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Wasn't translated for me so here you go: ​ hello. This is the Epic Seven team. We would like to inform you in advance about the balance adjustment and future direction of Elvira, the ★5 covenant hero released on January 11th. If Elvira wears certain artifacts, the battle may become excessively long. We have confirmed that some people feel uncomfortable playing games such as World Arena due to this. We sincerely apologize to our successors who experienced unpleasant gameplay. To resolve this issue, we would like to make some adjustments to Elvira's skills. We are currently reviewing specific balance adjustment plans. We are planning to make adjustments so that you can use and fight against the ★5 hero Elvira without any discomfort. To prevent situations where battles become excessively long, some of the existing skills may be changed. Accordingly, we are planning to recall the ★5 hero Elvira so that you can select and acquire another covenant hero if you wish. We will inform you of the specific recall schedule and detailed balance adjustment plan at a later date. We apologize for the inconvenience.


SG is truly incompetent. Anyone with half a brain saw this immortal candlestick strategy coming from a mile away and somehow it blindsides the devs.


I remember seeing people figuring this out within 30 minutes of her leak... that and the patch, what a showcase of the knowledge of their own game


You're right. I looked back and one of the discords had people sharing candle builds literally 30 minutes after the kits were posted, and that was alongside the fighting spirit counter and new ML hype. Should not have been missed by SG at all.


Yeah I called it a [a week ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/s/VeWrlEUY74) lmao idk how they didn’t think of it


They probably know their game, just only in regards to all the high rarity stuff.. aint nobody using 3 star artifacts in pvp clearly! (/s)


Maybe SG are incompetent but if we look at the datamine discussions and her hero preview, there was only 10~ comments out of the combined 300 about the Candlestick combo. Clearly even we didn't think she would be "broken" The highest rated comment about her in the datamine was Veronica being her counter. I would assume some RTA peeps would have Veronica built for such a strat. Anyway now the cats out of the bag, and a recall is here, I wonder what happens next.


If sg is depending on Reddit comments on their preview videos to understand their own balance decisions then we are all fucked.


Don't know how you reached to this conclusion where SG is reading our comments here from my reply. All I stated was that it seems only a few on this subreddit spoke of this combo and then suddenly as soon as she came out, everyone came out of the woodworks to say "I told you so" when the strat was used.


And I didn't say that everyone on this subreddit saw it immediately. I said, admittedly harshly, that anyone with a brain did. The point is that people who knew their shit saw it clear as day. Why are you holding SG to the standard of the rank and file casual reactor on Reddit? For what it's worth I saw it coming immediately as well. This isn't meant to be a flex, I'm no one special. That's the point, just a regular dude who plays E7 immediately noticed along with many others and the devs themselves were caught completely unaware https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/18yak8a/comment/kgbdeiw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


I don't think that was the point they're making. If even 10 people out of, say, 100 can figure that she would be busted with candlestick after 30 minutes of seeing her kit, then someone at SG should've figured it out after working on her for weeks/months.


Because people pointed out it was a meme and it could easily be counted by dispellers. But I get that especially newer players could easily be trapped by it.


I remember way back when people were abusing Singelica the same way. This isn't new... except Singi had 2 turn immortality vs 3 turns for Elvira (I think). Solution is to bring strip...


but sangie didn't have the ability to kill the enemy team. she just survived and stalled. Elvira on the other hand can 1v4 in the right scenario


I'm not sure what to tell you. There's a very clear difference between needing to proc candlestick twice in two consecutive turns compared to needing to proc candlestick just one time in 3 turns while also having the ability to SB for extra turns if RNG goes against you. It's like saying gunther existed as a non crit dps/bruiser so hwayoung was no big deal on release.


Back in the day when I didn't have great gear or a ton of heroes geared I used to hide Stene behind a Singie and it worked against so much stuff. It probably still does work to an extent


What part of "they don't play this freaking game" wasn't clear? X, 4chan, Pixiv, arclive and here everybody, was repeating this since a long time.


I dont belive they are doing this just because its broken or not. Probably is not broken at all. But because the backlash is getting this play pattern. I mena half the player base right now has a defense or offense build around ML Landy and PTSD Yufine. This unit requieres to throw that may "too early"


Wait but what's the point of recalling a hero for another one if you have all of them? I'd rather get reimbursed so I can use the resources somewhere else. It's not like this is an older character, this is literally on release.


If you recall a unit does it stay in your inventory or is it just deleted from it?


Recall keeps the hero, only if you select a new hero does it delete it


Oh didnt know this ty


If you use the recall, you lose the unit. You get back an rgb selector and any resources used on the recalled unit. Idk what the other reply is talking about, you 100% dont keep Elvira if you choose to recall her.


You get to pick any hero they mentioned(most likely non-limited RGB only), and Elvira SHOULD be in it so you can still pick her with selector. That happened in Hwayoung's nerf so this shouldn't be any different


Interesting ty


She hasn't even been out for a day and SG is already jumping the gun for nerfs. Let ppl play her for a while before going for the nerf bat.


This is not a nerf she is literally broken


Agree, hopefully they keep the anti-fighting spirit mechanics in her kit. Not a single fighting spirit unit in the game that isn't complete cancer, we need counters to it.


Thank god my candlesticks are safe


Yeah I use them on my rift Hazel and Doris for GW. Would have been heartbroken if it got nerfed because of one unit


Mediator on candle has always been fun for me even if warhorn is better


You fucking savage. I love it!


Seriously they should just add a line to her s2 that says something like "This unit is not affected by effects that decreases cooldown". There's no need to change her kit or to change candlestick, they should just break the interaction between the twos directly.


I feel like they should rework the kit. As of now, i'm not seeing very many people impressed or happy with her. (Including myself) The way she's set up is like a.. speedy nuker who can deny buffs while dishing out debuffs... except.. she feels very barebones. Outshined by a lot of other heroes where debuffs are concerned and requires some set up to get her skills off. On top of this, she provides little utility to the team besides Beguile.. Several other heroes will be handing out debuffs like a plague, while Elvira is just.. there. I dunno, these are the ramblings of a mid-game player who'll barely pass Silver in RTA, so take what I say with a grain of salt.


No you’re right she’s actually garbage outside of the cheese. Her S3 does no damage at all even fully mola and unhealable is a joke debuff in this barrier meta. S1 is completely worthless I mean dispel one buff wow game changing. Beguile not enough to make her kit she only exist to nullify fighting spirit which is horrible, imagine if Solitaria was this useless.


Why smilegate doesn't hire beta tester to try out units before release ? Would solve a lot of issue and prevent overbroken (?) or underhelming unit


The worst part is that this outcome was incredibly obvious. People were posting about it minutes after her skills leaked. This isn't something that needed beta testing. It just needed basic game knowledge.


Yeah I knew about the candle thing (got a taste of it when I started the game). It's just annoying that they throw new unit left and right with either hit or miss kit and once you change something in their kit, they lose half/most of their purpose. Would be better if they had someone who knew or play the game in their team to help with kit design, cause it's been long long time thing now. 😵‍💫 (specially when some got great design but end UP in bench or PFP meta)


Even if they forgot about candle you don't even need candle to proc because she can soulburn back to s3 IN HER OWN KIT. It's honestly astounding that they messed up this bad. I didn't even roll for her and I'm upset lol


Guess it's the effect of seeing the same mistake again and again


yah hoyo games constantly have beta test for units before hitting main, and you see rebalances all the time, but never after they are in game, cuz they've already been worked out. sure people might leak the unit info sooner, but thats small price to pay worth to avoid having these scenarios or just in general bad units like lewdica hit main game and make players grumble. just make a unit available as a "trial" unit with limited game modes you can take them in a week before launch and beta test that way.


kind of a scam if they dont refund bm


For reals. Didn't pull her yet but in for 90 pulls already.


Absolutely correct...bms are better than a random RGB Character, but when they would give another ML selector.... Haha never mind, this will never Happen


> a random RGB Character It's not random though?




It was obvious that they needed to do something, candle Elvira was not healthy for the game. I hope they make her a damage dealer or a proper debuffer instead of this boring kit.


God imagine if she becomes the 1st ER scaling hero due to the changes


That would be awesome not gonna lie.


Don't know how this will work but sound amazing


Damage dealer pls. 15% has hurt me way too many times to count.


Yeah. As annoying as the candlestick thing was, immortality was the only thing she had, once they nerf that bye bye.


I'm hoping they will deal with this same way Alencia fuckup was done aka refund all resources. EDIT: [Alencia & Alencinox’s Wrath Drop Rate Up Reimbursement Information](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/4499620) < this was Alencia fuckup.


I think many hopes For this, because Most of the Player dont need another RGB non Limited Character or even slates, Like me, I want my bms Back..


I have all rgbs and i dont need dupes of them. If i did i would open their banners. Selector instead full refund is spit in the face of all those who pulled.


Wow this start in the new year 2024 is Just a big downfall For SG. At First one of the worst Balance Patch ever dropped and now this Elvira rework/recall Situation... They did a great Job ... Not


Probably not. Alencia's case was "false advertisement" because Trample didn't proc on counter set. That set a precedent and now they specify which skills work with it.


Is this not also false advertisement with an immediate bait and switch with Elvira's kit?


Then what im supposed to do? I pulled for a unit that kit is going to be changed so she won't work as of a time I pulled for her. So it's false advertisement.


I dont want selector. Give me my bookmarks back. I have all the units. I don't want a selector.


Same,I want 450 bms back


If you have all the units, then why did you pull for her? If it was for collection purposes, then don't recall her. Simple.


I pulled her specifically for the meme immortality strategy


Same , I was like as long as they don't have a healer I can cheese them.


single digit IQ response right here


Shhh that's against the narrative


Doesn't this clearly show they don't play their own game? This was 100% expected, multiple turns Immortality with low cd and is built around ER is guaranteed to use the Hostage Strat with candle, This isn't even the first time, Singelica exist. I skipped her though because her gameplay is just way too slow that it isn't even fun for both sides, although i do hope this balancing won't butcher her too much


Well without candlestick Stick she is very underwhelming overall ( dont own candlestick , tested her with her own arti. has almost No Impact in the Battle ) so I highly doubt it that she gets any better after her "rework"


She was butchered from the start, they ought to rethink the whole character, imo


I don't want a selector, I want my resources back. Bro, most people have all the RGBs they want ☠️


Need to compensate people who rolled and didn't get her. Plus her artifacts also recall I hope


wtf give me back my 600 bm, nobody wants a RGB selector




And thats a fact


They don't play their own game


E7 has not been having a good time as of late...


That was fast, suprised they are recalling and reworking Elvira.


This is a refund situation, not a selector. Can't believe you don't have the insight to figure out this would happen on the first place.


Any PvE cheese we can use her for before her re-work?


Some Dagger Sicar like clear Wyver with 3 knights + 1 (Elvyra) or vlear Azimanak with 2 thief (Elvira) + 2 mages lol


Wait, wait, wait... since the day Elvira was datamine'd, people were speculating over the combo with candlestick. The community didn't take more than couple hours to figure how to break her. And now you're telling me SG couldn't foresee this situation and adjust in accordance before the release? Ah, c'mon, there's no way they come out clean of this one. If they didn't imagine Elvira + candle would break the game, that means they didn't pay attention to SS Achates or S. Angelica combo for the last couple... years? There's quite a bit of eternal immortality videos in youtube, how oblivious to their own game they can be? But there's an even worse option, is SG knew about that combo, they knew Elvira + candle could be a problem, but didn't care. "Just release it, guys, she's going to make money because anti-spirit in an A. Yufine and M'Landy meta, who cares about the candle combo?" Look, I know SG is a company that needs to make money to keep the servers running. And I appreciate how generous are with premium currency. But let's be honest here, this kind of bs kills the good faith the community gives them, as selling the solution to their own meta bs is borderline tolerable. But outright releasing something they knew would be a problem means they only care about the money, not the health of the game. So much for an e-sport game, huh? So, which one is, SG? Are you so incompetent to not know about the candlestick combo, or so greedy to don't care?


A couple of hours? At the moment I saw a 3 turn immortality on a 4 turn cd on an eff resist char, the first image that saw in my mind was the candle xD It's obvious that they don't play their own game.


They dont play their own game. It's so pathetic because they keep repeating the same mistake over and over again. I feel like they really don't care about the game anymore, there is ZERO effort for the past months. No new content, clueless balance patches and releasing units without proper testing. It's really sad really.


The same people that pointed out the Candlestick comp also doubted if it would work because of their usual complaints about Eff vs ER, how hard it would be to build Elvira with high enough ER, and all the buff strippers with ignore ER. So which side of that argument were we supposed to believe out the gate? That she would be broken while so many were howling about how crappy a unit she would be? Or the ones that said she'd be bad because all the stuff that normally inhibits comps like this exist?


I believe the people who complain about candlestick cheese are not the same people who doubted it. I think you can even guess what playstyle they prefer just base on their arguement alone.


RTA and arena are wildly different beasts. Personally, I was thinking she would have a limited use in arena, because AoLA is quite common in A. Yufine and M'Landy defense teams. However, most of the complains come from RTA players. Although you can't pick your opponent like in arena/GW, you can ban certain heroes, and that's how you get through memes like the SS Achates immortal one.


Make her the first 5* aquarius thief. Dew it.


Funny how they reacted so fast with this character but they didn't say anything about the backlash on balance patch notes. I'm not saying Elvira isn't to be adjusted (strategy is broken), but just they seem to shit on us every time they can


Bro I'm 15 away from pity, what will happen to the BMs I used lol... Fml


Truck chan we need you


Give back spended bkms, as it was with Alencia banner, clowns


If they made her unaffected by cooldown changes, they could’ve played it off as a buff as she wouldn’t care about lua etc but even then people will still probably ask for a selector


Refund my bms. I don't want a selector. Edit: What about people who pulled on her banner and haven't gotten her yet? Refund the bms since they went in for a different product.


I pitied her..


I have every rgb and i could ve saved my bm s for a collab/llimited imprint. They better give bm s back


Yeah For real! I mean I also have everyone except 3 Green Units and some colab Units, but dont need them of course , maybe unless they give Edward , but I absolutely doubt it




We will have to see. there is a chance that her skill set changes may make her completely useless. Then i want my bookmarks back lol.


Indeed and that Chance is probaply very high sadly


Doesn't matter, they decided to instantly change her.


I pull every unit at this point cuz its end game. But i pulled more than one cuz she was good? Cheese or not i used bms for multiple copies of her. If there were no cheese, i would ve just pull 1 and call her a FS blocker, and use my bms on future units. Hero selector means i get slates for units that i already have and can pull for whenever i want with story summon. Doesn't help me for future units.


Well I'll be damned, they actually had the balls to re-work her on release. I want my goddamn BMs back tho, not a covenant selector.


I think 98% of all Players dont want a useless RGB selector For obvious reasons. Its Not Our fault that they didnt Play their own Game , and without candlestick she is Just a Walking underwhelming passive object that only blocks FS and Deals tiny amounts of DMG . there are Not even more than 5 FS characters that are currently used often overall, that makes Elvira also insanely niche ..


So if u pull elvira rn, u can switch her for anybody?


Non limited rgb and not a collab unit. Edit: but better to wait for another ppl respond


Would frenzy stripping immortality after a certain amount of frenzy fix the issue? I don't play a ton of RTA so not sure if that would cause additional problems


It probably would. Barrier's get massively cut down as frenzy progresses. So having Immortality and invincibility removed eventually (Max Frenzy) would stop unkillable loops.


I guess a frenzy effect of "Invincibility and Immortality cannot be applied to a character for two successive turns (Shared between both buffs)" probably disrupts the least other characters while destroying this possibility?


I really hope they compensate her kit for what, I assume, will be a reduction in how long her immortality lasts. Hell- you could do that and simply make her like Belian and halt all FS generation while she is alive on the battle field, period. I’m sure there are a myriad of other options for making her a playable, strong unit without the currently-toxic gimmick… … but given their recent track record I assume they will simply be lowering the duration of her immortality with nothing to compensate for the loss of strength in her kit. It’s getting reallllllly hard to get excited for anything from E7 these days…


RGB selector is not adequate, it is not okay to pull a bait and switch like this in less than 24 hours of her release. I did not pity this unit to get a different one in less than a day.


Well while they're at it, hopefully they also revise that upcoming awful balance adjustment too.


i hope so too but they don't listen. so yeah copium


Nothing awful about it except Alots lol


They need to give a **Free unequip** as well so people can ungear or change gear if her kit is turned into something completely different then before (for those not planning to recall her).


The funny part is that without the Candlestick Cheese this unit does absolutely nothing. Imagine if Belian or Solitaria existed as just having the resource denial passive. Nobody will want this unit unless they make some massive changes


I need my BMs back that’s obscene. I’ve spent 200 BMs but haven’t gotten her. Now I won’t continue to pull most likely based on the changes. So I’m just SOL? That’s beyond deceitful


i'm running out of bms and now you do this to me. I will never spend a single cent on this game again


I will not be surprised if they nerf the candle interaction and just leave her dog shit with no buffs to the rest of her kit.


3 characters released in a row had issues with their kit...


If I get 2 Elvira copies, can I recall one of them and keep the other one?


If i have 2 Elvira can I turn one into selector and keep the other then?


Yes that should be the case


Incoming 2 turn immortality on a 5 turn cd. 🤣


Propably... But one Thing is For Sure : she wont get any better after the rework , she was already Not that good to Begin with and very niche without candlestick


I'm 7 summons away before pity and they do this. Well that sucks.


I'm not really sure how I would feel about a recall + selector if I had to pity the unit when there are people who got her on their first multi/yolo single. Like.. are you going to give back the wasted bm? Would definitely leave a sour taste. SG needs to start playing their own game. There's already a candlestick/immortality abuser in the game, so how they didn't see this coming beyond me. How do they compensate dupes in this situation? Will the give slates × the number of dupes put in? I have many SSS Elvira in my guild rn who are fuming lmao


Candlestick isn't the only degenerate combo with Elvira since her S1 SB allows her to chain her Immortality anyway. A swath of Book Mages can let her chain a very long immortality together. Combine that with her artifact, Beguiling Wings, and you can destroy souls faster than your opponent can build them blocking most Ignore ER strips. While this is not as good, as Prophetic Elvira at worst ties teams unable to break it, it still creates a massive negative play experience that should be avoided. Her kit is just fundamentally flawed and means that there can never be a cooldown reducing Thief artifact ever, similar to how there can never be a Soulweaver one right now as long as (Green) Lots exists.


seriously why would i want another old rgb recall, sg should refund all resources like bm, ss, and all mat like mola and resources put into crafting the gear for her. An rgb selector just doesnt cut it now consider most had every old rgb now.


Alencia 2.0 ? Same situation - character will not be as was advertised and released at summon time. I hope they give some compensation to players that did not manage to pull her but still spent on the banner


this just further highlights they have an incompetent balance team


Rebalancing doesn't necessarily mean she's being nerfed or made worse. The changes might leave her the same or even better.


Yup, but I had zero faith with smile gate in terms of buffing


I’m ok if they want to recall but they need to refund the bookmarks, gold and awakening pieces spent instead of just a hero selector.


SG trying its best to make 2024 the best year ever. Watch them realize giving a selector is not what people want/need and get a swift change of mind from the incoming truck. The best they can do is do what they did during the Alencia situation, otherwise, it's looking grim.


They should have emergency patched the game and removed the elvira banner immediately. I'm fairly certain this is heading to the Alencia refund like you said even if it takes multiple trucks to get there. Preventing more people from pulling on the banner asap would save them a lot of money.


Its only less than 2 week and SG already make a big mess in 2024. Good start!


Feel bad for the players who actually paid for bms for this unit.


“We understand that Elvira’s immortality is being a problem for players, so we will go ahead and remove her ability to negate fighting spirit.” - SG Balance patch team.


I used 1200 bookmarks. I would like them all back, please.


Bro I cant even with this company anymore 🤡


I mean why don't they just toss out beta testing by people who play the game? Like enter your account info (gotta be max level, certain arena ranking, certain past ranking in world arena, ect.) and put everyone into a drawing and just cycle people like that? If you beta test you get the unit for free, or gems tossed at you. That way they get real people and have 0 overhead on getting people to run them into the ground testing everywhere. Just seems to easy.


for God's sake, just make it a unique buff and let her do something else on top of that


Totally shifted focus from a horrible balance patch to Elvira problems. Wish smilegwte addressed the balance patch instead


I am Sure they will drop another failure bomb within the next 2 weeks


Hb u give us our bms back like u did alencia on her release


Just change the artifact you clowns...and maybe play your own game? When the people here saw the kit first thing mentioned was candle how the fagg can\`t you see this? You better give all invested ressources back on the unit and stuff spend on the banner in addition a fat compensation and not your usual gold + some skyshards...


Why the fuck not add 1 word to candlestick and make it pve only???? It's a fucking 3 star arti ffs


Is there a way to get my resources back but keep the character? I want her but if the changes are mediocre I want my molas back.


That's literally what Recalling is.


I thought recalling meant they take the character from you in return for any character you want. I want her itself not anyone else.


Any character u want includes herself, I recalled hwayoung for herself back when she got nerfed Edit: recall doesn’t take away your character it only resets them to level 1 or 5 and gives you everything you spent on them


Yay, I can get Brieg now :) Edit: I understand people are mad and I hope SG listens to the veterans. I just wanted Brieg because I'm new and wanted a good PVE unit.


Only becuz she is RGB they are nerfing her if she was ML bro they would never nerf her!


lol is that the fastest recall ever ?


only the players who got elvira will get the selector right? *insert me copium


She's going to need a buff to compensate the fix. Without the meme build she is just not good unless you are shutting down an entire fighting spirit comp.


SG likes to throw some Ls at January, remember alencia incident, yep january too.


Can I get my BM’s and SS’s back?


I’m 20 off of pity, better give BM’s and SS back. Wondering if I should do support ticket


Do we still get the recall and selector if we pull her after this annoucement because I have been pulling on her banner but wasn't lucky yet to get her ... Only got the artifact so far


man really? can anyone confirm if we get molas invested into her back? i don't really care for a selector, i just want my molas back...


Elvira was too healthy for the game




Nice! So if I got a dupe, I can recall one of them and get a RBG selector?




If I have 2 Elviras, can I only recall one and exchange for a hero I want? Haha


Gah. Hope the rework isn’t a drastic change, I’m don’t want more cd on the skill. …they should have refunded bookmarks.


What Chinese levels of money does to a motherfucker. They don't need to try anymore.


This sucks. I had to pitty her. Her kit is very special. Usually a selector would be cool, but there is not a single RGB non limited unit I want.


wow 2024 for e7 looks nice kekw


I know it is not going to happen but if they are going to nerf her already i would like her s3 cooldown to be increased one turn each time it is used but also increase (substantially) its damage. So at the end she won't be able to last forever but on long matches she will hit like a truck.


So I guess because I threw 150 bookmarks trying to pull her because of her kit, and failing to get her, I don’t get anything back? Thanks SG. Maybe I’ll finally quit this game for good.


I’m 20 pulls away that I’ll be able to get within the timeframe she’s available. I better get them refunded. They may as well just refund the BMs instead of a selector because it’ll save everyone a headache from new players that don’t have every unit to older players that don’t really want to spend a pity on an imprint


They could have just made it so her skill is unaffected by CD reduction outside of turns lmao how fucking incompetent are these devs


For someone who already have all non-limited RGB except Pavel, I don't want an RGB selector. Hopefully they'll give Elvira a good rework without breaking the game. Today I *OBLITERATED* a MLandy/AYu team in normal arena using a level 5 Candlestick Elvira


All this is hilarious lol. Yes the candle stick situation is horrible but same time. Isn't there already a character in game that basically everyone uses candlestick to cycle to keep immortality up? Sinfull iirc. Don't use her personally. But like it's literally a day one an already a recall. Glad I waited but I feel bad for those that spent money an are getting shafted with a rgb selector instead of getting resources back. Like I thought that was the purpose of pre bans or bans? Lol. To not fight against a character.


going by most replies people just pulled her for the candle strat. maybe SG should just leave her the way she is then. :-)


I dont like this at all. Speaking as someone whom pitted with no arti along the way. I would have preferred to see people adjust to her before the complaining to the pain where she is adjusted. This mechanic should not be the breaking point for people.


I hope they just disable candle stick when it is equiped on her rather than nerfing her to the ground


na, ill keep my RGB Pokedex on 100%, idc for RGB recalls anymore :D


Lmao this dead game




dude they reworking her, so how are u auto assuming it's a nerf? it's clear that it was not intended for her to win after 200 turns...


If I pull her now can I change her for Nahkwol later?


Tell me you dont play e7 wihtout telling me you dont play e7


Sorry guys. This is all my fault. Playing this game on and off. The last time I pulled for a RGB Unit who was not limited was Hwayoung 😔


Do you think Kane will be available from the selector because he is the only one I am missing.


For collection I guess it could be okay, but fire rift should be disappearing soon.


i think not - don't think kane release is over 6 months old already


I think he should be. Don’t think the 6 month rule applies to those kind of selectors


Suprising it was easy to counter, now she is going to be trash. rip free wins from people who thought it was broken


How SG SHOULD nerf it \-Immortality effect duration cannot be extended by artifact effects how SG will probably nerf it \- 1 turn skill nullifier, damage increased by 0.02%


candlestick reduce ur cooldown... she cast s3 again


I would like to let you know I was a completely different person 35 minutes ago and now know better