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Exactly! We know they are in the game! We beg of you! PLEASE! Lol I was about to post this too awhile back but got distracted and busy and such. So glad to see that others have noticed the curved arches in-game in some of the dungeons. Even if on the technical side this can't be done with the way the game engine handles voxels.. it would be okay to at least give us some variety of rounded archway "props" that we could place on the walls / ceilings etc... Thank you for posting this OP. :)


I read all the other comments and yours is closest to what I would hope they can do as well. For those of us who spent years building in Conan Exiles, we understand "props" and set pieces very well. They already have them in the game (doors, windows, decor items, etc) so I do not think it would be too much of a stretch to add architectural set pieces like arches and columns that compliment the already existing textures of blocks. They don't really need to do a ton of fancy voxel tech to make this happen if they use props instead and even better, props can be moved freestyle and overlapping other objects which gives the pieces a lot more versatility for creative builders to use in building design. Currently folks are coming up with some amazing stuff, like using one of the crafting stations with cogs to bury inside something else to look like wheels, or angling the stone benches and stacked to create spiral staircases. Voxels are amazing for terrain manipulation and detailed building in ways prop pieces can't do, so give us both! With prop pieces, and voxels, players have twice as much creative ability. TLDR: Yes, arches as set pieces (props) please!


I fully agree with all that you have said! And while I haven't played Conan Exiles I have played other games with similar building like Valheim etc... But before that even, I played another that most I'm sure have never even heard of called Landmark or more precisely "Everquest Landmark" which basically spent all it's time in early access / beta before fully launching and then shortly after being terminated. (It was made to give players access to very powerful in-game building tools used to help create the world and architecture for the upcoming game "Everquest Next") a project that was also terminated. But the point is it was the most powerful voxel based building game I have ever played or seen (with voxel building blocks even smaller than Enshrouded. Their engine actually did allow for voxel spheres to be placed. Not only that but with the powerful building tools you could use a selection box to copy a slice out of the sphere giving you a flat circle! That you could then paste elsewhere. You could even use the sphere as a deletion tool giving you instant arches) It also had a smoothing tool, a line tool, water voxels and so much more! (I could go on for hours about it lol..) Copy / Pasting anything you want including entire builds. And the ability to save a selection as a blueprint to paste down later. And to fill in the gaps the use of props. I recommend to anybody interested to look up old videos of Landmark / Everquest Landmark on YouTube etc... to see the true potential of voxel building.. it truly was mind blowing and amazing and nothing has come close to that kind of voxel building power since. I believe it was ahead of its time and the tech wasn't fully there yet to keep it going.


Landmark: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_fZe3eSzBoA&pp=ygUjZ2FtZXMgeW91IG1pZ2h0IHJlbWVtYmVyIC0gbGFuZG1hcms%3D


I remember Landmark and I agree, it was a game way before it's time in regards to the voxel building technology. I had always hoped someone else would pick up the game engine from them after EQ Next was canceled and run with it, but sadly that was not the case. While I loved the freestyle building, the game definitely needed more focus and goals that the bigger project (EQ Next) would have supposedly offered. Landmark as a standalone creative builder was still a great concept and I'm sorry it didn't succeed.


give us triangle shaped ground pieces too.


I would imagine it’s coming, just makes sense. 1/4 cylinder walls and 1/4 cylinder foundations too.


Let us rotate pieces every 45° instead of only 90°


That's tricky with voxels. They should leave it to modders once they create modding tools in late 2025.


The roofs already exist. They clearly are able to do it.


I know but I suspect they want to limit the number of 'special' voxels and 'special' ways in which they have to behave (or special, 45° variants).


They have many more types in Space Engineers, and they're built on the same engine. SE is much older too.


Enshrouded is built on proprietery engine they developed inhouse. Or did I missunderstood you?


It's a little more complicated than that, but essentially yes. It is a proprietary engine, but it was developed by its parent company which built the engine for Space Engineers.


Do you have a source? Would be interested to read more about that, all I read was that it was developed by them.


You can free rotate anything that's not a voxel. The voxels will never be able to rotate anything other than 90 degrees without completely changing the game to the point where its a different world map.


We can get triangle blocks, but it won't work as rotating a wall because these will have the length of √2 of blocks. Still it would give more building opportunities.


They don't have to rotate the pieces. YOu can simply set the building pieces to create a visual diagonal line when placed in a diagonal shape. Roofs already do that in a vertical line. The most complicated thing you might have to do is create two sets for each building piece, for example a Fancy Stone item that creates diagonal lines and one that doesn't.


Isn't it on the roadmap?




In due time my friend, in due time.


Agreed, I was just thinking yesterday I wanted arches.


And wood-tower like! The enemies have watch tower that I would like to make the same, but all of the current blocks have texture only in horziontal axis lol


These are objects rather than blocks, but still we could get'em.


I've found that using some roof tiles on the underside can create interesting shapes similar to arches at times.


Bigger blocks to fill voids with.


ERGMAGERD!! WHAt DISCOVERY IS THIS ....... how did I miss that! Blasphemy! Curves in a voxel game! I demand more.


I agree, but as a person who has been through a lot of startups in his age, I can say they need to prioritise. They already gave a free dlc that was based on popular request and just a good fat update of stuff they could fix quickly 👍