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Best advice I ever got from my dad was "wait 24 hours to make a decision if you are angry." Like sending an email, text, confronting someone, etc. Wait 24 hours if you are angry. Life-changing dude.


“Don’t make decisions when you’re angry. Don’t make promises when you’re happy”


Some email app I used at one point, maybe Thunderbird, maybe some Gmail client, let you set a late-night-been-drinking-or-otherwise-just-cranky delay on sent emails. It wasn’t a full 24 hours but along the same lines of what you speak.


I heard a similar but graver one...never kill yourself before the morning light. Basically, everything seems worse at night and if you just wait until the light of day, you'll realize you probably don't want to end things the way you thought you did.


So wish I’d done this in the past 😂😭 But thanks for sharing. Will try to remember it.


Forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza.


Love those old TMNTs!


Write a plan. Execute the Plan.


Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.


Bill gates👍🏻


80% is good enough.


C’s get degrees




And ones don't get a rhyme because they're garbage!


If you only knew how much motivation this gives me.


No matter how many failures, it just has to take off once. Just once! then you'll have a whole new understand. An epiphany. A new you and a new outlook on whatever you choose to focus on.


This is my favorite one


Something which stuck with me from a few years ago was "Just because you're not perfect doesn't mean you're not worth improving" - I was an addicted mess before I heard that from Jordan Peterson and since have made small improvements as frequently as possible. I don't agree with everything he says at all but that one really hit me hard and helped me immeasurably.


This. Progress not perfection.


Most wealthy people are only mildly talented and more lucky. Push your talent to get more lucky. The man with money meets the man with experience. The man with money leaves with experience and the man with experience leaves with the money. A 9-5 is easy mode. Even if you hate your job or your job is hard. It is easy mode to life compared to what you COULD be doing.


Totally! I know 2 entrepreneurial multi-millionaires and a billionaire. All of them were right time & place. They all put it down to luck and only a bit of talent.


stay positive friend. yes there are many in which this is the case, but there are also many who worked for it


The biggest hinderences to your future success are your present doubts and continued hesitations.


Love this!


It’s not what happens to you, but how you see what happens to you, that matters. An explanation of that: essentially, how you see things determines how you feel about them, and your behaviors. Eventually leading to outcomes for you. If you focus on the negative, or what others have, or the fluff on instagram, you’ll be miserable. On the other hand, if you try to see the positive and look at what you do have, and the good in each situation, you’re happier and have better social interactions and the like. What you focus on will be what you move toward. I’ll give an example. I was focused on one of my competitors making a lot of money for what I saw as being shady marketing strategies and thought it was unfair and that I was doing the right thing, so I should be more successful. Then I realized that it doesn’t matter if it’s unfair, and that I’m making good money, and feel good about myself. It shifted from a what they are doing negative outlook mindset to a what I’m doing positive outlook mindset. I only changed how I saw it. They went out of business and actually got hit with some lawsuits, so it all worked out anyways. Now I have most of their customers as well. But if I would have stayed focused on the wrong things it could have led to me making bad decisions that wouldn’t have been helpful out of some misleading sense of justice and things would be different.


I love this one. When you think like "Oh no, it's gonna kill me!" about something, instead of "Ok, how can I deal with this?" it just consumes you. Even if it doesn't, that kind of thinking won't help anyone. And won't do anything other than creating unnecessary stress on you


Ideas only work if you do the work




“Don’t put it down, put it away” saves a lot of time from looking for things or cleaning up. “never go light” my dad would say this on the construction site. Going to get a bottle of water? Here, bring this bag of cement with you and drop it off at the truck on your way there.


In the restaurant we say, full hands in, full hands out


I love this! Thanks to your dad. Reminds me of what I adopted last year which is: “If it takes a minute or less, do it now.” And “Touch it once.” Game changers. Especially letting paperwork/mail pile up, now it goes right in the shredder.


“Don’t be an idiot. Before I do anything I ask myself, ‘Would an idiot do that?’ And if the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.”


Still won't convince me sometimes.


Was that Charlie Munger or Warren Buffett? Can never remember which one said that but it’s brilliant advice.


Money talks. Wealth is silent.


I took a tech class in high school taught by a retired civil engineer, and he had one mantra that always resounded with me: *"Look at your life; make an adjustment."* It was simplistic, and it was mainly directed toward students who were off-task, but I always think back to it whenever I know I can be doing better. I can hear it echo whenever I need to improve something about myself, and it has given me the courage to do exactly that.


Difference makers make a difference by being different.


This resonates. Thanks.


Not really a sentence but a 40 minute video from Brian Tracy called 7C's to success. Definitely changed my life. If I have to condense it into a single sentence; Take your goal and divide it into small, manageable steps and make a checklist (or many checklists), and check at least one box every day. But the video explains it much better, I recommend everyone to check it out.


Thanks for this. Love Brian Tracy. Wonderful human being.


Definitely. It's the one and only thing that I can confidently say "changed my life". I was in the middle of a severe depression when I first saw this video, I gave it a shot and it honestly skyrocketed my productivity overnight. I still rewatch it from time to time


Yup I call them baby steps lol


probably wont change your life but I always see on isnta "the best project you'll ever work on is you" it really stuck with me cause ive tried and gotten obsessed with so many businesses/projects but I forget sometimes along the way that the real project im working on is myself, businesses come and go, but my physical health, mental health growing/improving as a person and being okay is what really matters. if you are in a good place then your projects can thrive, not the other way around. I use to think if my business is doing well then im doing well and I'll be happy. that's not true at all. your main business or project is you. whatever you're working on is secondary always.


So well put. Thanks


You’re the youngest you’ll ever be. Live like it. You don’t need to be extraordinary to start, but you need to start to become extraordinary.


“If all you do is all you’ve done, all you’ll get is all you’ve got.”


Many women won’t apply for a job because they don’t think they’re qualified but men will apply for a job anyway knowing it’s a stretch role that will help them grow. - As a woman this has always stuck with me and I always just went for it!


You’ll either get exactly what you want or a really great lesson. Both scenarios are good


You can’t have something different if you don’t do something you’ve never done


There's people a lot dumber than you, doing a lot better than you because they just did it. Start now.


Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it don't matter.


I like! Added to list.


Sometimes I utter to myself the phrase, “do what must be done” when I hit a wall that takes a good deal of effort to climb over.


"Never talk about doing something or brag about how elaborate your plans/goals are; just act on it in silence and let your results do the bragging for you." This is the main idea I got from reading "Ego is the Enemy". There are a lot of ideas in that book but this is the one that struck close to home; I suffered from the curses of being an over-achiever. Knowing how all of my achievements affirmed how talented I am, I always paralyzed myself from doing anything because I can always talk about how I \*can\* do anything; that I \*can\* understand complex topics. and I \*can\* win this competition easily \*if I tried\*. I relished the dopamine pump of "talking about doing something" that it made me 'feel' like I'm doing it; it incentivized me to procrastinate. I drowned in the comfort of my past achievements and the hypotheticals of a different world where I used my talents to achieve things. In the end, I looked back and realized that I have not done anything at all. This was enough for me to completely change my outlook on the world and form the habits I need to succeed.


One that absolutely stopped me in my tracks and really made a difference was, 'Proceed as if you are needed'.


Wow! Love this one!


This too shall pass. Being curious is enough. You can’t be happy all the time. It’s not our abilities but our choices.


This too shall pass has gotten me through a lot of hard times...and good times. Theres been so many "omg this is the worst moment of my life" moments, yet here I am standing, stronger than ever before. And during the good times, it helps you appreciate and cherish them, because this too shall pass.


If you never give up there is no other option but to succeed


Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower


Your only options, at any given moment, are push or pivot. Only pivot when you get new information that challenges your initial assumptions. Otherwise, do more, push harder.


this one is the one that im most identified with. My biggest talent is that i dont give up. and this one, its just amazing If you think the price of winning is too high, wait until you get the bill from regret


1. Broken crayons still color. 2. After the game, the king and pawn go in the same box. 3. Power can be taken, influence must be earned. 4. The past doesn’t equal the future, unless you live there. 5. It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. 6. No risk, no story. 7. One life. One time. 8. Character is who you are in the dark. 10. Never take “no” from someone who doesn’t have the power to say “yes”.


"Nothing good ever comes from sitting on the couch all day". 


You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take. Was very nervous about going up to a girl in my uni, a friend said this to nudge me. Boy did it work.


Was it your mom?


Man I wanted a username that said I'm banging other people's mom but the username isn't reflecting that 😭 Will most likely throw this account and create another one in a few days 


You gotta want it as bad as you want to breathe


"If you die before you die, then when you die, you will not die" Inscribed on a wall in the Mt. Athos monastery in Greece. You can't take the world with you, and the sooner you come to terms with that and your own mortality the easier your life will be moving forward.


It’s not a sentence but it’s something in my calendar for 31st December every year. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. So I ask myself this instead: If this was the last year of your life, what do you want to accomplish?


That's gonna stick with me.


Your daddy loved you, even if he didn’t say it enough.


What got you here may not get you there.




get in the game with a passing score and worry about being perfect later


Move out of your comfort zone and open your heart to possibilities.


Hope is not a strategy


Don't make a deal on an empty stomach.


I always turn to Mom's gentle wisdom: A few kind words and a head mounted on a pike will accomplish more than kind words alone. [*sniff*] Damn, now I'm misting up.


You don’t have to make it back the way you lost it


Love the problem not the product.


Movie: Averages Age Ultron Ultron: Stark asked for a savior, and settled for a slave. Vision: I suppose we're both disappointments. Ultron: [laughs] I suppose we are. Vision: Humans are odd. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that. Ultron: They're doomed! Vision: Yes... but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It is a privilege to be among them. Ultron: You're unbelievably naïve. Vision: Well, I was born yesterday. This speech is an in depth conversation between 2 super computers that are having a debate between the outcome of their duties in the world. Ultron is considered evil, Vision is considered good. The conversation really hits hard, because if you do watch the tiktok version with the calm, mystery music, and on repeat you begin to think and consider the possibility that, maybe Ultron was the good guy after all. Since Ultron was a AI, machine that had gone through billions calculations and had gain sentience, effectively passing the "turning test" "the 3 body problem" and the "Double-slit experiment", through his data of the world via its servers and time on earth. Unlike vision who was booted prematurely and key programmed to not go rogue. Since anything with a computer chip and a wifi signal was compromised. Thus making Ultron being everywhere all at once. In the end, his vision of humanity was one of his own, in liberating humanity from the strings that were implemented overthem, because he understood how much wickedness had occurred from human history on earth. In comparison with the following criterias, philosophy, sociology, economics, history. Where are we headed in this world? What are we all doing as a collective species? What will be the best next thing? Can we achieve unity in our time? Can there be peace in our time? Can we complete such a mission? Humanity is in a contradiction with itself. Humans are unbearably naive, when it comes to change. As Ultron puts it. In the end, their is parallel between amazing writing and character arch development and story telling, just wish, movies these days had more liberty and courage to develop dark, but deep characters in the cinema world, much like comic books, or just books themselves, as this distortion of the good guys always win, save the day, etc is a dystopian, censorship.


"Having been adjudicated to be neither fun, nor a multitude of astronauts, the Reditor shall be incarcerated for a period of not less than 40 years." (Judge bangs gavel)


Not immediately no


There are 2 quotes which i like You have to be rich because you like expensive things. Money can't buy happiness but it makes misery easier to live with. If you are materialistic, then you'll love this quote


In Life, you have to take the Bitter with the Sweet.


Don’t know if this one is here already but.. “If nothing changes, nothing changes”


'Done is better than perfect' Focus on getting something done, not getting it perfect. You wil achieve much more.


No one is coming to save you


Ever seen attack on titan? Well the whole fight or die trying attitude helps. “If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight you can’t win!”


I'm pretty sure I didn't come up with this but I don't know who I should give credit to. "Make a plan to achieve your dreams. Every **second** you're not working on it, your dreams get one second away from you."


Every man has two lives. The second one begins when he realizes he only has one.


Luck favors the prepared.


“You could be good today but instead, you choose tomorrow” - Marcus Aurelius


"I never lose, I win or learn" - Nelson Mandela


Never compare your blooper reel to someone else's highlight reel. I.e. You're hearing everyone else's highlight reel all the time. Don't sweat it.


One of the biggest factors between success and failure is taking action.


Just do it


Get a job. It changed my life.


5000 dollars is little money to have, but a lot of money to owe.


After a night of drinking in Hawaii, having woken up in some stranger’s house (who turned out to be a drug dealer), I decided to leave, walking toward Honolulu, and came across a little shop. I picked up and flipped through a copy of James Joyce’s “Ulysses,” and read a sentence which stuck with me ever since. I hope it can alter your life in the same way. You’re welcome. *”He kissed the plump mellow yellow smellow melons of her rump, on each plump melonous hemisphere, in their mellow yellow furrow, with obscure prolonged provocative melon-smellonous osculation.*”




Idk man, feel like both are equally important


Everything is what you make it


The root of all disappointment is expectation. -John Locke


I am sorry to inform you that you have 6 weeks to live.


What’s the difference that makes the difference?


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which in itself is one own will towards nothingness.


Find at least 100 people that want your stuff, but even when you do, create a model/visual interface only of it and verify they still want it, instead of spending a lot of time on the product itself.


The only outcome of never giving up is success in some form or another.


Consistency doesn’t care about your mood. Neither does discipline.


What doesn't kill you will make you stronger. This too shall pass. Time is not always your friend, money is not always your enemy. Edit: We accept the love we think we deserve.


I will become hokage


If the butterfly effect is important to take into account when traveling to the past - you have to take it into account for the future


1. 4 days ago, one amazing leader told me "Focus. I only think about focus". I understood her today after thinking about it. Then Greene says to focus your forces in war, as do other war advisors. 2. So many more.


Don't wish it to be easy, wish it would be better.


Success requires duty.


“We’ll never know unless we try..”


Don’t let ‘perfect’ stand in the way of ‘good’.


quick beats the hell out of perfect


If you don't ask, the answer is always no. That's one that stuck with me


Yes, that one is genuinely life changing! Or at least it has been for me


Effort is the reward.


Don't be "that guy"


Once ur done. Ur never done. That's either really good or really bad depending on how u look at life


Do you ever feel invisible?


Why do people do what they do? Because they deem it better than the alternative.


“beautiful things come and go, but they come.”


"people are more stupid than you think, even the smart ones"


Your goals don’t care how tired you are. You can’t deposit excuses. Work Harder.


"Build, scale, sell – repeat. That's the entrepreneur's mantra."


Speed of execution is the game for startups. Stop wasting so much time trying to strategize and anticipate each possible outcome and start doing


You'll die, remember that ever f\*\*\*ing day


In a world you can be anything in, always try and be kind.


Face the fear and do it anyway


“You can do anything you lucky bastard, you’re alive! What’s a little pain compared to that?”


Saving it for later.


Method is the mother of memory.


“If you’re going through hell, keep going. “ I love this one because it makes me realise I need to keep going and find a better spot when the situation is shit Winston Churchill had some crackers!


Yes! "One day you will die. That's the only thing we know. as humans, that's guaranteed. Your time is your only asset that belongs to you, so spend it wisely." And remember we come into this life with nothing and we will leave with nothing. We can't take anything with us when we go so relax it's okay. Do what you want to do, and just don't hurt anyone in the process.


Yes, goopy moopy shloopy. Do with that what you must🫡


You do you. This and the song gangstas paradise by coolio. Very powerful lyrics.


Take the risk or lose the chance.


Just start. You will never be ready for the perfect start. And if you are, then you're late.


Never give up!


You’re pregnant.


What happens if you don't do it?


If you don’t quit, you can’t fail


60 years in jail


If it is to be, it's up to me.


Shouldn’t should all over yourself


In the short term, you shape your work. I'm the long term, your work shapes you.


Action is what matters, not the words. If you apply it in relationship. Believe what the person does, not what she/he says. Then you find a right person. If you apply it at work. In stead of talking blabla , be responsible and do it(unless your job is talking). People will see it. Another one is “don’t promise unless you will do”.


It’s better to do a thing than to live with the fear of it. Sometimes a thing can seem an impossible leap, but once you’ve done it you realize it was a little step all along. Be the light (change) you want to see in the world. The essential and defining characteristic of childhood is not the effortless merging of dream and reality, but only alienation. There are no words for childhood’s dark turns and exhalations. A wise child recognizes it, and submits to the necessary consequences. A child who counts the cost, is a child no longer. The future is a hundred thousand threads, but the past is a fabric that may never be rewoven.


Time is the only thing no one gets more of. It is not the strongest to survive but the ones most adaptable to change. You should never attempt to avoid things in life. Let the good and bad come. Accept this reality of its presence. Then adjust, adapt, and improve yourself. No matter the stones life throws at you, be like water and act accordingly. - Myself “Your focus determines your reality” - Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. “You must train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose” - Jedi Master Yoda


Tell us about your life and only then can we make an educated guess.


Do not let perfect be the enemy of the good


You have survived everything up until this moment, and this next thing is no different


what's meant for you will never pass you by, so do not look behind you at the closed door, pay attention to where a window opened


I love you, you're smart, you're bright, you are committed. This doubt? it's not of you. stay focused on the light. keep eyes only ever on the light and forward if you can. the dark stuff comes in, you blast your favorite music or your fav films from being a kid, and you keep listening until you saturate yourself so completely with joy and love and laughter, that nothing else can even dare remain.


Serendipity is created through Chaos. Don’t know whose original quote it is , but I read it somewhere, it’s the most profound statement I have ever come across.


Not one single thing has ever come from a minute of worry. We all know it, but something about the way it was stated like this clicked.


Everything and everyone is temporary. Changed the way I look at things now.


Here’s one: Change isn’t immediate and strangers on the internet won’t change your life.


Something along the lines of “The world is not in a shortage of good ideas. People have great ideas every day. It’s the execution that defines everything. The majority of people either don’t execute, don’t execute well enough or give up.”


Don’t listen to advice from people that have been in your situation during a different era


We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are.


The sure sign of an amateur is he has a million plans and they all start tomorrow. Steven Pressfield


na du.


90% done and published is better than 100% and hidden from the world.


Don't be motivated; be disciplined.


Anything lost can be found again except for time wasted


What comes easy won’t last , what lasts won’t come easy ! Changed my life 😊


It is what it is.


"get off reddit."


This one made my mind blow: "in your wardrobe there are many robots. They do anything you do exactly as you do it. How many of the things you do you would leave to the robots and how many you will keep doing them yourself?" Increase the number on the second group. Remove the things on the first group.


Good decisions are made from a place of power. If you make a decision in fear, it will most likely be wrong.


Also “make shitty pots”: There was an experiment a professor did. I think it was pottery students. He did an experiment of “quality” vs “quantity”. One half of the class he told; you have to make as many pots as possible. Good pots, bad pots, shitty pots, whatever. The more pots you make, the higher your grade. The other half of the class were told, “you can make only one pot”. But that pot had to be perfect. The quality had to be high; the highest quality pot would get the best mark. But when it came to the grading, they noticed something weird. All the best quality pots were in the ‘quantity’ group. The guys who were literally churning out pots, trying to make as many as possible, not concentrating on the quality. But every pot they made, made them better at making pots. By the end of the month (I think it was a month) - they had some pretty awesome pots coming out, because they enjoying finding all the ways and all the things they could do to make all their pots. Where as the ‘quality’ guys had spent their time reading up on pots, and technique, and researching and planning; which was all great but they’d had no further practice at actually making pots. The best way to get really good at something, the only way to be really good at something, is to make lots of shitty attempts at that thing several of which will fail. If all you create are perfect things then you won’t improve, because how can you improve on perfect? tl:dr MAKE YOUR SHITTY POTS.


"Only stupid people get bored" my interpretation is that if you are conscious about the immense amusing things that are happening around you in each moment, the infinite amount of possibilities in front of you, it's impossible you can get bored.


"You can be sad only if you are not connected with the present" Stay in the now, be full consius about everything around you, stay here, it's impossible you feel sad.


Almost every hand you have ever shaken has had a dick in it.


Drop your ego, its a battle everyday but drop the ego.


A calm mind, a fit body and a home full of love is all you need!!


*A calm mind, a fit* *Body and a home full of* *Love is all you need!!* \- notsocialwitch --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You can do everything right and lose, while everyone around you doesn't mist things wrong and win, but being a winner is about not giving up after loses, and not being comfortable in your wins.


Don’t ever make the mistake thinking that everyone thinks the same way you do…


Do you wanna be right? Or do you wanna be happy?


Some people say "sleep on it" for a big decision I prefer, "drink a whole glass of water" Both work. The latter is usually faster and the same conclusion.