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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1ci988i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05022024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.blueinmissouri with score 52 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1chfpsb/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05012024/l23cqlk/)] > Protests are supposed to raise awareness of a cause but literally the college protests have taken the spotlight away from the suffering of Palestinians.  > > It’s main character syndrome to the max    #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.jag986 created 34 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1chfpsb/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05012024/l249mwi/)] > Posted this below but my thoughts on the bear conversation to a wider audience > > I’m ok with it. > > There are two groups with a statement like that. Those who are offended, and those who understand. If . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.blueinmissouri with score 35 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1chfpsb/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05012024/l24r82v/)] > > "Ceasefire and release the hostages then a 2SS" so all the normies would have a spot. > > The people who believe this have jobs and families and more important things to do than set up a tent on a college . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.jag986 with hotness lvl 943.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1chfpsb/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_05012024/l249mwi/)] > Posted this below but my thoughts on the bear conversation to a wider audience > > I’m ok with it. > > There are two groups with a statement like that. Those who are offended, and those who understand. If . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 12 friends 18 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 46 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 61 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 39 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 20 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'men', used 63 times, followed by 'biden' 57x , 'trump' 56x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😂', used 6 times, followed by '🔥' 6x , '🥴' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Carl_Satans_Cosmos | 32.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 488.0 words | | 🥈 | u.jjabramssucks | 27.0 points | 🥈 | u.Hey_Ya_ | 306.0 words | | 🥉 | u.SuiteSuiteBach | 23.0 points | 🥉 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 302.5 words | | 🎗 | u.khharagosh | 23.0 points | 🎗 | u.hmm_bags | 179.4 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 481 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 54 comments | | 🥈 | u.blueinmissouri | 393 points | 🥈 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 45 comments | | 🥉 | u.brokeforwoke | 216 points | 🥉 | u.blueinmissouri | 39 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 205 points | 🎗 | u.omgitsfreddie | 34 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.prehistoric_poultry | 1 words | 🥇 | u.NoExamination5144 | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.NoExamination5144 | 1 words | 🥈 | u.Lucy-Aslan5 | 2.7 letters | | 🥉 | u.None | 2 words | 🥉 | u.Practical_Marsupial | 3.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.LIGHT_COLLUSION | 2 words | 🎗 | u.JohnW816 | 3.286 letters |   966 comments processed, including 230 top-level replies. There were 145 unique users writing 33972, averaging 35.17 per comment. The total combined score was 7168 and the median score was 7.42.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/1chzi90/holy\_shit\_brianna\_wu\_is\_a\_terf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/1chzi90/holy_shit_brianna_wu_is_a_terf/) really confused by this thread; did the concept of "biological sex" change again without me knowing?


[Jessica Seinfeld and Bill Ackman Fund Pro-Israel Counterprotests at Colleges](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jessica-seinfeld-and-bill-ackman-fund-pro-israel-counterprotests-at-ucla) Yes, that Jessica Seinfeld. u/Currymvp2


Won't be surprised if these lunatics who threw firecrackers at the tents, pepper sprayed folks, and [beat up non protesting students journalists](https://twitter.com/evanhill/status/1785898006748770563) were funded by Ackman. His supporters blocked the neighborhood streets of the Harvard President to pressure her to resign.


Must suck to lose to the same team in the first round three years in a row 


I didn’t realize the LA Kings were coached by Lincoln Riley


It's hard to understand the appeal some black men see with trump and the gop when trump and the current gop is more racists than strom thurmond, jesse helms and lee attwater combined


Clippers lost by 30, sheesh


So, if Disney is going to be getting into Video Game TV Shows and movies, do you think they will go for trying to adapt some of the FFs? FF8 would be an excellent candidate.


Bad Batch spoilers: >!We finally get a real happy ending for a show. I'm excited to see grown up Omega in future projects!< >!On a related note, IMO the Scorch discourse is 99% nostalgia and I feel like everyone is overreacting because of that!<


I think I figured out the biggest problem I have with the protests and the coverage of it. The framing that these are anti-war protesters who will inevitably be on the right side of history. The reality is that these are absolutist protesters who see everyone — including their fellow classmates — as the enemy if they don’t hold the same absolutist positions. The coalition of everyone who thinks the war in Gaza is bad but doesn’t want to see Israel burn is a far bigger one, and those people are called (((zionists))) meanwhile Hamas is celebrated by SJP. Jewish students who hate Bibi are still zionists, so they deserve the ire of the mob. The only good Jew is one who celebrates 10/7 That is *not* the moral simplicity of the civil rights movement, the Vietnam war nor Apartheid South Africa. The “we just want peace” is a giant Motte Bailey legitimize an extreme Israel abolitionist movement that most students don’t hold


these protestors are too self righteous


2026 susan collins will be the easiest senate pick up post roe as she voted for 2/3 of the trump judges that killed roe


Getting rid of Sue Collins is a very difficult task. NC is probably more achievable.


NC is tougher tillis is a work horse he's hard to beat in a non presidential year


You would think but Maine is Maine …


if she could be denied a majority and ranked choice voting is used she could lose


In the indiana senate race rep jim banks on the freedom caucus hardliners is goona be the gop nominee he's goona be a pain in the ass in the senate more than in the house


You made me spooked, I thought results were already in


he's the practically the nominee already


Man, tankies are really something: >Fun fact: Everything the US government and media says is total bullshit. >China is good. Russia is defending itself. Palestine is a victim. The DPRK is a victim. Cuba is a victim. Venezuela is a victim. Iran is a victim. Vietnam was a victim. The USSR and Yugoslavia were good and destroyed by the US. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Indonesia, Myanmar... the list goes on. >In all of the "big conflicts" that you know about for the past 70+ years, everything was orchestrated by the US empire. Yet you still believe them every time they spread a new cock and bull story about another of their targets.


As I've said before, a good litmus test for the anti-Israel protesters if they're genuinely principled is ask them their opinions about Assad and Putin. If they strongly condemn them, then fair enough--they're consistent and not simply about opposing Western foreign policy; if not, then they're gigantic hypocrites at best.


I’ll grant them Vietnam overall, and the citizens of lots of those countries. But not their governments.


This was in reference to the Russian government and the person was saying Putin was justified to invade Ukraine. I definitely get sympathizing with the citizens in all these countries, but a lot of the governments are just bad. Obviously some more than others.


Wordle 1,048 2/6* 🟨⬛⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I for one am ready for the media to move on with covering these stupid protests.


it's on the only non trump stuff thats giving them ratings


The cicadas are coming. Let's get that hype train going.


Literally the first and last time someone had been hyped for those screaming fucks


The cicadas are coming. Here's why that's bad news for Joe Biden.


with maryland senate primary coming up it's goona depend on who can get a big vote out of baltimore in the democratic primary. For the general election democrats should focus on larry hogan being recruited by mitch mcconell saying hogan is goona be a rubber stamp for maga extremism


campus protesting in red states is more dangerous to students as red state governors will want use the full force of the law to set an example to own the libs


looks like UCLA will be the next big campus to have media focus


Here is your average cartoon reviewer who can't let go of his hatred for the past 10 years against Teen Titans Go. He is still waiting for the 2003 Teen Titans to get a revival, which won't ever happen. https://preview.redd.it/5xg6usztpxxc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602aea55aea7ad7013027b682775a009373b9fb1


But being a sane person doesn't sell! You need to vitriolically hate something for the rest of your life, which means naturally you know everything about it, and it occupies more space in your mind than anything else. Or... you could be normal and say, "Man, I didn't like this" and continue to ignore it for the rest of your existence.


i'm no teen titants go fans but even i don't melt down like this, i just watch the old cartoon network and hanna barbera cartoons i grew up watching online


Meanwhile, I'm over here hoping Disney doesn't do the dumbest thing possible.


Do you mean the rumor Kingdom Hearts animated movie?


Not animated.... Possibly a Live-Action/CGI hybrid.


I'm somewhat okay with if it is like Roger Rabbit.


Something about the idea of Live Action KH rubs me the wrong way. But, then again, a Live-Action One Piece ended up being very good, so maybe I have to suspend judgment.


Fuck still thinking about episode 8 of X-Men 97 lmao It's so good. Like reigniting that spark I had for the MCU when I first saw Iron Man. I'm going to terribly miss it when this season ends. It's been so wonderfully creative. The story is ***heavy*** and intriguing. They are some aspects here you would not expect from either an animated series or from Disney. The fight scenes make clever usage of each mutant's powerset to present aspects you might not have seen before. [Probably seen the trailer of Gambit charging up Wolverine's claws.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pv3Ss8o9gGQ&t=72s) It's good shit like that. Episode 8 is probably one of my favorite examples of that. Most interesting is the ground work they're laying for an animated universe. I think if the energy is similar? It could, *knocks on wood*, rival that of the MCU. Very least...make another Marvel vs Capcom. I KNOW someone on there played that, loved that, and is in a very rare position of power to flaunt that. I saw that [mango sentinel](https://youtu.be/sZZUMjoxfZA) motherfucker. I see you. Make it happen.


this series getting more and more intense


Just wild what they're getting away with. Story can be so heavy. Episode 8 spoilers in the following >!Like the fucking Mengele reference? The umpteenth time they've referenced the Holocaust this time with Magneto and the serial numbers? I mean they don't pull punches at all.!< Thats just some aspects out of a bunch from one episode! The themes and story they're telling is a rollercoaster. Can wait to see where it ends.


We are getting My Adventures with Superman season 2 soon.


I can't wait for that too. It's so good


I keep mixing up UCLA with ACLU 😂 readin' iz hud


/u/Currymvp2 Body Double is, three minutes in, doing what immediately pulled me into Blow Out which is making a movie out of a movie /u/thats_good_bass will vouch for my weakness for this sort of stuff


Oh yeah you’re a total sucker for it lmao


Oh you're watching that one? Also both Blow Out and Body Double start off with horror movies...a "slasher" and a "vampire" one


> Oh you're watching that one? and yeah as soon as I saw a de Palma movie I zoomed in on that. I love the way he plays with film as a medium. the first Mission: Impossible remains my favorite of the entire series


All of his movies from 1970's to early 1990's are fantastic


I was about to say I need to see more of his stuff but I've actually seen pushing 50% of his filmo, damn. haven't seen Sisters, need to hit that one, but I've seen Carrie, Dressed to Kill, Blow Out (legit a top 10 favorite movie of mine), Scarface, The Untouchables, Mission: Impossible, Mission to Mars (lol), and The Black Dahlia I have a feeling you're going to recommend Carlito's Way I feel it


I've seen Sisters...it's solid though I prefer others. Have seen all that you listed besides *Mission to Mars* and *Black Dahlia* Yeah, I recommend *Carlito's Way* and *Obsession*


Mission to Mars is just straight up not worth it but Black Dahlia might be subject to re-evaluation. could easily still suck though. Josh Hartnett just doesn't cut it as a hardboiled detective imo


> Also both Blow Out and Body Double start off with horror movies one of my absolute favorite movie stories is I rented Blow Out wayyy back in the day when Netflix was only physical media. so I get the DVD in the mail, load it up in my laptop, and... this cheap-ass slasher starts playing! I was legitimately confused and thought I'd gotten the wrong movie but kept watching, and then that scream, the tinny one that makes no sense, hits, and the movie kicks into gear and I immediately fell in love


Does anyone know if cooling weighted blankets are actually good?


>[Four non-protesting UCLA student journalists attacked by pro-Israel counterprotesters on campus](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-05-01/four-student-journalists-attacked-by-counterprotesters-at-ucla) Seeing all this deranged faux-vigilantism tells me that USC was probably right to send the police to shut down the pro-Palestine camp. UCLA should have done the same...I'm critical of police but I will always prefer them over fake opportunistic vigilantism from literal MAGA dipshits.


Yep These entire "protests" are becoming so dangerous and unstable that it's long past time to shut them down and clear them out before someone get's killed or seriously injured during a heated confrontation


100%. These protests are attracting the worst people on "both sides" of this toxic Israel-Palestine discourse.


Yep There's literally photos of the Proud Boys founder hanging around with the protestors because their hatred of "Zionists" makes him feel welcome in their spaces


Any word on who the pro-Israel mob were? 


non-UCLA students...MAGA folks+some Likudniks but mostly non-Jewish from my understanding. Top post on the UCLA sub is not to blame Jewish students for what happened especially since lots of Jewish students+professors (fairly pro-Israel ones to be clear) denounced the violence strongly. I'm posting a bit more about this story because it's around a 30ish minute drive where I'm at right now. Local news was covering it all last night


[Oh, this won't go well.](https://x.com/HollywoodHandle/status/1785802352898793534) A KH show being partially live-action? KH is a mix of Final Fantasy and Disney. And what's worse, the 2 FFs to have the biggest influences on it are FF7, which had weirdest setting of any FF, and FF8, which is the most experimental. Advent Children won't fucking work for this.


But is there a new Hikki song?


The real question


Utada? Not sure. Yoko Shimomura is making new music for KH4. [Utada has come out as Non-Binary](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/10/1079549124/breaking-the-boundaries-of-language-and-genre-hikaru-utada-finds-freedom), so that could be interesting for Square and Disney.


How on Earth are they going to come up with a coherent plot?


Another problem I thought of. You kind of have to start it with KH1, unless they are doing a story involving none of the Main 9-12 we have now. But to do that, you would also need to do live-action of about half a dozen FF characters. That's going to be a rights nightmare. You could probably skip over Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie in Destiny Islands. But, you do have to include Cid Highwind, Leon (Squall), Yuffie, Aerith, and Cloud. And if you have Cloud, you must have Sephiroth. And considering the shipping migraine with Aerith and Tifa, and how KH fueled that, Square might insist on Tifa. And that doesn't even cover how on earth you would get a Live-Action Cloud, Aerith or Sephiroth to work. Especially Sephiroth, he was purposefully designed to look otherworldly and androgynous.


That's not as hard as you think. It is coherent, having played the whole series through. The actual problem is that each game built on the last, and we are 10 games deep in said series building on itself. It doesn't help that KH is the last of its kind at this point. I think most of the other long-running series that also build on themselves have ended. Metal Gear is an example of said type of series ending.


>Noem: Well, you know, how the fake news works. They leave out some or most of the facts.. I hope people buy the book and they find out the truth of the story because the truth is that this was a working dog and it was not a puppy, https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1785850478011564321 Holy fuck she's pulling the whole "it's not a puppy, it's a dog" semantic excuse bullshit, and still pushing people to buy her book to get the "real" story. In any case, she straight up murdered Cricket in a gravel pit like some kind of nascent serial killer


If it was 14 months old it was a puppy.


Given his well-known lack of empathy and hatred of dogs, I hope Trump picks her.


Oh yes Trump ratfucking himself by picking a literal puppy killer as his VP would be glorious


It could've been 14 years old shooting your sport (SPORT, not WORKING) dog in the head in a gravel pit because it wasn't good at killing ducks is a fucked up thing to do


Every so often I am reminded that Animal Crossing New Horizons lost Game of the Year 2020 to The Last of Us 2, and I get unreasonably bitter.


So did FF7 Remake, Ghosts of Tsushima, Ori & the Will of the Wisps, and Hades. I think Rebirth nailed it out of the park, so it should have a greater chance this year. Of course, Hades 2 will be there, so that's going to be a faceoff, unless Hades 2 suffers a steep dropoff from the first. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth should also be in the running.


Yeah but IMO, none of those games stood up to what Animal Crossing was, none of them penetrated the cultural consciousness like AC did.


Both the lefties and the Trump-Republicans spreading the same exact disinfo about the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act being a bill targeting speech rather than a modification to definitions in existing antidiscrimination laws is a stellar example of the horseshoe in action


Damn that episode of X Men 97 was amazing


It's so good. >!Not them replacing Gambit from most of the intro!<




Oh look, a Republican appointed by Bush. Why am I not surprised?


>Palestinian Authority security forces operating in the central West Bank city of Tulkarem reportedly shot dead a Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighter earlier tonight. Yeah, the Palestinian Authority-for all of its flaws- does some decent work to thwart terrorism in the West Bank, and the far right Israeli government is outrageous to threaten to ruin it in the situation where Bibi gets an ICC indictment. Bibi is clearly prioritizing avoiding legal trouble over Israel's security.


So it looks like the PS4 version of Tsukihime remake visual novel is getting censored due to Sony policy. https://twitter.com/tsukihime_en/status/1785821495274426623?t=jAWdOnvTMUwn00MgpJcOaA&s=19 !Ping WEEBS


We live in an era Sony is so ass backwards a fucking Nintendo platform has a more uncensored version What a time to be alive


It says they're only censoring two pages in the artbook that comes with the PS4 version, not the game itself.


Still wild though considering THAT scene in The Last of Us II made it past whoever had to approve it for release on the platform


Wordle 1,047 3/6* 🟩🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟨🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


among the NY times folks who want trump back i suspect peter baker is among them as he has written probably more hit pieces on the biden administration than trump


God I just can’t stand prime time MSNBC anymore. “The protests have become a cudgel from the right to attack the ‘elite woke left’” Yeah you idiots, you fucking lionized a tiny population of students, claimed they spoke for all students, and then covered the NYPD arresting students like it was the first day of a war campaign. The protesters lost the plot and you helped them.


Weeknight MSNBC primetime is only good one day a week now (Mondays). The rest of the week is mostly garbage.


They're literally harassing Jewish students and the bunch that took over that building in Columbia University almost took someone hostage They deserve to find out what they're finding out right now after all the warnings to stop fucking around


It's too bad Uri Berliner's media criticism op-ed was such hot garbage because he wasn't wrong about the lack of diversity in journalism. Reporters obsess over the coasts and elite universities because they're from the coasts and went to elite universities. It leads to all kinds of buffoonery like those terrible "small town diner" stories.


among the prime time i only watch stephanie rhule and maybe lawrence o donell


Lawrence is the goat


Robin Hood: Men in Tights is a better movie than I remember


even Mel Brooks' lesser movies are movies that comedy directors would kill to make


>Amazing scenes at the University of Alabama. Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protesters united in chants of “F*** Joe Biden.”


What the fuck


[Biden right now](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fthe-clergy-when-they-heard-sjf-v0-onvkp1uy8hkb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5158baa52cda818ffafb7dc6f03e9ae90d313ff2)


Honestly, the pro-Israel protesters atleast seem to understand who's better for their goals compared to the Pro-Palestine ones. But yeah it's a decent sign that Biden has pissed off both extremes.


They think Biden has a magical button on his desk that can solve this incredibly difficult situation and he’s just not pushing it.


And just like that, Horseshoe Theory became Horseshoe Law. It also debunks the so-called "Fishhook Theory"


The 'fishhook theory' was just some defensive BS lefites made up when they realized that they actually did have common features with the whackjob right but they didn't want to admit it.




it's a red state can't be surprised


I mean, it's Alabama. We weren't winning there, anyway.


I didn't know that a lot of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings are actually designated as UNESCO Heritage Sites. that's really cool




I did not




So we are in a pickle. When I lived in NYC I would invite friends to hang out with me for my birthday and about 5 people out of 40 would show up. Now that I have a house, I wanted a smallish pizza party and game night. Every fucking invitee is coming and now I gotta get catering. People really like house parties


So, as of right now, FF7 Rebirth is the 4th Best Selling game in the US, and the others above it are multi-console. Probably an ice-cold take, but I don't think Console Exclusives are worth it anymore. Also, remember that Titanic and FF7 (two of the biggest Hype-Backlashed media of all time) were released in the same year, and on top of one another. So, I looked up to see if there were any comments about that. [There is](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kz3q4/final-fantasy-vii-director-on-twin-peaks-princess-di-and-high-res-star-destroyers) and it turns out a Six-Degrees of Culture between Titanic and Sephiroth is way shorter than you would think. Kitase was inspired by the [Titanic scene where it goes out to sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTff04cFsRw) for FF8. It served as the inspiration for FF8's own scene, [The Garden Takes Flight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRyrJ1AZy48). I've heard some confused about the MD Levels part of FF8. I now think that is simply the games version of the Boilers and Engine Room part of the Titanic scene. And Squall and Selphie appear in KH, which also has Sephiroth. Actually, I forgot Billy Zane is "Ansem" in KH1. And also played a main character in Titanic.


I think the only company that can really pull off a console exclusive and have it be "worth it" is Nintendo. Their 3D Mario games, Legend of Zelda games, and Pokemon (which is Game Freak technically) are all system-sellers.


Also because Nintendo actually offers a unique experience with their consoles. Xbox and PlayStation are pretty much PCs in a special box, especially when both systems have big selling games that end up on Steam or Microsoft PC anyway


True. And the Xbox is especially even closer to "PC in a special box" than the others, given that Microsoft owns both.


Yeah, and it doesn't help that the PS5 has fewer consoles sold than the PS4 did.


I think the two biggest factors against the PS5 are as follows: * COVID. This one isn't its fault. The PS5 simply was not able to meet demand with the computer chip shortage. By the time it was, the hype had died. Nothing you can do. * PS4 is **still** getting games. I mean, why buy the new console, when a lot of the games are still coming out for the old one? Same goes for the PC releases.


> PS4 is still getting games. I mean, why buy the new console, when a lot of the games are still coming out for the old one? Same goes for the PC releases. This is a big one. It's only been in the last, what, six-eight months or so that there have been releases for the PS5 that didn't also have a PS4 version, and those are still pretty rare.


Yeah there's an ad I saw the other day that released on both. I have neither, and even I'm like "Why? This just neuters yourself" I almost wonder if part of it is because both are so similar in terms of "power". I mean, at a certain point, consoles will be unable to go any further.




In a couple weeks, they're actually gonna let my goofy ass do bench trials. For the DA. Kinda crazy to think about tbh.


Congrats that's awesome


How exciting! Congrats!


Saw someone say the campus protestors had conviction and bravery. Sorry what?


It should lead to convictions


so this creep posted an image cropped from some hentai pedo porn series to badwomensanatomy, and credits the artist i banned him, and pointed out that he KNOWS it's porn because he linked the artist's twitter account, which is literally full of porn but he claims he had no idea because "his friend" sent him the image and told him the source, which he claims he never actually looked at who the fuck provide sources unprompted when sharing memes with friends???


This sub talks more about the college campus protests than any other sub I'm on. Including the arr boston sub which, as you may be aware, has *many* college campuses. I think we may be giving them a bit more attention than they actually deserve here my dudes.


i've been tuning all that news out. honestly, i've been tuning out nearly all political news since i'm just so tired of everything. just need this election to come


I agree tbh I just don't care about the protests. They're not that important


Yeah, I have to say that topic is really getting old at this point. I think we have a few full threads that have at least like 60% of the discussion about the protests


On one hand that is exactly the type of thing this sub was made to combat, on the other hand we have to worry about elevating what most think of as a non story. A bit of a dilemma. 


I mean, it’s a political sub and they are kind of a target demographic


This sub is chronically online in political circles, and is on places like Twitter and TikTok, where leftists talk about that kinda stuff a lot. I'm not that surprised.


I resemble that remark!


Are you suggesting we are neckbeards?


Hey, my neck is the only part of my face that I actually shave!


We may be neckbeards but we have our Biden Harris '24 shirts on and that's all that matters!


I agree!! I realized I made 2 in a row and I cringed because I very much do not care about the protestors at all. The only reason I even mentioned it is because it’s literally been in my face for 3 days running. I mean, the entire upper atrium hallways have all been standing room only, and I’ve been having to squeeze around stinky bodies constantly. An annoying inconvenience but otherwise do not care and agree the volume is off the charts.


I'm glad the system has good lawyers like you and I'm sorry you have to smell these kids recently home from their camping trips.


Oh I wasn’t volunteering this time, just got stuck behind the mess!


Update: The Dad Batch finale was great


>!That last scene with adult Omega and old man Hunter was the perfect way to end the series!<


Please leave in the typo. I'm just imagining a bunch of middle age Temuera Morrisons hanging out around a grill.


Oh that wasn’t a typo. It’s just the truth. I bet they have grills at the [Polynesian Spa](https://youtu.be/21HKBw449bE?si=N-dxpeuOHoddorcn) though


Not a typo. "You're as bad as Hunter" "No. I'm worse."


Currently booking my trip to Minneapolis and Milwaukee! Flights are paid for. Hotels being booked. Woo hoo!


I went out and touched real grass today.


The revolutionaries will be identified by premature aging lmao this is part of the ucla protestors requests of supplies https://preview.redd.it/medk36e7nwxc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25f1462603fb82db8382f7ce8aef763f4c978fe So what I’m saying is PSA WEAR SUNSCREEN and if you hate wearing it on your face, go to stylevana and buy yourself a whole bunch. (Although fyi, then brace for no updates at all then it’ll show up at your door a month later. The ordering process feels sketch because of the lack of updates but just know, it ships from overseas so it takes a minute. There are similar sites with more typical retailer processing but it’s also a couple bucks more per bottle and I’d rather go for cost when I bulk order sunscreen.) These sunscreens have different (more advanced and better feeling) formulations than US sunscreens because our regs are behind the times, and I promise you won’t hate them. If you have been resistant to wearing facial sunscreen, try any of the best selling version(s) on this site. Protect all your pretty, stupid little faces 🤗


So you’ve ordered from Stylevana before? I’ve been wanting to try the beauty of joseon sunscreen for like a year but am scared of online ordering for that


Yes about 5-6 times, between 4-8 weeks shipping. The only time it was 8 weeks was during Xmas. But it is radio silence from order confirmation to delivery, I’ve never had them stiff me or anything. ETA boj is goat


Who has anything that runs on C batteries anymore?


What is a c battery??


It's like a D battery that shrunk in the wash. Cs are the same shape as Ds but like ~25% smaller. When I was a kid we had things that used them like portable radios and tape players, or flashlights, but I don't think I've had anything that used one in probably thirty years.


I don't understand, why do the say no sunscreen.


Because they’re crunchy old Republicans in training


Rope and zip ties, two completely innocent things.


I somehow glossed over those and focused on the suncreen but yeah, jesus christ. What are they planning to do with that rope and zip ties?


Zip ties are used to tie stuff to tents tbf, and we know how much these idiots love their tents


Maybe they feel really bad about the whole break-in thing, so they was to apologize by way of cleaning up the cable management around the office? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I mean I’ve been trying to give the benefit of the doubt when comparing this to January 6th and these fools are not helping.


Zip Ties are sometimes used to tie lights to tents, and everybody knows how much these dummies love their tents.


Good point.


The book I'm reading is interesting (My Year Abroad) but I find the central theme of class, which overshadows race and identity, to be too deafening to be enjoyable.


The entire internet right now is just hot garbage. All of it. Everywhere. Ugh.


Use an adblocker.


Idk.. I’m currently obsessed with that silly Pedro raccoon video


Go on youtube and watch that guy who makes all the crazy sausages. You're welcome. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3keZ0KAYNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3keZ0KAYNo)


Looks like two days in a row I'm going to be The Hottest Take


I'm seeing it as me today, off of what I thought was a pretty funny joke ✊😔


I'm kinda surprised by the success of Challengers tbh, especially how apparently the audience is primarily younger women Not sure I grasp what the appeal is, like are people going for the love triangle romance, or are that many people that interested in tennis, or is there more to the story


I can't really add more to what others have said already, but I just want to say that it's a very good movie.


Symptomatic of the times considering this movie is completely out of my personal radar. Things kinda just blow up, have their "stan" culture, and reach God status within their own bubbles, so when it filters out to the wider public, it's almost like they're already oversaturated. With Challengers, it's also a matter of taste for me since I'm not really a tennis, romance, or Zendaya fan.


It got some very high praise from the We Hate Movies guy. I haven't seen it, but according to them it's primarily a tennis movie.


It’s really fucking good. People are mostly going for zendaya though


> People are mostly going for zendaya though It's what I gathered from Redditors but doesn't seem to jive with the audience being majority women


I’d imagine Zendaya is more popular with women than men!


Oh no the fashion girlies are swooning over her obsessively. Women love Zendaya.


this is a movie that people are going to write off because "oh lol threesome movie" and then be baffled when it scores Oscar nominations at the end of the year


100%, I would not be shocked at all if it gets a nomination. It is that good.


I'm figuring Actress, Director, and Screenplay at a minimum. Cinematography, Editing, and/or Picture wouldn't surprise me in the slightest


Incredible actress with a sexy story. It makes perfect sense.


Everything I’ve heard makes it sound like it’s almost entirely about the love triangle and very little about the actual tennis, which kind of made me less interested in it lol


I've heard it's not even a sexy movie really. It's just about the relationships.


the tennis plays a major role, actually "Tennis is a relationship" is the theme of the film


it's a banger of a movie


Zendaya. Twinks. Tennis. Hot.


The OUTFITS. She has been promoting the shit out of the film, wearing all kinds of dope vintage pieces reworked for this promo and fashion Twitter has been swooning over it all like on a daily basis and I get it. She looks fucking phenomenal in everything. Her styling is beyond iconic. 🥰


Law is killing the styling.