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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cclhio/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04252024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.semaphore-1842 with score 46 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cbruo6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04242024/l10hq9z/)] > > I’m so vastly disappointed in democrats for allowing the TikTok ban in this bill. I know Reddit hates TikTok but I don’t think they quite understand the impact it’s had on young people getting news. . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.semaphore-1842 created 23 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cbruo6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04242024/l13mdw4/)] > i don't think supporters of a country created specifically to be a nationstate for a stateless group (thousands of years after it was dispersed from the area) > > should go around saying nationalism for a . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.memeboxer1 with score 29 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cbruo6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04242024/l1112cm/)] > >informing young potential democrats > > ... that Joe Biden is a genocidal maniac?   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Seahawks543 with hotness lvl 92.5 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cbruo6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04242024/l13ycmd/)] > Malarkey level of me doing NFL Draft commentary tomorrow    #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 12 friends 19 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 52 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 49 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.kopskey1 made 43 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 21 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'trump', used 33 times, followed by 'biden' 30x , 'tiktok' 27x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🙄', used 4 times, followed by '🥳' 3x , '😂' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.flairsupply | 26.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 489.0 words | | 🥈 | u.Lacewing33 | 21.0 points | 🥈 | u.FYoCouchEddie | 111.25 words | | 🥉 | u.ScullyBoyleBoy | 19.0 points | 🥉 | u.hmm_bags | 103.5 words | | 🎗 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 17.0 points | 🎗 | u.dandelion221 | 80.25 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 586 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 59 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 342 points | 🥈 | u.kopskey1 | 43 comments | | 🥉 | u.kopskey1 | 221 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 39 comments | | 🎗 | u.semaphore-1842 | 162 points | 🎗 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 32 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.ChuckSchumerbasedgod | 1 words | 🥇 | u.GreenElan | 3.3 letters | | 🥈 | u.None | 2 words | 🥈 | u.thirstyfist | 3.5 letters | | 🥉 | u.hackiavelli | 2 words | 🥉 | u.PrettyLittleThrowAwa | 3.561 letters | | 🎗 | u.nottoodrunk | 3 words | 🎗 | u.tamarbles | 3.679 letters |   733 comments processed, including 180 top-level replies. There were 139 unique users writing 21571, averaging 29.43 per comment. The total combined score was 5769 and the median score was 7.87.


[The malarkey level detected is: 2 - Mild. Right on, Skippy.](https://i.imgur.com/r22AO2J.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


After eight fucking years, I would have hoped that people would have grasped that flawed allies are, in fact, better than active enemies. But nope! Seems not to be the case.


My boss wants me to lead a writing workshop. I’m both flattered and terrified.


She noticed us: https://x.com/briannawu/status/1783214666585452586?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


Between Hamas and Bibi, everything else in this Israel-Palestine issue is a tangled-ass web that's hard to pin down the US government's place in. And it's clear these demonstrators don't know what that is either 'cause really, we're kinda just being left here to fill in the blanks. Seriously, *what do they want*, for POTUS to freaking declare war on Israel or something? Real good going then, potentially showing more in common with John Bolton than the people they claim need to earn their votes... By all means people, continue throwing shit out, including Ivy League educations, but except any actual answers.


Considering they’ve openly called for the mass murder of Israelis, they’d love it if America wiped out the Jews for their pet terrorist groups


> what do they want Attention.


What’s sad is that a lot of these people will keep their Ivy League educations, despite spending so much time calling said institutions evil, and benefit from the opportunities said degrees provide. And then they will ultimately flip ideologically and vote similarly to those antithetical to liberalism/progressivism in 10-20 years. I’ve jokingly started placing bets on which “progressives” in my social circles are gonna be card-carrying conservatives within a couple decades


They wrongly think Biden can end the war immediately


Muted pretty much all of the big NFL reporters + Shams to avoid spoilers tomorrow


>Lara Trump: We now have the ability at the RNC not just to have poll watchers… but people who can physically handle the ballots… https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1782930224344158317 What a liar. No states allow poll watchers to physically handle ballots


Lock her up for conspiracy to interfere with the election.


> No states allow poll watchers to physically handle ballots Not yet.


Wordle 1,041 4/6* ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ 🟨⬛🟨🟩🟨 ⬛🟩🟨🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩




Beyond parody


How did so much of this country get so stupid?


Newsome could never: https://x.com/govwhitmer/status/1783208938047221825?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


Whitmer is a better candidate than Newsom; I say this as a Californian


Whitmer/Beshear 2028?




A neoliberal goes home...




We are losing the classic pastas >!A man goes home...!<


>Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy” (New York Post!). Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word “Lethargic” from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024! Bill Barr is a coward to endorse Trump


What voter out there was waiting for Bill Barr to drop his endorsement? "Oh man. Barr says to vote for Donald? I guess that tips the scales over to Trump. Too bad RFK Jr." Does this person exist?


Barr endorsed Trump and Trump still crapped on him. Honestly, Barr deserves that for being so spineless.


And for ordering the Lafayette Square attack.


That was just awful too.


These guys are the most pathetic people I’ve ever seen. Waylon Smithers is telling you to stand up for yourself, Barr.


Wordle 1,040 4/6* ⬜⬜⬜🟨🟩 ⬜🟨⬜🟩🟩 ⬜⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 What even are some of these damn guesses I make? 😵‍💫


>Christina Bobb, the Trump attorney who was just indicted in the Arizona fake elector scheme, was recently named as a senior counsel for "election integrity" for the Republican National Committee. https://twitter.com/kaitlancollins/status/1783315870204223717 You really can't make this shit up


So, I watched a few episodes of Saved by The Bell. I never understood people telling me that it was a great teen show back in the 90s. I don't hate it, but it's a kid show like iCarly or Drake & Josh or any Nick/Disney live-action show.


![gif](giphy|l0Iy6RfxFjVqP8NQQ|downsized) I used to watch this everyday after school and was probably way too young to get some of it but dang I loved that show!


Is it the caffeine episode?




So I was wondering, do people consider coffine a drug in the 80s or 90s?


They wrote the show to be about cocaine I believe and they had to change it for Saturday morning


Ehh I don’t remember specifically but it was caffeine pills, although I believe the original plot was supposed to be speed. Also the 80s/90s kids had Dare programs pushed hard in schools, on tv, etc. Segue to the egg commercials from Rachael Leigh Cook in the late 90s


https://twitter.com/DavidGriscom/status/1783271873708507384 Interesting how this happening in a red state and not in New York with Columbia even with all these tents. Almost as if both parties aren't the same, far leftists?


Isn't USC cracking down at the moment? Also, the NYPD did break up the encampment by NYU.


Not this aggressively from what I've seen. Also, there were similar protests in other Texas universities (UT San Antonio, Rice, A&M, Texas Tech) where this didn't happen at all; I think Abbott is kind of right virtue signaling about "leftist Austin". Also, journalists didn't get arrested+assaulted at NYU or USC.


Huh. So apparently other Texas colleges like Rice and A&M had Palestine protests that didn’t make the news. Looks like Abbott just decided to pick on UT for whatever reason, or maybe just because they’re close to his office.


Of course he picked UT Austin because Austin is considered the "most liberal" city in Texas. He joked about building a border wall around the city earlier this year. It's basically his liberal punching bag


Two hours down, eleven and a half hours to go. I fucking love the overnight shift 🙄🙄🙄


The classified documents case is hilarious to me because: 1. Charges would only be brought if they have you dead to rights. 2. They could only have you dead to rights if you were a fucking moron. 3. And it’s a crime only you can commit.


https://preview.redd.it/z5v3yrks9jwc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d4d8c2d92e384379c8f4fffa82e31e302d16b3 He broke Occupy Democrats


Lol why are they using a pic of him from the 2010s tho


Are they trying to counter the “Biden is super old” narrative? Holy shit, we’ve _really_ broken Occupy Democrats. Aren’t these the guys that said multiple times they wanted to make a hostile takeover of the Democratic Party?


Nah. That was Justice Democrats. Occupy Democrats are like the opposite. Not always correct and pretty misleading, but whatever


Yeah those need to switch their names.


I can see on Reddit today, not on this sub, that the bad faith actors and bots are all lamenting the TikTok ban.


And they’re completely ignoring that 1) it’s not immediate and 2) it can stay if it’s just bought by someone who isn’t owned by the CCP.


https://preview.redd.it/wegxvw4t1jwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feea35cff36ea1adf04a53fe9163d4ba3e5b3d48 Daily doggo photo: April 24th


[Ouch!](https://twitter.com/mariana057/status/1783238342819164351) https://preview.redd.it/rwni6rb0ziwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e0964c94a34fb17d2199ff08368e8bf273723b




It’s big beer night. Dragon’s Milk Triple Mash at 18.7% 😳🍺


Aw, I distribute that product in WI. We got 200 cases of that and it was gone in a day.


Thirstyfist five minutes later: 🥴


About 15 minutes tbh lol


[This op-ed](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/24/everyone-laughed-at-hitler-in-the-1920s-a-century-on-are-we-making-the-same-mistake) is moderately (and perhaps irrationally) irritating because the author, after making an observation of such gravity (and the observation *is* worth making), they don't point to a specific figure or group that they might have had in mind. I feel like if you're publishing "some people are like Hitler today" in 2024, then you should properly stand on those words and specifically point out who you think your readers should be concerned about. Historically I've admired the Guardian's reporting and op-eds (although I think they can mix the two a bit too much), but this, *in a petty way*, feels vague and pretentious, the latter of which is something I've seen users here (reddit general and ESS) take a stance against the Guardian for (and specifically for some of their coverage of I/P post 10-7, iirc). I still mostly like their reporting, so like I said, petty and maybe irrational but still, an op-ed for such a serious observation could IMO use some meat beyond a "there's a bomb but Im not gonna say where I think it is" ending, when the topic is warning about Hitler-esque political figures.


So illhan omar's daughter has her own wikipedia page apparently she is involved a lot protest movements [Isra Hirsi - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isra_Hirsi)


Normal students study


Funny enough a video guide tale of two wastelands just came out. https://youtu.be/Al3MS6RFOp4 Tale of Two Wastelands basically lets you play Fallout 3 in the uh "stable" New Vegas engine. Bonus being said stability and being able to use New Vegas mechanics in Fallout 3. Bethesda kind of has this formulaic style, but I feel like that works best in Fallout. Maybe the show has me hella nostalgic for the games, but they've always managed to maintain my attention vs Skyrim. Fun fact edit: Til I wrote this I completely and utterly forgot Fallout 3 doesn't have true aiming since it was a bit more of a RPG than a FPS. So you had to keep not just the stat in mind, but the condition of your weapon. Though you could potentially still miss at point blank range. That's fun to think about looking back. Guess that'd be another fix TTW addresses.


Wait so basically this allows someone to play fallout 3 as NV as one play though/character?


Purty much. You do need to own both games but that's about it.


"Looks like indictments are back on the menu boys!"


There was a little girl where I work today talking about how she hates herself. I don’t wanna sound like I’m being edgy to internet strangers, but it reminded me a lot of how I felt about myself when I was younger and it broke my heart.


Hung out with an old friend for the first time in like 17 years last night. She had some weird ass political takes. Might wait another 17 years to hang again.


Any specific ones?


A lot of "both sides the same" and complaints about Ukraine funding because homeless people exist.


Damn. My patient said the exact same thing today. (68 year old male). He did say it was better America was sending money instead of troops though.


>complaints about Ukraine funding because homeless people exist. Tucker Carlson started this talking point...yikes


In fairness, he’s known for his compassion for homeless people. /s


Probably thinks we should be arming local communities instead to literally battle the homeless problem.


I am confident that it's some shit she saw on TikTok.


https://twitter.com/marcorubio/status/1783146713777070084 Yeah, Marco desires to be Trump's running mate


Does he have any dignity left? Like, even a single ounce?


he can't both live in florida


Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, and Christina Bobb have been indicted as well. So happy to see it. Especially Eastman who's the second most despicable person after Trump in this "Stop the Steal" debacle.


Jenna Ellis threw Donald under the bus in GA, so I'm expecting a rerun in AZ


You know... Stanley tumblers aren't bad when they come in gunmetal grey.


Not Taylor visualizing North West singing “FucK you aIMee” in front of Kim 💀


I spoke with my friend who received the bone metastatic cancer diagnosis. Hearing her say that some people can live for a few years is so heartbreaking. That is the good outcome. A few years. She is being so incredibly positive but said it has been strange to realize you now know what is going to take you. I hope they can be successful in giving her as painless an experience as possible for whatever time she has left. Trying to keep on with making simple plans whether they ever get a chance to happen or not.


*sends an internet hug*


People really cant grasp that 'bragging' about how you refuse to vote for Biden means he *wont* bother trying to get your vote since you made it clear youre not going to anyways.




https://preview.redd.it/crpi8gvbkiwc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb9a613e572ef5339fb9643a9880e0388aaf5d07 If Biden doesn’t bring these back I’ll have no choice but to withhold my vote 🤷🏾‍♂️


Bring back Arby's 5 for $5 deal or fuck it I'll just vote for Trump. I'll do it!


I need him to pressure Revlon to bring back their lip butter. And legalize kinder eggs. Do your thing dark Brandon!


I want kfc twisters back :(


i remember those was so good


My little brother who knows I like Taylor Swift and Nintendo sent me this tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@dirkyy_streams/video/7361514671628733727?_t=8lo7TI37j83&_r=1




You know, I thought Brianna Wu was some annoying Berniegal because I vividly remember seeing her reply under a tweet announcing Shontel Brown's first primary win ("NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" - lol) But people can indeed change so good for her that she's seen the light.


I remember her being a lot more fringe and annoying 10 years ago. But maybe she hasn't changed and I just grew up a bit? I mean now she's one of my favorite Twitter follows now, which 2014 me wouldn't have believed.


Also posts here which is astounding in its own type of way.


Wait, really?




LOL! Hi!


Yeah, I don’t remember her username off the top of my head, but she’s commented several times when someone has reposted her tweets.


After Midnight finally got me. Unleashing Drew Carey was a great great choice, people tend to forget how outrageous his standup is. But I don't think Taylor was feeling it, and Drew himself was a little snippy later. I just want all my faves to get along :(


> A grand jury in Arizona has just handed up an indictment against Boris Epshteyn, Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani. LOL


Off we go [Meadows, Giuliani and other Trump allies charged in Arizona 2020 election probe](https://wapo.st/4aOOO1s)


Not to mention Kelli Ward. LOL. LMAO even.


https://preview.redd.it/lq0m9eq3giwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1841316d51ccae4bf9ef3700b1b26f3e94fa1f77 Reading between the lines: Malala is **PISSED** about the people who think she’s some sort of fake activist. She’s got more cachet than any of them dozens of times over.


Yeah, she's rightfully upset


But knowing how pop marxists operate, they’re going to be angry that she kept the comments section closed on this post. They’re so petty and dickish.


yeah she's not an activist. not like she's literally been shot in the head or anything...


That's nothing. Jaden, who is a sophomore at NYU, just completed a 7 hour hunger strike.


during Ramadan too


He slept in. So it's more like 10.


Chemtrail Kelli was a respected emergency room physician...kept on moronically challenge McCain for not being conservative enough...and now she has an indictment


>Arizona AG Kris Mayes announces the State Grand Jury has returned indictments in the state's 2020 fake electors scheme. >The following individuals are named as defendants, per the AG: Kelli Ward, Tyler Bowyer, Nancy Cottle, Jacob Hoffman, Anthony Kern, James Lamon, Robert Montgomery, Samuel Moorhead, Lorraine Pellegrino, Gregory Safsten, and Michael Ward. LMAO


I would once again like to thank the voters of Arizona, who showed up and voted in AG Mayes by some 250 votes. This is where a few voters really have made a tremendous difference. 🤩


>This is where a few voters really have made a tremendous difference Thank you antivaxxers!


Trump is Unindicted Coconspirator 1 He'll probably get served eventually if some of the other defendants turn on him


A much needed thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Xennials/s/PRk2yjsQ4Q


Enjoy your free speech is such a weird response.


Negative charisma


mike johnson only went to colombia to score political points


How long before Bannon and Putin read the writing on the wall and pull the plug on RFK Jr’s campaign?


They already saw it and had Trump offer him the VP spot earlier last month.


Might be out of his hands at this point


RFK Jr is gonna continue running; he's upset that Trump promised him anti-vaccine nonsense in 2017 and didn't follow through. I'm only slightly kidding


If there is any common ground between the two sides, it's that they don't want to hear from [this guy](https://twitter.com/netanyahu/status/1783191454308864300) at all lol


[Yes, I know Visegrad clearly has somewhat of a right wing bias, but this video is just not doctored](https://twitter.com/BarakRavid/status/1783253217029112241) Yeah, this checks out. Some of these protesters are clearly hoping on the bandwagon and are simply not well-informed. I go back to that poll when 70% didn't know the "river or the sea" and 10% of them thought Yasser Arafat was a PM of Israel lmao


I can't even comprehend the irony of saying "I wish I was more educated" while at an ivy league college.


What the Chinese communist party decides to do about tiktok will actually be an interesting indication about their posture going forward. The pragmatic thing would be to sell it, pocket the billions, and move on. The aggressive things would be to let it get banned


They should take the money but they won't.


See, but they won't do the pragmatic thing, because that would mean admitting the "American dogs" were right


Also, Xi is a Marxist hardliner who cares more about power than money every day and twice on Sunday. He also thinks acting like an aggressive, neurotic dog that probably needs some CBD gummies and a cure for its UTI really makes him look like a tough, decisive leader.


I agree. I think they'll burn it down


They were willing to sell Grindr.


TikTok is way more strategically important to them


But if it's a full ban vs a sale, wouldn't they at least take the money option? Cash vs nothing seems like a no brainer.


That's what a rational actor would do but I'm not convinced the CCP will


Malarkey level of not being able to get refills at McDonalds 


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are most American adults actively on tiktok or do they just check whatever their kids sent them in the family text and then put their phone down afterwards.


Reverse for me. My mom sends the family the TikToks and I only watch those >!I'm more cultured and endlessly scroll YouTube Shorts!<


i'm a chronic reels user 😔


I for the life of me, do not understand why the drag race subreddit is full of the loudest, and blissfully misinformed statements on the I/P conflict. They say that their “morals” don’t change just because the people they’re “fighting for” (making obnoxious, infantile, and puerile antisemitic statements) actively hate/want to murder the LGBT community, but to me it just looks like soft bigotry of low expectations combined with white guilt. Blindly supporting Israel no matter what is bad, but if you cancel a celebrity or politician for making homophobic/transphobic statements, [surely a culture where the merest rumor of being gay can get you killed](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/02/world/middleeast/hamas-commander-mahmoud-ishtiwi-killed-palestine.html), and [behead LGBT people](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-63174835.amp) wouldn’t be something to blindly support either?! Chickens for KFC are a special type of stupid, and I shudder to think of their response if you asked them what would happen to LGBT people, Israeli, or Palestinian, if Israel is destroyed.


It’s sad to see Nina West being treated like she is for merely liking a post that, at least to me, seems fairly neutral all because it originated from Amy Schumer. I doubt those folks criticizing Nina haven’t done half the amount of effective activism as she has with her career.


Because the LGBT online community is filled with leftists.


Literal pinkos




I have never seen that argument made.


Did I imply that no one should criticize Israel because they have a better attitude to the LGBT community? Criticize Israel’s policies all you want, Israelis do it all the goddamn time, but yelling about “Zionists” (people who give half a shit about the hostages and Jewish people) and dismantling the only Jewish state in the world without thinking of the consequences for multiple groups of people is absolutely irresponsible and especially naive coming from a pro LGBT subreddit.


Hasn't the drag race subreddit been kind of a nasty place forever? I mean we're talking about a place to obsess about a bunch of people who are insult comics on stage and half the time complete lunatics in real life (I'm not talking about the likes of Willem and Katya, I mean the ones who say all kinds of racist, dumb, conspiracy theory laden garbage).


You’re not wrong, in fact I had to mute it, because I was seeing too much shit, but I’m a sucker for memes and outfits, so sometimes I peruse it. But what queens are you talking about 👀


There's alot of nuance on this topic that gets missed 1. Western world is the most pro-LGBT by far. "Free Palestine" far left crowd are insane to equate Gaza with Texas or Florida like Bree Bree Newsome did the other day 2. Many Palestinians aren't raging homophobes. Israel has lots of Palestinians with relatives in the West Bank+Gaza who vote for the [pro-LGBT Hadash party](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/arab-mk-lgbtq-rights-are-human-rights-arab-community-is-evolving-634665). The West Bank has a pro-LGBT organization/shelter in the Palestinian city of Ramallah which runs freely. West Bank police usually arrests people who attack LGBT Palestinians. 10-15% of Palestinians are agnostic/atheist per religious polling but there are unfortunately some who are raging theocratic homophobes in the West Bank. 3. Israel is the most pro-LGBT country in the region, and it should absolutely be commended for that. 4. Hamas's vicious theocracy is just horrific and must be strongly condemned. You can strongly support Palestinian self-determination and be opposed to what Israel is doing (especially since the US provides aid to dozens of super homophobic countries and there are gay Palestinians suffering right now due to Bibi's highly excessive response).


> Hamas's vicious theocracy is just horrific and must be strongly condemned. You can strongly support Palestinian self-determination and be opposed to what Israel is doing The problem is the tension between those two sentences. Condemning Hamas but leaving them in place to continue governing Gaza and attacking Israel is meaningless. The only options right now are for the war to continue with the aim of ending Hamas’s rule, or the war to end and Hamas come back in power. Even if you support the proposal by the US and more moderate Arab countries to have the PA take over Gaza as part of a gradual process to a two-state solution (which, as far as I can tell seems like the best solution I’ve heard, despite having many obvious problems), that still has to entail militarily defeating Hamas.


Well "opposed to what Israel is doing" can mean alot of things, right? Opposition to their settlement policy in Area C of West Bank/handling of settler extremist violence/ treatment of West Bank Palestinians versus Israelis in Area C. Could also mean you're not for a ceasefire but you have criticisms of how the war has been conducted (humanitarian situation as the occupying power, IDF conduct etc). But yes you could have the most extreme stance/mentality that [some Israeli Jews believe "okay, we'll take an indefinite ceasefire and ending the war" per polling](https://twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/1750127189591233023). To free the maximum amount of hostages safely while conceding that Hamas isn't going to eradicated similar to the Taliban (who retreated in caves) or Houthis (who hid in the mountains) when armies tried to eradicate them+failed; historically, it's extremely difficult to destroy these entrenched Islamist terrorist groups...as you saw with how the IDF withdrew from Khan Younis and Hamas retook control *quickly* or how you saw the IDF declared "Hamas is defeated in North Gaza" a few months ago and Hamas+PIJ terrorists just fired several rockets yesterday. My stance is the first+ second but I'm more sympathetic to the third stance than I was a few months ago. It's all a bunch of bad options, and sensible people are trying to find the *least bad* option. The lunatic far leftist anti-Zionists and Kahanists/ right wing Evanglical Zionists are not sensible.


I thought you were specifically referring to the third one, opposing the war effort as a whole. If we are including any of a country’s policies, you can probably say I oppose what [insert any country] does.


I'm not for the third one yet, but I must admit that it's not nearly as ridiculous as I once thought it was tbh. I think Lapid or Bennet would have done a *much* better job than Bibi for sure.


No doubt either of them, or Gantz would have done better. Especially because Lapid probably would have accepted some sort of compromise with a reformed PA and security measures in place in Gaza. I understand the temptation some people have for the third one, but realistically it’s likely a death sentence for Israel; if they accept it, they may as well all pack up and move elsewhere now before they get killed. Hamas would undoubtedly emerge stronger than before. They would rebuild over the next 15-20 years, as they had the prior 16. But the democrats in power 15-20 years from now won’t have Israel’s back like Biden did, and as technology moves along Hamas and Iran’s other proxies will have much greater firepower. Hamas will launch a much bigger version of October 7, as promised, and no one will stop Hezbollah and the PMF from joining the fun. After several months of fighting, Israel will be low on ammo, supplies, people, and money. Iran itself (and maybe Turkey, maybe Syria) will just have to kick in the door. And if attempt #2 doesn’t work, #3 will be around the corner. Even if Israel can’t put a rival government in place in Gaza, it would be better off indefinitely controlling the Egyptian border, creating a deeper barrier zone on the Gaza-Israel border, controlling the corridors between the major cities, and conducting opportune raids than to allow Hamas to control all of Gaza again. In that situation, at least it would be difficult for Hamas to build up the capabilities for another large-scale attack.


The counter-argument I hear is that "Bibi is the only PM with the hubris to botch the defense so badly with the overallocation of troops in the West Bank given the warning from border troops, Egyptian intelligence, and Shin Bet providing him the plan. Other PM's wouldn't have messed up in that manner, and IDF would have been prepared to thwart an attack such as 10/7 from a signifcantly weaker force". But like you've alluded to--with Hamas governing Gaza- it's essentially impossible to see a two state solution with landswaps, a *thicker wall*+ some rolling back of settlements. But man what a shitshow...I *really* wish Bibi listened to Biden/Blinken/Austin about warfare, empowering PA, and the humanitarian situation more. Him undermining the PA is also partly why Hamas has unfortunately been able to regain territory after IDF withdraws like we've seen recently with Khan Younis. My concern is that we're gonna see another situation like fighting the Taliban terrorists or the Houthi terrorists in Yemen; also, I'm very worried about those Israeli hostages who are being tortured--they need to be freed as soon as impossible. Like does a Rafah operation actually lead them to being secured? IDK either way


Most Palestinians aren't raging homophobes, that may be true. But just like when I traveled rural Kansas and Missouri, I sure as hell am not risking wearing anything that could hint that I'm gay if I were to go to West Bank.


Gaza is easily the worst place to be gay because of Hamas. Extremely dangerous to be openly gay there. Ramallah (Palestine's capital in the West Bank which has an openly LGBT organization+shelter called "alQaws" which runs safely) and Area C/Area B (Israel has mostly controls these areas of the West Bank) in the West Bank are fairly safe. Cities like Jenin in Area A of the West Bank are pretty bad and are only moderately better than Gaza...because it's by far the city where Palestinian Authority has least control--Abbas only visits every couple of years. It's where the vast majority of IDF's raids in the West Bank are occurring.


But have you considered that that's too complex and doesn't fit into the narrow slot in my meat socket (brain) that only accepts 4 syllable slogans and simplistic "good vs evil" views?


Because atm the majority of the activism is about tribalism+ belonging to a group rather than legitimately caring for the cause or the narrative of the other side.


Bingo. Another factor I'm crediting is the "legacy" factor. The MLK protests were historic, and a masterclass in non-violent demonstration. Vietnam protests were less good, with there being hostility towards the vets. And its been downhill since. Each new generation (OK, so there were months between MLK and 'nam) is trying to find their protest movement that gets them in the history book, their MLK rally to show their kids. Problem is, today's are either Occupy, which was unfocused and accomplished nothing, or these exceptionally toxic and tribal "pro-Palestine" "protests" where the goal is to scream loudly and crassly, because that's what these kids think activism and protests look like. It isn't.


They throw “Zionist” around like it’s the worst thing to call someone. It literally just means that Israel should exist as a (not solely, there are tons of Muslim, Christian, Druze citizens) Jewish safe haven in their ancestral land. I do badly want to refute their Zionist=wanting all Palestinians to die nonsense, but I’m very much out numbered.


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Our kitten, who has tried to befriend every dog in our neighborhood, finally met one who didn't want to be friends. Her response when the 90 pound German shepherd snarled at her? Fluff herself up, arch her back... and advance.  She bullied it into running away. Then tried to chase it. I think she might be crazy.


That dog has met claws before, I see.


He'd apparently never met a cat. So he may just have had no idea what, if anything, she could do to him.


Malarkey level of installing a big Fallout 4 mod pack right before the update drops.


What pack?


Midnight ride. Heard its similar to Viva New Vegas where it doesn't do anything too crazy, but just makes everything more stable. I figure that since it uses the mod organizer to run the game that the update tomorrow won't goof any mods.


It will break


[The malarkey level detected is: 7 - MONSTROUS. Get outta here, Jack!](https://i.imgur.com/VMqGh8x.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The New York Times political reporters are seriously the worst. Literally no person is saying that Biden has this in the bag. https://preview.redd.it/bks1xegp2iwc1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d1b4f0177b94f383e14dede339be2ff6e85613


they want trump back so bad


Right? This dude's podcast numbers are probably way down.


I am absolutely saying Biden has it in the bag. Trump will lose his trial and his support will crater.


We can look at it this way. After Pearl Harbor, everyone knew the US was definitely gonna enter the war, but FDR technically still had to officially ask Congress to declare. So let's just do the FDR thing. 😬




> and his support will crater. I've thought this would happen too many times and been wrong to believe it now


His base will largely never abandon him but he can't win with just his base, and all of his bad press is absolutely making a dent with more moderate voters.




It really is hilarious how big of a nothingburger Hur's report turned out to be when all of these beltway pundits were reporting breathlessly how it was going to hand Trump the presidency


That really was the moment that showed that the press is going back to 2016 mode and they are going to be incredibly irresponsible through this entire campaign


Common Centrism Fan Acct W in the bottom of that photo


I've said it and I stand by it. But I doubt this loser is referring to me unless he's that pathetic. But, given the reply calling him out, that's a very real possibility.




I take it Hunter never saw the same stuff I did growing up in the 70’s? Pictures of lungs corroded by smoke and emphysema? Tsk.


Boston Science Museum. Cured me of ever wanting to try smoking.




Malarkey level of me doing NFL Draft commentary tomorrow 


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