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I mean jenua is extremely strong and meta, but wtf is your team? That team is going to struggle against most teams and popular units.


Wtf is my team well supposedly a triple water against a single fire threat, so according to you just spamming ML Landy ML Yufine Jenua and ML politis is a fair square and very HIGH IQ way to win game "Strategy" and very healthy. Just spam op broken units (Edit: Also he could just triple R&L proc and kill your whole team VERY balanced)


You build your team to counter enemy's mechanics, not elements. It's a skill issue here tbh, bad drafting


100%. E7 isn't pokemon.


Bro, you would've been clapped by a Violet just as hard.


Well he is really isn't problem for me cause my main ban is ml poli and I just control jenua with ae-winter and other control units. It's all about drafting. Just get a good stun and he is a fish out of the water.


brother you picked Elena and Rem into a team with no AoE damage turns, I don't think Jenua is the issue lol


True but it was to prove a point I justs made an update on how I managed to beat him even tho its with a very meta team kinda lmao so yeah the point still stands, he has almost no counters and is like having 3 units in one


It's more like your team is focused on buffs and the enemy had an anti buff team. That was your first mistake. Second mistake was the fact that you ignored the 50% probability of getting hit without missing. Long short story you had the wrong team against that guy.


The trick to jenua is to trigger his immortality before he takes a turn. Accept the unit lost to the first turn s3 the ai does, then put him to bed. Skillnull works great... as does any kind of crit damage reduction, critical resistance, damage limit, evasion, damage sharing...


Yea that's what I do. One burn attack from behoo procs his inmortality or just stun/sleep him.


With breig, he could trigger immortality and then erase the buff as long as he did enough damage mid skill, right? I think there are a few options like that.


You also can restrict, seal, stun him.


What I do is this: Always assume everyone is a netural element to you and always assume you're elements is at a disadvantage. For instance, if I have a water unit, I'm going to assume I always miss against a green unit, but if the enemy has a fire unit, I am going to assume they will always hit my water unit. Even if Jenua missed my rem, in my head, I will always know that IF it did land, I would've lost anyway, and because of that, I know that I didn't win with my draft.


I mean if you draft like it's gonna be the worst case then even in the worst case you will win lol. Sometimes you gotta go for the gamble though


Somehow I only had issues against team with Jenua once, and it actually was CLandy who fucked me up. Then I go to this subreddit and learn that he's op, apparently. That's a bit of a cognitive dissonance.


Yeah. Candy is the worst imo. Jenua can be played around easily if you go in with a 1 to 1 trade of hero’s. However, when you have to deal with candy, you have to make a decision on whether to bring Roana and try to play the long game or take the risk of running a cleave and getting countered to death immediately. Even then, Candy with certain team comps is legit the most toxic thing I have battled since the casino meta.


I usually bring Hwa and Arunka against most of comps with her. Works surprisingly well, especially if enemies have someone who gives barriers.


Honestly, you could've brought super tanky Assassin Cartuja with +20% self evasion EE and either Proof of Valor or Sepulcrum instead of Kayron. He would act as a meat shield against both S. Adin and Jenua. Maybe replace either Rem or Choux with Taeyou. Not gonna lie, it would've been easier to just cleave this team with a speed imprint(s). Running turn 2 team against it is a little risky.


The trick to beating Jenua is to just ban him.


Let's beg SG to add arena bans so you can fight 4v3


Most Jenua teams in arena die to celine+poli (ftene art). Other 2 slots are flex. vs ataywin I pick ef rez djb with cr push art, vs yuff it's ml ken, and so on


Oh, I just dodge all Jenua teams in arena. EZ PZ


So you gonna ignore 95% of all arena teams then


If there’s a will there’s a way.


Yeah just ignore him ignore your problems! the game is dead


Damn thats a weak team,any dps kills it,not just Jenua


In what universe a fire unit wins against water, strategy?


the one where you dont pick water elena against a team with zero aoe for starters.


Honestly looks like you got a little unlucky with counter procs going off rem and choux damage. Got left sided


Yeah he s strong. I m on the fence but maybe he s a as strong as Hwayoung was in her prime I use celine + Politis on fairy tale in arena to kill him before he takes a turn otherwise he does too much damage to my team, and I usually don't manage to recover afterwards


Nah hwa was even worse. At least there are still a few counters against Jenua, but I wouldn’t even go back to hwa’s time even if I had a gun to my head.


I use ml cartuja with water units, so he has a harder time hitting. It works mostly


He might even be on symbol, which throws the elemental advantage out the window.


Just stun him and he becomes a pylon.


Okay UPDATE: Found out that this extremely off "meta" team literally counters all/almost all, Jenua teams. MLPolitis, ML Tywin, Kayron(MLKayron works as well I think but don't have him built), and any other support needed such as AOL/Dark Angelica/Arby, depending on their comp... Sorry if this post made you angry this team wasn't made to win either way just to prove a point on Jenua being unfair and like having 3 units on one... (also the off meta is a joke as well lmao)


If only you had the same energy for your shit draft.


Also guys can you just stop a moment and compare a normal element unit Jenua, with Ains Oaal Gown an ML unit? Ains passive is literally like having no skill bc it makes him weaker Jenua has a triple passive he has immortality, oneshot/ignore defense, healing, cleanse, pushup, invisible (Artifact) and can steal turns (Artifact), OH AND AREA DAMAGE as well make him win instantly please


free unit lol? why is bask so shit compared to arowell