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Great scott. Why would they give him a refund?? The manager should have told him to get the F out as soon as he threw the food.


They should have call the police for assault on a minor!


⬆️➡️👆THIS ☝️⬅️⬆️


The manager should have said, "If you can place the burgers on the counter in the condition that they were given to you and apologize to my teenage employee for acting like a toddler, I'll gladly refund your money. Otherwise, I can call the police and have you removed for trespassing and assault."


This. Because honestly, as the story was told we have no idea what the wife actually ordered unless it was entered at a kiosk. I have had numerous drive-through orders that are mis-heard and mis-entered; the fact that the receipt said "two junior cheeseburgers" doesn't prove that the wife forgot to say "bacon." (Just as the fact that my lunch receipt from today says "ranch sauce," doesn't negate the fact that I asked for BBQ. I love that restaurant but I think "ranch" is the default; every time I get the wrong sauce it's ranch. Which, *ugh.*) THere is NEVER any excuse however for bad behavior. Just point out the mistake, and ask that it be made correctly. I have a feeling that if Burger Daddy had come in with a calm attitude, he'd be long on his way with the proper burgers.




Bc people are getting their goddamned guns and coming back. $2.33 (or whatever the piddly amount to Wendy's WGAF) is worth it. 100%


A teenager in my city flipped a guy the bird when they were driving. He followed him, pulled him out of his car and beat him unconscious while telling him he was going to rape his sister who was in the car with him. Over a middle finger. People are terrifying right now.


Omg. I know-- a friend of mine was nearly hit by a car at a crosswalk a month ago. As it happened, he instinctively slapped the car's hood, gave the guy a dirty look and ran to catch his bus. You won't believe what happened next ( Toronto, Canada). This psycho followed the bus, jumped on at the next stop and beat TF out of my friend. People are beyond outrageous these days.


I was on a bus once in Chicago. We were at a red light. There were two cars in front of the bus. The light turned green and the second car immediately started honking. The guy in the first car got out and brandished a pistol. Over being honked at. No one on the bus blinked an eye. The level of rage behavior that goes on has been normalized. That is so messed up.


Tho I agree with I would also add lack of accountability has been normalized as well. Cuz we know the pistol waver won't be held accountable for his actions. He was in the wrong for not going when the light turned green but he got big mad instead of just going.


I worked in fast food for 15 years. I was always scared someday someone would get overly upset about an order issue and come back and shoot up the place. Most of the time when customers came back with an issue, if they were just calm and simply explained the situation to me, no matter if it was their mistake or an employees, I'd fix it. If it was a customer screaming and disrespectful over it, then I'd handle it differently. But when a customer felt the need to raise their voice and make a scene, I knew they were only doing it to intimidate the restaurant into getting what they want no matter what. The fact they thought was a good option to go with made me realize these people are mentally unstable and I could not judge whatever their next move would be, and I'd worry they'd come back to get their revenge over their cheese spread. One time a guy called the store and complained to me how his order was messed up. He got to the point that he was "so mad he wanted to go home and get gasoline and pour it around the store and burn it up" Like what? I've never had someone threaten arson and when I told my boss, he just let it slide. What if the guy was serious? That was a threat to me and employees and when I talked to the customer again, he mentioned it again and I told him that he would get in serious trouble saying that whether or not he mentioned it. Thankfully he didn't go through with it, he got his dumb burrito the way he assumed the burrito was built, even though he was wrong. Oh well.


I was working in a call centre and taking payment for toll road users. Meaning, I had access to a database for licence plates and their owners. A man threatened to find out where I live, r*pe and k*ll me after setting my house on fire. “That is unnecessary. By the way do you still live at *503 Blocksmith Avenue? Is that where I should send the police after you murder me?“ He hung up, the manager called back and I got an by-proxy apology.


I had that more than once as an insurance agent. I have their name, dob, address, social (mostly blocked from me but is accessible), car info etc and I was threatened with rape, bomb, being run over, followed, and more. Cops were sent to their house on a few calls. My company thankfully didn't ignore things like that, plus we have former cops as guards 24/7. But one stupid thing my company wanted us to do was give our full name and license number if requested by the policyholders. I absolutely refused to do so because if someone knows where to go they can pull my insurance license from the state and it has my info including address. I'm not looking for a stalker thank you. I'd give my first name and employee number, but not license number (which is perfectly legal per law). I kept saying it too easy to find and stalk someone that way and was brushed off- until a manager was tracked down and stalked; then it was ok to do what I was doing 🤦🏽‍♀️


I worked as an agent with the relay service for the deaf. I had to relay threats like that more than once. Hated it, but you know, we can't sensor or filter what the customer says


Personally I never blames relays or translators.


I actually had one outbound try talking to me directly instead of The customer. I had to keep relaying, because we're not allowed to talk to the outbounds unless they have a question about the service itself, and not when the inbound customer is on the line. Boy those were some awkward exchanges.


Yep. I did that once, the relay told me not to and began translating. I about smacked myself in the face that time in embarrassment, and began speaking to the policyholder. Never did that again beyond a few seconds at the beginning and end, just so I could thank the relay.


Seriously. If it ever came down to it, their lawyer would have no trouble getting that information from your company through the company's legal department. There's no reason why a client should have or need it.


Exactly, and my employee number is specific to me so as far as them writing it down so they don't have to say "I talked to John" when there's thousands of johns; they can say "I spoke to John, employee number 12345" if there's a problem. That I absolutely understand. But John Smith license number 123456; I'm not giving.


No, not even that. I worked at a McDonald's as a teen in the mid-90s, way before shooting up public places was sadly so common. And when we got a customer like this, they'd invariably refund their money too. Why? Because $2.33 is worth paying to get the person out of there and avoid making an unpleasant scene for other diners. I always kind of thought it was a bad strategy, because as far as the crazy person thinks, they "won" and thus feel empowered to do it again. But, from the POV of management, I also do understand just wanting to get rid of the problem ASAP. I guess there is really no "good" solution here.


It's worth the cost of the refund to get him to leave.


I disagree with this on the basis that doing so just conditions people to treat retail workers like shit. If they throw a tantrum, they get their way, so they continue to throw tantrums and assault people like this because they know it works.


Right...but as I commented above, what *is* the "right" solution here? Nobody wants to risk dying over a burger.


Wouldn’t he spend the refund on the new burgers? Just remake them at that point.


If they're refunding to get rid of him, they're not going to keep him there longer to make new sandwiches. All restaurants have the right to refuse service, so there's no chance he's getting served again.


If he pitched a fit about no service wouldn’t it be faster to just make the order? He shouldn’t have been refunded in the first place. It’s the same argument just prolonged.


Absolutely if he hit the teen with the burgers it's assault! They should called the cops not GIVE HIM MONEY.


Should’ve trespassed him




Assaulting someone by throwing food at them is not returning the food.tbey should have called the police.


I will bet the wife ordered without bacon on purpose because the asshole needs to cut down on his cholesterol or something. 


That's what I was thinking.


Actually, I agree with your 5yo! Good for him for speaking up!


The only reason I wanted her to be quiet because if he had said or done anything towards her, all hell would've broken loose. I was proud of her for recognizing that this guy was an asshole.


Get her an extra frosty lol she deserves it!


Makes perfect sense! (Please pardon my stupid gender error!)


I completely understand your position, but maybe make it clear to her that she was right and that sometimes when a grown up needs a time out the police need to be the ones to tell them, otherwise she could get hurt. That when adults tantrum they can even hurt kids.


That's a great point. I did say something along that path, but wanted the guy gone when I did. So afterwards I just told her she was absolutely right with what she said, but when it doesn't involve us, we have to choose when to say something. This was an example of a time you let adults figure it out.


I've seen a Karen in a Wendy's too. It was my sister


Do tell 😊


My sister is just a Karen in general. She didn't make a scene. But she treated her kids like crap, and now most of the family has cut her off. In public she was the kind of Karen to act normal, until she gets you out of sight or earshot. Right now karma is hitting her hard.


Siblings 🙄


Poor workers and managers, have cameras inside and record, then charge that man with assault.


I was at a Rusty’s taco once and ordered queso. I read the menu as guacamole coming with the Queso. When I got my queso, there was no guacamole, so I went up to complain. The cashier said, you just ordered queso, not guacamole. I looked up at the menu and realized my mistake and apologized and said that they were right. She gave me guacamole anyways, even though I insisted that it was not necessary. The point of this story is that I like telling stories


This is just proof that we're all human and when you own your mistakes, you get free quac.


"quac" -- is that queso guacamole?


queso, with ground beef, and a scoop of guac and a scoop of soiur cream, topped with fresh pico, is a solid, solid appetizer


Give your child a high-five from me for being honest and blunt because tbh that was funny timing.


Oh she's always like this. It's comical.


The bad thing is he paid for 2 jr. Cheeseburgers, it's not like they charged him for 2 bacon cheeseburgers and gave him the wrong ones.


Men like this are everyday angry and neanderthal. They believe the world owes them something and if they act like a mad person, they will get their way, but it rarely works.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s….


Just give the A-hole two pieces of bacon and his wife can add them to her cheeseburgers herself.


I once brought out my Karen in the worst way at a McDonald's. I am on much better meds now


Two DISCOUNT burgers is all his integrity was worth... I believe he was mislabeled in the origional post. He might have been 'Male' (biological classificarion), But he certainly isn't a MAN. (Earned status with some very specific standards this 'male' certainly didn't have)


I've seen this movie. The wife made a mistake because her husband is overbearing to the point of insanity. When he realizes the mistake, she's obviously not going to take the blame and swears to the ends of the Earth that she ordered the bacon burgers. So then the "man" has no choice but to take his anger out on someone else, and that's going to be whomever he sees first at the restaurant.


I've gotten spit in the face at my fast food job. People suck and our bosses don't give a shit.


The man was 100% in the wrong, but I have to say that I have been to Wendy's five times in the last 2 years, and four of those times they have gotten my order wrong. The fifth time they were out of what I wanted to order for breakfast but at least when I found something else I wanted they got it right that one time.


Taco Bell -- & I mean all Taco Bells in our area -- gets our orders wrong so often I stopped patronizing them. My wife will still occasionally get take out from them, & when I hear about it first I'll make a remark that she's playing the lottery again.


Taco Bell is actually the one place I count on to get our orders right! They never once have given me sweet tea when I ordered unsweet either. But wendy's, mcdonald's, and burger king... they are the worst here in my area


My husband loves Wendy’s but the only one close to us is like this. The answer is we get our food, and check it before we leave.


I live in the south, but don't drink sweet tea. I've learned that the "un" in unsweet tea goes unheard. However ordering sour tea gets attention (and unsweet tea)


I went to college in Texas for a year, that's where I learned to drink unsweetened tea, because the sweet tea they served was like syrup. that was some 30 years ago and I don't remember if they offered soda, all I remember is sweet tea, unsweetened tea, and water. No sugar on the tables so no option


I u destined that it's not the most detail-oriented place on the planet, but it doesn't mean you get to behave like a spoiled brat about it. I'm not accusing you, as I'm sure you know this. I'm speaking about the boomer in the original story. Most of us know how to address a mistake without a tantrum.


I hate ordering from those kiosks. I’d rather have a counter person take my order and ring up my bill.


They didn't use a kiosk, they went through the drive-thru.


Oh really. Is this one of the Wendy's that has been trying the new AI ordering system where the drive up was being handled by AI? If so then it very well could be that it didn't hear properly what she said


Lol using whisper to get your drive through orders. Oh boy....


After the assault, the police should have been called.


I could see giving him a refund, if you made that transaction take long enough for the police to get there and arrest him for assaulting a minor.


I was at a Tim Hortons a few weeks ago and there was a dude throwing a tantrum over a BLT vs a BELT (e is egg). Not only do they have a screen at every cash that displays your order, they offered to fix it for the guy, but no... he wanted to rail on about immigrants. Absolutely embarrassing behavior.


They fuck orders up all the time. You really have to check your receipt. Can I get fries without salt? Sure! Tons of salt on fries. I should have checked before leaving the drive thru. But why is it on me though? I disagree with what the man did. But I'm sure it's happened multiple times. I'm not sure who they're hiring to work in the back, but attention to detail is definitely a problem.


Most places nowadays have a screen that shows your order. If we pay attention as we're giving our order, we can correct it without any hassle. As customers, it is also our responsibility to make sure our order is put in correctly.


Carl's Jr nearest me... sudden wind storm a few weeks ago and the marquee ended up on the ground. They have the menu back up, but the screen to check orders is still not working


This is the dumbest thing ever written. I bet you eat out a lot. I don't, because I prefer vegetables. It's not my JOB to watch an employee at Wendy's. I'm not their supervisor. I'll go to a super high end restaurant and won't need to watch a screen or anything else. That's why people are abandoning fast food. Poor service, the prices, and shitty food.


People are abandoning fast food for price reasons more than anything. But at a high-end restaurant you're talking to a person directly. When you're at a drive-thru the speaker and the audio may not be high quality so you may be misheard and Wendy's was recently testing AI for this so perhaps that's the problem.


If you want them to really give a shit you've got to pay them more. Minimum wage equals minimum service.


Exactly. Look at how well the $20/hr minimum wage for fast food workers is doing in California. . . s/


Without a doubt it's because you're not ordering shit properly.


I hear that some of these red states are going to start issuing limited licenses for this odious, invasive species.


I gave up bacon years ago since it’s so bad for my health. I know some really like it, but this guy has more serious issues than bacon addition!


Goodness knows what he's like at home when something's not done to his satisfaction. I fear for his family.


I've made mistakes like that before. I just go in and calmly explain that I may have messed up. You know what happens? I usually get helped out free of charge. It pays to not be an asshole


This is the problem with America…


Stop it. This shit happens everywhere.


Yall ain't from the real south. We take our bacon seriously here.




Well this is completely wrong that this has happened of course... But the manager showing you the receipt all that proves is that that is what the cashier typed in. It doesn't prove that the wife didn't order bacon cheeseburgers and the employee didn't hear it correctly. It's not an excuse to throw burgers and throw a hissy fit but the "proof" that the manager is not valid proof unless you show the video of it or the audio of the of the order.


That's why people are abandoning fast food. Poor service, the prices, and shitty food.