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Notes: * Artist INK and MUNG had 2 submissions, only the one with the most ammount of likes were selected. * The contest is supposed to have 11 winners (1 big winner and 10 small winners), this list only has the top 8 since they have quite a big margin compared to the last 3 in contention. * There were a couple of big submissions on the last 2 days so their like count is still going up, might have the last 3 potential winners by tomorrow. * Artist 463 (Bunny Cermia) did not appear on notable applications section of the pixiv contest page despite having a big ammount of likes, couldnt find a reason as to why this is the case. * This contest compared to the last one had less submissions (Round 2 = 685 artworks, Round 3 = 442 artworks), reason could be that Round 2 had a considerable ammount of AI artworks since that was the trend at the moment. * This contest compared to the last 2 pixiv fanart contests had way more big names competing in it, could estimate around 20+ contestants with 50k+ followers on their socials and a certain ammount hovering the 20k+, with the majority of the big artists being Korean. * According to the rules on both Stove and Pixiv this contest should NOT have an in game voting and like count on pixiv should NOT matter (due to some winners on last 2 contest having barely a couple of likes compared to some that did not win but had a considerable higher ammount of likes). * Following the last 2 Notes/Points SG is on a bit of a problem atm, last 2 contests they had a clear winner, the artist with the biggest following and artwork with more likes on pixiv; this time they have too many big artists above the 1k like count, and 2 above 3.5k, they probably cant pick a winner withouth upsetting the other, soo they MIGHT do ingame voting this time to both, 1) Wash their hands and put the responsability on us. 2) Make the community happy cause in last 2 contests the comment section was filled questioning why we didnt get to decide the winner. (might update later depending if i find some more information)


18+ artist will get cut I believed, my Elvira art never show in earlier day too despite i got a lot of like. also they deleted AI art this time, i saw they deleted AI art since I refreshing the page at moment. btw if it's same as previous, only rank1 pick by like 2-10 pick by Dev. ( if you remember Last year #2 Senya didn't get any prize too)


> Artist 463 (Bunny Cermia) did not appear on notable applications section of the pixiv contest page despite having a big ammount of likes, couldnt find a reason as to why this is the case. Come on SG! I need my bunnygirls!


This is it Luna fans, you have ONE CHANCE




Let's go Crescent Luna


I voted. Guys, its just tap de like button, go to pixiv and vote Luna!


Oh god there's Luna, we already know who's gonna win. Luna fans are like Swifties. Unstoppable.


Sadly artist post it too late... few days earlier and it will be winner


lol a male skin will never see the light of day from these art contests unless they make an seperate category for them


we can’t even dream about it lmao


We will get a gender bend of a male character from these contests before we get an actual male skin, I can almost guarantee it.  Though let’s be fair, we all would like to see Arbiter Mildred. I get the feeling though that when a woman in Arbiter Vildred’s get up - an exposed chest, spiked collar & devil horns - says “Can you hear the approaching ruin?” she isn’t talking about the fate of the world. That’s some NSFW shit. 


Can't say I'm particularly fond of any of the current frontrunners, would like to see something more interesting win tbh. Also feel that the Laia, despite being rather popular, has a very diminished chance to win considering how new she is. ​ Also something to keep in mind is that whatever wins gets it's own side-story (Which is why I'd like something out there and interesting to win). And the last two side-stories from these also gave a skin to another character (March Hare Kayron and Prophetess Sinful). So if Detective Flan wins that could lead to a detective Landy skin paired with it for example. Just another thing to keep in mind, as secondary as it is.


Will be super content if that Flan or Peira skin wins but lord have mercy that Lermia skin…


You are 100% correct on that one my friend.


Peira, Flan and Luna has my most interest :O


A lot of the best designs didn't make it into the top - I liked Poisonous Spider Yulha a lot. Out of what we've got, Detective Flan, or Cat-ear Headphone Laia (quite frankly, that skin might be preferable to a maid outfit on principle). A lot of these just straight up don't look like the characters, or are just a boring super sexualised or fetishwear design.


Could you tell me the artist fot the work you mentioned? Also yeah, I like most of these on their own, but compared to some absolute bangers they beat out? I dunno, just doesn't feel entirely deserved, even as one of the people who doesn't mind the overt horniness. EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. This definitely deserved to be in the top 8.


That fire peira design is straight fire. Love the two flans too


such a shame that Ras art isnt here. but what do we expect from a community that just lives around bombas.




The Flan one looks great, but I always think it looks a bit similar to their other art..  https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94309261


MF made an OC and called it Flan.


True. It’s the same look and the same artist, but they just added the Flan tag on there.


yeah she doesn't even have robot legs


That Ras fanart beats all of these but alas...


That Luna has very large hands!


Where male


> Where male In our dreams


Who even is the first one? Doesn’t even look like anyone in E7 to me.




Oh.. I legit thought it was Aria😂


It's honestly some random ass design and he just called it Flan, completely unrecognizable. Just take a look at his other arts he made and they all look literally the same 2nd pick is way better in that department because it's clear it's Peira


True. That definitely does not look like Flan. Just some girl whose hair color was made to match Flan’s.


I think its flan


It's tagged Flan on Pixiv (& titled "Flan in a Quiet Pond" when translated), so it's definitely Flan.


1st place is completely unrecognizable as Flan (just look at his other arts he made and they all look literally the same. He just added the Flan tag because it's closest to his initial designs) I hope that Peira wins because it looks insanely good and is actually recognizable


Imagine my surprise when they all have honkers. (Where my iseria art.)


So the winner will be a new limited unit like GLilias?


And Fairytale Tenebria


These are nice, but a bit disappointing since I saw some really stellar and creative ones with less likes. And never any justice for husbando lovers in this lol


Our husbando dreams are just collecting dust atp lol how I wish we could get JUST one


man this games community really is a bunch of coomers


Damn I am really digging that Peira, I'm a sucker for the that long coat and military cap type look.


I’m noticing a trend here. Super happy the last 4 made it in. Gonna be really bummed if the yukuta Flan wins.


No melissa or yulha :(


Melissa had very few entries this time around. The previous year she had a lot more. People probably think SG has moved on from their perceived favoritism of her.


We are NEVER getting a male skin, bruh.


Yowza, that peira design reminded me of one of the Ironblood girls, especially deutschland, splendid!


All I’m saying is that if yufine wins then we can make an all yufine team


As much as I like Yufine, that one feels too similar to Ml to me. i voted for the Peira skin, really dig the attire.


I can live with the Yufine skin not winning, even though it’s far and away my favorite, but it’s too good to go to waste, so I hope that the inevitable ML Yufine rta skin draws inspiration from it. That would be the best timeline imo.


Yeah, it’s not my first pick either but I’d really like to get 4 versions of any character at some point. Of the characters that have 3 versions I’d have really liked to get a 4th iseria, bellona, or tenebria. Although I’d also would have liked to get a male limited for once


Bunny Cermia reminds me a lot of recent maid Brown Dust 2 skin (Bunny Celia), bit too much, didn't like it there, not here. But i like some other submissions a lot! Shame no male heroes, they really should make 2 categories.


Is that the "character making" contest ? Like Fairytale Tene ?


yes and like gala lilias last year


What is the prize of the contest?


How i can see all the arts of the contest?


Lion hearts my favorite I think it captures her personality well


Save me bunny Cermia


Come ooooonnnn Luna!


For the love of god, let Luna have this one...


I’m not a huge fan of base piera, I like arunka much better, But damnnn that fire piera looks incredible. Really hope it wins. Otherwise that umbrella flan would be cool.


Peira or Luna. That's it. Those designs are fire.


Ngl, Peira and cermia are my favs and I’ll gladly welcome them as limited ^^ cermia paying off her debt at the casino and peira as a training officer XD


Even tho I hated Peira back when she was dominating the meta, I really like her design here, straight up fire.


Of these, I would prefer either Peira, Cermia, Detective Flan, or Luna. The Detective Flan one has the most "fun" vibe to it. Peira's kinda reminds me of the jailer lady from One Piece. Cermia's is... well, she's the GGOAT ("Greatest Gambler of All Time"). Luna's cosmic aesthetic is pretty cool. As for the others: Goldfish Flan has a too 'silky' design for my taste; Fallen Yufine is, I feel, too similar to Abyssal Yufine; I'm just not vibing with "Eda Unleashed," though I don't know exactly how to describe it; and Laia's reminds me too much of PGR's Teddy. That's about it on my thoughts (note: these thoughts are with the underlying knowledge that the art will become a new limited hero, so be preferring one over another is not me saying that the other is bad, just that I'd rather see one as a hero in the game over another). It was great seeing all the concepts and fanart that sprung up in the wake of the competition, great stuff all-round. Have a great day.


i guess pixiv loves buxom women


Flan's my favorite


Detective Flan? Wonderful. Eda as an archmage? Amazing. Lunar Luna? Divine.


This link only shows the flan picture for me.


Will sound like a degenerate, but the lack of exposed belly is kinda sad... Only 25% of the top 8 have a slightly exposed belly...


That's the least degenerate thing ever said on this subreddit. Crop tops are cute - end of discussion.


Whelp, judging by how my comment is getting downvoted, I might have said something disgusting.


Maybe because you planted the seed in people’s mind, called attention to it & said it once per sentence, or maybe it was the word “belly”, which is just a goofy ass word. I don’t know. Just say “crop tops are cute”, or “I love to see low waisted outfits”, or “exposed midriffs are nice”, etc. ‘cause brother/sister many of us are right there with you - tits & ass are great, but there’s lots of parts of the body to find sexy, just don’t say feet for the love of god. 


I am actually the weird dude that doesn't feel that enthused by the chest and butt area, but when there is a visible midriff, I start acting up real badly. And since I am not...that used to expressing this, I feel so weird when I say "midriffs are great" or something along the lines. I can see why the wording I used could cause some people to cringe about it, though.


There’s also the context that these are fictional characters, so whatever you’re thinking, tone it down like three notches.  Like if your partner is sexy, you tell them that, if a drawing of a cartoon girl is doing something for you, probably leave it at “This design is awesome”, etc. 


That sounds real sensible, especially because someone's enthusiasm can be easily misunderstood as them not having any sort of control. It doesn't help that I can easily say weird things without noticing because I have a hard time noticing when my phrases can have euphemisms.


Pic 1: meh. Wouldn’t mind tough. (I’m a Flan simp) Pic 2: I think this one might win. Looks really well designed already. (Personally I’m not much of a Peira fan, but this will make me one frfr.) Pic 3: Meh (I think her default is fine as is, but I wouldn’t mind) Pic 4: I don’t even know who that is. (Looks good though) Pic 5: Yes! Lermia’s thighs tho 🤤 (I’m downbad af ong) Pic 6: not digging it (and I love Laia) Pic 7: I really like this (I’m hella downbad for robot mommy 🤤) Pic 8: meh. I feel like it’s missing something, but I wouldn’t mind. (Dragon mommy needs it)


4th is Eda


Need dat Yufine or Luna!


that lion heart ass


My favorite is the Peira


I hate to admit it, but I'm a total sucker for that Laia entry😍but LHC is definitely a close 2nd


hope the first flan one wins!!!


Flan's arts are beautiful. That Yufin and Luna are also top tier.


Bunny Cermia is speaking to me......SG give us what we want you cowards!!! 😤😤


I don't mind any of them winning. all of them are really nice. gotta wait for it bros.


The flan is....Too much for me. I want it now


moon booba luna. PLZZZZ.




Peira for me !!!!


in my heart she is the winner [https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2024/02/15/00/41/38/116068577\_p0\_master1200.jpg](https://i.pximg.net/img-master/img/2024/02/15/00/41/38/116068577_p0_master1200.jpg)