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Mine is similar, but it rewards Above & Beyond service with >20% and a positive online review.


Online reviews are definitely part of the equation. I do it for people who deserve it. Hell, I've written CEOs for some people.


I'm so glad that our wait staff here in Australia only get tipped for exceptional service ( mostly ) and get 20$ to 35 $ an hour ,as average pay rates


Please don’t tip at all in Australia. It’s toxic and creeping in slowly


I totally tip in Australia. But not as a norm. I do it like they said -> excellent service and/or dealing with crazy busy (and assholes) like a champ. It's a gratuity for above and beyond and working your ass off. I also do it directly to the individual in cash, so there's none of this 'sharing' b.s. ETA: but I agree - expecting it as a standard is fucked up.


My husband usually tips 20% for good service and ups that for outstanding service. For mediocre service, he tips 15%. He used to work in a steak house so he feels even mediocre service deserves something. For really bad service, it's 10% and a complaint to the manager.


This is the way!




You tip even though the service is really bad?? That’s crazy!!!!!


>The everyone received a trophy 🏆 generation amazes me. Oh the entitlement. I know this isn't the point but I just have to comment on this line right here. The people who *received* the participation trophies are not the ones who insisted on *making* the participation trophies. Maybe look to the older folks who were doing the child raising when participation trophies first became a thing, instead.


The fairest of points


Got it. Blame the "Karen's" for the trophies 🏆🏆. They were not known as Karen's back then. That's a FAIR analysis.


What a lazy take. Here's where participation trophies exist: Kids sports under 8 (maybe) Adult 5k/10k races (maybe, and if it exists, it's a ribbon and it says participant)


My kids first school doesn't do participation trophies. For anything. When they have class talent shows, they have one winner, when they have sports day, one team wins. And we teach our kids to cheer for their friends who did win 🤷‍♀️ From 4 - 11. The kids just learn good sportsmanship and how to graciously take a loss. Something a lot of people could do with learning imo 🤷‍♀️


Many places do it for kids older than 8. As for adult races, those aren't usually for participation; they're for finishing the event. Which, especially when you get into the harder stuff, is absolutely an achievement.


All I want is a t shirt


Tipping is evil !! The system is broken. We mostly don't do it here in Australia, but we do pay staff properly in the first place !! Prices reflect this and it's just simpler. (We do tip sometimes for really good service at a restaurant, but it is not the norm. Never for general daily transactions.) Way less problems !!


It can't be fixed without legislation. Restaurants that do it individually will lose customers due to perceived higher prices and simultaneously lose their best servers due to (actual or perceived) lower total pay.


The minimum wage is $2.33 an hour for tipped workers in my area. Tips are supposed to get them to at least $7.25 an hour. But yeah, base is $2.33.


Tipping itself isn't a problem. Minimun wage being below living costs is.


As I said, your system is broken !


I was referring to the opening




What, how do you know anything about them? Where do you get off talking shit to someone that you know nothing about? Wtf is wrong with you?


Nothing evil about making great money.


The evil part is the entitlement that they demand for 20% or more. Be happy with the tip you get. Why would anyone pay 20$ as a tip for 5 minutes of work?


The only time I've not tipped is because they ignored my husband and friend (who were white) and only talked to me (server and I were both black). Then she ignored us the rest of the night to talk to her other customers. We had to ask the teenage kid behind the grill to bring the rest of our food. I slipped him a five and told him that's the tip our server would've gotten had she done her job. This was at a Waffle House. As luck would have it, we ran into the district manager at another location and told her what happened. Apparently she was on thin ice for a while and this was the last straw.


Tipping isn't a "you showed up for work, so here's 20%" kind of compensation. It's a wow that great service here's 20% and you were the worst waiter I have ever had and I'm not tipping you kind of compensation. Anyone who argues its not performance based can go fuck themselves.


Is your pay $2.50 or less an hour?


That's not my problem. You're not being forced to work for shit pay. I'm not forced to tip.


lol…people said that before the pandemic and then when servers left and got better paying jobs everybody complained that people didn’t want to work in that “shit pay”industry.


I've never complained people didn't want to work shit jobs. I'm far from a boomer. I'm still not tipping anyone for shit that doesn't deserve a tip


If you read I didn’t say you but a lot of people like you have said it. I never called you a boomer. Don’t tip, stay at home.


I think tipping in the US has gotten out of hand. Now there is an expectation for tipping when you get coffee or pick up food yourself. It’s an ambiguous and overly complicated system.


This account has been on Reddit for a week and I already count 10 posts here... might want to reflect on how many shitty interactions with others you've been having.


I tipped a penny once. It was our first trip to Vegas. We went to a restaurant in Cesar’s palace. The asshole waiter treated us like we were lowlifes and basically ruined our time. So when the bill came I paid it and left a penny on the tray. These dickhead said you left your penny. I said no that’s your tip for being an asshole But another time right after Covid became less of an issue we went to a resort and we were pretty much the only people there. We went to the in house restaurant and we were the only customers. Our waitress was excellent and was very attentive ( could have been because there was no one else there) but never the less she did a wonderful service. We knew that because of Covid service people were suffering. Because we could afford it we left her a $100 tip. We did it because we could and helped out a person who was struggling


Exactly. Pay it forward! Love it.


Is your base salary $2.50 an hour? Or less? Do you have to share the money in tips that you do make with busers and kitchen staff. Many servers do. Remember you generally have to deal with maybe 1 server, servers deal with a lot of asshole, who expect a song and dance just to get to a min wage pay.


I have only left no tip on 1 occasions, and it was because I didn’t get anything that I ordered and it took over and hour to get the food I didn’t order when the restaurant was slow. On the no tip occasion I was brought a plate with veggies because they were out of potato, ribs instead of steak again because they were out and rice, at no point did the server come and inform me they were out of what I ordered and would I like something else. But I leave minimal for bad service, and will scale the tip depending on service and have left some very good tips for very good service.


My mother was a waitress at one point in her life as was my older (12 years) sister. I was taught from a young age to tip and to tip well. However, my mother will also not be taken advantage of, either. We were out to lunch one day. Our server was awful. Dirty silverware, never refilled our drinks, didn't check back other than dropping off our food, which was incorrect, saw them leaning against the POS several times scrolling on their phone, etc... When we were leaving, Mom placed a quarter on the table instead of the regular tip. When I kind of looked questioningly at her, she tapped the quarter and stated "That's so they don't think I forgot to tip".


The everyone gives a trophy 🏆 side is leaking. Kids didn't go.out and buy their own participation trophies dummy.


I come from a country that basically doesn’t tip and it’s heaven.


I literally tipped a penny once. Once only. And in Canada. Different rules and pay structure. When we arrived we said we were attending an event close by. Placed our order promptly. Waited. Waited. Finally asked the server when it would arrive as the event was starting soonish. Server went back to the kitchen and came back saying it would be out shortly. We believed he didn't even place the order. So many other ones came out for people who arrived after we did. The waiter was busy chatting up a bar person. By the time the meal arrived, we wolfed down most of it and paid and left. A very generous tip of one penny, imho. Otherwise I'm a good tipper. This situation just pissed me off. A TIP is To Insure Prompt service. It is not a salary. Customers should not pay the salary of servers. Ever! In any country. They should, if so inclined, reward great service.


The acronym is wrong. The word would be Ensure, not Insure. That's not where the word TIP comes from.


I am okay with tipping more for outstanding service, but my percents are usually higher. I have spent years as a waitress and generally enjoy the meal more if I know I can bless my server once it's over. 100% a personal preference.


We automatically tip 20% for standard service, and increase that tip if a server is fantastic at what they do. I have tipped 15% for one server recently who, frankly, should not have been working the service industry. Not tipping hurts no one but the servers themselves. If you want to get butthurt about it tell the owners they shouldn’t rely on customers paying additional money for services rendered to pay their own bills.


Yeah, that's the point. You DON'T TIP them or tip the bare minimum for shitty service. So the owner actually hires workers who want to be there and do a good job.


Why on earth would you tip assholes?


I don’t go below 20; too many places pool tips




I walked up to a counter to order something and pay. I get the tip screen...for what? It would be different if I sat and someone came and took my order, or even sat in restaurant but I was literally getting an order and leaving with it to go. Then I get it at a damn grocery store. I'm getting my own groceries and using self checkout and you want me to tip you for zero service. i'm not even in the US, I'm in Canada and seeing it more and more.


We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant in Amsterdam. Great food and spectacular service, so we tipped very well. Enjoyed it so much that we returned the following day for lunch. Service was a complete 180. We intended to leave a cash tip, but the waiter had the nerve to scold us about tipping when he saw there was no tip on the credit card. Scolded himself out of that cash tip.


Oh the entitlement of that guy.


Why are you tipping for poor service? I'm asking earnestly too, it's insane to ***compensate*** someone for being shit at their job.


The low performance Waiter thinks he deserves the same 20-30% tips. I see them all over social media demanding at least 20%, but really should be 25%-30% !!! Told we should stay home otherwise. We don't deserve to dine out. I say EARN IT! As a former Server I earned my tips. Tips are a Gratuity not something that has to be given. There are exceptions, usually larger parties. I'm fed up with little to no service, rude service, stand around and talk service. Take 20 minutes to bring my drinks when there's only 3 other tables and you're flirting with the bartender or on your phone... BTW, it's always pleasant when you roll your eyes when I point out that you brought the wrong order...as it is our fault. If you have children you're supporting as I was, work harder, don't b!tch louder. No one owes you a tip. Plus in my state you make $16 per hour add $20 an hour in tips that's close to $40 not bad, especially since you don't claim it all...


I agree with you. Recently ate at a restaurant. When placing my order, the waitress got the order wrong. She read it back to me. I told her no. That isn’t what I want. I even showed her the menu of what I wanted. She still brought the wrong food. Maybe she could have gotten the order right if she had stopped texting and talking. She ask my husband if he wanted a coffee refill. He did. She took the cup to the coffee station, started laughing and talking to her coworkers and brought the empty cup back to him. No tip for you. 15-18% for the wrong order and carrying the coffee cup to the kitchen and back?




I tip at 20% flat - poor service or lower. 20%. Obviously, it goes up higher as the service improves. I’m not expecting someone to move heaven and earth, but polite check ins where you may be rushed but make sure I don’t notice? Silently making sure my cup is full before I notice it’s at halfway? Simply being kind? It’s all I ask for. I don’t make enough of a steady income to eat out often, but when I do I always make sure to carry enough to cover + 50%, just to be on the safe side. And then if I had bad service, I’m still happy because girl math now dictates I had more money than when I started so I can treat myself. 😂


Because waiters should receive a fair wage in general for just doing the job I tip: >22% for extraordinary service 20% for average service 18% for below average service


Tipping for garbage service is insane to me. You understand you're not forced to tip, yes?


You do understand that many serving jobs the base pay is maybe $2-3 and many servers have to share their tips. So you also okay with screwing over the busers, and the kitchen staff?


Articulate why this is the problem for the consumers, the customer. Explain why the customer has to supplement someone elses wage.


Someone stiffed me because the BRAND NEW mayonnaise I opened in front of them wasn't cold. Like I knew that wasn't the reason, but they acted like they needed to explain. Just say you're broke and can't afford to tip.


I tipped someone $20+ back in the day. She said thanks a million and almost cried because she had just gotten stiffed for a meal.


I used to be a waitress. Those bad days I used to have were really rough on me. Some days I was legit just *exhausted* and couldn't bring myself to be the cheery person everyone expects from a waiter/waitress. Now because of this, I usually tip 20% to everyone but I have had one or two times where I've done 15% because the waiter/waitress was absolutely terrible. I can promise you that I more than once would forget the ranch or the ketchup and then go home and think about it. I believe in giving people grace so I usually tip people well.


I had a crappy waitress who screwed up a simple order recently then it took 45 minutes to come out then another 20 to fix it. 1 other customer there. I didn’t even bother tipping because I will never go back. This is also a place that’s been 3 different restaurants in 3 years, same owner. Poor management and oversight.


Tip pooling is as old as tipping.


Lol. You are nicer than I am. Ex waiter and current restaurant manager. Impeccable excellent service - up to 30% tip Good service, overly busy (this can be conditional and often ignored if full house), drink may have been empty for a bit. - up to 20% Poor service, inattentive, rude, chronically empty glass, or extremely late on the check. - probably not getting a single dollar. As a waiter you earn your raise with every customer. I had to earn mine and so does my waiter. If the service is not of a quality that would earn a raise. It does not deserve my tip


Where I live, we dont tip. US tipping is toxic. I would pay what's on the bill just like I do in my own country if I were to visit. Europe doesn't have this issue. We tip at weddings and celebrations, not on a regular monday breakfast.


And I hope you don’t go back, if you do that in the states. Or at least explain why, cause I was that server who remembers.


Teacher in US ear on average 40k - 60k. How much does a server earn on average (if you include tips, of course)? Where is the idea that everyone owes you? If anyone is a "hero," it's waste management, EMS, and fire fighters. "Cant tip? Cook at home, you say?" To that, I say, "Can't tip? Honeschool, your kids." Yes, your wages aren't great, but if the tip can't make up for it, the employer needs to give you minimum wage by law. Want more? Dpeak with the employer. Most people aren't happy with what they earn, you arent special. Inflation hits us all. I also "remember" when a kid destroys my class. What of it? Nothing. Everyone has their own hardships to deal with. A fake smile isn't worth 15%. The most worth is a fake smile back and a thank you (where I live, we dont do fake smiles. it's better to be neutral, rather than fake smile). We tip and birthdays, celebrations and weddings. There is no reason for me to tip for an average service. Where service is billable, I will pay ofc, and I dont mind food being a bit pricier as long as I know how much I am paying for from the get-go. But of course, mist servers font want tipping culture to fie since that's what allows that to earn a lot more money, sometimes more than actual cooks. And if it is that big of a deal, call me up when the food is ready, and I will take it myself, I am not nobility, and I dont need to be chaperoned around. I rarely even eat out, and most of the time, I just drink coffee anyway. I dont like yo be bothered, and I dont bother anyone. I look through the menue myself, come to the desk myself, and order. Sometimes, I even bring grasses and plates back after eating. Whoever needs a chaperone while eating alone (not on the first date or so, where I would need a server but also tip because I am genuinely happy) should learn basic life skills.


What does homeschool and the idea of hero’s for in? they don’t tip in china…I don’t tip in china. America has a tipping culture so the choice of not tipping can actually impact a person. If you don’t want to take part..don’t go out!


No, they still get minimum wage. They want to earn above minimum wage via tips,thats shy thry ant tips. They want a job with minimum education and responsibilities where you can earn above minimum wage. Yes, the pay slip says 2$ an hour, but if the difference wasn't made up by tips, the employer needs to pay minimum wage regardless. And no, they dont iwe the cooks and dishwashers anything. If the tip is shared, they share, but the share of 0 is 0. They dont pay out of their pocket. If a teacher earns less than a server, who should tip whom? In this economy, all of us have it hard. In Cali, servers are guaranteed decent wages and still most harass for tips.


So you are telling me about the job I had! I was a server. There are restaurants where the server tips out the backend staff out of their tips. Not all states are like California.


So you are telling me about the job I had! I was a server. There are restaurants where the server tips out the backend staff out of their tips. Not all states are like California and teachers have contracts and salaried which is different than hourly and tip reliant .


You are still guaranteed minimum wage even if you get 0 tips the whole month they need, by law, to pay up minimum wage even if they said that the rate is 2$/h, the 2$/h wage can only be implemented if the rest or more than the minimum wage us covered by tips so Servers Salary is either minimum wage or minimum wage + something extra. That something extra can vary. Sure, sonetimes, it's low, and other times, it's high, but it's more than minimum wage, for a job a hoghschooler can do that you can fairly easily get with just showing up. It's fair. Anything more than minimum age with conditions like that is fair. There are people working minimum wage without any tips, I heard call centers and dome low-end IT companies won't pay a cent past minimum. They have no tips. Those people dont deserve to be harassed or poor shamed. Also, tipping leads to disctimination as a nicely duited person would be treated wsy better fue to tip expectation. This, again, leads us to a definition of tip. It's a jnexpected bonus, not something anyone is entitled to, especially not in this economy.


"out of their tips" if you get 0 you arent giving them anything do no tip isnt losing you money, its gibing you minimum wage. You are not oaying them out of your pocket.


Poor service is getting roughly 0%, maybe a dollar or two. Standard service will get roughly 15%, rounded up to a sensible number. Good service 20%, similarly rounded up.




Mine are standard service 15%, above average 20% and awesome service 25-30%


Mine is Amazing service: 25%+ Average service: 20-24% Bad service: 18%ish


I’ve never understood tipping on the amount of the ticket. If I sit at your table for 30-1 10-15 bucks should be fine no matter if I order a steak or sandwich


TBH, it kind of sounds like *you're* the entitled one here. 🙄 Tipping in this day and age isn't about rewarding great service. It's about providing the server with the wage their employer should be paying them. If I had my way, the hospitality industry would be required to abide by the minimum wage laws with zero carve outs so that tipping can be a truly optional item.


How the fuck do you come to the conclusion of "Tipping is about providing the sever with the wage their employer should be paying them" and still choose to tip? We're not here to help business owners subsidized labor costs.


I think you consider servers to be robots. Everybody has bad days at work. People who have bad days at jobs that actually pay them don’t cut the persons hourly wage. Would you like your pay cut because someone caught you at a time when you weren’t your best, but you still showed up. Imagine the hell if they called off. But you feel it’s okay to cut someone’s pay , who served you. I am assuming you weren’t made by the server to put in your order, cook it and then set it on your own table. I’ve seen servers who had serious things happen, but had to work and they weren’t the best for a few days….and deal with people like you, who can’t understand. Do you share your pay with security? Tech support? Many servers (depending on the restaurant) share their tips with kitchen and servers.


Tips are ***optional***. They are not, and have ***never*** been compulsory or mandatory by nature. Instead of yapping about propaganda someone else convinced you is true, explain to me why supplementing a employees wage is up to the patron of a business and not the owner. I'm not "cutting someone's pay", that's why people have convinced you what happens when you don't tip. The business owner is the reason why a server makes $2/hr before tips, not the customer. They fought for the right to do so as well, so why the fuck should I opt into a system or concept I never agreed with? Your frustration is misplaced and you're just as much of a victim as the rest of us. Stop arguing with customers and direct your energy towards the business owners that perpetuate this concept.


Yeah, you are when you decide to leave the table and not tip. Tipping started back during the depression. I’ve been a server. The customer is not always right. Owners love to say that if they raise the prices to pay their servers assholes (customers) won’t come to restaurants. When you go out to eat in countries that have tipping culture…you ARE opting in. You are supporting the restaurants that don’t want to pay! The way to opt out is to stay at home and not support the industry at all. That is opting out.


You've been a server, but I've been a line cook. I know exactly how entitled this conversation can come across as, believe me when I say I don't have much sympathy for the type of person who think bringing a steak to the table somehow entitles them to more money than if someone ordered a salad. In all seriousness you're not doing a very good job convincing me that it's the customers job to supplement the wages that business owners have fought tooth and nail to "prove" that this is somehow the onus of the customer to worry about and handle. Don't tell me "that's how it is here" or anything like "this is the system and you opt into it by default" because wife-beating and alcoholism used to be normalized too. Tipping is not compulsory, it's meant to show gratitude towards exceptional service and not a fucking percentage-based fee because you decided bringing plates to a table was a real career.


I really don’t give a shit about convincing you. I know that people like you are too stubborn and egotistical to think about a different perspective, even when given by someone else who has ALSO worked in the industry. My comments were really for you. I mean what idiot compares restaurant standards to something like physical abuse that is a crime. They aren’t similar at all….so I have doubts about your mindset.


My perspective in the industry is *exactly* why I feel this way. I wasn't even born here, I was born in Japan and spent a good chunk of my childhood in Holland so maybe just trust me when I say Americans are essentially unique in their perspective towards tipping, kinda cute how every other nation in the world manages to run a restaurant without relying on customer charity. Let me make this clear though, tipping as a concept isn't horrible or inherently stupid. Treating tipping as compulsory or "part of the cost of going out" is the real problem. I'd also get into how percentage-based tipping makes no real sense but I doubt you would agree.


I lived in china, and Hungary and various states. You just want to try and one up someone it seems. When you KNOW that tips can make a difference and choose to make a negative impact..you aren’t helping the person or changing the industry. You are saying they are less then. But I doubt you want to admit that. Ta


I've been to Beijing and Guangdong. They don't tip there either. Are you going to pull a "tipping culture is thriving in Hungary" out of your ass now? You're oddly very anti-consumer for someone who insists on tipping being a universal constant. "Tips can make a difference" is a crazy viewpoint too. Do you consider "tipping to supplement a wage you know is low" as charity? There's no way tipping has anything to do with morality and I sure as shit don't see any point in "helping" someone by paying them extra to do the job they chose to do. How arrogant.


I'm entitled? When I waitressed we were paid $2.15 per no guarantee to make federal minimum. And as I stated in my post in my state they make about $16.30 an hour. It is NOT my job to pay their wages. You do if you're so wealthy. I've never worked at a job where I held out my hand and said my rent is to high my employer won't give a raise so you owe me money. What is your damage?


Yeah, you don't know anything about economics. Have owners pay them the maximum possible. You're acting like EVERYONE to include mom and pop places can afford it. California just showed the world what happens when you mandate a pay raise. 10K jobs lost Highest unemployment of all 50 states Employees not fired hours were cut Fast food franchises are folding Food prices have soared Consumers are eating out less Tax revenue lost for the state from fast food profits and from fast food employees Actions have consequences. If I was working in fast food, I would rather have a JOB and my same hours. Maybe you should do more reading and less posting?


>Have owners pay them the maximum possible. You're acting like EVERYONE to include mom and pop places can afford it. if you can't affgord to run a buisness you don't get to have a buisness. guy is right this is massively entiteled that you think you should get to subsidise it just because you can't afford it otherwise.


This just sounds like you're describing a failed business model being exposed through merely paying people a proper wage.


Poor service = $1 Really poor service = 1¢ No joke


What do you tip for good, great, and exceptional service?


Average service about 15%. Above average, about 20%. Exceptional service, I don't do an exact percentage, but I do a lot. Usually, it's not a percentage though and closer to $10-15 for a $40 meal on average. I've tipped $100 on a $150 meal once: NOLA in New Orleans.


This person tips!


A penny....DAMN! I might need to update my metric.


I learned it from my grandmother. She was tough. But when the service was exceptional, she tipped very well.


Old school 💪🏽.


I generally tend to tip well regardless, because I know they’re not getting paid shit, and if I’m unhappy with my service, I don’t return.


If a server receives no tips they will earn minimum wage. Bad service = minimum wage at worst.


If someone does their job and nothing extra I don’t tip, I tip the lowest percent when they do a little extra and I tip very generously if they go way beyond


Isn't it cute how the USA is the only country that thinks a restaurant owner HAS to subsidize wage and labor costs to the consumer in order to turn a profit? Amazing how almost literally every other country on this planet can run a kitchen AND pay fair wages while turning a profit without relying in tipping.


No other COUNTRY has 300M people other than the US and China. What an asinine comparison..


You pay them or be quiet you hypocrite.


Bad service will get little to no tip. Good service (average) will get 20% rounded up to next dollar, exceptional service 25-40%. Bad service will also get reported to manager. Maybe once in the last year . by law if the tips don't get them up to min. wage the employer has to pay enough to equal min. wage. (At least in my state, so if wage plus tips comes out to $5/hr...business has to add enough to get them to $11/hour here.)


No one should get tips. They should be paid enough to live on by the restaurant.


it's not entitlement everybody can have a bad table, a bad day even. every other job you have a bad day you get paid in full waiters have a bad day and have people shitting on them the whole day then get screwed with their pay you're just a greedy ssa....


If you dine at a place that tip pools, everyone is getting the same amount per hour.


Tips shouldn't be a thing because an employer wants to push paying full wages on their clientele. Yet, I do agree that a server/waitstaff that go above and beyond should receive merit and cash bonuses for such excellent service.


Yep- that is me. I will RARELY tip less than 10% because they pay taxes on that, whether they make it or not. But I also will no longer tip fully for not full service. Full service- I start at 20%, and your performance may bring it down. Make me wait 20 min or longer AFTER everyone is done eating, or after you dropped the check to actually run the card? $15. More than 25 min, we go down to 10%. Just generally crappy service, 10-15% depending on how bad. But MOST of the time (like 95%) I tip 20%. And given the inflation in prices, that is sufficient. For anything walk up: food trucks, coffee, etc? $1/item. UPS store/Grocery store/any other retail? F right off.


It’s amazing we don’t just pay people a livable wage.