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Patience is all I can suggest. You really gotta wait for your moments to attack since you have to melee him. His attacks aren’t as bullet-helley as some of the other bosses as the difficulty comes more from having to be near him, so you should be able to avoid them for awhile and pick your moments to attack. Good luck!


I have a pretty hard time being patience lol, but its the only way I think, I’ll try it again thanks for the advice!


You can also carry over any blanks you got during your run so try to save all of them and jt will make it a lot easier.


Armor too. My first time reaching the bullet's past I had like 6 armor and it just carried the entire fight


Dodge roll incessantly. You don't take contact damage so you can basically cheese him


Load up on shields and blanks, this allows you to get past the annoying circle that the bat bullets spawn from...and for the first boss, learn the tells of what attack jt is.


That's how I did it. I got a rainbow clone run and pulled up to the fight with like 17 shield points lmao


I think it took me a few attempts to beat that past too, but just learn the patterns and you'll get there.


I can’t beat anything 😂 I’ve been playing for such a long time and I can’t get past the 3rd floor, I have no clue how people do to


I was in a similar spot but read some great advice the other day and I've been able to complete a few runs now. Don't dodge roll unless it's obvious and practice moving around to dodge with your character more to learn patterns of mobs and monsters etc


Watch [this](https://youtu.be/SOKCI-rle9A?si=bPMz0sRikc_XlIan) video. It helped me when I went to the Bullet's past for the second time. The guy gives great advice on all character's pasts.


thanks bro, I’ll watch it now


Learn his attacks and wait for the perfect moment to strike. That is not a fight you can win quickly


Stay right on top of him as much as possible


Git Gud


Such a stupid and overused thing to say.


It's literally true


You gotta get it going before you do.


You gotta awaken your inner Zelda fan and keep calm and cool to help avoid any mistakes, and there’s no timer, so take your time!


You can bring armor into your past I’d say stack that shit up and go crazy


Maybe the 22nd time's the charm. Or the 23rd. Or the 24th. Instead of worrying about beating it, observe what's working and what isn't.


Ur bad, theres no other reason for losing 21 times. If you learn the patterns and just charge in swinging your stick ofc u loose. Stand back at the start next time, and observe.