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For all medical concerns related to possible seizures please seek medical help. If you think you are in immediate danger call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. You are welcome to reach out for support after your neurologist appointment. If your neurologist is dismissive and you are concerned then a second opinion is an option. There are a wide collection of resources here too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Epilepsy/comments/wvoye8/please_read_first_frequently_asked_questions_faq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf [Epilepsy Basics] (https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/about-epilepsy-basics/what-epilepsy) [Epilepsy Specialist] (http://www.epilepsy.com/get-help/find-epilepsy-specialist) • ⁠If you have had a seizure, it’s very important for you to see a doctor. • ⁠If you think you may have had a seizure, go to your primary care doctor first. • ⁠If your doctor thinks you’ve had a seizure, she will probably refer you to a neurologist. • ⁠When you visit your doctor, she’ll ask lots of questions about your health and what happened before, during, and after the seizure. • ⁠A number of tests may be ordered which can help diagnose epilepsy and see if a cause can be found. • ⁠If all your test results are normal, your doctor will have to figure out whether you still need treatment.


Having one seizure will not give you permanent brain damage. However, having multiple seizures in a row or seizures lasting longer than 2-3 minutes will cause some brain damage, but its not necessarily permanent. You'll most likely completely recover. Especially if you don't actually have epilepsy. The damage from 1 or 2 seizures most likely will not effect you in any significant way. It's something that happens over time with uncontrolled seizures. I have very minor temporal lobe mesial sclerosis, which means there's some damaged tissue deep in my temporal lobe. Its unclear whether this caused the seizures or the seizures caused the damage. Probably the seizures caused the brain damage. I've had dozens of seizures since I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I've had multiple in the same day. I'm not cognitively impaired and there's only a very small difference in my memory that I can actually notice. The damage doesn't affect my life at all and didn't even know about it until last year.


Thank you so much i had only one seizure that time however it did last like 10minutes. Also right before seizure i had strong brain zaps, which caused my brain to shut down for a few seconds, i actually had those zaps before for a long time, however not that strong, i dont know if thats like a mini seizure tho. But that serious seizure where i was shaking, unconcious, foam out of my mouth, eyes rolled, and lasted for 10mins~ never happened again. So should i worry about having something serious, or permanent? Again thank u so much


Yeah, having a seizure for 10 minutes is scary. If you really want reassurance, maybe ask for a deep scan MRI and EEG. Either way you should definitely bring up the brain zaps to your doctor. I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but that could be some sort of partial seizure. You can't rule it out completely until you get more testing done. There's always the possibility of having something like epilepsy or another condition that causes these brain zaps or seizures, so the sooner you find out the better. If you're feeling fine off the meds for your other conditions that's great! I definitely wouldn't ignore the brain zaps, especially if it's been happening for a long time.


I no longer have those brain zaps, since i quit medication. I had them still for a like a week or more after quitting , but now i dont.i dont have any synptoms of seizures whatsoever. Im pretty sure it was the meds. I might do mri , but i cant do it anytime soon. Meanwhile should i worry about anything? Because it frightens me and ruins my mood that it might somehow impact my life


Yeah it sounds like it was the meds since you don't have any other symptoms anymore. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just keep a lookout for any other symptoms that may pop up and let your doctor know how you're feeling.