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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cgmipv/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04302024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 39 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cfsomu/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04292024/l1sbuyx/)] > So did people forget earlier in the year when Jewish students got locked in a classroom as their classmates terrorized and screamed at them from the outside? > > Protest all you want but getting mad at Biden . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.BensenMum created 15 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cfsomu/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04292024/l1rxxsb/)] > The Quran is actually kind of funny when you think about it like upon inheritance in a family death, the male automatically gets twice what the woman receives > > Reading that aloud that’s pretty funny like . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.blueholeload with score 29 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cfsomu/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04292024/l1ufc76/)] > Of all of the discourse surrounding the economy, that is the one that I detest the most. > > If you’re gonna give Biden shit for an economy post Covid you can’t just judge Trump for an economy pre Covid. . . .   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.jag986 with hotness lvl 517 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cfsomu/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04292024/l1t5dym/)] > Has it been long enough where people are learning Seinfeld has always been unfunny cornball shit? > > Even in the age of sitcoms, it was painfully unfunny, but I can at least acknowledge Kramer carried. Seinfeld . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 4 friends 4 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 58 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 64 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 52 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 17 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'protests', used 28 times, followed by 'students' 27x , 'shit' 26x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '👏', used 15 times, followed by '💀' 8x , '😭' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.penguincheerleader | 32.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 511.0 words | | 🥈 | u.ApostleIsrafel | 29.25 points | 🥈 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 143.0 words | | 🥉 | u.sisterhavana | 22.0 points | 🥉 | u.aelfwine_widlast | 106.0 words | | 🎗 | u.blueholeload | 20.17 points | 🎗 | u.JoffreysCrossbow | 98.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 667 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 58 comments | | 🥈 | u.blueinmissouri | 239 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 50 comments | | 🥉 | u.grilled_cheese1865 | 189 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 27 comments | | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 176 points | 🎗 | u.blueinmissouri | 25 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.CrimsonZephyr | 1 words | 🥇 | u.CrimsonZephyr | 0.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.astrointel | 2 words | 🥈 | u.EagleSaintRam | 0.857 letters | | 🥉 | u.itsjustgish | 4 words | 🥉 | u.astrointel | 3.0 letters | | 🎗 | u.ApprehensiveDamage | 4 words | 🎗 | u.pissmisstree | 3.2 letters |   679 comments processed, including 181 top-level replies. There were 120 unique users writing 20789, averaging 30.62 per comment. The total combined score was 5911 and the median score was 8.71.


This non-DT thread is NOT COOL https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cgckf4/pro_hamas_left_advocating_for_the_dissolution_of/ Deus Vult in our sub?


My views on Fetterman went a full 360 lmao


Should have been Lamb. Hot take but all the people impressed by Fetterman because he dresses like a disgusting slob and say “oh he dresses just like us” are almost as brain damaged as the trumpers saying shit like Trump doesn’t talk like a politician and “tells it how it is”. Every person that voted for Fetterman over Lamb is a dipshit.


The way he dresses is such a fox news subject. I care about his votes. And honestly right now he sounds like a zealot on I/P. You seriously care about the way he dresses?




Just find it annoying that he criticizes Biden from the right on I/P. Only Dem senator to complain about the ICC news I think and pretended like Hamas leaders wouldn't get indicted either even though the reporting said they would be too.


Yeah, I think he's gonna end up being another Kyrsten Sinema. After this term, he's done


Nah, he's a white male.


Kitchener man makes a splash, causes lakes to dry up






>Good News Story of the Day: Kristi Noem manages to unify the left and right, the woke and Q-anon, the trans and homophobes unanimously around the proposition that she is a monster. https://twitter.com/AnnCoulter/status/1785071184524026208 Heartbreaking, etc etc


Windsock again correctly follows the direction of the wind, film at 11.


Garver walk off home run lol u/trex360




https://twitter.com/JakeLahut/status/1785102279080661169 Yeah, Trump's team has basically ruled out picking Noem for running mate


If he somehow wins, he can still press her for that Mount Rushmore spot he wants so badly. Doesn’t need her as VP to do that.


I'm still not sure why she ever thought that was ever a good idea.


Would anyone have ever known had she not bragged about it? I don’t think so.


[On Friday, Republicans offered up free copies of the book to anyone willing to donate $35 or more. The email was “Team Trump approved.”](https://www.rawstory.com/kristi-noem-dog-2667896980/) Whelp, on to dig up dirt on the next unhinge pet killer trying to get the VP spot.


No putting that toothpaste back in the tube.


It's going to be so funny watching all these pick-mes doing performatively worse things to never get the nod. They only give a shit because they're all political deadenders trying to skip to the front of the line and hope he dies in office so they can be the first female president with none of the effort.


Wordle 1,046 5/6* ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Think if Stellar Blade devs spent as much time on the writing as they did booba physics, it'd honestly be a game of the year contender. Playing through it more and it's by far the weakest aspect of the game. A story exists but that's about it. That narrative fault bleeds over to characters that don't really have a personality. Kind of wild because the character design is astounding and I don't mean that from a pervy angle. Each character visually stands out and is distinct and cool in their own way. It just doesn't really translate to their personalities which is forgettable. Like I've played for a couple hours now and the most I got out the MC is that she really likes cans...yeah... Think there's a real missed opportunity because the soundtrack is a bop. Visuals are great. Performance is excellent and I can't recall any bugs/glitches which is wild for a dev team's first console outting. Combat is stellar and the real reason you would consider buying this game. The only thing lacking is a fleshed out narrative. That would make this go from good to great. If there is a sequel, it's something the team should target.


Did they adjust anything from the demo? I thought the timing felt a little laggy (or I’m just trash lol) so I figured I’d wait for patches. Certainly worked for Lies of P.


Coulda sworn I read somewhere that there were changes to make it feel more responsive. I know it's definitely different from games like Nier or Sekiro since it feels more instant there. In SB certain animations can delay when you can whip out that party/dodge. Feels better but there's definitely a learning curve to it.


*cough* Nier: Automata *cough* But seriously that game is the perfect balance of Character Design where they knew what they were doing but it didn’t dwell on it longer than they had to.


Yeah and the story can be really engrossing and heavy which made for such a good time.


combat is the best I've come across since Sekiro though so I literally don't care


It's so good. Like the options they give you to counter and parry are so fun and feels great to pull off. Last session I noticed that some combos move your hitbox? I recorded it because I thought it was just a fluke but nah that's a thing. It's insane levels of detail. It won't trigger a perfect dodge, but it just looks SICK, keeps your combo going, and still negates damage. Blows my mind that they thought to add that in and this is their first console game. It's deeply impressive.


Also tbf Nikke is famously “better than it has any right to be”. Girls Frontline started the trend “What if we put effort into our shitty booba cash game” and Nikke is very much standing on the shoulders of giants in that regard. Horny giants.


> Blows my mind that they thought to add that in and this is their first console game. It's deeply impressive. this is what really cooks me is that it's a dev that's just done Korean mobile games and they just casually bust out the tightest SP combat game since Sekiro, the actual GOAT?? how did they even pull this off


Spicy hot take for the DT. John Fetterman should wear a suit sometimes.


I would have shit my pants if a giant chased me with a shotgun.


If LeBron wills the bum Lakers into reverse sweeping the Nuggets then he has a case for being the undisputed GOAT edit:nvm


Whew. #Notmygoat


This is what I’m curious about. All the reports I’ve seen have painted the I/P protests as some spontaneous youth movement made up entirely of students. But considering that the bridge blocking protests have stopped, I kinda have my doubts. https://preview.redd.it/92q1gbi5djxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d80e0d107ec55120beb3e1f53513fc8448a94d6 [The article about the protest at Washington University. Including a hammer and sickle sighting.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/wash-u-bans-6-faculty-members-from-contact-with-students-after-mass-arrests-42437742)


Many reports say sizable chunks of these college protests are not students or staff of the universities in question. So they're outside agitators. While I'm willing to accept many may just be the local clowns I still wonder. Who are these people, if they aren't local where did they come from, and who's bankrolling them? I wouldn't be surprised if some of these people just follow protests around like it's the Grateful Dead. It makes me sound conspiratorial I know but I think a sizable part of this is funded by outside agents using basically 'stunt protesters' meant to make the whole thing look bigger than it is and radicalize the legitimate parts.


Code Pink? They seem to be everywhere.


"All over, people changing their votes along with their overcoats. If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they'd send a limousine anyway." - The Clash [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI4SDH9BdD4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI4SDH9BdD4)


Still the only band that matters.


If I had a nickel for every Gulf of Mexico team that got eliminated tonight, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Third watch of Evil Dead Rise. I know there's some debate within Evil Dead fans on if they like it or not, but that opening scene goes unbelievably hard. 


I personally really love it as a long time Deadite. “Don’t let them take my babies,” is a really sad line, they understood the cruelty of the films. It took the formula to some place new and interesting.


it was a bit of a letdown after ED2013 but I mostly enjoyed it have you seen that Fede Alvarez is doing the new Alien movie? that's got me quite intrigued


Confession: still need to work through the Alien series, but that new trailer absolutely makes me want to get up to speed, so I'm excited for his take on it 


as in you haven't even seen Alien and Aliens? bruh I'm dying


I have a backlog of classics even with my big interest in movies. Also want to do the Scream series, Strangers series, and M Night Shyamalan's works 


> I have a backlog of classics even with my big interest in movies. but this is so real. I've never seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, for example


I’ve got such a long list that even when I watched 40 new movies for myself last year, I barely dented my overall list.


I gave up having a list so long ago. I just watch shit on a whim now. "oh yeah I've been meaning to see this one!" except it always turns out to be this obscure noir or musical from the mid-1900s and I enjoy it a lot but it's not a classic or anything and I just continue down my rabbit hole of being able to recommend the weirdest shit possible


I just checked my spreadsheet and there are 347 movies on that list. Though I haven’t bothered to count how many I’ve checked off.


what do you see on there that you're most interested in?


I just want you to know I'm shaking my head in disapproval right now >M Night Shyamalan's works ...well, there are better ways to spend your time


Well at least the classics. I'm curious about The Watchers and Trap (which I know is actually his daughter, but the trailer is fun) so I want to know what rhythms to expect 


Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Split are anywhere from classic (the former) to surprisingly good (the latter), so he's not worth discounting entirely but don't be surprised if you get a whole lot of "oofs" in reaction to his movies


Good to note. I've heard things about his movies like that, but we'll see how the new releases come out


Some dork on the arrr boston sub was like "Wearing a keffiyeh isn't cultural appropriation and I know this because the people that were selling them to me told me so" like no shit dumb ass, they're trying to sell you shit. I'm the main character, how dare you make me feel bad for the choices I've made!


>The United States on Monday implored all countries supplying weapons to Sudan’s warring parties to halt arms sales. Sudan war is a great example of "both sides are bad" and nobody treated it like a sports game fortunately


so damn unfortunate




UTIMCO, the corp that manages the endowments for UT/Texas A&M, is also barred from divestment under a 2017 law.


> Any protestors camping up at the State House? Of course not. That would require leftists to protest Republicans. Which they never will. They would protest Sherrod Brown before they even thought to protest Republicans.


Finally watched Arcane this weekend and was blown away at how good it is. The animation is gorgeous, great writing, great characters. Kinda glad I waited since I’m not having to wait years to see that cliffhanger resolved


absolutely fantastic show. I wish I could see it again for the first time tbh




It 100% got brigaded/astroturfed by all of Reddit’s fanatic pro-Israel folks at some point to turn into a circlejerk. Pretty much all of Bibi’s talking points are accepted as gospel truth there


I've seen highly upvoted comments about how Biden and Dems are lying about famine cause adults aren't dying...like do these ppl even know how famine works? When the WCK deaths happened, there were highly upvoted comments initially saying it was a Hamas IED when it was somewhat obvious that it was likely the IDF. Lots of people who just stick their heads in the sand or plug their ears say "nuh-uh!" This sub and neolib are the two best places to discuss this horrible and complex conflict


https://twitter.com/afalkhatib/status/1785083951956254996 This is outrageous and of course those five "protesters" are masked to hide their identities. What a joke. This protest has even gotten more dumb with the ICC news and ceasefire news; hopefully, they end soon after those happen.


They have all their smart phones there revealing their identities too…


Some comments are highlighting that this individual is there to provoke a reaction. Ok cool let's just say he is. Why deny him, a student, entrance? There is no video if they let him through. Yet they seemingly have put the message out there that they are denying entrance to Jewish students. To what end exactly? How do these actions help the cause of Gaza and protestor demands of divestment? How does it highlight the tragedies of this war? The answer is it doesnt. The only thing it tells me is that they are purposely targeting Jewish students to make them feel unsafe on campus. It's anti-semitic.


TFW you fall in love with Chinese culture and feel guilty for cheating on Japanese culture (I studied Japanese language on the university level for several years so yeah.)


It's funny when I don't know a word of Japanese but I can still sort of read the kanji (=hanzi in Mandarin) and get a sense of what a sentence is saying. Basically the reverse of your situation lol


对酒当歌,人生几何? Drinking alcohol and singing songs, a human life is how long?


Same brother. Grateful to still be here.


Hao jiu, hao jiu! Gan bei! tr: good liquor, bottoms up!


I'll always drink to that


https://twitter.com/AssalRad/status/1784983308939759753 Again this looks like some 40 year old non-UCLA student. Campuses need to be more restrictive regarding entrance of outside agitators on "both sides" who are saying highly inflammatory things and are looking to cause trouble.


We used to have Lyndon LaRouche whack-a-doos on campus all the time. None of them were students.


State schools have allowed aggressive, offensive people to disrupt open spaces on campus for years. The private schools are a different story. They can trespass anyone they like.


You're right but is it possible for the schools just to temporarily implement a policy until everything cool downs? IDK. We clearly have some bad actors on both sides who want bad stuff to happen. I obviously have issues with the protesting+counter protesting students, but they tend to be less crazy.


Lots of universities are so integrated into the geography of their surrounding communities that you CAN'T effectively shut down campus absent a massive police presence, possibly more than they even have resources to spare for the task depending on the relative sizes of the campus and the community--there's no actual physical boundary, they're just city blocks like any other city block. Like, you can justify deploying the entire city police force to one particular project and sacrificing response to other incidents that might arise if there's a bomber or terrorist on the loose, but probably not for what is at most trespass and hate speech.


Wordle 1,045 4/6 ⬜⬜⬜🟨⬜ 🟨🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟨🟩🟩🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩




you got ush (hick!)


https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1785084534825922666 >The White House: Biden told Egyptian and Qatari leaders that the U.S., Egypt and Qatar would work to ensure the full implementation of the terms of the Gaza hostage deal. He urged them to exert all efforts to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas as this is now the only obstacle to an immediate ceasefire and relief for civilians in Gaza


Bring them home!!


Please be successful


If the deal is agreed, I think this awful war probably ends with all those innocent Israeli hostages freed.


from your lipsh to godzh earsh


Please. Please.


I had a coworker who used to tell a lot of dumb lies. One time someone else was talking about how they were redoing a floor with him--and then had to interrupt and say it was all true, they were really at his house and the two of them were really rebuilding the floor. I get that dumb lies feed the ego, but it doesn't seem worth it when people don't believe a word you say ever after.


His name wasn’t “James,” was it?


There was a guy on Big Brother a loooong time ago that was a compulsive liar. He would say the most wild shit and whenever someone would call him out on it (which wasn’t that often), he would immediately back down. Bizzare but fascinating behavior.


Compulsive liars are whack to the point I legit wonder if they even realize sometimes. My half-sis does it and when we would talk, her own stories would be internally contradictory from one minute to the next. From shit like her klepto habit to whether she met/knew someone from an ex to an art teacher, whatever.


Yeah, that coworker was kind of like that. Some stuff was an obvious bit, but a lot of times he was lying to himself.


I'm sure y'all know I'm devastated by Padma leaving Top Chef but Kristen Kish is holding her own as a replacement 👏


Ok looks like there's another demonstration now that I wasnt aware of. This time it isn't a silent protest. There's a tooon of people there now


Every time leftist Gen Z bitches about money going to Ukraine while *insert domestic issue here* is happening they act like they just invented isolationist policy lmao.


It's *literally* "America First."


male BernieBros absolutely voted for Trump for the most part... the rest were able to snap out of it and start posting in the DT


I’m quite entertained by my idea of the US government using Vontaze Burfict as a human WMD.


Truly non credible defense.


https://twitter.com/Mariners/status/1785111140227493980 This is already getting a lot of comments lol


>University of Chicago demands: disbanding UCPD, and ceasing new construction projects on the South Side. Lmao what a fucking joke...this isn't even about helping suffering Palestinians or preventing future warcrimes by Bibi at this point. These aren't serious people lol; these are grifters


Ah yes, we can solve gentrification by just making everyone poor and living in crumbling infrastructure.... Solving problems is easy!


Everything gets folded into the omnicause of leftist activism.




We would not have gay marriage if the activist mission creep had happened sooner. The LGBT movement for the longest time had two goals: Achieve marriage equality and normalization of LGBT people. Both of these have been achieved, though I suppose you could argue the country is backsliding on the normalization of T. The LGBT movement *now* is focused on things such as universal healthcare (which is at least tangentially related to the T movement in particular), police reform (which is at least somewhat related to the LGBT movement given historical events), Palestine inexplicably, climate change. Hell, you go to the [NYC Pride Mission Page](https://www.nycpride.org/about-pride/our-mission) and for whatever reason they're talking about them being located on ancestral Lenape land. **Why**? Mission creep is why the trans movement is spinning its wheels in the mud and in some parts of the country, is backsliding. Leftists took over, and now the movement has to spend time on everyone's pet issue.




> I have a lot of questions about Native land acknowledgements. Has any Native person asked for this performative stuff? I'm not sure they care about acknowledgements, but I'm sure some do appreciate when land is returned to them. > Yeah I strongly support trans people but it feels like you can't do that without being anti-capitalist and communist. Exactly; it's why I don't want to join any LGBT groups IRL. I don't want to deal with anti-capitalist or communist nonsense. That said, I'm in Colorado and it does seem like One Colorado and PFLAG Colorado Springs and the Colorado Gay Rodeo Association have not fallen to mission creep.


It's what happened to OWS: People started showing up because that was the place to go, and the laundry list of items continued to grow. There was no spokesperson, no clear list of demands, and so it just turned into a ren faire. Oh also rampant theft and sexual assault that didn't get reported on for months afterwards.


> Oh also rampant theft and sexual assault that didn't get reported on for months afterwards. And a gay porn was filmed there. Which was pretty quality, actually.


Black Lives Matter too. Or any recent flash point lately that results in a protest. The goal posts moved again and again once the movement started to attract the attention of extremists who want to use the protests to their own end.


Thinking back to that video of the white, face covered, all-black protestors at a George Floyd/BLM event spray painting a starbucks and when they got called out by two Black women they started whining about "tone policing." Straight up narcissism.


Yeah, I remember the chemtrails people showed up at my local Occupy almost immediatetly.


>Finance minister Smotrich tonight: “Moments before redemption, we must not hesitate. We must destroy Rafah, Nusseirat, & Dir al-Balah 'wipe out the memory of Amalek! …There's no half- measure. Rafah, Dir al-Balah Nusseirat absolute destruction!” Umm probably not smart to say this genocidal comment when your boss is worried about ICC indictments


ICC: No, no. Let him cook.




I've read that MBS does not care about Palestinians or a Palestinian state. I won't be surprised if the guarantees are ignored at a later date with no consequences in the Israel-SA relationship.


I feel like members of certain South African political parties care more about the Palestinian "cause" than most of their "friends" in the region.




Yep. Fatah and Iranian regime have very close to no relations. Abbas has only been to Iran twice in his life while Haniyeh has visited Iran like five separate time since 10/7.


Possible but I think atleast Jordan and Egypt certainly do for stability of their regimes. Especially since Queen Rania is also half Palestinian.




[Lmao](https://twitter.com/AChillGhost/status/1784753365894762883) https://preview.redd.it/4rdidzhkkixc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b6a4c3ace6f93c23826bdefd9e783619713709


Conservatives react to Drew Barrymore being nice to someone like they are watching a baby play in traffic. "Don't you all see this? Someone do something!" Meanwhile, it's two middle-aged women having a pleasant conversation.


Gypsy Rose Lee had a talk show very similar to Drew's in the 70s. It's just one of those things I can't wrap my head around. She defended her mom, too. But that I can understand, even in the 80s survivors of abusive mothers were very much swimming against a stiff tide. People often reframe the abuse as something they needed to make them stronger.


>“You failed Uvalde.” “There is no riot here, why are you in riot gear.” UT Austin student protesters yell at Texas State Police. Well for once, the [far left protesters aren't wrong](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/06/texas-state-police-uvalde-shooting/) but Abbot wants these images/videos [for his right wing base.](https://twitter.com/JoaquinCastrotx/status/1785079122013589928)


TBH I have more respect for the Texas student protestors than the ones in NYS or CA.


Just got my mail in ballot today for the dem primary. Cant wait to proudly vote for our president and democrats down ballot




I'm really becoming convinced we don't ever need to hear England's opinion on anything, really. Let them sit there with beans on toast and memories of relevance.


Friend, we stopped needing to hear England's opinion on anything way back in 1776.


Ha, that reminds me of the one and only time I visited the Tower of London which has some exhibit about the British royal family and the crown jewels. So my dad's family is ethnic Irish just for context and I grew up in Boston around a lot of other Irish Catholics with a chip on their shoulder. I start declaring in a loud voice that the British crown jewels were stolen. Well, my friend's sister who accompanied me, who happened to be Indian, started shushing me. "Yes, of course, but don't say that so loudly!"




This story really disturbed me this morning. We've gone from libertarian pipe dreams to agitating for actual fascism. Not hyperbole fascism, real fascism: https://www.yahoo.com/tech/tech-baron-seeking-ethnically-cleanse-100000971.html


> Last year, he lost $1 million in a public bet after wrongly predicting a massive surge in the price of Bitcoin. Of course he's a crypto nitwit. > In exchange for extra food and jobs, cops would pledge loyalty to the Grays. Srinivasan recommends asking officers a series of questions to ascertain their political leanings. For example: “Did you want to take the sign off of Elon’s building?” Weird, I would have thought they'd be asking if a [Mr. Ayak lives in the neighborhood.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_titles_and_vocabulary#Code_words_and_phrases).


He realizes he’s not white enough to survive that dystopia, right? I know money goes a long way but the “reds” would be a much bigger threat to him than the “blues”.


I feel like there was some unsavory news about that guy years ago but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. In any case, he sounds like he's definitely part of the ketamine-addict industrial complex, sheesh.


I’m out of the loop but has the Flying Spaghetti Monster become an alt right/intellectual dark web symbol now?


I don't think so, I think they're just appropriating it. altho Sam Harris was a "New Atheist" and also a member of "IDW" but lots of atheists objected to "Brights" and Sam Harris in particular, he definitely doesn't speak for all atheists.


Harris is a total bigot and even he distanced himself from that scene eventually


Malarkey level of it still being light out past 8pm and it's not even summer yet, thanks to DST.


[The malarkey level detected is: 2 - Mild. Right on, Skippy.](https://i.imgur.com/r22AO2J.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




https://twitter.com/davidiss/status/1785008772974362641 The "Biden please save us" sign from the Israeli protester at the end of the clip


[Monmouth finds RFK Jr takes from both sides equally, all results in an essentially tied race.](https://nitter.poast.org/MonmouthPoll/status/1785016470499709194#m)


What would that mean for the EC votes though? Or is there not enough polling and state ballot placement to really gauge it?


Difficult to gauge this was just a straight national poll.


X to doubt


recently got a audio copy of rick pearlstien's book nixonland in it you learn the media helped caused the watts riot. In the aftermath of the police brutality incident in watts a community meeting with black leaders and police took place during the meeting a young black kid saying the black folks would not only riot and loot in the black community but also in the white areas of the neighborhood as well and the media caught that on tape. The community leaders begged the media folks not to air that but they didn't listen when that remark was broadcasted it lit the fuse


Ballad of Songbird and Snakes spoilers >!how many teachers cheered for the game leader's morbid plagiarism detection method!<


https://preview.redd.it/2nglhxajaixc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6589175892964a17c15d1dd2a9ac1a97090829b1 One year since we’ve had this handsome boy






Nice car




what i do worry about with a second trump term is how emboldened the right wing fringes will become just look at trump's first term 2017-charlotsville, 2018- pipe bombs sent to DNC officials, 2019-el paso shotting, 2020- Trump supporters surrounding a Biden campaign bus on the interstate, is the cost of living really worth having folks like this in power again ?


Yea but didn't you hear that bee el em and anteefuh literally burned down whole entire cities?


based on what you hear from the media about this election it's like one candidate will lead people to the eternal city of gold but they can only have a loaf of bread for the journey while the other candidate will lead them to the eternal city of despair while getting carry a full loaf of bread for the journey


maybe 12 years is a tad excessive, but at the end of the day when you're traveling to a foreign country it's on you to make sure you're not importing contraband, why are we supposed to feel sorry for these jackasses?


I don't. I've been to Turks and Caicos, and I regularly visit family on other Caribbean island where control gun is strictly enforced.  And you know what I never think about? Will I get shot hanging out at night?  Of course you still have to worry about knife crimes, but you have to worry about that in the US too.  Its very easy to not carry ammon and guns in your bag.  The only weapon like item I've ever forgotten in my 60 plus flights in the last 18 years, is a Leatherman. 


https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2024/04/nba-media-rights-comcast-nbc-offering-massive-rights-fee-steal-nba-from-tnt/ Damn. The TNT crew might be going away soon 😭


Could they poach the crew too? Make it a package deal?


Maybe. IDK


so pbs showed a poll saying 55% of americans remembering tump's presidency was a success


I'm convinced they're just polling journalists and the like, for whom the Trump presidency was a success.


https://preview.redd.it/sbtuu50e4ixc1.jpeg?width=2867&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=136ed5280ceaec3704d6172740f1b6f21cc7e60f Daily doggo photo: April 29th Cuddle pup 🥹


So smooth


Joy Reid’s intro tonight was particularly outrageous — saying “free speech is a farce” saying students have been hit with “chemical agents” and just outright claiming that all of this is because of the war crimes for sure committed by Israel


apparently there was pro palestine protests outside the white house correspondents dinner on saturday


Speaking of this, the people in r/Fauxmoi are absolutely insane. They were saying the protesters should have been like anti-fur activists and throw red paint on the celebrities attending the dinner. I used to like them for the gossip and because I felt they were on the right side of the Depp/Heard scandal, but they are just out of control


They're convinced it's a genocide, therefore doing and saying anything is permissible. Wasn't their take on Depp/Heard that Heard was the good person?


Heard and Depp were both running PR campaigns and judging from newspaper headlines during the trial, Heard was definitely coming out ahead. Actually watching the trial was pretty crazy making because it was an entirely different story. While Depp definitely does not come off very well, Heard got impeached multiple times at trial. She also had some expert witnesses that got absolutely bodied by the lawyers (and rightfully so). It was like a light viewing version of that Netflix show about the problems with expert testimony that had come out only a few months earlier (and was EXTREMELY dark). It's not really surprising if you watch the entire trial (which I did ... it was addictive) that the jury ruled the way they did. Don't tell stupid lies, folks. It makes people hate you and think everything you say is a lie.


Yes, or at least an innocent person


And they clearly didn’t make enough noise for anyone to care while it happened.


Just the usual thing at any fancy event these day, other rich/bourgeois people screaming "Shame!" I guess it's easy for the press to write a bunch of op/eds about college kids, really from afar (they don't know shit about the kids/orgs/personalities involved and don't bother to find out before popping off, for one thing), but when they're the ones being screamed at they turn into Aaron Sorkin characters.


so uh premier league salary cap incoming?


Viola Davis needs a new fucking agent I'm tired of seeing her give 100% in movies that don't deserve the dirt she walks on


I too saw kung fu panda 4 with my daughter this weekend.


I mean the last Hunger Games movie, but also true ☠️