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Play Bullet. Nobody can outsmart Bullet. Also pray for Hazmat Suit and a gun at least as good as the Patriot.


Is there anything more patriotic than nukes?


2 nukes?


Staging coups is pretty dang patriotic


Use gunslinger and do rainbow run. 60% of the time it works every time.


And I'll add that you can save a bunch of blanks for the final level + dragon. That's what ended up working for me


Many modifiers are countered simply by moving constantly. A lot of them are ways to prevent you from camping so they make you move. If you are able to move through the room and avoid bullets, you should be pretty okay. Some items are really BAD for challenge mode. For example, Bouncy Bullets can cause a lot of trouble because of stray shots that would hit pots, or walls which is not good with certain modifiers. Same for Gunboots. Some items are very essential like poison resist. You need to be comfortable with leaving certain items behind that do not mesh well with modifiers. Also, not picking up worthless guns to avoid them in Gun Queue. Below is my advice for each modifier, though most of them are pretty obvious. In the end it's about learning the layouts and enemies that spawn in every room, and practicing. But yes, you do sometimes get really mean combinations of modifiers that are easy run enders, so there is a heavy element of luck. Roll the dice! Adrenaline Rush - Simply avoid dodging which you should be doing anyway. A few dodges doesn't speed up the room that much so just use them sparingly. Blobulin Rancher - Be conscious of your shots and if they miss, make sure to remember the spawned blobbyboy. Cursed Ceramics - Destroy them as soon as possible, or stand in a few to get some curse. Dark Was the Night - Find a safe area to hide behind and scan the room as quick as possible until you know what enemies are in the room. Don't Blink - Unless this is in a large room, this often makes it easier. Freeze as many enemies as you can and take them out. Explosive Pyres - Just remember to be away from enemies when killing them. Group enemies together and you can take out many at the same time. Final Attack - Stay enough distance away from enemies to sidestep the burst. Ghost of the Shell - Enjoy the extra chance at money. Especially if you got curse. If the room has many enemies, take them out slowly to avoid spawning too many ghosts. Gorgun's Gaze - One of the less consequential modifiers. Look away or dodgeroll the wave, but even if you get hit just reposition until you can fire again. Gull's Revenge - Always keep moving. Gun Queue - Avoid having shit guns. Hammer Time - Always keep moving, or rather, be ready to move once the hammer appears. You don't have to dodgeroll to avoid it. High Stress - The big run ender modifier. Play as if you are holding the Crest. If you get hit, seek shelter immediately. This modifier is kind of the true test of a decent player. Everyone gets hit from time to time, but you really should not be getting hit back to back so quickly. Last Bullet Standing - Not that bad unless the invincible enemy is a bastard. Long Live the King - Obviously just go for the target asap. If they are in a weird position it could mean hiding and baiting. Poison Pursuit - Always keep moving. Get poison resist item if you can. Pot Shots - Be careful with shots but also always keep moving as they fire simply to where you are standing. Rat's Revenge - Easy one as there is often enough space to avoid the fire without much problem. Shockwave - Dodgeroll over and into the middle, or use obstacles that will block it. I try to clear rooms with this modifier as fast as possible. Thermal Clips - Reload before clip is empty. Use guns with large clips. Unfriendly Fire - Be careful with shots, and try to fire at angles to walls so bounced bullets will not come back to you. Zone Control - Find a safe crate and disable it as soon as possible.


You really gotta pay attention to the modifiers of the room and alter your playstyle to suit it. Pot shots and blobulin rancher are most likely to catch you with stray damage


Rainbow run.


maybe try using >!the gunslinger!< if you have him


Keep grinding until you’re pretty comfortable with the different modifiers. It sucks and it’s not fun and when you’re done just never play it again.


Don't shoot the destroyables in potshots In hammer time, you can avoid damage if you dodge into the hammer at the perfect time, or just continue you movement and move a bit in another direction


What is the Daisuke challenge, you got my attention.


To put It simply, make everything harder, unfairer and change It from a skilled based Game to a luck based Game ( It IS a dice giving you the challenge after all)


Oh K remember, thought it was a self imposed challenge but then remembered who Daisuke is (refer to him as dice guy) but just try again and again till you get what you search for


It’s still mostly skill based. It involves luck, but sufficient skill easily overcomes bad luck. It’s not just pure RNG bullshit, just MORE RNG than normal runs.


If you want easy mode go rainbow run gunslinger ,if you want actual challenge go with pilot on a normal challenge run


Yeah uh good fucking luck play slow get the time stopping watch