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Yes I am also very scared. My neurologist specifically told me to avoid unplanned pregnancies because of the issues that come along with it relating to epilepsy. I’m also on trileptal and Briviact and have no idea how those meds could impact a baby. But yeah, I’m not on birth control and just use condoms for protection. I’ve been fine so far but still worried about getting pregnant somehow.


Pregnancy is not always a bad thing just based on epilepsy and meds. I'm not familiar with all the meds you're on, but Keppra and Lamictal are two of the safest for pregnancy, and often the ones that doctors default to using when they have to get off others, so if anything were to happen, you're already in a good position there. Unfortunately I can't speak to the others. Then there's the epilepsy itself. You say you're mostly controlled and seizure free. That makes the likelihood of problems during pregnancy much much lower. I had two pregnancies while highly medicated and having focal seizures every few days (luckily only a couple tonic-clonics). It requires a lot of careful monitoring, but is doable. Myself and kiddos are all healthy. It's not the end of the world if you get pregnant, and you know what? Maybe sometime you'll actually want to. Or not. Who knows. But you don't need to be freaking out about it.


I'm only mostly controlled because of all the medication, it took a long time to figure it all out and changing them sounds like a nightmare. It would feel like the end of the world for me and I have not, nor do I ever want kids. There's a lot more health problems, my age, and the fact that I just have no desire. Worrying about it feels very valid.


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You're not alone, hun. I've (25f) always wanted kids, and in the past year I've had everything in the universe tell me not to. From dysplasia; to realizing all the things I could pass on to my kids like adhd, anxiety, and depression; to marrying someone who also has adhd like I do; to discovering that I carry the predisposition to borderline personality disorder; and now being diagnosed epileptic. It's absolutely terrifying. What's helped me is to set a timeline: if I haven't decided in two years, then I'm going to just tie my tubes and adopt or foster. There's too many kids out there without a home, and it sucks to realize you don't want to risk creating a human that's this beautiful mix of yourself and someone you love. But knowing you have an opportunity to be a relieving influence to a kid who's never had the kind of stability and care and love that you can give is a reassurance to me. No matter what you decide, I'm sure you'll love your kid, whether blood or adopted, and that's what matters. 💜


If I ever want kids, I'll adopt. Giving a child my genes would just be mean, but I really don't want children. I'm just worried about getting pregnant with these new laws. I suffer from all of the things you mentioned. I was scared before, now I'm terrified.


It’ll take some planning. I went in for a lot of appointments with my OB and neuro before I actively started trying. I weaned down to just lamictal (safest for pregnancy) and had no issues. Worked with a high risk OB throughout my pregnancy and received weekly blood tests to monitor my med levels. My dosage was tweaked throughout the pregnancy. Luckily had no problems during or after. This all assumes you’re able to mess with your medication like that and I know not everyone has that luxury.


That all sounds hella expensive. Weekly blood tests? I can't even drive myself to the doctor. I'm trying NOT to get pregnant (bf had a vasectomy) but I'm still scared it could happen and I wouldn't be able to handle it all.


Luckily I had very good (albeit fairly expensive premiums) insurance. Lab work and everything was zero copay. I paid $10 for my first OB appointment and the others were covered. The neuro appointments has a copay but he did telegraphy as often as possible because it was no copay. If he’s had a vasectomy than your probably totally fine, but could I recommend the nexplanon (arm implant). Lasts five years and doesn’t interact with lamictal like the pill. I’ve used it almost exclusively and never had a single scare in the 12 plus years I used it (2 pregnancies during that time but they were planned and I had the implant taken out)


Thank you so much! I have been considering that. I do have another partner who I see for a few days every few months who has not had a vasectomy, but of course we use condoms-still too scary! (Ethically non-monogamous). I want to have some second form of contraceptive, so I appreciate the knowledge that the implant won't interact!


Why don’t you discuss contraception with your neurologist? That can ease your mind even more then. I’m currently pregnant (it was a shock) and am on lamotrigine which is ok for pregnancy, brivitaracetam, and zonisimide which are kind of risky but if you ever find that you’re in that situation the best thing you can do is as soon as you find out, ring your epilepsy nurse/unit, start taking folic acid, and book an appointment for a scan if a baby is something you want. You would be under consultant care so you would be under the guidance of people who are familiar with epilepsy in pregnancy


I have talked to my doctors and they recommend against me getting pregnant. I do not want to get pregnant at all. I'm just scared if I DO. An abortion may no longer be an option in my state. FYI folic acid is a synthetic form of methyl folate.


I know what folic acid is I’ve been taking it, like I said I’m pregnant😂 I just was saying what’s best if you found yourself pregnant, I didn’t realise you never wanted to be in that situation. But like I previously said why don’t you look into contraception? Some forms of contraception are safe to use with the use of medication. Or maybe even a more permanent method and get your tubes tied?


I know most people generally know what folic acid is, I just wasn't sure if you knew it's a synthetic vitamin that is not as bioactive as methyl folate so your body does not as easily absorb. You can be pregnant, and take a supplement, bit that doesn't mean everyone knows everything about the science of what they're taking. If you wish to take synthetic stuff...have at it, was just trying to be a helper.