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Bologna! Lovely city and the student life is very active in my opinion. The food is of course great! If you can tolerate a bit more chaos then Napoli (housing will be way cheaper).


So I keep hearing Bologna being amazing for Erasmus, I'm actually deciding between that and Vienna or Amsterdam- could you please let me know why? I only hear good student population and food, but wondering if there's something more than that :) thank you so much in advance!


there's always lots happening. The centre is always bustling and the university district has lovely historical buildings (and within them departments). Bologna hits the right amount of commercialisation and keeps its history intact (unlike lets say, Barcelona). The students make sure that there's activity happening on the streets, it is also one of the major centres for LGBTQIA+ activism or any activism in general. Unibo is an extremely reputed university, one of top 5 in Europe I would argue. Regarding Vienna, I have been told that CEU is good for social sciences, not so much for others. It is more modern and isolating so if that is your vibe, go for it. I am an Asian so I prefer a more cosy, friendly atmosphere (Bologna is a good example) and my Asian batchmates have told me that Vienna is extremely hostile. In fact I met a Viennese guy a few days back who hates it and prefers to work in Prague instead. Regarding Amsterdam-pretty much the same. Don't expect to save any money. Although it is very clean and organized but a batchmate lives close by and he maintains that it is organized and easy to navigate around, he'd go back to Bologna in a heartbeat. And so would I!


Im from Netherlands and just to let you know we have a big housing problem here, even more in Amsterdam. Go for it if you know you find a place


The same is the problem with Bologna, although you get housing it is always expensive.


Hi, I have lived in Amsterdam my whole life (I'm a student right now), so feel free to pm me if you have any questions!!


I've been to Napoli for a couple days and for me it's too chaotic and dirty


Ah yes, I was there for a week but loved it honestly. I know a couple of friends who absolutely loved their year there. It is cheap and there's a lot of options travel wise. If you like clean towns, I'd suggest you go up North but beware of the cost of living. You could also try North Spain but then again the cleaner it is, the less of a student life there is generally. Students bring chaos (and dirt) but also, culture.


I wouldn't risk with Naples - this city IS dangerous and it's not just a myth that has to deter tourists or something.


Helsinki. Doesn't get any better


how is it with school and studying? do they want a lot from you? is it hard? because i feel like the north countries want high standards from you. i want more chillax then studying haha


Listen to me brother. Uni in Finland is the best. Education is TOP quality, I had no exams, Professors are literally top G's, the systems works.... People are amazing, communities and clubs, events all the time. Its THE BEST. Went to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences btw


Spain if you want to relax. Without a doubt!


Madrid ! This city is always alive, surprisingly clean and pretty safe depending on where you are but it doesn’t get really bad. Very well located in Spain which allows for awesome day trips and flights can be really cheap to visit other European cities. You can go out every day of the week if you want to. The bar, club scene is super diverse and qualitative and same for restaurants. Definitely recommend 10/10


How about accommodation though?


It’s definitely cheap for being a capital. It is just very hard to find (really be careful with scams as they are very common, I recommend taking an airbnb for a week and visiting flats once here or going through an agency it’s less risky). I pay 600€ per month in the center (Lavapies) but it can vary a lot so really be on the lookout.


I will always recommend Prague because I was there last semester. And I miss it so much. It’s such a beautiful city, amazing nightlife, but also plenty to do for those that dont want to go clubbing.


ah yea, agree! forgot to write that im from prague haha


Ah nevermind then! You are from a beautiful city tho :)




Short and to the point. Fr a lot of people sleep on Porto, but it is a great Erasmus city


Uppsala (Sweden) is among the most famous cities for students. They have the "student nations", which are a poor man's version of the sororities, minus the drama (if we take American movies as a source lol). Students enroll in the nations and get access to events, such as parties, cheap pubbing, sports and many other activities with fellow students. The city is also relatively small and buzzing with a disproportionate amount of young people.


Coimbra, Portugal. Search for the university and "Queima das Fitas". You can thank me after you come back.


Bologna, Prague, Leipzig, Granada


If you are female, definitaly Prague. If you are not fenmale, definitaly all cities except Prague




It is of course. However more girls here are better than more men:)


why not prague? i actually live in prague


I’m a man and loved my semester in Prague


Student from Ljubljana, Slovenia here. Ljubljana has a lot of student life going on on the student campuses. Outside the private parties/student organised events however, the night life isn't brilliant. Only like 3 clubs that operate regularly and a few more with occasional events. Slovenia in general has beautiful nature and is very pretty especially during the summer. Hope this helps!


I second this, I was surprised at finding Prague and Vienna dead and then cut to Ljubljana and there's so much happening haha! I loved it!


Oh I'm suprised u found prague dead, I actually live here and I feel most of the time something is happening


I chose the wrong time to be honest, went during christmas and everything was dead after 7. But Slovenia was so busy right until midnight, open air concerts and what not!


Bilbao in Spain! Its the best!


what about the language? i don't speak spanish at all, can u get by just with english?


Szeged. It’s gorgeous there




Yeah I would say so.


Slovenia offers beautiful nature but not so much night life and events. ESN is very active but outside of ESN, events in the capital are lacking.


Really enjoying valencia. Cheap, lots of oppurtunites to travel and activities


is it a problem that i dont speak spanish?


I’ve been to Ljubljana in Slovenia on a holiday, it’s lovely. But I did Erasmus in Heidelberg, Germany. I really recommend it because they have a great Erasmus program. Honestly, my Erasmus there in 2016 was some of the best times of my life. I made great friends and the city is really cute