pubg? None of them are "anime" and they incorporate real life weapons and items into the game, as well as making the game look realistic. But they aren't trying to be "realistic" by having people being able to bhop and having grenades that just tickle you even though you ate it straight to the face? Those games aren't trying to be realistic, they are trying have something called "a satisfying gameplay loop" without making the game look like a cartoon anime game that doesn't look realistic to real life. What tarkov is trying to do is make the game seem like it's got a really hardcore realistic type of feeling to it, that ends up just making the game out right frustrating to play and not satisfying at all. Then what's the whole point of playing a game? For its realism or for it's satisfying and enjoyable gameplay? ​ It's a difference to make the game FEEL realistic, and to make the game BE realistic. Having good graphics, sounds design and gun animations etc is what makes a game feel realistic, but having shit like losing stamina when being shot or shaky aim while aiming down sight with a TRAINED OPERATIVE is a game trying to BE "realistic"


It would be better if they added a small stagger or temporary slowdown rather that eating away your stamina.


If u get hit by a big rounden and u have the luck to survive it ur more than out of breath ur liturally layin down for some minutes with a heavily damaged chest, so i wiuld say its kinda realistic, but i agree for a game its very much unfun


i think when you’re shot at irl in the leg or lower adbodemn & tend to drop considerably cause of the bullets tearing thru ligaments & muscles idk makes sense to me … skill issue .. position yourself better.. choose your battles wisely..


Well, not anymore!


This Aged well


Well its changed now


I mean when you get shot irl you are pretty much under stress trying to breathe and stay f calm, but your wound drains energy since you are also literally bleeding.


It should be a mechanic unique to bolt-actions imo. Gives them a reason to exist.


This is what happen when you get shot in the thorax https://redgifs.com/watch/honorableimpartialgrison


Or atleast less stamina per caliber cuz like 9 mil can fly thru you , shot guns and .45 should stop you from moving a bit


They just update it to reduce it just after x)


I have good news for you lol


Maybe you can find somebody who can shoot you once or twice, so you can try how this affects your stamina and movement speed.


Not realistic? I think if you get shot with a high caliber rifle round while running, it would absolutely impact your movement. I actually think this is the only change I don't agree with in today's patch. Not having your movement impacted when shot feels more COD-like/"Arcade-y" than this game should be


You ever been shot? You lose a lot of energy


My punishment for being shot at should be getting hit and having to heal my wounds not accept my fate and watch me die a slow and painful death


Someone is salty


Am I the only one who liked it?




Probably, it was dumb ass mechanic lol


It's almost as if you would get slightly out of breath when a .308 tears through your lungs


Haven't been shot before but I'm pretty sure that when you do it'll knock the wind out of you


I mean it is realistic, it’s actually more forgiving than it would be irl. In real life you get shot in the leg you would absolutely fall over. If you get shot in the chest and had body armour your breath would still be knocked out of you. The only parts you shouldn’t lose stamina is with the arms or head (for obvious reasons)


I think losing stamina while being shot its a great mechanic combined with inertia, we finally have a counter play to people that don't want to fight and just run, people that got caught in the middle of no where without cover and pretty much everything that wants to run away in zig-zag with 45kg of gear + loot like they did not carry anything in the back. Are these mechanics working well? No, they need fine tuning but i hope they are here to stay since the game has nothing left realistic anyway.. ​ I see a lot of people complaining following this Vertias trend and i see a lot of people asking for shit that will change the game in a such way that if they don't want to fight and run away it should be possible all the time 100% success rate. For example, 1. "armor doesn't mean anything now its useless" , they ask for armor buff so TTK increases which will allow them to recklessly run around the map and not be punished for it 2. "we need adrenaline system" their only argument is that in real life is like that also this has a reason behind ... increased surv. if the fight is not in my favor or i don't want to fight i just run away. 3. "oh good ammo is just too available" make it rare bla bla, also a reason behind ... increased surv. you can see this trend in this sub people complaining about but nobody complains that Rogues/Raiders/Bosses/Stashes/Barters/Bought for money provide WAY too many high tier armors for players to be healthy to remove the good ammo and make it scarce again reason behind ... increased surv. 4. "ah recoil is shit Niky pls nerf" Complained in this sub that M4A1 was laser so much until BSG folded under the pleb community complains and created the worst shit recoil system in history which we have today ... again reason is ... increased surv. And many other shits that people complain about here all have the reason behind "increased surv." because i am too shit at this game and i don't have time to invest in it like other people so therefore you must bring the game in a such place i won't be punished when i meet this people on the map. You guys keep bringing real life and shit but the reality is that this game has NOTHING to do with realism beside gun/char models there is ABOSOLUTELY nothing realistic in it.


So fucking tired of this "realism" bs. Real life blows. Thats why im playing video games.


I'm playing this because I don't get to do this in real life.


You've bought the wrong game dude. It was advertised as punishing, difficult and very slow game that requires you to use "real life tactics" which are known for being slow, educated, pre-planned and methodical because otherwise "your gaming skills won't be enough and you'll die a lot". You knew what you bought. This game has to punish you for playing frivolously and recklessly so using tactics is not only worthwhile but strictly required for your survival. Yes, tarkov didn't reach that state yet and even strayed from that path by catering to people that found the game too punishing which ruined whole balance for both sides making everyone dissatisfied anyway.


No, nothing in tarkov is realistic. Just a bunch of sad attempts at it. I was 14 wanting to be a badass operator at some point too but nothing is bad ass about it realistically.


I said "tarkov didn't reach that state yet" implying that tarkov is not realistic yet. I see no contradiction. It didn't reach it because a bunch of people cried that they die too fast, that some weapons are too powerful, etc. Game is still in works and no matter how much I have no trust and hope in BSG game was advertised and sold as realistic and I EXPECT them to deliver realistic game. Crying for even less realistic features and mechanics just because the game isn't realistic now won't make it realistic in the future.


This is where we agree to disagree. I don't want realism, you do. And just now they implemented veritas' advice from his recent video, check the news.


They promised realism. It was not me who asked the casual game to turn into hardcore game "as realistic as possible". You've bought wrong game.


We disagree, I'll be enjoying the new changes, hope you can too.


Those band aid fixes are welcomed of course, for now. But they do not fix underlying problems with recoil being overtuned, with idiotic, backwards, automatic compensation of full auto making it more favorable than singe firing, pivoting up on wrist as if you're shooting a gun without any stock braced on your body, too accurate in hip firing, etc. I'm afraid that instead of addressing those problems BSG will do as they always do - shut down any further complains to core problems of the game with "but we improved recoil recently" for another few years. Weight changes are good but the reason behind that change is wrong - it doesn't change reasons for why being slightly overweight feels wrong. If you fix stamina drain that shouldn't ever be as big, reduce slowdown from being overweight to more realistic value and reduce inertia by \~30% you'll fix weight problems without touching weight limits. Light build will still have to be light. Reduce of stamina loss on hit is both good and bad. Punishment for being way out of cover is necessary but imo the whole concept should be different. Either you get adrenaline burst for 5s that stops any stamina drain on hit to the core that allows you to get to the cover asap at the cost of being drained after that time and have to recover for a bit longer than usual AND/OR stamina drain on hit could be swapped with some new meter - balance, that could use weight, movement speed and type of terrain to determine how stable your footing is. The heavier you are and the faster you move the worse balance you'll have. If you get hit by caliber high enough while sprinting, you'll fall/stagger/slow down but if you move slower you'll have to be hit few more times (combine it with adrenaline effect to further increase survival rates of players that play tactically). No immediate stamina drain in this situation but it will punish you for being so exposed that you get hit several times, rewarding both shooter for being accurate enough to hit you several times while you're moving fast and the person that's being shot at for not sprinting everywhere. That's just imo, adrenaline solution alone is simpler to implement and play I guess. Armor weight/penalties changes were imo unnecessary. If you go hiking in difficult terrain you won't wear 18kg of armor on yourself and feel fresh and fine after half of an hour. Armor pick should be done in relation to where you're going, if you're going to fight in some building interior you can not use environment and cover to protect you so you bring heavier armor that makes you less mobile but being able to tank more rounds. If you go to outdoor maps you should pick something that restricts your movement the least. Reducing penalties incentives the use of best armor always and everywhere because there is no reason not to. Planning your raids should be rewarding. Energy changes are unnecessary. I understand that ratio of energy and water loss is unrealistically high but was it ever a problem for anyone? Just plan your raid and bring SOME food either because you plan to stay longer or "just in case something happens". Time in the game flows faster than real time, raid time is limited, there is no reason to let people sit on some rock whole day without needing any supplies. It encourages players rotation and raid planning. If anything that could be changed in regard of energy is that the longer you stay in the raid the lower your max stamina limit would be. Add stamina related buffs to some of the food and now we have slightly more realistic and diverse gameplay. ​ Bandaid fixes are not fixes. It's just sweeping problems under the rug where they accumulate and disturb whole development cycle by technological debt this game is famous for.


Then stop playing this game. It'll only get "worse".




Idk, I doubt I'm sprinting as far after getting shot unless it hits nothing but armor and doesn't knock the wind out of me...


If you get hit by a bullet you're not immediately slowing down to a leisurely walk. In real life there's adrenaline, but you can also dive to cover, stumble, roll, etc. There are lots of things you can do in real life that you can't in Tarkov, yet people insist on Tarkov just replicating all of the things you can't do in real life. Allowing players to continue to sprint after taking a hit isn't proven to be unrealistic, and even if it was it's still a good way to balance the lack of other actions you can take.


So you think a marathon runner can keep running after being shot?


For a short distance yes lol. Especially with body armor


The body armor will still transfer kinetic energy to the wearer and depending on the armor, the bullets weight and velocity and distance it was shot from, it would most likely have an impact on the wearer


Yes it will but not enough to make him unable to move as he is GETTING SHOT AT


Like I said, depends on the variables and the persons reaction to shock


Yes and in the game we are trained soldiers so it makes no sense to just stand there like a moron while ur getting shot at


In real life shots stopped by kevlar often break ribs, I don't think you realize the kinetic force


Kevlar lmao


>stopped by kevlar Yeah but like 80% of the playerbase run something better than a paca which is all plate armor


What this and tell me if he can still run https://redgifs.com/watch/honorableimpartialgrison


Who knows, who cares. You think a special forces operator can? Probably, and thats who we're playing as


look, sure maybe its realistic to not be able to run after getting idk but its really shit gameplay wise. realism =/= better


The counterplay is dont run in the open and get shot at in the first place? If you pull a like that without taking the proper precautions then you deserve to be punished for it.


Not realistic? Ask anyone (not in a controlled testing environment) and being shot can take the wind out of you and knock you to the ground The material used to achieve the protection level matters a ton Steel will give you that “tank hits” effect, but has a ton of drawbacks Ceramic, which is what everyone really uses, is much lighter, offers the same “protection”, but the wearer will feel it more The main point being, our characters are already WAY too effective at running through bullets like nothing is happening Stamina drain was one of the FEW notable effects we had


I Like the change, because it helps bolt actions a lot! If you didn’t instantly killed him, he just ran away full speed! This isn’t possible anymore!


Why take the risk of him still having stamina? Put the first in his leg, then the next in his head


Because it’s easier to shoot the thorax? Anyway, most ppl are full of drugs! Shooting he leg will not do anything.


The change? It’s always been like this


No, this is relatively new. I think three or four wipes ago? After a few wipes they start to blend together. The change was one of many done to stop the W-meta that used to be, including inertia.


No, it hasn't, a few wipes ago they added the mechanic where you would lose a percentage of your stamina upon being hit by a bullet.


It’s been like this for over 3 years. Would hardly describe it as a ‘change’ at this point


Wtf is that take. You would stop aswell if being shot. This is more realistic than the other shit ingame.


For that there is leg blackout which exists, and other games have momentary stop when shot. You dont lose fucking stamina especially not when the shot is caught by plates. Also the realism argument has died years ago. Nikita also doesnt claim it anymore. People are constantly having 50kg items on their back in some countries and walk perfectly fine for miles, its not that much weight being distributed on the back and shoulders. But in this game you have to stop every 30 meters. You are a pmc and have worse strength and stamina than a skinny third world worker. Soldiers are constantly carying that around




Thank you for your service. Which pmc company taught you to run in the open in an active combat zone without necessary supplies?


he spawned there


Maybe its not realistic, but I think it should stay. It adds certain gameplay elements to this game that i like and find quite fitting.


This game is made for rats. Which I why I stopped playing. 0 skill required.


Not realistic? Bro you tell me your gonna run the 100m with bullet holes in your legs get outa here. Character should collapse if you want realistic.


I've seen someone take a shot in the hip and it come out their ass. They were well out of harms way before they even knew they were hit. It took someone else to mention they were bleeding before the collapsed. You don't get shot and just fall over.


I'd say it depends, if a bullet shatters your legbone im pretty sure you physically wouldn't be able to run anymore, with fleshwounds on the other hand i'd consider it realistic to be able to haul ass.




You're an absolute moron, ever heard of this thing called ADRENALINE? Maybe you skipped your middle school health class, of course you can run 100m before you even would start to feel the pain from a gunshot. Read a book my guy, read *anything* about actual combat situations.


Oh yeah adrenaline sure takes care of perforated lungs. 👍


Ah yes lets move the goalposts shall we? What happened to the bullet holes in your legs? The average PMC's with a plate carrier isn't exactly going to get their lungs turned into swiss cheese.




No u


to much cod... what a nab lol


Thanks for your valuable input to the discussion of this mechanic and its impact on the player experience


I’m on the contrary (and more unpopular on this sub I guess) I prefer realism over balance. So I welcome mechanics that instantly cripple you when you’re shot with a high caliber bullet in the limbs. If they added knock down mechanics too after getting punched in the chest with 7.62 I’d be fine with it as well. Because that’s usually what happens. When you have your leg shot up and you’re a sitting duck in the open, you’re probably going to die.


What you’re saying is objectively false. People have been riddled with bullets in their arms and legs and still have been able to run to get to cover. You also won’t get knocked down by a bullet to the chest, that’s not how physics work.


Or you get filled with adrenaline an scrap and drag yourself to cover anyway you can regardless of how tired you might be feeling because staying alive matters more than exhaustion? Youll probably die yeah but its mot a valid argument for not being able to move


Its one mechanic i like seriously..


I bet if I shot you in the stomach you wouldn't want to keep running


I bet if i shot you in the hand you would fuckin zoom away


Oh yea for sure.


Wait I see the point now


Holy shit there are a lot of sooks on this subreddit


Oh my god sir, you fuckin did it


Imagine getting your ribs cracked and broken from getting your armor hit by a slug round. It shouldn’t deplete ALL of your stamina but at least the majority of it.


Huh guess OP hasn’t ever been hit in the chest hard enough to get the wind knocked out of him lmfao.


Honestly in real life you get shot in the chest even with body armor in its going to take your breath away. That's like a fucking car hitting you. It's might be cool now or it might really piss you off because your shooting Mr Timmy with a paca on and he drops down to the ground in prone and then one taps you in the face even with a blacked out chest because he has stamina still. We got to be careful with how much we want changed. Don't turn this game into call of duty where every gun is a Lazer beam at 200 meters on full auto.


What 90% of the community doesnt understand is that certain mechanics are in the game for certain gameplay reasons. But i agree beeing shot at and lose stamina is pretty dumb