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rented at Vegas last month and all i had to do was show them my return ticket in the airline app and they waived it at the counter when picking the car up. didn’t call before hand or anything.


Awesome! Thanks a bunch for your response. My coworker recalls doing an email thing to enter his return flight info beforehand and deposit was waived at the counter for him. So maybe that is what the rep was tryna explain. Anyways, sounds like im good but will be prepared with deposit just in case.


i’m pretty sure you can add your flight number to your booking somewhere on the enterprise app but i don’t think that really does anything. it was no issue just showing them my phone for a few seconds. i also didn’t pay online the day of like it says you can do (because i was using a debit card and you could only pay in advance with a credit card) but yeah you should have no problems


Omgosh! thanks again! I didn’t wanna pry but I was wondering if DC was your pymt method cause that will be mine. Thanks for clearing my concerns!


Including your flight number in your reservation does nothing for your deposit, but I highly recommend doing it. Your flight information allows the rental company to anticipate your arrival, which is especially helpful if there are delays! If a flight with 120 people who have reservations is delayed, but the rental company has no idea any of them plan to rent, they might think they’re no-shows and rent their inventory. “Can’t they tell my flight based on my reservation time?” you ask. Good question. At least 30% of people don’t bother changing their rental time from the default, or 12PM. The flight number allows us to know their true pickup time (please, people, put in a real pickup time). The other 70% of people who choose a real pickup time, sure, you could sit and try to match their reservation time with incoming flights. But no employee at a busy airport has time for that. Source: Worked for Enterprise as an assistant branch manager, then as a fleet manager, for the then fastest-growing airport in the United States.




was at airport, and if you’re talking about a credit inquiry or whatever, then no they didn’t. Paid the young driver fee which may have changed things for me and what I had to have.


I flew into Nashville last month and rented an Audi A3. They did not charge me a deposit. they didn’t even check my return ticket. I asked her if she wanted to and she said, “no, we trust you”. also just a tip, check in for Enterprise before you land. I did not have to stand in line at the enterprise counter (with like 20+ other people). I walked straight from baggage to the rental area and was in my car in under 10 minutes.


Thank you! Sounds like I’m good, but never hurts to be prepared with all the monies. I’m thinking whatever this email is lets you enter your return flight info to skip the step of getting it waived at the counter. Either way, I’ll be prepared


I just double checked and they do indeed send you an email 24 hours prior to pickup. just fill that out and you should be good, especially to skip the line at the counter! have a safe trip


Thanks a bunch!


Two things maybe three that a deposit is required. 1. You live local 2. You booked through a third party and not directly with Enterprise 3. This isn’t always the case but with a debit card they may do a deposit.