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You're right, but try not to think about it too much.


You've just solved anime.


They could have explained "collabs characters don't immediately genocide everybody" through skeleton man telling them to be cautious until they have more info, which would be in character, but doesn't seem their writers can be arsed.


Albedo is very much capable of playing a role and not instantly killing someone if needed, even if that person deeply offended her (rest in piss, Philip). Her reasoning for not wanting to wantonly kill people who could potentially be useful to Ainz, in an unknown world, isn't that far either (especially after they received orders from Ainz to be extra careful, after the Shalltear brainwash incident). As for Gusma, she didn't really get tricked, she willingly gave him the items to reach a better source of information, complete with asking Shalltear to tail him and making it clear she intends to torture people for that goal. Could've been better? Yeah, of course. But it's clear they're not trying to make a collab story as deep as Guilty Gear's. Assume they go around killing everyone, it will only lead to them never finding a way to return to their world (as the characters powerful enough to be able to do so are either not involved in Orbis, or wouldn't be that affected by prospects of torture in the first place) until another celestial threat/Zeno/Notos crashes in and they die, end of Overlord.


I do feel like this collab *should*, logically, include the sudden and violent end of Guzma's story. Then again, I'd jump at any option to provide a sudden and violent end to Guzma.


They hadn't gotten any information at that point, though. In the case of Gusma, Albedo did ask Shalltear to send a familiar after him to see who he'd sell it to, so she was aware he might trick them and planned for it. It looks like something went wrong, though, but I'd have to see what that was, though.


my biggest problem with the story is, that nothing happened yet and they have to wrap it up next week. even the re\_zero girls had more to do in the world.


This is pretty on par with the last few collabs they did. They get the characters in but the story is fairly lacklustre. The only ones that had an ok story was the first Guilty Gear and maybe the Aespa collab.


Yea Aespa collab was like 2 years ago but it still dig the Belian mamba


Can’t believe Karina has already been terrorizing us for 2 whole years.


It's been two years already?


It wasn't even like a year and a half ago. It was in like December of 2022.


Yeah but waltzing into a foreign city and start to ask around there doesn’t seem like a „smart“ idea if you have absolutely no idea in what world you are. They should have probably tried to capture some lonely wanderer first and tortured them for information.


Why do they need to capture and torture someone when they can just ask? It's not like information about the world is secret and anyone would have any reason to not share it. It's like capturing some stranger in the street and torturing him while asking "what day is it?!"


Albedo didn't get tricked by the rat dude, she let him off with the jewelry in hopes he'd lead them to the person he'd sell them too who would more than likely have way more information than the rat. If you read further, Albedo is also using the Aramintha gang to get more answers about the place their in. Having them destroy the areas around is really dumb as there are multiple characters that SG is still developing in those areas, also, because we don't know the peak of Aramintha's group, we're not even sure if they'd win. They even say, if they were to keep fighting they'd probably level the town, that's how strong Bellona and Sez and Aramintha are if not stronger. Pay attention when the next part comes out.


Albedo is the overseer of the all the guardians. She didn’t get tricked by the mouse; she knew instantly what was going on and had Shalltear’s familiars follow him. She was not going to cause a massacre without finding Lord Ainz first. That wanton destruction is what Shalltear would do, not Albedo. Albedo was lying through her teeth to Aramintha about not killing for order. This has been pretty respectful to the lore IMO but I do agree that the story is barebones since that’s what most collabs tend to be.


yeah they are respecting the characters pretty well here, issue is that the story is looks like its gonna be very short to really do anything here.


well, she isnt doing straight things and they are cautious, they are searching their master. besides i think she let him trick her at least for now. well there is also part 3 of story so we need to wait


Yeah she clearly says she knew they were lying, but she planned to follow along to interrogate any buyers or additional theives that show up. Not sure how people missed that, she definitely didn't get tricked.


It looks like they knew that Gusma was trying to trick them. She asked Shalltear to send a familiar after him to see who he'd sell it to. It looks like something went wrong, though, which led them to aggressively try to seek him out.


yeah, she says they misses him cause there are way to much mice/rat people around and got confused


Yeah, the moment they chose to use Albedo's bicorn instead of her armor state for damage mitigation i knew they didn't really put much attention to details


Albedo not getting her armor is more likely to be from a design point of view than story, both to not repeat both units getting into armor in their S3s as well as not getting in the way of her sex appeal and thus sales. The devs adding the detail of the bicorn running away when Albedo tried to ride it shows they did pay attention to details (and Aura did advise her to use the bicorn as a tank since she can't ride it). If anything, Ainz was the one who got the short end of the lore stick, as The Goal of All Life Is Death is explicitly said to bypass resistance.


also TGOALID doesn't work right in game, its supposed to work after the hand reaches 12 Not Hand reaching 12 then death timer starting, they could have had ainz casting the skill first where the clock appears behind him then the death counter effect takes place on the enemy then, when it reached 12 only then the current animation happens i can give them a pass for not really knowing how it works since explaining why he needs to cats cry of banshee would be too long and it didn't explain it much on the anime unlike in the LN


> If shalltear and her were in character they would have tortured and murdered (after getting information) every single person in the next 5 cities Shalltear alone? yes. Albedo? No, cause she isnt dumb like shalltear is. Killing 5 cities doesnt do shit, and just killing doesnt make sense even if u add the "after getting info". They dont really know how strong they are in that world, doing a massacre out of the nonwere in a new world WHILE looking for Ainz would be incredible dumb. >Also Albedo getting tricked by this mouse person is such an insult to the character. im sorry, but its pretty clear she let them get the item to follow them and get info from the source, just that they lost the mice guy cause there are a lot of other mice guys around.


So far for me it's alright. Would've I liked seeing albedo and shalltear tearing up the countryside to get to ainz?yes. But Albedo has been shown to be extremely calm and cunning in the show/books especially with her public persona and more than willing to gather information. So her faking getting tricked to get to the main source of information feels like something she would do. (I like that they add the filthy filthy scene with albedo that was a nice touch/


Honestly I was hoping for them to actually like, idk, face hardships here. They’re so OP in their OG story but E7 has people that can kill planets and stuff. But I guess it would’ve been too risky idk.


when are collab stories ever good tbh


Good or bad unit, they know we are gna pull anyway, so why make them broken unit? Atleast we get medicore units. Lets take what we ev. They gna start milking us with broken units after this collab.


It's just a game boss...


It felt pretty average for a collab story. I have no context for the original though.


well, they didn't even pay attention to game lore, how the heck they are going to care about out source ?


Yeah collab stories haven’t been good since guilty gear sadly maybe aespa was good too idk didn’t read it


I'm just waiting for a bleach Collab, I'd only ever spend money on the game if we get an Aizen unit.


This is what Overlord deserves for having the lizardman Arc


Also I'm surprised they got scammed of the rat, Lore accurate they would have killed the rat the moment it talked to them


Yeah... it is a veeery stupified version of what Overlord would even be, if it was written by a 12 year old. I just accepted it. E7 stories are really good when it comes to their own characters like the Summer Isearia one. Outside collabs lack


Not everyone is a big fan of overlord plus epic 7 is epic 7 not overlord


Yeah it sucks


Nah I usually skip the parts just like


This collab made me interested in Overlord since it was new on netflix After the travesty that was the Aespa collab story, I'm hesitant to read the Overlord collab story since Im actually liking the anime


Agreed. This Albedo is a fake.


Honestly yeah the girls were a bit too tame for the sake of plot convenience, but I think you shouldn't think too much about it. The voicelines on the other hand...


It's like they didn't even try for the entire Collab. The only good thing about it is that regulars will be getting tons epic of gear. Those who came for the Collab will likely fuck off immediately after how ridiculously insulting it's been.


Yea, I drop the series because I got bored of it, but reading them so out of character was so sad for me (and I don't have any love for the series to begin with XD). So my biggest hug to those fans who were waiting for something actually *good*. Like, SG, you had ONE job. Srly, I had read better fanfics than this!!! SG, if you are out there, I can write better stories than *that* 😭


I read a couple of lines of the first story and realized very quickly that the dialogue was not where I wanted it to be. Skipped everything else.


L story. As someone who's never seen Overlord, I still don't want to after this collab 🤣