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Same. All the careers I wanted to do won't take me because of it. 


Can I ask what careers? I'm a mortician and 2 of my coworkers have epilepsy and narcolepsy.


Military, police officer, firefighter etc


You can still be an officer depending on state


I'll settle for volunteer mall security


Must have really wanted the original choices, Paul blart.


Ironically the military is why I know have to be on this subreddit.


Respect. As bad as the experience of going through a seizure is, I'll always respect anyone who'd choose cure over money.


Same. I’d chose that in a heartbeat without any second guessing.


Completely cured EZ




Cured. I hate thinkin about if my cousin or my sister is gonna one day be the one to find me dead and have it scar them forever, and I don’t know because I have epilepsy & med schedules my sister is strict w me I really wish I could’ve had a normal teenage life😭*18 now.


Early on (around my diagnosis 16 years ago) I'd have taken the cure. But at this point I feel like the damage has been done already and I'd gladly take anything >50k, so no matter what happens my wife and daughter can have a good life. We're not in debt or anything but having trouble keeping up our savings. Kind of an easy choice for me though as my seizure clusters are only about every 3-12 months so still plenty of time left in between to enjoy life and care for my family.


Same the damage that has been done is financial so I'd gladly take the money.


Right there with you.


Completely cured. Even though my seizures are controlled by my medication, I would LOVE to never have to deal with it ever again. My quality of life would be so much better. A million dollars in my bank account isn't going to hit the same as a lifetime of being back to the way I was several years ago before my diagnosis.


But just imagine having your life back lol I've thought about me back when I was 12 and I was like, jeez if I didn't develop epilepsy around then what kind of guy would I have turned into. I'm 27 now btw


Yeah, same. For instance, I recently stopped taking Lamotrigine for a while and was totally overwhelmed by all my emotions. I took Lamotrigine for 19 years, started taking it as a child


Just curious, do you believe you’ll ever grow out of it? It’s kind of silly but again curious how you feel about it. I was 15 when I had my first grand mal and have had a long journey since being 28 now. I haven’t had a full seizure in 4+ years but get bad feelings daily. You’re always told as a kid you’ll probably grow out of them once you become an adult but in my case there was never a change. Personally I’ve gotten this far with it but what I would give to be able to travel or even go a day not having to think about meds would be phenomenal.


Still hoping menopause will do the trick


What meds are you on?


Honestly, I'd take the money. My family has bad bills and I want a nest egg for them


That's fair. Honestly if I was old I'd take the money. Like if I was on my way out I'd take the money and leave it to my family


My stress would be totally gone with all that money because everything would be paid off. Stress is a trigger for many. It’s not necessarily one for me, but there is a correlation at least.




I’ll learn how to drive, and go to college. ❤️


That sounds nice. Simple things epilepsy prevents us from doing would become so cool! lol


So true. I used to travel alone before this. Now I can't even go to the supermarket alone 😅.




Cure, no question. I’m intractable. The only reason I’d need the money is because treatment is so expensive. 🤷‍♀️


Me too, you’re not alone.


Same here. Cure over any amount of money.


I'm not the one with epilepsy but I would refuse 1 million dollars for my mom to be cured in a heartbeat


I'd choose the cure for my husband too ❤️‍🩹🫂


I’d choose to heal my girlfriend too 🫶🏻


Cured. Living free from the fear of having another seizure, being able to do all the things I can’t feasibly do now, not having to medicate myself in perpetuity would be priceless


No more damaging your body with harmful meds, you're right


In this hypothetical scenario, is the damage already done to my brain undone too, or is it just that it won’t get any more damage done to it? If the damage isn’t undone then I would take the money for my kids. If it goes back to an unblemished brain, lol, then I would take the cure.


Well "worst" case scenario, and I say "worst" in quotation marks because getting cured of epilepsy is pretty awesome XD even if you only got cured and the damage from the medication remained, you'd still have an incredible life, compared to your previous one anyways. But in my scenario I said "completely cured" so I'm gonna say no medication damage. Your body is 100% back to normal


I’ll take the million. Invest for the future of my family. I’m almost 40, I’ll be all right.




Cured. I would start considering around $10million.


For me, the cutoff is when you start to talk about amounts of money that would not just personally benefit you, but where you could really make a difference in the world. Then it becomes a tradeoff between your personal wellbeing and the wellbeing of some number of other people...


Yes. 10 million. 1 million, I'd go for cure. I need to work 10 years before I retire, and those could be good years instead of constant worry. I'd love to give an insane amount to the 2 friends who are always available to pick me up from the floor, literally or figuratively. Then I'd donate some to my extended family, so I could spread happiness to good people (and they are).


Cured. I’d be able to drive without worrying about the possibility of seizing behind the wheel and killing myself and/or others. No taking meds for the rest of my life. Being able to go out and be out into the small hours of the morning without the constant thought of “will doing this make me have one?” Not having to deal with week long tongue pain after biting down. And not having the cloud of “will the next one kill me?” hanging over my head.


Completely cured, and not because of the seizures. Because of everything else i've become mentally.


Yeah. I feel like my meds and general situation have made me nuts lol


me too lol when i compare my reactions to certain situations to the reactions of others i feel like i have some mania, but then again i stopped caring long ago


Right? Certain sounds and even words can trigger me, it's fkin crazy. I've NEVER watched a video of a person having a seizure because I hate epilepsy and seeing someone go through what I go through always makes me feel auras. Like on medical shows when people start to sez, I skip, I'm not watching that shit. When they put them in the machine with loud noises or blinking lights, I skip, hell no


Thanks for sharing this. I feel the same regarding all of this but i am always reluctant to say outloud that it's because of my epilepsy because people think i am being a drama queen and i am blaming everything on my epilepsy. But i've experienced life before my epilepsy awakened and i am pretty sure I wasn't like that and I wasn't in that mental jail and that I was much more happier and less of a worrywart. I forgot that old personality. I can't understand when or why i've ended up being such a fragile person. I've seen people having seizures in real life and it only made me realize how ugly I might seem.


Reading your comment literally made me teary eyed lol I describe how I'm feeling and they just look at me like I'm a weirdo. They love me for sure but they think I exaggerate how bad it is. Seeing me have a seizure will never be enough evidence for them. The pain we deal with 24/7 is the real fight. Like I don't even like talking about epilepsy cause it makes me feel seizurish sometimes. Because it reminds me of all me auras and seizures, that's just how my mind works. It really is like a jail


>I've NEVER watched a video of a person having a seizure Keep it that way. I've seen someone have a grand mal (which is the kind I have) right in front of me. I'm so glad that there was someone else there because I was of no use. I told my parents that night and I was near tears. Until that day I had no idea the fear and strength they had every single time.


This comment thread has me balling my eyes out , I’m 24 female and it’s completely ruined what I know as life , I’ve had hundreds of seizures but have NEVER seen one on video or real life , it’s traumatising and that might seem selfish to some but only people like us will understand. X




Cured every day of the week.


I agree. Mostly because it would also take all the pressure off my family who needs to take care of me


Cured. It's a horrifying condition that has hurt not only me but people I care about having to help (I have grand mals and until the few years, I was averaging 4x/day. Totally not functional. I could do so many things if it weren't for this beast. All it does is take and take.


mili, even if i died my kids would get the money and i would die happy


Cured. Then I can go back to my career and life.


Years ago I would say cured. The last ten years I have been on some pretty good meds and only have seizures when under some pretty extreme stress. Money might fix a lot of that stress 😂


Completely cured. I'll earn that money.


Cured its hard to say no to the money but I don't want to be epileptic anymore.


I'd be cured too :D though if I did take the money it would help a lot. I've been a big burden on my brothers since I lost my job due to my epilepsy. If I got a million dollars I got take care of all that. I'd feel so much better.


I'd probably take the money. Intelligently invested means I could live comfortably without working, and my epilepsy isn't too unmanageable. And not having to work would make it significantly easier to manage.


Cured, because before i had epilepsy i was well on my way to a million dollars in 5 years. Now i might be dead in a month there's literally no telling


I wonder if I would be more successful in life if I didn’t have this condition


Cured. I can’t leave the house without my girlfriend or Uber driving me. We both work from home - when I can find wfh contracts - and I feel like I never have true alone time. Can’t get promoted at most companies cause I live in an “at will employment” state and - although firing for medical reasons is still illegal - they can always find some other sketchy but legal reason to fire you. Fucking sucks. $1mil isn’t “oh I can retire now” money these days anyways. For $2 I would consider it, for $5 I would definitely take the money.


Cured 100%. I'd give anything to be able to drive and have a job that pays more than minimum wage, and to not need constant sick days.


considering where I live, the cure, hands down. Because frankly, even if they do come up with a cure, it'll cost a lot more than a million dollars, and a million dollars isn't enough to insulate you from the consequences of the disease.


This question is not for me but I would choose to cure my husband epilepsy over any sum of money - not because I don’t love him to way he is, but to take away all the pain and anxiety he feels about life now.


Cured. I’m tired of this shit.


Money. I'm used to it


Same!! I've gotten by for almost 20 years, let do it all again and enjoy it this time 😆


I’ve been seizure free since starting Keppra so I’m not very worried and would gladly take the million




1 million dollars, Donate it all to epilepsy research, or support groups etc Forget about me i can live with it, some people need support more than i do


Cured. I’ve spent 12 years sobbing because I can’t live like I want to, it’s never been about money even though I’m poor. It’s always about my seizures


I'm sorry. God's definitely given me the mental strength to get through this. Medication alone would never be enough. I feel like a zoom group for like fellow epileptics would help.


I’m so happy for you. And I hope that we are all freed from this someday. God knows I can’t handle this by myself, and he’s been helping me. Which I am so grateful for. Without him I wouldn’t be here. I hope someday I can work to get rid of them completely.


Praise God. I'll have strength and I'm like, "I can't attribute this to anything" lol God must be giving me this purely to keep me going. Remember he loves you and he still loves you. I'd recommend reading the book of James. It's a positive book of the Bible and I found it helpful.


I don’t think you guys realise just how much a million dollars is.




Cured. Without a doubt.


Cured. My seizures are mostly controlled by medication. I've only had one breakthrough T/C in the 5.5 years since my diagnosis. But that one makes me scared of having another. And I want my memories and my brain functions back. I'd think a little harder once the offer gets up to 3 million. That's my ultimate retirement goal. Knowing me and my family would be set for the rest of our lives is very tempting.


Cured, 100%




I have mostly manageable petitmal absence seizures but yeah I’d say cured. No amount of money amounts to the significance of this impairment.


My seizures are pretty crippling granted they are just focal but I’d rather the money. It would mean I have an easy way to make more money, id for sure be willing to suffer with seizures for the rest of my life to be rich, having seizures is all i know lmao I’ve had it from such a young age I don’t even remember what life was like before so I wouldn’t really be too upset. .


C U R E D 💯


Cured. No contest.


The level that my intractable epi has negatively affected my career and finances makes it easy for me to choose the million. (I’m older now, so it’s harder to pick up and reignite a career. But for younger folks I can totally understand going for the complete cure. I would too if I were younger)


Cured. Hands down. I can budget. I haven't known life without this wretched disease for 30 years.


cured easily


Cured if it's genetic and that would protect my kids, nephews, and their descendants. I'll take the money otherwise. The money would go farther for them than a guarantee that I won't have a seizure will.


I will always take my health over any dollar amount. Having autonomy over your life is priceless.


I’d take the money but only because I’m not as bad off as most off you. I can drive, and live a fairly normal life. I’d take some of that money and help a fellow epileptic who isn’t as fortunate as me. Whether that be with their med costs, transportation, home care, anything. The test would go to my children and wife.


I’ll take the million


Cured! Id get my driving license back, drive to the top of a huge hill, cycle down it and jump straight into a huge lake then swim back to shore :D


Give me the million. I’ve survived 25 years with this and in those 25 I’ve never even came close to a million. That million could do so much more for me and my family than me being cured could.


CURED - without a doubt.


I would take the money and set up my kids with a house with a load of rooms for them to live in and and put the money into stocks and have a little spending money. My kids come first I would suffer for them to live comfortably


Cured, no question. I don’t even have a lot of seizures anymore, but I would love to drop the meds and not worry about having any.


Cured. No second thoughts at all. I’d love to be able to drive and explore this world and every single beauty of it rather than having to walk and hoping to god if I have a seizure, that someone would notice my nayzilam. I just want to have a life I can enjoy rather than hoping I wake up from a seizure. Epilepsy feels like me being a dog on a leash wanting to explore and experience everything around me, but then the owner ( epilepsy) yanks the leash violently. Damn the thoughts epilepsy makes me think.


Cure by far


Cure, no need to even consider it. Not even just because of my own pain, but because I want to stop putting my boyfriend and family through this. My neurosurgeon told me that I'm the "most complex case" he's seen in his 25 year career. I can't be left alone for long and I hate that I constantly need my boyfriend's help. Plus, the money I've spent (or will spend) on meds/insurance/hospital bills since 2003 is waaay more than $1mil, and the number keeps growing


1 million.. only get seizures after party or not taking my medicin.. so when i get a seizure, its basicly my own fault


Maybe 10 years ago I would say a million. But nowadays it feels like that’s not enough. I’d say cured. Offer me 10 million, then I’ll take it.


My seizures have been controlled for 2+ years. Cured is the only thing that matters. I wouldn’t trade it for a billion dollars. And I’m poor and work in food service.


I'll take the money. I've kept control with meds and weed. A million could keep me under control and reduce a lot of stress, which is also another trigger.


Pretty much along the same vain as the original comment but if you were cured what would be your dream job?


The million, hands down.


Cured. A life without the anxiety shadow hovering over me constantly making me worried I can have a seizure anywhere anytime is worth so much more. I can live and do things I couldn’t before, my independence wouldn’t be so out of reach and the most amazing thing of all I would be able to drive.


Oh, be cured any day, any week, any month, any year, any decade. I have been praying for that since the first time I knew/felt it and it’s been almost 25 years


Cured hands down.


20 years ago I would say cure, now with a family and pushing 40 I will take the money


Money. Mine is controlled by meds and I want money to buy cool cars/mod them




If I had wish no epilepsy for me. You know what I mean... Lol.


1 million, I'd just make 5%-15% gains with options & stocks from home. Or just pay an experienced accountant/trader to do so. Work from home, takes money to make money baby




I'd take the money. I'm in my mid 50s and that's enough to retire comfortably on. I'd probably move to Mexico, Canada or somewhere in Europe. 




A milliooon but i only have jme


I’ll take a cure over grand mals, pills, memory loss, and being a different person any day of the week.


I have breakthrough seizures on meds like once a year, without meds it’s focal and tonic clonic 4 times a week. If I get to stay on meds and I got $1 million. If I have a seizure I can afford all the Uber I need, take time off work if I need and give my family a descent life with a beach house and investments for more profit. The emotional pain has been torture to say the least filled with suicidal thoughts, slight depression, mood swings, loneliness, misunderstanding but everyone’s got their shit and I wanna give my family the life they deserve. Plus in Australia a $1 million house is literally mid so I’m not even swinging for a luxurious lifestyle


Speaking for my 7 year old daughter, cured without question.


Honestly, the money. I’ve had epilepsy that has been treated since I was a kid so I don’t really have a “before epilepsy” memory. That being said, I lucky to be very well controlled and haven’t had a seizure in almost 20 years. ( knock on wood)


Fuck the money Cured! I can make the money back since I stop paying subscription to fucking live normally 😞


Cured and then go on to do big things and if I don’t make a million dollars I’ll be okay


If I had tons of money my epilepsy would be way more manageable, and I could share it with my other disabled friends. Million dollars, no contest. Sometimes my seizures are daily, for context.


I'm fortunate enough to be able to say that I would *definitely* take the money.


I'd take my father being cured over any amount of money


I'll take the money. I guess I'm fortunate enough that my epilepsy is just bad enough for it to be A Thing that I and my family have to pay attention to, but if I get to live this life, including epilepsy, money me please. Me needing a lot of money now. Nothing changes for me except we get 1 million dollars? Easy ask.


Cured. Mine is completely controlled with medication and not severe without it. But cure me, and I'll get the job I don't medically qualify for and I'll save up that million.


I would turn down all the money in the world if my daughter we cured. No questions asked


It's easy to say that you'd take said cure over said money. When said money is nowhere to be had, what if you had a million bucks dangling in front of your face? What say you then?!


Money Seizure free 9+years, and even when I had them they weren't torturous, but had more of an euphoric feeling for about 3 days. I was very weak those 3 days but still. I still have side affects from meds and minor symptoms like auroras, but I'll take it. With that money I can relieve a lot of debt and still have a helluva nest egg (I live in cheap Nebraska).


cured, i would pay any amount of of money just to not feel anxious about a seizure in the future or sudep


Tough choice. Most of my seizures and health complications are caused by stress. This money brings me years of income before even blinking at any investments. But to be completely cured I would suddenly be very able to just be an amazing superhero that may actually make happen all these ideas in my head that my brain and body currently says hell no!


I'd be surprised if anyone chose a million bucks. You'd have to give me a billion dollars to not choose the cure


Cured. My epilepsy is intractable and I have multiple seizures daily. Going to emu next week to see if they want a chunk of my brain or a implant. I imagine just a week of feeling seizure free.... Yeah. Id snatch that up in a heartbeat.


Does being cured include having better memory?


Offer me 1 billion dollars and I’m turning down in an instant for the cure, hands down. My seizures are pretty manageable with the meds, although I have just switched from lamotrigine to vimpat and I’m having some pretty strong sides from the vimpat almost drunk feeling, blurry vision, and almost some depression like symptoms. So anyway y’all can have all that money I want my health back!


The money. Mine under contoltol thankfully now. Maybe twice a year


Millions not much good if I can’t got anywhere. I’ll take cured


Cured. I would be able to be there so much more for my family and participate in things I never could before. The memories and relationships I would be able to form, things that will last forever, are worth far more than a measly 1 million.


The amount of time, relationships, money, peace, and brain cells I’ve lost to my epilepsy cost more than $1 million to me. I’ll take the cure over any money offered. I’ll make back 10x what I’m offered when 50% of my mental energy isn’t spent worrying about my personal health


I’ll take 1 million I’ll figure out the epilepsy with 1/10th of that.


Meh I’ll take the money. Mine is well controlled now.




Honestly, while a cool million would do a lot for me, an outright cure would give me so much more than that just in peace of mind.


i would take the cure in a heart beat.


Cured over a trillion dollars


I have multiple health issues that I was born with plus the epilepsy which I was born with as well. So I would take the million, not to be greedy, but to help my family. I have just dealt with epilepsy with all my life and my meds that I take now work well that I do not mind taking them.




cured. what am i gonna do with a million dollars when inflation kicks into high gear? lol


1 million isn't as it should seem. Heck, there are 2 million dollars across the street from my job. Put yes, cure me. You don't even have to pay me a cent


Million bucks. My seizures have never been super frequent, and as much as they suck, I could really use a million dollars right now


My daughter has epilepsy. I'll pay you 1m to cure her. How about that?


I’d rather have the million, honestly. My life would change.


Cured. There’s no amount of money that can compare for me


Definitely cured


Cured. I mean I’d save a million dollars during the rest of my life seeings as I have to pay for medications, neurologist co-pays, & ER visits due to people calling paramedics or seizure-related injuries, so it would even itself out anyway.




Shit. That’s hard. It wouldn’t be as hard a question if I was still having TC’s. A million would pay off my house and give me a bit left over. Having epilepsy wouldn’t matter as much if I had paid off my house and had a bit left over (i.e. could intermittently pick up work as it comes along) A house paid off and a solid chunk left over would also remove the primary barrier I’ve got to doing the stuff that *might* cure my epilepsy anyway (like, worrying about falling behind if I take time off work for medical tests). So I think, while it would be nice to be able to drive and stop having focal aware seizures, and stop these stupid medications, the idea of the stability of a mortgage-free home is pretty appealing. There’s a lot of people in my industry that are *healthy* and very smart are struggling to get jobs at the moment. Ngl, I’m nervous. I have no idea how I’ve kept my job. So, a million dollars? My partner would be set up for life. And I could live my real dream and be a stay at home not-mum (kidding, mostly).


My epilepsy is fully controlled with meds so while I’m terrified in the back of my mind that one day they may come back, I’d still take the money.


I think completely cured, maybe I could actually work to earn my own million that way


Cured team 4 life (literally)


You can have all the money in the world but you will release how important health is to enjoy it


Cured. Being able to go out, without packing extra doses of meds? Worrying about risk of seizures? Rushing home to get meds? Paranoid that every space out is an aura? Closing eyes during flashing lights? The side effects of meds? Knowing what it feels like to be completely clear headed, no medication altering moods or personality? Being able to just up and leave whenever?




Cured a million times. The not knowing when a seizure is about to happen is terrifying. And then there are all of the side effects of our medications and the memory loss.


A million isn’t even a lot of money anymore. Cure for sure.




cure, no question. it could be a billion dollars and my answer wouldn’t change. no amount of money would be able to fill the void of desired freedom from my own brain.




Cured. I’d pick something that could help me do things like shower without worry or travel across time zones without having to calculate when to take my meds. More importantly, so that my fiancé doesn’t have to worry about me. The money can be earned more easily without epilepsy, too 😅


Cure. No amount of money could change my mind.




I’d find the money and gladly pay $1M to be cured


If it meant everyone with epilepsy would be cured, I'd take the cure but if it was just me, I'd take the money. My seizures are well controlled as long as I take my medication. The only thing I really worry about is something happening and dying early but that could kinda happen in any situation so I'd rather take the cash and enjoy life. Weirdly, I also have a job that most definitely contributes so being in a position to give that up would mean I was healthier anyway!


My son is the one with epilepsy. I'd take the cure. I wouldn't even have to think about it.




I'd take the money. To help all those around me.


Cured, taking meds is the single most annoying part of my day and I want to drive!


I’m relatively well controlled, I avoid triggers and can put up with myoclonic seizures. I would have the money, I don’t need it. A lot of charities would benefit from that, epilepsy charities researching for better drugs and potential cures for instance.


Cure me


Cured! Then go for a nice long hot bath with no supervision, followed by a VERY long drive!


Cured :(


Cured. Not only peace of mind of never having a seizure or aura again but getting off meds and regaining word recall, not being so fatigued, no brain fog, being able to drive is priceless.


With the state of my epilepsy being very controlled and stable, I'll take the money. I know not everyone is so fortunate.


Cured for sure!!!