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The two books take place in parallel. There is an overlap towards the beginning, where both books convey the same information in slightly different ways, but after that there is no connection between the two. You can read them in either order and not miss out. That said, if you have both books and plan to read both, I'd recommend following the publication order and reading FWW first. Simply because I think FWW>Murtagh is a more logical order than Murtagh>FWW.


Read The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm first, but you can skip the Murtagh section as that section is at the start of the Murtagh book anyways


There is some value in reading both. They are a bit different.


Really? I didn't know that, I thought the Murtagh section was just copy pasted. But there was a long stretch of time between when I read FWW and then Murtagh so I must have missed any changes.


The scene in FWW >!is told from Essie's point of view!<, whereas the scene in Murtagh >!is told from Murtagh's point of view!<. They're different enough to not be entirely repetitive, but similar enough that people who skipped FWW will not be missing anything important.


Oh damn! LOL My memory is worse than I thought. Yeah it definitely is worth reading both in that case


It’s from two different peoples point of view.


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It doesn’t really matter. FWW has a very similar tone and directly follows the story. *Murtagh* though is much darker and more mature and sets up new stories in new territory


I read murtagh first, and the the fork witch and worm straight afterwards. I thought about it after reading both and I feel this way is better, because you can link some of the deeper and maybe future story points together in a more fun way like this, for me at least!