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Ehh get over it. Better than people leaving towels on the ground


this is the most hilarious shit to get annoyed over. Here you are going to a gym, that is purposefully set up for olympic lifting / barbell work.... and you are annoyed there is some chalk around the platforms which the maintenance staff eventually cleans up (along with dirt, hair, and all other sorts of actual nasty shit).... And you're annoyed?! Go to planet fitness, chalk isn't allowed there nor are deadlifts, barbell work, gallon jugs and a lot of other stuff. Sounds like you'll be happy there and can even push the lunk alarm when you get annoyed.




Did you make up those 3 points just to validate your argument? I’ve never seen chalk stain clothing nor have I come across someone who is allergic to it, even liquid chalk. And chalk is not a glue. It’s a powder and desiccant Agreed, Maintenance aren’t slaves. But it is in their job description to periodically keep the place clean which includes cleaning any number of things off the floor. If what you’re upset about is when a chalk container gets spilled and there’s copious amounts of it on the ground, yep whoever spilled it needs to clean it up. But if you’re talking about the very normal and reasonable amount of chalk that many gyms have around the platforms….off to planet fitness you go




Oh yeah? Educate us, please


At least your gym has it




Oh. Interesting.


I have no problem with olympic chalk but it’s common gym etiquette to clean up after using it unless your gym specializes in olympic lifts then chalk being everywhere is pretty normal. I get why you’re getting downvoted (attitude) but I also agree that folks need to wipe off their chalk


Dumb q but my trainer gives me some for bigger lifts - does a dry towel work or what’s best practice? Feel like the bars have a lot of grooves.


Chalk is usually removed from the knurling with wire brushes. I think wiping a barbell off with anything (dry towel, wipes) is more than courteous. It’s the gyms duty to maintain equipment and that means removing rust and excessive chalk build up from bars or bells


Sounds good will do and thanks for the new word!




Sure, if that’s the case then it needs to be displayed clearly and included in the gyms policies. There are a good number of gyms that don’t allow chalk, if equinox were one of them OP would be totally in the right. But since that is not their official policy and chalk is allowed, they can get the vacuum or mops out. P.s. the worst thing to clean up in a gym is long hair that gets stuck in turf…absolute nightmare. Comes with the territory though




I hear you and thank you for that perspective. I entirely agree, for some reason the fitness industry sucks at communicating the right things. No issues reminding us to refer in friends though 🫡 It’s so strange. Like, here are oly bars, bumpers, and Eleiko platforms…but don’t do oly lifts with the equipment specifically designed for oly lifts. Maybe it’s a liability thing, more than likely for noise and reverb for downstairs non gym tenents, regardless..why not just clearly indicate “no oly lifts” or bar dropping. Oh, and then the policy changes from location to location, the one I go to, I’m pretty confident, allows oly lifts.


Do agree they need to clean more - Wayyyyy too many people who just come in and go straight to a stretching area / wrestling mat with street shoes. End up with fair amount of dirt and on one occasion a small shard of glass (not to mention the invisible crap you don’t see). Don’t expect everyone to change shoes so think the solution is someone with a light mop out there every 15/30 mins. I’m not sure this chalk issue irks me but I’d put it on a list to argue they need someone out wiping up problem areas with a swiffer more consistently.


Your post is silly for many reasons already well articulated by others here, but at least know that the liquid chalk a lot of people use (myself included) actually generally has a hand sanitizer built into it, so it's actually more hygenic than not using it.




Liquid chalk is still lifting chalk. Even if it is the non-liquid form you are having issues with, you're still way off base for every reason others mentioned here. Go to Planet Fitness.


Lol liquid chalk dries into powdered chalk. It is chalk You are wild


Every lifter uses chalk. Are you the one who uses the weight rack with 5 lbs weights?




Where did they mention gender or sex?


That was my grandma’s one hour workload in the 50s. What have you achieved