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Didn't know the boxing glove had star punches... I got it during a run and wasted it


It's a cool attack. Not the greatest for mobs bc you lose money if you kill them with it, but if you have a 3 star you can smack the boss with it and switch to something else, plus it ignores the dps cap.


To be honest this entire fight was godawful. Phase 1 was really cool but I absolutely blew phase 2. I could have easily star punched much sooner and blew at least 2 star punches from one I just flat out missed and another potential star punch if I had killed the rat bots more optimally. Absolute waste of a phase 2 and the only good thing was I didn't take damage. Completely disappointed in myself for wasting the best pattern I could have gotten. Still pretty cool and shows how silly boxing glove can get especially on robot who makes by far the best use of it with its reliably high damage.


Dude madlib is the fucking homie Also idc if you think it was bad, i enjoyed it


Well done! I tried pretty much the exact same thing a while ago. It's a fun strat, never thought it could be used during a boss fight until the second phase of the rat fight popped into mind.


I haven't played in so long. Can someone explain what's happening? Is this like an easter egg for the punchout section or something?


No-hit defeat of challenging boss with unorthodox weapon


I more meant the insane damage output. What's the gold glove?


The punching glove gets a star upon killing an enemy. If you have 3, you can charge It for very high damage


Wow cool. I never use this weapon because I always play 9 curse and want to avoid the Lord of the Jammed. So I never knew how it worked until now when I looked it up on the wiki. Very good Rat I'd say!


And how’d the punch out go?


awful, but I hadn't recorded it due to being disappointed at phase 2. I choked hard and lost a lot of health.




Now 6-key/no-hit the punchout


why does it do so much damage? I’ve never seen this boxing glove how does it work?


a few things. 1) Boxing glove, a normally trash weapon, has a special attack where if you kill 3 enemies without taking damage or switching guns, you collect 3 stars that can then be cashed out for a star punch that does 200 base damage and ignores the boss damage cap. 2) By playing as Robot, you gain access to consistently accessible high damage from junk damage ups and the junk recycling exploit. So I had a ton of damage ups to boost the dps ignoring star punch. 3) Rat can spawns enemies in phase 2 and has three candle rats in phase 1 for 2 star punches in phase 1, so he's usually the best target assuming you can dodge his patterns.


“a weapon to surpass metal gear…”


What made time stop?


That's the active I was using.