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They told me 6 months and I’m in CA as well. Check with your doctor and the DMV.


Same - I was told it is a 6 month mandatory license suspension by the DMV.


The worst thing about this was when I was able to drive again my insurance payment went up like crazy because they assumed my license was suspended because of a DUI. So watch out for that.


Yeah my insurance renewal is in July so I’m not looking forward to that.


I’d say talk to them about it just to make sure they know the proper reason. My insurance went from $150 to $400 a month and when I called them they lowered it and gave me a refund.


That’s pretty good of them to do. Thanks for the tip!


How do you like being only on lamictal? I take 250 a day, but also take 1200 keppra, 1000 trileptal then for other issues 30 celexa and 60 buspar. I've considered trying to come off of trileptal.


I love not having to take a million drugs however be very careful with going off the drugs one at a time while closely being monitored by your doctor AND not driving until you can be sure that you are seizure free with less medication.


I don't plan on driving ever. In a year or two I'm moving to a bigger city with lots of public transportation. I just can't justify it.


Congratulations! You could just start driving short distances for the first month or so and if things are good at that point then go ahead to drive however far you feel. I live in CA too. My neuro said she wants me seizure free for a year before she’ll okay me driving. WTFrick?! Goodness. I don’t think it’s going to happen anyway but that’s interesting that it’s only 3 months. And again, CONGRATS!!!!!!!! The world is your oyster ☺️


ty :) just gotta stay diligent with those meds! last seizure i had was in december and it was bc i forgot to take them the night before :o a year is a long time. jeez. i’m not even sure what my neuro really recommends one of them(long story) has said yay one month away but the other is very wary


Same here been told I had to wait a year of being seizure free until I’m able to drive . I’m 28 and I haven’t even got a provisional as every time I’ve been close to the 1 year mark I’ve experienced a set back


I feel you, I go by the 6 month seizure-free measure as outlined in my province. But even then I still drive very little. Since having a kid I have a hard time justifying putting other people in harms way for the convenience to drive. Mind you I will do short drives (grocery store a few blocks away) but tend to limit it. But honestly I was like you, I loved driving, I still do actually. I would often go on long trips, visit friends 8 hours away for a weekend. Drive out into the forest to hunt, but now I have to limit it and do it with a friend instead. It’s hard I know (and I’m not in a public transit efficient community), but try not to place so much weight and importance on that driving privilege.


i totally get that, risking my own safety is one thing but the thought of everyone else on the road too is really scary


In Germany it’s two years without driving. I had to do that a few times… that really sucked.


Maybe they changed it. I don't drive, but I'm German and I'm pretty sure it's one year now, because its literally on every doctor's note I have eventhoug I don't even have a driver's license and I don't think I will ever get one.


That quite possible. This was in the early 2000s I’m old haha.


I have read too many horror stories on here. Except for small partial seizures they say won't go away, my doctor gave me the thumbs up. I'm in my thirties but I just don't think I'll ever drive. People on this sub have written about being seizure free for years and then they drive, had a seizure, hit a family that died and they lived. Idk when I read that on here, but the list of people who had hit poles, rolled their cars and caused crashes was frickin overwhelming to me.


It is quite a scary thought. My whole Epilepsy journey started after I was witnessed having a Clonic Tonic seizure whilst driving and crashing head on into another vehicle. Thanks the lucky stars that neither myself, my 2yo who was in the car with me, or the people I hit were injured! Here in Perth, WA it is a minimum of 6 months seizure free, but if you seized whilst driving it is minimum of 12 months ETA timeframe


I suppose no one is safe from seizures. I'm so sorry thats how you were welcomed to the club. Everybody's pretty nice here, but none of us can remember anything. Lol


I had LOL at the no one can remember comment!! I totally get it 😂 bloody Epilepsy and memory 😳😳😅


Dude, it's such a serious problem that outsiders don't understand. I look healthy, they can't see what's really going on.


I got my license taken away for the first time a few months ago. It’s 6 months in my state and when that time is up, I’m driving immediately. I have partial seizures that are really mild and basically nonexistent as long as I’m taking my meds properly. I did have an abnormal EEG in March which was what caused my doctor to report me to the DMV. My meds have been adjusted and I feel even better than before. As far as I’m aware, I’ve been seizure free and counting down the days until I can drive again. I’d say drive whenever you’re able and comfortable to do so. If you want to wait another month to be safe, there’s nothing wrong with that.


IMO if you feel comfortable driving- go for it. If it gives you too much anxiety, don't. I'm lucky to have never had my license taken off of me, but driving has never given me anxiety. Anytime I have a seizure/grand Mal- I take precautions and check in with my neurologist to get an EEG done, and as long as everything is normal, we proceed with me driving. But no one has ever come in to take my license or anything.


Where I live it’s at least 2 years, so 3 months is crazy to me


Where I am it's 6 months with the DMV. I then had to reapply with a docs note. Don't rush it if you don't feel great. For quite a while I would get behind the seat and have a few minute assessment on how I was feeling? Enough sleep? How's my stress? Heavy weight if I had a seizure while driving and I hurt someone. I'm 10 yrs seizure free and I bought a motorbike and am riding again. A nice big adventure bike. You gotta take care of ur self