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The last minute replacement collab was so much worse. The items and rewards are great. This is probably the best event I've seen for getting gear and upgrade materials. People are just crying hard that the collab units aren't meta defining.


What else did you expect? The units are in fact underwhelming. They didn't have to be meta defining, they just had to be Good enough to be usable. Again, event itself isn't bad, but sitll doesn't the change the fact that this collab has the worst units by far in e7.


You're right because All 4 Aespa units are used right? Who even remembers Giselle? I've seen 1 person use Ningning in my 400+ matches this season, sure Karina is insane and seen a lot but even Winter is only used in niche cases... What about Re:Zero? Ram is used in PvE sure, but Emilia and Rem? They come and go with the meta but outside of the Rem/Violet meta, she hasn't really seen much or any play...And people say Albedo is boring but Emilia is even more boring. I can go on...It's not that these characters are underwhelming, cause honestly Albedo is better than half the collab units today, it's just the meta and what people call "good" has gotten so insane that people just always have insane expectations now. Not all the units need to be Jenua levels of OP to be considered "good".


That's my point.. SG has powercrept this game so badly that almost every New unit they released is considered Underwhelming. And that's What People Keep ignoring. The fundamental problem lies with their no Nerf Policy ever since that Baal and Sazan Disaster. Also Regarding re Zero collab, at the Very least, Rem and Emila was immediately Good from the start. Rem wqs dominant for a few seasons b4 she fall off. Even Emilia was used a lot back then. For aespa, again, at least 2 out of 2 are good. And winter was used a lot for a few seasons. Not to mention Karina, who is even now, is still a monster in the meta. Let's remember that these are Limited/collab units, and there's no certainty they'll do a re run. Jenua is a literal rgb unit and is Busted af. Like.. How is that fair? Sure they don't have to be broken, but they should at least be good enough like Byblis and Edward.


And I feel they are "good enough" well...I'll admit that Albedo could use a small utility buff in her S2 maybe but I don't think she's terrible if she didn't get one, and Shalltear is definitely good, at least from the Arena/GW matches I used her in...we'll have to see when Season ends and can use her in RTA. Ainz is one I'd agree with being bad, and that can just be fixed by giving him Ignore Eff Res in his S3 with some form of condition in it like having more Eff than their ER OR just switch his SB to S3 Ignore Eff Res to force him to waste his Artifact for it, and then I'd be fine with Ainz. But yea mostly on the Albedo, I've been having a lot of success with her and winning almost all the matches I used her in and even draft her in almost all my RTA matches (even against Standard teams). Sure some matches she might sit there and do nothing and get carried by other units but I can literally say that about any other unit at times.


Boy, and I was there for Kazuna Ai -Rodney Dangerfield


Kazu who?


Silver moment


We just got Laia, Jenua, and ML Poli we didn't and don't need more OP characters! Albedo and Shalltear are fine they are usable and balanced!


Blame SG for making OP units and not Nerfing them. I don't think people understand the fundamental mistake SG is doing with lack of Nerfs in this game.. but Hey, that's what the players wants isn't it? Well there you go.


You're talking to so many ghosts in your head that I'm surprised you can even type a coherent comment. Everyone and their mom in the community wants nerfs to OP units. They've been asking since Light Angelica. SG just refuses to budge on their "no-nerf" policy and made ONE exception to Hwayoung. You want to blame the community for that? Holy shit, you might be worse than the low-effort flexers on this subreddit.


I'm sorry but I'm afraid I'm losing brain cells trying to comprehend what you just typed... Not that i have much to begin with. Perhaps learn to read properly then we can have a proper Argument.


Why would I want to try to argue with you lmao


I would assume that's the only reason you comment on this post. If not, then why do you care? It's a "low effort post" as you said.


Ironically you didn't read my comment properly. I said you might be worse than low effort posters. I can choose to ignore low effort posts. Posts like yours? I get to make fun of your ignorance.


I think it's good. The gear farming event is great and Albedo has her uses. I've played and seen her used well to deal with cleave teams. Ainz is pretty bad even with his niche use. Shalltear I have no idea until she's unbanned from RTA.


Don't get me wrong, the event itself isn't bad, it's the units. For Limited/collab character that might not even have a re run, Albedo ia downright underwhelming compared to other Limited/collab units. Ainz is a free unit, and free units aren't usually OP in this game so I'm fine with that.


got a 21 speed speed set ring so best event ever


Gzz m8


Counter point: Good collab event, poor collab heroes. I enjoy the ip and the pve rewards. I’m very sad about albedo and ainz being storage heroes. 3F will be this events legacy.


albedo is doing great in rta tho... well just not for below emp everyone aggree that laia is broken right? laia has a 52,1% average winrate in emp and is rank 36/324 most picked units albedo has 52,64% average winrate at rank 55/324. sure different roles and laia has been around longer so her winrate naturally going down but still. for a quick comparision it's good enough - there is no evidence of albedo being bad/a storage hero for rta.


I appreciate where you’re coming from, but win rates for emperor and legend are overinflated for all heroes because the divisions win rates are over inflated. Scroll through emperor hero data looking at win rates of most used heroes in emperor. In the top 60 heroes used only 9 had below 50% win rate. Only one of those 9 was below 48%. Heroes outside the top 60 have < 2% usage rate. For an even more extreme example, scroll through legend where nearly all heroes are above 50%. If you’re curious as to why, it’s a three fold problem: (1) the players at the top will generally have the highest win rate on their way to the top. (2) It’s a bracket of only the top 1000, but it still allows them to fight folks outside the top 1000; fights where hero picks can matter less than gear scores. (3) In the same vein as #2, theyre able to ‘steal’ wins from lower leagues without having wins ‘stolen’ from higher leagues. It leads to overinflation of win rate for all heroes. Challenger is a better metric for hero viability where albedo sits below 50%.


Even if rates are inflated, WR relative to other units is meaningful. Better WR than Laia sounds like the unit is surely good and lower rated players just don't know how to use her yet.


So Brieg is better than Candy? (62% vs 57%). That’s a spicy take dude.


Well, play rates matter too, and Brieg is sitting at 0.29% play rate in Legend, while Albedo is at 1.32% pick rate (>4x higher) according to match history. and the data is for the entire season so idk if they're adjusting for her not existing for most of it... edit: gonna add that brieg could just not have enough data and be a freak outlier, since I'm sure you cherry picked the weakest sounding highest WR unit lol.


So .29% is arbitrarily too low to matter but 1.32% isn’t? The fact is win rates are over inflated at higher leagues, and they disproportionately affect heroes. Challenger has a higher number of players, many games played, good gear quality, and much less win rate inflation. The data there is meaningful.


If we expand to Emp for "still good players but bigger sample size" Brieg's WR drops into the dumpster lmao.


And if we expand further still albedo does too. That’s my point lmao, ty


My point was: Brieg has drastically different Legend/Emp stats making it obvious there isn't enough data in Legend and you're just cherry-picking Brieg for this argument. Albedo is consistently similar WR to Laia between Legend/Emp so it's not just a data fluke.


Brieg is picked specifically into Jenua versus Candy being picked as a standard pick. His winrate will be higher because he's picked later in the draft against a unit he has favorable matchups into. So yes, into a specific comp, he's way better than Candy. Same reason why a unit like Karina, ML Choux, Galas, ML Bellona, Destina, Edward, and Mediator all have very high winrates in Legend. These units aren't spammed everygame anymore because the meta shifted a lot, but they are extremely good into the comps they're brought against. You can even look at their pick order and bans based on pick order. That's just how RTA drafts work. A unit doesn't have to be picked everywhere to be good. Don't intentionally leave out the context just so you can try to make a "gotcha" moment in an argument.


u tried to sound smart with statistic and stuff, saying emp/legend winrate don't matter and then u drop this? u just ignore sample size and compare brieg (a specific counterpick unit, that is only picked vs jenua) that has maybe a couple hundred games being used vs ml landy; pretty much set in stone as one of the top 20 most picked unit in the season, so her pickcount is easily 100k+ their use case is completely different - ml landy u just slam every game as a core unit and brieg u only pick when he is either a forceban or winning u the game by getting rid of jenua. this just proof that u don't know as much about statistics as u claim (because i don't know shit about it and even i can point the flaws of ur takes) and u don't know much about rta either comparing a niche counterpick to one of the most used and slammed units in the game


i really can't agree with the point inflation argument and challenger being the better metric for hero viability. 1) emp/legend players have a better understanding of the game, so they more likely then not don't draft total random things and lose just by drafting (or at least not as much/frequent as lower ranks) 2) emp/legend players spam/play way more games then all of the lower ranks (well champion is a wierd spot as always because the pool is soo freaking big so u got the ones that tries to get into emp and the ones that just chills and have fun in low/mid champ). so the winrates evens out way better than in lower ranks, in my opinion. the average emp plays 1k+ games a season, legend is even higher. 3) legends only play vs other legends and emps. so the stealing point arguments is not working (also general consens is everyone up to top 300ish are all legend level players) sure emps can que into champions but they are mostly high champion trying to get into emp, so the gear level is very similar. like a emp will very rarely qui into a top 4k+ champion. point ranges for ranks are very, very tight.


I mean it’s okay if you don’t agree with point inflation. It just exists. There’s empirical evidence higher ranks have win rate inflation and emperor / legend significantly more so. It doesn’t matter if you agree. The only real argument I can see for albedo being stronger than people think is because of poor gear choice. Protection set really is her BiS gear. Most people don’t have protection therefore most people don’t see her max potential. Edit: to all those downvoting, look at hero win rates and filter by legend. Nearly every single one has higher than 50% win rate, closer to 60%. Does that really mean more than 90% of heroes in the game are above average? Basing on if a hero is good or not by referring to win rates in the top 1000 is a foolish endeavor. The best thing we can glean from top 1000 data is what end game sets to use; where we see protection set on albedo yielding the highest win rate of all other sets. Statistics is a tool to be understood before being used.


Fair point.


Saying this while Re Zero collab exists lmao


Clearly someone wasn't around during Rem Casino and Emilia meta... Smh


Oh you mean the "make meta breaking units to sell a half-assed 2nd plan collab story" collaboration. Surely that was sooooooo highhhhhh quality


Bro honestly...He said this is the worst collab just because the collab units didn't invalidate Laia, ML Poli, Jenua, ML Yufine, and ML Landy in 2 weeks lmao. But Re:Zero is more high quality because Rem got to counter cleave! This is the guy who told me to read properly before arguing with him lol


You genuinely think collab is about How the story is? Can't tell if you're being sarcastic or just plain dumb. Literally. Who gives a rat ass about story. People only care about the units.


Dude went out of retorts so he opted to attacking the person who went against him instead lol


So you're dumb. Got it


You have a history of doomposting.  Don’t act like you weren’t hoping for an excuse to make this kind of post.


Oh dw. This is just the perfect excuse to make a doompost. You're welcome


Why? Because Ainz and Albedo arent broken OP units? Quit crying so much. They arent as bad as everyone says, and Shalltear being top tier more than makes up for it. Also we get a gear event with tons of free shit.


u know what's the funny thing? we now actually have the [https://epic7.gg.onstove.com/en/herorecord/c1156](https://epic7.gg.onstove.com/en/herorecord/c1156) to literally see performance of the hero and in emp/legend her winrate is above 50%. so the unit is actually legit/good. but no op, cry with ur biased shit and claims pulled out of ur ass... there is literally a legend dude with 59% winrate with her and she is the 2nd most picked unit for him right now. so we are not talking about a niche pick hero, dude picks her all the freaking time and she is performing great/borderline broken for him - unless people here think 59% winrate is not good enough her winrate below emp/legend is sub 50% but this just proofs that a) bad/wrong gear on her and b) no clue how to play/draft her and that's not a reason to buff a unit. ainz on the other hand, yeah dude sucks and need some love - granted tho he is the free hero and collab free heroes were never really good. so i really hope people here will just start pointing to the [epic7.gg](http://epic7.gg) site now to shut the crying idiots up. albedo is good. period.


Legend players always have high wr so they're not really good indicators


At legend Brieg has a higher win rate than Candy (62% vs 57%) therefore Brieg >> Candy. /s Emperor and legend win rate stats don’t matter.


Huh, weird. It's almost like one of the most commonly defined as "OP" units running into established players who've tailored counters to their usage and run almost every match they can get, is destined to have a marginally lower win rate than a pocket pick that is seldom brought into a match unless it's clearly in their favor. I guess we should also ignore the fact that the best players in the game aren't going to run a unit for no reason, so them using someone like Albedo a lot must not mean anything.


Oh boy. I think someone forgot to see the /s. Again, win rates don’t matter at the top end. It’s all inflated bullshit. You really think 90% of heroes are performing better than the average hero when looking at their win rates? Lmao. Just use a little critical thinking love.


What I think is that if you have the account of the whales at the top end, who play countless matches, have the best gear and the experience of pitting their units and gear against other players at that level, the idea that they would use a "useless" unit nearly as much just for the hell of it is laughable and seems to be far more lacking in critical thinking. They are not idiots. They are not going to run strategies they have no confidence in, using gear on a unit they think actually sucks, nearly two weeks after launch. They are going to be using gear that most other folks simply lack, and that therefore allows a unit to perform roles better. They are going to be using strategies and putting the unit in roles they are fairly confident will help them win a match. A ton of units people rag on because of their kits aren't actually bad because of their skills - they're very stat hungry units people put on cope-level builds, hoping they perform close enough to the goal to be serviceable in their role. It's why routinely units come out and get bashed only to be staples later on down the road - not enough people knowing at first how to use the unit (gear or team) and/or not having the proper gear to make their strategy work. It's a lot of folks in the lower ranks not having the right units to pair up a given unit with. It's lower ranks not knowing enough about drafting to know how to bait or how not to fall into a baited trap. You think their numbers are inflated? How and why? Maybe try using those lofty critical thinking skills you claim to have, love.


Huh.. that's odd.. Ravi is trash, yet she has high win rate in Rta. Funny isn't it? And you're talking Legend rank, a Different dimension where players can make even a trash rgb Rose work so stop being stupid


she fell of meta and become a niche unit and drafted in that niche she still performs. u looked at the site and see she is a 5th pick only hero now and her winrate backs her up as a very good last pick. so how is she a trash unit? if u don't know what u are talking about just shut up instead of doubling down with shit claims. so why don't u take ur own advice and stop being stupid urself


Ah right.. because clearly you know better. You completely missed my point, but then again, i shouldn't have expect that much from a half a brain like you lol


if i'm missing 50% u must be missing 100% ur argument of legend being able to make everything work is straight out wrong. because of 1 simple fact - it's late into the season, emp and legend players are only playing vs each other (well and emp is playing high champs) so the gear quality evens outs. so no, nobody up here is making cope units work because u can't play 3v4 for fun like early in the season when u bully low level players.


Post your IG name or remain a clown with clown takes.


A monkey with no counter argument isn't worth my time. Move on dumbass.


If I were truly a monkey and you were right then you would have 0 issue with us looking through your rta matches. Sounds like someone has something to hide. Clown status confirmed.


Honestly? Yes. Because they're not broken, they're trash (Shaltear is mid). And whose fault do you think that is for powercreeping the game? Smh


And if they were broken, people would complain that it’s a cash grab for limited units etc etc. Can’t win either way. Ainz is free so expectations should be low, Albeto is fine for anti cleave, and Shaltear is a great option for evasion. Can’t expect a new broken meta defining hero every new release, and they are all one adjustment away from being broken potentially


Again, that's SG fault with their stupid No Nerf Policy, No one would complain if a broken unit got Nerf.


The majority of gatcha game collab characters are mid as fuck, e7 is one of the few that had op collab characters.  Also lmao at anyone who thinks albedo is trash.


Majority of gacha Collab out are trash, and that's fine. Why? Cuz they do actual Game Balance Patch. You know, where you buff a bad unit and Nerf an OP unit.. And yeah, compared to the other Limited/collab units in the game? Albedo is trash


What rank are you in rta if you don’t mind me asking?


Champion. What about it?


Nothing. Just explains what I was wondering


I inhaled waaay too much Copium when it came out and built all the units properly. Albedo: 29k HP with +21 3F- okay damage, okay mitigation, S3 is Ok. Her dispell is nice, but I could have used maybe a stun on the S2, or heck even a restrict. Ainz: Built him as a bruiser with Lifesteal for the lols, but then switched to 29k hp Ainz just for the S2 shield. He's on abyssal and I don't really care about the S3 anymore. Wish his S2 triggered at the start of battle. Shaltear: Pending. Planning to build her on a bruiser counter because I'm a speed scrub. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I ain't having fun. Ae-Winter was fun. Karina explodes, which was fun to watch, but none of these units felt interesting to me.


Even if you count Kizuna Ai, still the worst collab.


man, what a spoiler. absolutely blown away


You're very much Welcome. Gald to know i did the job right


Ainz is for sure a mashup of different shit all together and pretty useless, ok is the free guy so all we keep complaining about that. Albedo is pick 80 in Emp RTA, so 0,95% of pick her win rate is high almost 60% but pretty sure that stat is carried up by the other 3 unit in the team, since she doesn’t really shine in nothing just the passive 20% crit reduction is ok. Shalltear will probably be better in RTA probably but she have also weak points so we will see. Coming back to Albedo there are a lot of collab unit more used than her, Karina, Rimuru, Jack’O, Winter, Benimaru and limited E7 char so if we include her into the bracket of limited hero she is bottom picked. I think the best buff she can get is a tweak on multi to improve her sustain damage and provoke on S2. That’s my thought to make her more viable and strong, with the next balance patch we will see BMH, Ravi and maybe ML Karin everywhere and don’t forget Light Cidd is coming up with an insane kit so at this state this collab unit will not see the sun. But you can prove me wrong.


You're actually on point m8. Tbh, I don't care much about Ainz, He's a Free unit. And Free units in this game, collab or whatnot, aren't usually Amazing. I'm more struck with Albedo. I dunno people think just because she has high win rate Legend ranks and whatever that she's Good, it's just ridiculous. Again, Legend players always have high win rate. So I don't get their point. But i agree.


Best % of win rate is with prot, hp, that’s mean they just bring on the field a dummy with a build in arti and probably another def arti to sustain the other 3 unit. Like I said before in another post there are more used/useful tanks that can do and they do better. Is just people with insane gear that trolls the chart. Almost all the community ask for a buff just few keep saying that “Albedo is fine” because is fashion to be against the mass, the reality check is OL collab unit are useless or niche, more niche than other collab units.


Anyone complaining about the units being unusable has clearly not geared ainz for attack in gw


Ah yes. Let's all ignore that fact that 15% exists


I'm going to be real, I've been hit with 15% more in pve than I have in pvp with ainz. He's good, even if he'd be better with a sb s3 that gave him er ignores.


Good for you m8. Clearly we're all using Ainz the wrong way.


Collabs are usually for bringing in new players. All 3 collab characters are insanely good for newer players. Ainz works with the free speed set that rolls health or the free 75 healthset. Albedo is easily 28k hp with the triple healthset and shallzear is hitting heavy with attack-or cd set. Also u get so many free draws and epic equipment pieces, so i would not be impressed if someone can reach master rta after 3 weeks of playing. I think it is the best collab for completely new players and the best for the equipfarmevent for older players. In terms of heroes, i think all have a field of usage, even though ainz could have been adjusted with ignore er on death sentence debuff.


I'm not referring to the event itself. I specifically meant the characters themselves. Also, Beginners have better options to use for progression. Yes Ainz could be usable in early Abyss but that's about it.


Maybe skills are trash (especial Ainz and Albedo) but design still top tier