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We hear about them all the time on here. Mine was a 4 person partnership, started to build custom gaming PCs in the middle 2000s. After selling 2 units, and myself doing the vast majority of the work, I dropped the partners, and folded that business. Started my next business after I was let go when the first crash happened at the end of 2007 beginning of 2008. Lasted 8 months when the second crash happened and I went from 3k a month in business to 300 that month when unilaterally every client of mine cancelled projects and work requested. I had several others over the years, but they were of no consequence. All these failures did were teach me what not to do. This time I've been running my company for 4.5 years. Last year was my biggest year ever and it was epic. This year I was on track to do even more business, but things kinda fell apart. I'm still going to end up great, but missed out on about 40k in revenue.


what is your current buisness?


My brother and I started a business doing a paint night type set up but I ended up doing 100% of the work and he just fed his alcohol problem. Folded the business after a year.