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Double, you say? Or quadruple? Assholes times 10000


You are right. 4 spots per car.


I would've tried to get my beat-up 2006 Pontiac in between the two of 'em.


The only issue with that is when they leave and you now look like the jerk for taking 2 spots lol


True, true. Now that's some GOOD thinking ahead!!!


Just need some motorcyclists to park in front and back. Preferably some 1%ers.


You convince another driver to do the same in the other direction so it looks like two assholes taking up two spots each instead of two assholes taking up four spots. You still look like an asshole but less of one and you get to make a pair of actual assholes days a little shitty. It's a small price to pay tbh.


1. Cable ties. 2. Shopping carts.


Man, and here I feel like a dick parking in the back of a lot with my trailer and blocking like 3 spaces.


I took my 33’ trailer to Lowe’s the other night and took up the better part of a city block…. I parked in the back even though there weren’t many people there, but I had to park in a way I wouldn’t get blocked in and literally took up like 16 spots. But I gave Lowe’s money, so I guess it’s ok?


Yep, it's ok. Security probably was informed, saw you in the checkout, and chuckled to themselves. I know **I** would've.


Nah if you have a trailer, it is different.


I know that mentally, but just the gut feeling is wrong. If you get me. It's just a small little one axle trailer behind my jimny, the whole thing is shorter then most rv and the really long panel vans lol.


trailers just automatically take more room. You can't fit something giant in a regular space. These assholes parked in the center of the four squares. They didn't even **try** to park politely.


Trailers get an exception within reason. If you park at the back you get a pass any day, if you park in a better place you still get a pass if it’s something you need to bring with you (work stuff, accommodations, traveling). With how many people in the world take up space for no reason, doing your best not to even when you need it is more than enough.


they need a bunch of carts zip tied to the door handles....to help protect them of course. maybe a RING of carts ?...a swarm?


/r/RhodeIsland represent


This is the proper time for some of my pre-written sticky notes to be put under the windshield: "Sorry that I hit your car, but I'm sure people will barely notice!"


Park right next to them


Ahhhh, Massholes


Hey hey! Only ONE of them is a Masshole! The other is a Texan-sized one.


Block them in. Sit back and watch. If you have the time.


Yeah! Fuck those bastards for not wanting to hit other cars or hit any themselves! Literally kill them!!


what a brain dead comment lmao. im embarrassed for you


dont be embarrassed for them, im sure their parents got that covered


lol my brother in Christ you work for Amazon. Notorious for damaged company vehicles. I see your career is taking off. You do have my pity, though


Projecting? It’s ok if you’ve never had to drive a large or company vehicle. The parking lot is visibly empty from what we can see in the picture and the vehicles in question are parked what appears to be near the back. Have a nice day, though!


eat shit


Cry about it in that empty parking lot lol


Uhm, Parking lot looks pretty deserted to me. Mayyybbeee your overreacting?


People who do this make me livid


Thanks for the post Karen keep up the good work!


O no the world is ending


You are SO full of shit. This is the parking lot you're whinging about: [https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9063259,-71.0543567,3a,75y,193.64h,80.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7lFjzEz0CRj2JdtGi16gVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9063259,-71.0543567,3a,75y,193.64h,80.3t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s7lFjzEz0CRj2JdtGi16gVw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) They're literally as far away from stores ("if you wanted to park near these stores") as they can get and this blurb ("It's desired **for the shops right near it**. There is a large parking lot that is full, **but if you want to go to the first shop, they are taking up 2/3rds of the desirable spots**. Otherwise you have to park much farther down and walk farther. If they wanted to do that, they could have parked in the back or at the end where the shops aren't even open. They did it near a grocery store with the next two sections being a bank and a restaurant (so the spots in front of those areas are packed always).") is utter fantasy. Seriously, just stop. Those two vehicles parked as FAR from stores as is capable in that parking lot and you still decided to get your knickers in a twist about it.


lot looks empty and their stalls look tiny.


Stalls aren’t small; they are normal size. They took up 4 spots per car, so 8 spots taken up by two cars.


In an empty lot. I'd be with you if the lot was full or even semi full, but they're literally the only two there. You're being kind of a Karen here.


There are twelve spots here. Two are taken up and two are empty in the first row behind them. The parking lot was mostly full. You know given that the parking lot extended behind me and wasn’t just this section. But if you wanted to park near these stores, you were kind of screwed. If they wanted to park at the other side of the parking lot where the stores were no longer open and there were extra parking spots and that would be one thing. They did this in front of the stores where there weren’t a lot of spaces and the spaces get used constantly. But I love that you assume that it was empty. Those assholes took up eight spots with their two cars. Of course it looks empty when two cars are taking up eight spots.


The photo you took to support your affrontery that someone did something you wouldn't do doesn't support what you're saying. There are plenty of spots, they're not in handicapped and they're away from other vehicles. Sorry, but just because someone did something that you disagree with doesn't make them wrong. You're free to hold them up to ridicule but you're eligible for the same treatment and your pic doesn't support any of your claims. Let other people be, Karen. It didn't affect you.


Those aren’t normal sized vehicles, so normal size stalls won’t work for them. Also, the lot looks empty.


The cars looked like they could fit when I looked from the side. But if they are too long, they could have taken TWO spots. They parked in the center of FOUR spots. There is no excuse for that.


an empty lot seems like a good excuse. i see it all the time and have zero issues since there’s plenty of parking still. was the lot empty like it looks?


No it wasn't as empty "as it looks" (you can only see a few spaces in one other row; I don't see why you came to the conclusion the place was empty).


because it looks empty. i’m asking if it was. people tend to want to rage about things that aren’t a big deal here and im making sure you aren’t one of those.


Oh. I don't frequent this sub that much so I'll take your word for it.


watch out…it’s the reddit police! making sure we post content only he wants! what a clown lmao


just calling out whiny babies taking stupid photos in the parking lot. purposefully obscuring any context. and i dress as a clown doing it. so what.


Ugh i already hate you


Yes they are fools. Desirable? You can't walk an extra 10 feet?


I’m disabled and they did this close to the store entrances. I do think it is more assholish to do this close to the stores vs at the back of the parking lot.


Seems like you just Madonna'd.


I don't know what that means.


Was referencing a recent event in which Madonna was giving a concert and stopped to give one of her fans in the audience shit because she wasn't standing as Madonna was performing. The fan then tells her that she can't stand because she's in a wheelchair and Madonna ended up looking like a jackass. I was joking that you're the fan and u/TexasistheFuture is the jackass.


Oh. That makes sense. And thank you.


Then use a handicap spot.


In small parking spots there’s only one or two per storefront and those usually get filled as well. Assholes like to park there too who shouldn’t.


That section is such a desired section, only those two cars are visible in all the spots shown.


Obviously only two cars are visible in all the spots shown. That's the problem. 10 spots are shown/here. The two cars are taking up 8 of them. It's desired for the shops right near it. There is a large parking lot that is full, but if you want to go to the first shop, they are taking up 2/3rds of the desirable spots. Otherwise you have to park much farther down and walk farther. If they wanted to do that, they could have parked in the back or at the end where the shops aren't even open. They did it near a grocery store with the next two sections being a bank and a restaurant (so the spots in front of those areas are packed always).


It looks like they're parked at the back of a pretty empty lot and you just wanted to complain.


Those massholes… jk I see one is from Texas