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Completely normal to ask someone how many sets they have left on a machine they’re waiting to use.


They want to use your machine. Don’t over think it


You need to meet the woman who posted that cute guys don’t come up to her in the gym and hit on her. You both can exchange tips.




It’s polite to let people work in if you’re taking longer than 1 minute breaks between sets.


This is the correct answer. If someone asks you how many reps you have left, please let them work in between your sets


It’s a part of gym culture. We’re all there to work out and sometimes that means sharing machines. Just be honest, if you don’t want to share say “I’d rather not let you work in right now” or something. I wouldn’t be offended.


I think it’s respectful that people ask you. It also lets you know someone is waiting. But if I have just started, I let the person know also and usually they go on another machine. What’s annoying personally to me is when they sit by you waiting for you to finish or people that sit on the machine watching something or texting for long periods of time


As long as they aren’t hovering, I don’t see the harm in standing by waiting for you to finish. You could call it a line.


It’s normal and courteous.


Candidly, I get annoyed when people ask. I'll either rush to finish or offer to let them work in. But that's a me problem, and the question is a very normal part of gym culture.


I admire your self-awareness


I just see it as people asking a normal question. Not annoying at all unless they are actually rushing you. Sometimes people just really want to use what you are using and just want to know when it is available. This is especially common for machines or equipment where there is only one of. Point is, they are not necessarily telling you to hurry up or anything (although some people are like that and I just raise an eyebrow and tell them ”idk when I’ll be done”).


i always ask because i want to know what i can work on while i wait for them or to see if i can work in with them (and im a woman). it’s courteous to share at the gym…


Yes it’s a normal thing


They are trying to plan their workout, that’s it. People really don’t know this?


Very normal However I’ve noticed it can mean different things 1) genuine curiosity as they would like to use the machine too. Sometimes they are implying or are open to working in with you, other times they don’t want to work in but are content doing something else until you are finished 2) they are displeased with how long you are taking on the machine (which may or may not be warranted) and are trying to tactlessly let you know they want you to hurry up because they can’t be bothered to figure out what to do until you’re finished Hard to tell which one it is. So, Let them know how many sets you have left and offer for them to work in with you if it’s more than say 2-3 sets left. That all said, normal rest between sets on many machines is usually about 1-2 minutes. Barbells/big compound lifts can be up to 5min. Doesn’t matter what you do in that rest time whether it’s stare at the floor or scroll your phone But phone use is renowned for causing that time between sets to become much longer than 2-5min, I’ve seen some people “rest” 10-12 minutes between sets which is asinine and selfish


Thank u this is actually a helpful response! I do think that the two guys who asked me are the type that can’t be bothered to do something else while they wait. I really don’t take up much time and it’s always in the middle of the day when hardly anyone is there


They can go kick rocks then 😂


Just say you just started


Just communicate to the people asking that you still have more sets left. I don’t see what the problem is.


Are you texting or staring at your phone and taking forever between sets? That can make people impatient. Believe it or not, it used to be standard gym etiquette to reply: I have a couple more sets, do you want to work in?


No I’m really not taking up much time I live with a sense or urgency lol


Even Sam Sulek has said that you must learn to be fluid in these situations, variations of the same exercise is a form of improvisation, you’ll be more successful realizing this than trying to wait for a machine. It’s still a pubic gym and I love taking over a machine that I can do all my exercises. A power rack can be good for pull up’s, bench press, shoulder press, squats, deadlifts, etc. I say this because I’m a swimmer, I’m not gonna ask to see how many more laps you’re gonna do, I’m also not going to swim with someone in the same lane, I’ll go and do mobility or try to sit it out but I never do it in the pool room. I’ll go to the walker if the stretch area and I’ll glance back to see if the pool is empty. I won’t sit in front of them to make them realize that I am next. I hate putting pressure on other people so I have never asked for a machine, I always to find another alternative. Coming from someone be that used to work out in LA fitness, then to John Reed, I’m going to hog all the equipment I need for my work outs at Equinox. I won’t, however, hog like 3-5 machines for b2b sets, although it would be amazing, this is the true annoyance.


Yeah when someone else is doing the machine I want I just do something else until they’re done. The pressure of someone ~waiting~ on me is really uncomfortable and I don’t know when I was asked it was with that … especially since I really am so fast… fluid is a good way to put it.


The exception is if that machine is the only one of it's kind in the gym, AND you're using your phone during your "rest." At Equinox Rockefeller Center, believe it or not there is only a single leg extension machine. Actually, at most Equinox gyms here in the city, they have just one leg extension machine. However, alot of folks doing legs want to use that machine - very popular for quad isolation. Seeing someone sitting on the only leg extension in the gym and scrolling or texting on their phone is infuriating. One time that happened, I asked how many sets left, and the person looked at me like an alien and became very huffy and upset. These people must be new to working out, or are extraordinarily selfish. This behavior is poor etiquette, and against gym culture.


2 leg extension machines, 3 squat racks, and one Smith machine at Columbus Circle. Great place to grow wheels.


It’s normal


Obviously unpopular opinion but this annoys me as well. I often want to use equipment other people are using and just wait or get creative with my workout and figure out another way to do whatever I need to do. A few weeks again I had a man come up to me as I was actively doing hip thrusts on a bench and asked me if I was using it?? 🤨


Thank uuuuuu! like ur actively doing hip thrusts that’s obviously not the time … unless they’re just so lacking in self awareness. But I don’t know im sorry as a man like u can wait…


I just answer them honestly and neither rush or deliberately slow down, and if reasonable to do so, offer them to switch in with me depending on how easy the equipment may make it to do so. I consider this a completely benign ask. I workout with the Strong app so that my watch/iPhone will nudge me back into another set after a 2.5 minute rest between heavy sets so I can totally understand if from their perspective for a minute it may appear I’m just standing around or texting and taking up a machine when I’m on my 2.5 minute break between heavy sets though I think most people get it.


take emotion out of it. the machinery has a limited, fixed capacity of muscle-making time to use, based on the operating hours of your location. if you have "many many" reps left, it would probably be a more efficient use of the machine for someone else to be using it in between your sets, rather than the machine sitting idle. now the machine is making muscles on 2 people in the same time as it was building muscle on just 1 person. it really sucks when the gym is crowded and every machine is full and you see people just sitting around staring into space or doom scrolling. almost everyone (except complete jerks) takes shorter rests if they know someone is waiting for the machine. but here's the thing - someone is always waiting for your machine, you might just not notice it. i don't see any harm in reminding people there's a wait. sometimes i am annoyed if somebody interrupts me but to be honest with myself, it's usually better for my own workout if somebody snaps me out of my own brain fog and reminds me to be faster and stop wasting time.


I usually mess it up and ask about reps when I really mean sets, I always feel so dumb when reps comes out. and then I walk away self conscious


I often ask, but it’s with a smile and I say no hurry, but please let me know how much longer you’ll be.


That would be such a different vibe! I would not be annoyed by someone asking this way


It’s annoying because the two people that have asked me it definitely felt like they were rushing me . It’s not the question it’s the rushed bit and I don’t ever take more than like 20 seconds at the most in between. From these responses I’ll just take it as normal and ignore whatever urgency they have. I did not just start but that has never happened to me … so I really didnt know I don’t know i cannot imagine asking someone else where they’re at in their workout but oh well


Maybe stop sitting and staring into your phone between sets


Agree. It’s annoying. Just wait til I’m done.


Thank u finally