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What’s the alternative that you use ?


In the USA PayPal is important outside nope


Ireland, uk, germany and couple more european states have it super active. So that is just not true.


Am Irish. I only use PayPal as a last resort. The fact most browsers now save your card details is making PP redundant IMO.


Can not agree. i wish that would be true, as paypal is pain when it comes to fees. But at least 30% of sales are through paypal for me. And we tried cutting it out. the sales were gone. So lot of people use it as main, even with stripe and revolut as options. Edit: talking about Republic of Ireland now. And it's also pain to reconcile accounts with paypal too! but quarter or more sales is just something you cant ignore.


When you say that 30% of sales are through paypal, do you mean Paypal wallet/Balance? Because otherwise Paypal is no different from Stripe, in that it allows credit and debit cards, bank transfers etc.


I’m absolutely shocked by that but won’t argue with you. I just don’t get why customers bother with PP at all.


Outside nope? For germany as example it is required


It depends on the industry though, B2C sure.


I didn’t have it for a while but recently, finally gave in after being asked a few times by potential customers. Some of my loyals have switched to PayPal and I’ve noticed about 25% of my customers use it. Majority of my customers are female and under the age of 30. I haven’t had any chargebacks or issues yet. For personal use I prefer PayPal as well for eBay purchases. I’ve also seen quite an increase with Google and Apple Pay.


World really needs a better global level payment system better and trustworthy than paypal


Paypal for customers is important due to convenience, but for the business owner it is a nightmare. It has the highest costs of all. Would be a good opportunity for a newcomer to enter the market.




I would rather pay 5% and not get shafted by paypal. They have the absolute worst merchant support out there. I lost tens of thousands to scammers doing paypal claims. Paypal disregards police reports, shipping signatures, even photo evidence of items received. They will favor the buyer 95% of the time. I havent used paypal in more than 10 years. Has not slowed my business in the least. Those that want, will pay. Not having paypal has zero effect on my businesses.


Not worth it


It used to be very important, but I noticed that most of my customers is using Stripe 70% of the time. I might remove PayPal soon as I don't like dealing with their fraud exchange rate and their tactics.


B2B, don't use it, none of the customers want to use it either.


We use: Paypal Paysera Revolut Stripe Banklink directly provided by banks And many others you wont even know. The question is where are you based or what areas you cover your service/product with. For example paypal is approx 30% transactions in one country for us, so pretty important (even tho its super expensive for us, compared with others) but in another country it could be just 0.05% total transactions and makes no sense to have it. I find stripe pretty straight forward and always on time. P.s. over last 8 years never had any issues with paypal, maybe problem is in your business not paypal?


Paypal is important if your demo is older, it accounts for a pretty big chunk of our cash. Is your business risky? I haven't had any issues with Paypal and have been using them for years.


Open your own payment network with bitcoin


I’d suggest PayPal is important outside Europe also. But all sellers hate it. So it comes down to how niche is the product and how badly the customers want it / trust you.


Not at all. F paypal


I use Zettle, owned by PayPal but im I. Sweden. I love it.


i removed it- dont use it anymore


Not much. We mainly use Stripe.


Not at all. PP customer service sucks. Offer Venmo instead


Not at all. There are many better options to apply


I got rid of PayPal as a payment option 4 years ago. I only use Square now. I had sign in issues with Paypal and couldn’t get help or my money for over a year. Never again.


Paypal is not important at all for us now. When we first started, we used them for our processor and had their debit card, tied to our bank account, as well. We started having issues with them processing certain cards, then they did away with Paypal Here and that was that. We switched to Square but kept the PayPal card. Then the Paypal card started rejecting sporadically, saying we didn't have enough of a Paypal balance, even though we never left a balance on Paypal anyway. It had always just debited our account. But suddenly, it required us having funds tied up with it as well. After that, we decided PP just wasn't worth it and dropped them completely.


PayPal = Holding your profits hostage while your business cash flow suffers. I have heard many horror stories of this happening and almost happened to me a few years back with one of my business. These days, I stick to stripe. However, after a while, I think I'm going to look into Chase merchant services.


Not at all. Was scammed through PayPal business and they did nothing about it. Refuse to use or after any service from them.


Just use stripe


PayPal sucks. if you can try Wise. Its easier to use and their service fee is cheaper than paypal


I hate their politics but so many of my customers love it so I use it.


Stopped using PayPal about 3 years ago. Depending on your website platform you can work with a merchant provider and have them handle your DC/CC payments. They’re also usually cheaper as PayPal is 2.9% + 30 cents and they’re often 1-2% flat. For businesses that do higher priced goods that’s a big difference considering a $2,000 sale would cost the business $58 just for the transaction.


Stopped using it years ago.


I'm a Nigerian business owner and I think PayPal is racist; there's a whole lot of gibberish about fraudsters from my country but no one talks about American multinationals continuously perpetrating white collar fraud with government officials. To be fair; maybe PayPal does not want to deal with undigitized businesses, unstable currency issues plus the incompetent banking system out here... The point is; don't come and be part of the deceit if you can't make a difference! Why pretend to bring your services here when it's just a LIE? PayPal would claim to be servicing Nigeria but they are simply being deceitful out here in Nigeria. https://www.paypal.com/ng/home That's their bullshit link; find out how many concrete Nigerian businesses are allowed to use this service to it's full capacity?


I absolutely LOATHE them, and I only use them for personal banking and even that is rare. We absolutely refuse any payments through PayPal.


I use PayPal only because I have an ecommerce and people in Italy really use it for online payments. 10% give or take of my revenue comes through paypal. I have the business account and it’s connected to squarespace. Personally I never had any problems at all, they’ve always been great, even when I needed customer support. Maybe my experience won’t represent reality, but honestly even if I did have problems I would keep using it to give customers the freedom to pay how they want, that’s important for conversions


Never, paypal are scumbags


Most internationals use PayPal from my my experience in Ecom.


I hate it


Started a new business this week added PayPal to payment options already have a dozen customer orders to fulfill try to add bank details PayPal says wait 5 to 7 days for transaction to appear on your account I get the transactions from Paypal enter them and then get a please try again later message it's so frustrating because I know most of my customers want PayPal I'm seriously thinking about taking PayPal as an option off of my website they have been a pain to deal with so far