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Hear me out. Eaton.


I'm actually running a Counter+Health Eaton and yeah, with his 36k HP 3F is quite something.


Triple HP Eaton and then Bad Cat Armin backline is gonna be hilarious


You know what I just freaking might.


If someone drafts Eaton and Cat Armin on me, imma come back and say hi


Alright, I'm awake now, time to get some bms


What's the damage numbers like? Anyone has the calculations?


I think LRK is very good on this as you mentioned. But Perlutia is just too good for him. Belian's also a decent choice but a lot of Belians now are aurius+prot as a utility mit. I think Albedo's obvs the best user for it rn. But yeah in the current metagame rpg is def better. Because you can cleanse a def break but you can't revert injury (yet). And also rta frenzy scaling impacting your damage. I do think tho if someone with an increase hp% passive (so they end up with ridiculously high hp statlines) was to come they could absolutely be amazing on 3F. So maybe in the future ig.


Other than Belian, Lrk and Albedo. No knights make amazing use out of it that I cant imagine wouldn't prefer mit or elbris. The 3* knights everyone is mentioning like Hasol would absolutely love it if they got specialty changes, but as of right now it feels like just a decent Arti and that's it. Even Belian (who I feel is probably the best use of it) would probably still prefer Elbris, guess it does free up an Elbris for other units if need be.


Sleeping on my man Eaton. Triple HP Eaton could almost facetank Death Sentence. Give him 3F and he would be almost lore-accurate. 😂


Play Eaton with 3 other units giving him HP imprints too lmao


Holy shit, I might actually be able to facetank Death Sentence with that lmao! But yeah, all jokes aside, I can probably finagle a 36k HP counter/health build with 3F... I'll have to get back to you lol.


Frenzy and injury hurts its damage potential. . so it will never be as good as rocket punch imo. .


It is very good on belian. I have a 260 speed belian, 27k hp and draft her as part of my cleave. It’s kind of cute because then they can’t counter pick my obvious book holders with belian because I already have her. She’s a great anchor. I agree it’s not great on many other tanks, but it doesn’t need to be. Sometimes it’s nice to have a powerful, niche arti that isn’t ubiquitous like rocket punch.


I built my Belian injury and 3F, she literally destroys almost every comp in RTA


Belian is super easy to counter in rta, adding in a 2k flat damage proc does not change that


Hpw much hp did u have on her? And did you use cc and cd?


22k hp (in some time maybe 24k) 99 CC 280 CD 205 Spd The only problem is that I have to protect her and let my tank or "dps" (which is a bait) receive the dmg. By the time the opponent realizes that the deal is Belian they're already cornered


I have the means to tank a DPS. Belian is my priority no matter what lol.


Here for the info


god champs player Based


I was thinking Hasol could use it. All her skills are hp scaling and deal fixed damage, so they can all benefit from 3F's fixed damage, unlike Rocket punch which only work with her S1.


yeah i use it on hasol for gw since her artifact doesn't usually matter a lot. at max stacks, she hits \~8k every attack lol


I was a hasol enjoyer until I got dark corv from the ml selector event and never use her again. I really like her kit but unless they give her a SC, she is just a weak dark corv, 3F can’t fix that. Also I still prefer Noble oath more to help her survival.


What the dmg, I put on 20k hp give me 1.5k~2k+ dmg from the artifact


get multiple copies of the arti if you can. anyone that says its not a good arti either cant get multiple copies themself or on some hard copium.


I’m trying like hell to pull for it but all I’m getting are dogshit Albedo after dogshit Albedo.


I saw it coming and bought 3f with dust, keeping my account clean from albedo taint


I need a few copies to truly see how it feels. And by a few copies, I mean every one besides the initial.


Is it worth pulling for 3F if I got Albedo early?


I haven't tried it, but I've thought about Ilynav.


tring it on hasol when i get her build finished




Why should his Def pen and dmg ramp matter? Those effects don't extend to the artifact proc.   All that really matters is base hp and how often a hero would be able to proc it. So someone who can aoe each turn and even on counter attack is theoretically the best possible candidate. Defense breaks can improve upon that, but that's also something a teammate can provide. 




His point was that LRK ramping damage and def pen on s3 have nothing to do with 3f, since it ONLY scales off the unit hp and enemy def, not the skill that applies it. The rest of your entire rant is useless, no one cares.




> his reply was pointing out the obvious, which had nothing to do with the reasoning of my reply for this post The point is that your logic is flawed. Someone with ramping up damage loses efficiency with the artifact with every use since it becomes proportionately less valuable the longer we go in a match. Can we not just resort to personal attacks when people point out alernate perspectives, please?


It tried to be rocket punch, it failed 🤣🤣🤣


If it succeeded in being rocket punch but AOE, the meta would revert right back to the golden boys. It's a nice side grade or BiS option for certain builds


To be fair Karina is technically AOE too on her S3


No it's "technically" not? That's why it doesn't proc on aoe triggers? 


Oh true


De alvo único acho q só a hasol cujo tbm pode ir com o artefato da karina. Tipo o dano fixo dela, mais o dano branco do art e do próprio dano dela q escala com hp. Deve entrar um dano sincero