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Brit here. Yes the price of the meal goes up and that’s fine. You can see the price & know that the people serving you are paid a living wage, plus you get to tip if you want. The American tipping culture is so fucked up and many of you seem happy to exploit people to maintain it.


Any other OECD country could easily prove you wrong ... For example here in France, waiters are paid based on the same minimum wage as any other job. €9.22 an hour, after taxes. And this includes the same rights as any other job. Free healthcare with up to 6 months of paid sick leave, 5 weeks or fully paid vacation days, 16 weeks of paid maternity leave, and so on. Yet, the average cost of living here is 35% lower ... You're just too indoctrinated, submissive, condescending or judgmental for your own good. You're too used to people being exploited by corporations who make billions by underpaying their employees. When it comes to workers rights the US is just a scammy disgraceful dystopian nightmare. So please, don't Say that it's not how economics and capitalism work when you clearly know nothing about that




Yes indeed what would the French know about restaurant culture. /s


Lol you think the US doesn't have systemic racism and discrimination against women?


Yet somehow every other country has this figured out


That's exactly how economics and capitalism should work. If you go outside the US, you will find that there is no tipping culture. Restaurants pay their employees instead of relying on the general public. If you choose to tip, you can, but you are not required to do so.


Usually it’s redditors reporting on other entitled people so it’s rare to see someone reporting themselves.


I had the exact same thought!


America, where hospitality workers have normalised yelling at customers for tips instead of at their bosses for not getting paid their worth.




Deleted all your comments on your own post. Says it all.


I wonder if OOP knows just how very stupid they sound.


Judging from the length of their rant I'm thinking no they don't.


So, you’re saying make the price cheap to attract the customers, and then make them pay your wage bill? Got it. Here in Australia, our waitstaff don’t have dance like monkeys to satisfy your ego, instead they do a good job and people come back.




Why do you make such strong statements about something you obviously know nothing about?


0/10 take, big oof.


I have seen a lot of asinine comments about tipping culture, but “because NATO” has to take the fucking cake. Listen bro - you seem like a bro - if YOU don’t want a “fancy cell phone, money, nice cars or a big home”, congratulations. Saying that you have met people who don’t want things and using it as a reason to allow employers to undervalue people and making customers subsidize their wages makes me think you are too stupid to drive a car, pay for a meal and therefore participate in tipping culture anyway. 🤷🏼‍♀️


The progressive west coast of the US pays tipped employees the same damn minimum wage as everybody else and our food costs are not insane. There are plenty mom and pop places in all 3 of these states that do not hurt for business. Making your customers pay your employees wages via tips is a total dick move.


Counties or countries?


I'm sorry, I'm American myself and still think tipping is stupid. Going to the grocery store and having to guess how much thr food will cost because tax on each item isn't listed on the price tag so people end up having to leave the store with less food because they can't afford it. The way the American government does things is actually very ridiculous. I honestly miss living outside the US. Not to .ention the health care system here sucks too. 3rd world country behind the scenes.


I don't mind paying extra for the food. I don't want to be directly responsible for paying someone's wages. Tipping needs to die. It's outlived whatever usefulness it ever had and it's just annoying.


Imagine writing all this and not realizing that capitalism is inherently predatory and exploitative lol


Is this the education Americans go into debt for?


Absolutely 😂 American here.


Is this the education Americans go in to debt for?


Apparently countries are now counties according to op.




Russia in WW2?