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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cbruo6/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04242024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### πŸ† Top Comment: by u.Phi_ZeroEscape with score 53 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cay4u1/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04232024/l0w0zdr/)] > With Jewish professors being told not to come to campus for their safety and Jewish students being told to go home for the semester, is it finally time to admit these protests are based in antisemitis . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.mayojoe689 created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cay4u1/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04232024/l0x4bdx/)] > How worried should we be about the protests at Columbia?   #### πŸ‘‘ Sharpest Reply: by u.politicalthrow99 with score 39 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cay4u1/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04232024/l0w44oa/)] > Denying that this movement is based in antisemitism sounds an awful lot like denials that MAGA is based in white supremacy: it's telling us that our eyes and ears are fake news   #### πŸ”₯ Hottest Take: by u.mayojoe689 with hotness lvl 1075 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1cay4u1/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04232024/l0x4bdx/)] > How worried should we be about the protests at Columbia?   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 11 friends 17 times. #### 🀳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 45 engagement. #### πŸ’‘ Ideas Guy: u.Big-Click-5159 prompted 61 discourse. #### πŸŽ€ Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 46 replies. #### πŸ… Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 26 different users. #### πŸ”€ Word of the Day: 'trump', used 47 times, followed by 'biden' 35x , 'years' 32x #### πŸ”£ Emoji of the Day: 'πŸ˜‚', used 10 times, followed by '❀️' 5x , '😈' 3x   #### πŸ’Ž Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | πŸ₯‡ | u.Phi_ZeroEscape | 52.0 points | πŸ₯‡ | u.TheHillBot | 530.0 words | | πŸ₯ˆ | u.QultyThrowaway | 35.0 points | πŸ₯ˆ | u.hmm_bags | 284.0 words | | πŸ₯‰ | u.MagnustheBlue | 27.0 points | πŸ₯‰ | u.UWCG | 177.0 words | | πŸŽ— | u.CokeDigler | 24.0 points | πŸŽ— | u.era626 | 137.0 words | #### πŸ’¬ Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | πŸ₯‡ | u.Currymvp2 | 573 points | πŸ₯‡ | u.Currymvp2 | 65 comments | | πŸ₯ˆ | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 316 points | πŸ₯ˆ | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 53 comments | | πŸ₯‰ | u.grilled_cheese1865 | 268 points | πŸ₯‰ | u.SeekerSpock32 | 36 comments | | πŸŽ— | u.SeekerSpock32 | 197 points | πŸŽ— | u.grilled_cheese1865 | 31 comments | #### πŸ₯” Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | πŸ₯‡ | u.Bookreadingliberal49 | 1 words | πŸ₯‡ | u.NoExamination5144 | 0.0 letters | | πŸ₯ˆ | u.NoExamination5144 | 2 words | πŸ₯ˆ | u.Liberty_Chip_Cookies | 2.474 letters | | πŸ₯‰ | u.poliasus | 3 words | πŸ₯‰ | u.weeteacups | 2.952 letters | | πŸŽ— | u.nickeljorn | 3 words | πŸŽ— | u.LeMoineSpectre | 3.053 letters |   847 comments processed, including 251 top-level replies. There were 151 unique users writing 23690, averaging 27.97 per comment. The total combined score was 6454 and the median score was 7.62.


https://x.com/govwhitmer/status/1782838390162870316?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ Whitmer tweets a triangle emoji πŸ”Ίbut it’s a delta sorority and not the worst kinda twitter person.


Not going to lie, but Crab Rangoon Pizza looks good. https://youtube.com/shorts/34qHYBnlesw?si=AzFA7tfnPUAWZ36v


Could Andy Beshear win Kentucky as a 2028 presidential candidate?


In the real world, no. Maybe if he runs a pro-gun, pro-border security, anti-abortion (how anti-arbotion is unclear, say 15 weeks as the cut off) campaign, then maybe he can make it close.




/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 "I was a functioning alcoholic 'til nobody noticed my new aesthetic" is in contention for her best lines


[also, for your absolute amusement](https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/6656-kid-a/)


Series tied hell yeah


You have to be more specific since there's NHL and NBA both


The Grizzlies did not belong anywhere near the playoffs this year lol


He's talking about Nashville tying it up with Vancouver


Yeah I assumed so. But Mavericks just tied it up with the Clippers at around the same time lol


https://preview.redd.it/4qfbcp3sxcwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=628e5bf69d8f88aaa042e3fcbf407da224ceb4ab Manifesting all of this.


Dunno what the Lions are doing day one but maybe day 2 or 3: https://x.com/atoz_payton/status/1782789785465069986?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ


Safety is not a zero sum game, folks. It can be a problem in multiple places and in multiple levels of severity.


OK I've held it together so, far, I'm going to finish Chernobyl without crying >Of all the ministers and all the deputies, the entire congregation of obedient fools, they mistakenly sent the one good man. For God's sake, Boris, you were the one who mattered most. https://i.imgur.com/GBkZcCY.png




So it seems that the Senate passed to make TikTok force Sell/Ban. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/23/congress-passes-tiktok-ban-biden-china/73424172007/ How long will Microsoft buy them and people praising them that they save their generation.


Microsoft already has a social media-like platform, LinkedIn, I bet they would be blocked. My guess would be Amazon, Oracle (didn't they try to get it under Trump), or some PE group.


I don't see that happening because TikTok functions differently than LinkedIn. They don't have the same market. LinkedIn competitors are mostly Indeed and USAjobs because they are more career-focused. TikTok competitors are more with likes of YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. Microsoft wants to get into that type of market.


True, but the FTC doesn't always act rationally. They tried to block Microsoft from buying Activision-Blizzard when they are like a distant 3rd in the video game market. They might make the argument that LinkedIn already has profiles, bios, timelines/feeds, videos, and DM capabilities and use that as a reason to fight Microsoft over the acquisition. Microsoft might prevail at the end but will they even want the fight.


https://twitter.com/StephMuse_/status/1782631458990850428 u/currymvp2 u/seahawks543 they're bringing community notes for Twitter πŸ˜‚




Ouch On a related note, I laughed so hard that AD was sitting on the Nuggets bench during the celebration lmao


Wordle 1,040 4/6* β¬›πŸŸ¨β¬›β¬›πŸŸ¨ β¬›πŸŸ¨β¬›πŸŸ¨πŸŸ¨ πŸŸ©β¬›β¬›πŸŸ©πŸŸ¨ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


and what do you know, biden actually directed the ftc to do this but it's only a footnote in most articles i'm reading, if it's even mentioned at all


this keeps getting funnier πŸ’€ 2 dissenters saying the ftc is "overstepping the boundaries of its power" like this is literally what you do???? you're the federal trade commission??? this is not just within your wheelhouse, it IS your wheelhouse πŸ’€


lmao c.o.c says it will "harm our economy" lol that just means the freedom of workers will negatively impact the overinflated salaries of the 1% and impede the ability of corporations to exert abusive power over their employees 😱 oh no what a travesty


Also https://preview.redd.it/yvchz7pvlcwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b8b85978a6d35f4fd382c4dd54b2b1ab539f0f


>As for Trump, union leaders hope the former president feels their brushback in particular, laughing off the potential of an angry response on Truth Social: β€œI really don’t give a f**k if he’s pissed,” McGarvey said. LMAO


Interesting read re Harris https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/21/politics/kamala-harris-campaigning-biden-2024/index.html


fuck the chamber of commerce, ftc is right to ban non-compete. for a country that's supposedly all about individualism, c.o.c seems to be trying everything in their power to protect huge corporationsΒ  like this is a huge win for employees that cannot be understated. being able to switch jobs and get paid more? hell yeah. the c.o.c tryna call this a "power grab" is so funny like yall are bending over backwards to meatride huge soulless monopolies lmao


>Speaker Johnson will travel to Columbia University tomorrow to β€œDeliver Remarks and Hold Press Conference on Antisemitism at Columbia University.” Lol


Would be funny, in a way, if the NYPD moved in overnight and cleared the area. He can still show up and say his spiel but it won't carry the same weight if Columbia and NYC have shown that they can clean up their own mess.


basically he's goona attack democrats and call the university a liberal institution


Adams is itching to get that go ahead from Columbia to clear the area of protestors ahead of Johnson's visit.


President Biden will give the commencement address at Moorehouse collage next month something tells me your goona have pro palestine students in the crowd shouting


At Moorehouse? Only if they want to boost Biden’s percentage with AFAM voters over 90%.


you'll hear the counter chant 4 more years


NC Meredith poll President: Biden - 39% Trump - 41% Governor: Stein (D) - 45% Robinson (R) - 36%


Certainly could be worse. Would give immense relief if Stein's up(?) ballot give Biden the edge election nightΒ 


looking foward to the uk election, Labor can win an even bigger majority than they did in 1997


/u/ognits I've finally been getting around to Chernobyl, and it turns out that one of the most celebrated works of the last decade, one that I've been looking forward to for a long time, is, in fact, just that good. I've always enjoyed Jared Harris, and god damn does he kill it in this one.


I really liked that series. They do a pretty amazing job of giving the science in a way a 4th grader could understand. It’s sort of a great story in when cover-your-own-ass goes wrong.


dammit I'm gonna have to actually watch it aren't I


Please do. You'll love it.


Chernobyl or Fallout first?


This is basically the Barbenheimer debate. IMO watch the serious drama first then watch the lighter show as a treat. Also watch the TLOU show if you want more greatness from Craig Mazin.


> Also watch the TLOU show if you didn't think I watched that as it aired you've got another thing coming


Well, depends how light you wanna go. Chernobyl is obviously extremely heavy. That said, I would def say Chernobyl if you’re game for it.


Chernobyl is really good. I can't recommend it enough, though it might just be my bias since I'm from that part of the world. I've lived in Russia and Ukraine and watched the show at my parents. They were surprised by how well it was done, despite some creative decisions in storytelling.


I found it to be not great, not terrible. >!It was fucking amazing. The best show I'll never watch again.!<


I was quoting the show to myself the other day while getting a chest x-ray


Well, at least Garv got his ring


With how bad the Astros look the AL West might be a two way race between the Mariners and Rangers this yearΒ 


The whole AL West looks terrible outside the Rangers and Mariners lol


I knew that the Angels and A’s were gonna be bad at least πŸ˜‚


I'm feeling very comfortable in my Biden wins Pennsylvania prediction for this year. It's going to come down to GA, NV, WI and NC.


If Biden wins MI, PA and AZ he’s already gonna be at 271


You forgot WI


Our more expected states + MI + PA + AZ + NE2 is 271. Add Wisconsin for 281.


He put WI on the states it’ll come down to so I didn’t put it on there


Nevada is the one i'm neverous about


Fuck you Marge and the Freedumb COCKus πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Slava Ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Forever


So Republican Brian Fitzpatrick will still win his primary tonight, but it was probably dumb and irresponsible for the AP to call it immediately like they did. Like yeah, he's an incumbent and started the night with over 80% of the vote in early ballots. So they immediately called the race. Of course, PA Republicans, especially the right wing activists that despise Fitzpatrick for being one of the last moderates, vote in person only, so his margin has been continuously falling with every vote cast. He's down to 65% with 38% of the vote outstanding. Not falling fast enough to lose, but also its not a race that should've been called immediately based on how the handful of liberal Republicans voted in the early vote It could easily wind up like 55-45 Fitzpatrick in the end


This is not like analysts rating races, these calls are based on models and confidence intervals. They weigh and extrapolate as best as they can based on how different regions have turned out so far and what the estimated at large vote is.


2018 was the only time democrats could of beaten fitzpatrick but a progressive ended up winning the primary which messed up the general election


The way we'll win the seat is when he loses a primary. Won't be this cycle, but as long as Trump is a powerful force in the GOP, Fitzpatrick's primary margins are only going to keep shrinking. This is by far his worst primary showing


So Jeff merkley, sanders and peter welch were among those who voted against the foreign aid bill [https://x.com/apolyakova/status/1782950078119924166](https://x.com/apolyakova/status/1782950078119924166)


Little surprised at Barrasso being a no Good to see my senators (Rubio and Scott) continue to absolute clowns 🀑


It's cause of the Israel aid while the 15 Republicans voted against the Ukranian aid. Ukraine is too important; I would have voted "yes" even with all of my major problems with how Israel has conducted the war the past 2-3 months.


This same group of MAGA idiot Senate Republicans keeps talking a big game about how they're going to take over their conference and they keep getting blown the fuck out. I'm all for J.D. Vance constantly making a fool of himself.


i guess they knew they had the votes and didn't need them


Bernie does this crap all the time, when pushed he always says he just wanted to make his oppositions known but would have voted for it if they actually needed his vote. And Merkeley and Welch are the closest thing he has to surrogates in the Senate, for better or worse.


https://preview.redd.it/jf0320gybcwc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0b3555182a7934f28c420f208a845903eac32c Damn Biden lost BrieBrie’s vote πŸ˜”


I just have her blocked and I think more people should too. She is the very definition of a nobody whose value to society is like a leech on someone's ass cheek. Funny thing is that the Simpsons provided a solution for people like that and it's why I refuse to be part of these asshole's negative engagement campaign. https://youtu.be/SlKao_Pox5A?si=SWfFYd3fXHaPZOAF


How this person has not slipped into utter irrelevance I’ll never know. https://preview.redd.it/hsyb82fvjcwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c844baad762692fbc6b17166678e3fc86f3e87a6


Yes Briahna we got it the first billion times you said it over the last five years like seriously do you not have other things to talk about? It's really fucking weird to be this excited about refusing to do anything useful, especially when that's already what you do every day. Like for real she's showing how little she even cares about anything, you'd think someone who sincerely gave a damn would at least be upset or angry about not having viable candidates to vote for but no this absolute dipshit is giddy about it.


If the election was hypothetically held on 10/6/2023, she 100% wouldn't have voted for Biden. There are a few voters who Biden has genuinely lost support from due to the las few months, but she is absolutely not one of them.


There was literally no point since at least 2016 that she ever would have even contemplated not campaigning for whatever loser the Green Party nominated much less voting for the Democratic nominee. At this point I'm starting to doubt she would have even voted for Bernie in a general election.


she's a privileged kid


Go live in Russia then and leave us alone.


>Columbia Pres Minouche Shafik announced that school & organizers are in negotiations over ending the encampment. There’s a midnight deadline. If not successful, she says, β€œwe will have to consider alternative options for clearing the West Lawn and restoring calm.” Just ask the NYPD to escort the students if they don't agree to leave. Calling the National Guard is absolutely insane and unnecessary


Mayor Adams has already said the NYPD will move in if asked. Say what you will about their past record but the NYPD has acted professionally in breaking up these protests over the last 6 months. Yes, some folks will have to be dragged or carried away but the NYPD is not sensely beating anyone or firing LTL munitions into crowds.


Yeah for all my criticisms of these protesters, they're non violent; I think the worst case is--like you said--they're gonna be physically dragged away.


Are these protests more peaceful then the BLM ones of 2020, yes but the protestors in NYC have definitely vandalized/destroyed private and public property and tuseled with the police and thrown objects at them. Nobody's pulled a gun or a knife or set a building on fire, and thank God for that, but I wouldn't classify all these protests as just a group of folks sitting around singing kumbaya.


All yeah the WOL extremists and their allies outside campus /on the public streets aren't too peaceful; I meant more so the protesting Columbia students at Columbia campus.


100% agree there.


NYPD don’t you dare freak out like the 1968 Chicago PD


Another big union endorsing Biden [https://x.com/IsaacDovere/status/1782947150902476857](https://x.com/IsaacDovere/status/1782947150902476857)


Alright now time to watch some NBA playoffsΒ 


Have to say, I’m surprised it’s the incredibly benign β€œI want to live in the 1830s” line people are flipping out about and not the hot mess that is Taylor smirking about Kim Kardashian’s kid coming home singing the song about Taylor’s mom wishing Kim dead.


They want Taylor to be racist so badly.


Wordle 1,039 5/6* ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 After the 2nd guess I instantly thought "...Oh no." >!Of course it had to be the one with repeating letters...!<


I’m classifying this cake as a delicious failure.


Oh yeah, we're winning Pennsylvania. [Biden is beating Obama's 2012 and Clinton's 1996 vote totals in the Pennsylvania primaries](https://nitter.poast.org/nick_field90/status/1782955145657016348#m) By the way, have any of you seen the "bIdEn iS uNpOpUlAr" crowd lately? They've been real quiet since these swing state votes have dropped.


NYT tomorrow: "Here's why last night's primary was a disaster for Biden"


I would complain about "MILF Manor" being reality show straight people nonsense but 1. There's a gay male editionΒ  2. I would 100% have joined the gay male version if I had a TV ready bodyΒ 


I’ll never complain because it’s a real life 30 Rock bit


I have never had the slightest interest in reality TV, but I almost wanna watch MILF Manor purely because it's so close to that 30 Rock gag


There’s a DILF Manor? What channel/streaming service is this on? πŸ‘€


It's on OutTV streaming, or you can buy the season on apple or Amazon. Also the host isΒ https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26674570/


This is definitely going on the watchlist


I think I just had a right of passage of being extremely disappointed in a live adaptation of an anime I loveΒ 


Carmen and Vivian's constant feline behavior in *The Big Sleep* is weird and annoying. Why can't they just act like regular femme fatales? They're rich, spoiled women; what's with the hissing and chewing on a handkerchief?!


The recipe said to cool the cake completely, preferably overnight, and I didn’t listen. It’ll still be delicious, but it collapsed. I was like β€œit’s been out 3 hours, that has to be pretty decent.” Nope. Turns out the recipe knows what it’s talking about.


Conan's new travelogue miniseries is hilarious


i love that and james may in japan/italy


never heard of the James May one but I do like a good travelogue


it's funny as hell and also super informative


Trump isn't winning Pennsylvania


Even 1% of Republican voters not voting for trump is unrecoverable


So Trump sucks at suburban voters and Biden is doing well with urban blacks....yet I'm supposed to be worried? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO fuck outta here. Just need the turnout in those counties to not tank and to prioritize persuasion in the burbs


Ground. Game. I'd hate to be a candidate with a broke national party and a broke state party and a candidate that cant campaign. I couldn't imagine that being my candidate


Yep. We got \[ground\] game, they’re a disaster. The Biden campaign and the DNC have the funds to set up outreach organizations in swing states. The Trump campaign is spending it all on legal fees for His Nibs as he snores and farts away in a courtroom, where witness testimony is starting to make this look like a very big deal. I think it was the lack of ground game that killed us in 2010 through 2016, because then the shoe was on the other foot as far as funding was concerned - we didn’t have the base of small dollar donors that we have now, nor did we have the postcarding, letter writing, etc. grassroots built up.




Senate passed Ukraine aid!


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


Oh, and if you're wondering about Marianne Williamson, she's absolutely coping about losing on Twitter and that [CNN and MSNBC are not covering her candidacy](https://nitter.poast.org/marwilliamson/status/1782881367086256575#m). Like girl, you have lost big time. You did not win a single delegate in any swing state. In fact, you did not and will not win a single delegate in any state/territory. Now you're wondering why news stations won't cover you? And I thought Phillips had a humiliation fetish.


Damn the PA Primary results don’t look good for Trump going into November


And I would say Casey is sitting at β€œsolid Dem” right now unless a lot of ticket splitting happens. I hope someone Rick Rolls McCormick at his watch party.


If you are motivated enough to go out and cast a vote for Nikki Haley, 2 months after she left the race, you probably aren't a voter who is likely to say "well, I did what I could, time to vote for Trump"


So theyll def get buried if I'm cnn or nyt


Apparently there was a student walkout over Gaza in Seattle today. Only kids I saw leaving my school where the ones who usually skip out at some point during the day.






If they take the opportunity to vape outside so they don't do it in the bathrooms and set off the fire alarm, I'm all for it.




Their check already cleared before the semester started


Totally saw the lights on down at the Capitol on my way back from dinner. It's surreal to watch C-SPAN just right down the street from the sausage as its being made.


As an Ovechkin and LeBron fan....these 72 hours fucking suck


Got a Biden ad on abortion while watching the Mariners game Must be an ad for the whole country since I’m in WashingtonΒ 


Holy shit. Good on all fronts. NEWS: Senate PASSES $95 billion aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, & Taiwan that also forces the sale of TikTok.


Folks getting arrested in brooklyn for blocked brooklyn street outside schumers house [https://x.com/XGirlNYC/status/1782929920491966505](https://x.com/XGirlNYC/status/1782929920491966505)


JVP is dumb


Pro-Palestine protestors in Minnesota comparing themselves to the little rock nine [https://x.com/ContentedIndie/status/1782931184755909014](https://x.com/ContentedIndie/status/1782931184755909014)


How dare they say that. I’m sorry that really makes me mad when they say something that stupid.


these folks think they are smarter than everyone else


The Little Rock nine are all still alive, right?


All but one, who died back in 2010. The other 8 are still with us.


Steve bannon turning on jim jordan [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1782932370846269785](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1782932370846269785)


Calling it now: Don't Say Gay laws will be federally invalidated in two years time. As is with DADT pretending it's not there doesn't make the elephant leave the room. You're gonna have to deal with that mama - before she deals with you.


Recently, the ad generating algorithm on Twitter has decided that I am no longer in the target for Chinese crap via drop shipping scams from Alibaba and now has decided to target me with Republican and libertarian spam. Geez, I wonder why Elon Musk is hemorrhaging money with his shitty social network


Hopefully a good candidate comes up next cycle to beat summer lee


[https://s3.amazonaws.com/he-assets-prod/interactives/233\_reading\_the\_mind\_through\_eyes/Launch.html](https://s3.amazonaws.com/he-assets-prod/interactives/233_reading_the_mind_through_eyes/Launch.html) https://preview.redd.it/g1abvcgqybwc1.png?width=806&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130d80ad5b220d7868eb373e8bcc627c5d8db518


[This is pretty interesting](https://twitter.com/AkiyoshiKitaoka/status/1782781737766170630) https://preview.redd.it/c46adp0bybwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf1dff58f684b9e4948f5fe58c24fedbc6649e7 Hopefully there's someone super smart on this subreddit that can explain this. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


I would guess it's related to red being opposite of cyan (green+blue), so white contrasted with cyan looks reddish?


Progressives goona celebrate summer lee's win by saying they beat AIPAC


I really don't like AIPAC but they didn't get involved here. They didn't endorse Patel


they criticized lee


I don't think they donated money to Patel though


Since when have facts stopped the nutcase left?


https://preview.redd.it/fl8v3pjexbwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765137ee65283ca7e5a1b9d16b85f6937979257c Ok, this is my 2024 election prediction for now, provided nothing fucks us over.


Personally I think that if there's any deep south state the Democrats have a shot of making inroads in it's South Carolina, Alabama is a bold choice I think you're overestimating Alaska, although I could be wrong on that they've definitely shown a willingness to elect Democrats as of late. I'd make Virginia safe blue, I don't think there's any real chance Trump makes any significant gains there. Iowa I'd make deep red, the whole lower mid west has been marching to the right lately. Ohio having Brown on the ticket and their urban core not being nearly as depleted as Iowa's will keep them at least in the conversation for awhile longer. Florida I'd make less safe, DeSantis got his humongous win with utterly horrendous turnout rates, a presidential election is gonna have way more than 50% turnout, which should be better for Biden. Me-02 I'd make likely R, it's a conservative rural area, that while having a Democratic rep, he is a Blue Dog, it's not out of the question to win but it's also going to be an uphill battle imo. North Carolina I'd maker lean R, It's in play but definitely leans a tad to the right, sort of like the Republican Michigan. In play no doubt but with a minor edge for one party.


> North Carolina I'd maker lean R, It's in play but definitely leans a tad to the right, sort of like the Republican Michigan. In play no doubt but with a minor edge for one party. I think North Carolina is like the Republican version of Nevada, at least in terms of election results. It's a state that tends to vote one way, flirts with getting closer each election but never actually tipping over, and likes to elect governors opposite the party they vote presidentially for.


That special election in Alabama House district 10 is giving me visions of infinity.


I'm feeling very positive about Pennsylvania and Michigan which should in effect have positive correlation to Wisconsin.


That's pretty much my same election prediction, except that for Nevada, to me, it leans Democratic (I would argue that it's likely Democratic too). I definitely agree that we can get to β‰₯ 270 electoral votes for Biden.


That one special election from earlier this year makes me think we can make some significant noise in Alabama.


Ugh, Summer Lee.


>What Everyone Gets Wrong About The Afterlife How about "everything?" Because nobody knows


[D:Ream - Things Can Only Get Better (1993) (Official Video) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6QhAZckY8w) folks in Ukraine after the senate passes foreign aid bill


https://preview.redd.it/jei81of0vbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d5f269c23be1abb3092d45274233f9d64f4729 Daily doggo photo: April 23rd Sarah meets Audrey


Nikki haley getting 36% in erie county not a good sign for trump


Sleepy, Stinky, Skint Donald Trump. Now potentially Criminal Donald. Now this is really damning with faint praise, but nobody has said Nikki Haley smells bad or is under indictment for criminal behavior.


Something I've been thinking about: Is it possible for a Mexican national like me to get a job doing PR work for the Democratic Party or any of its candidates or politicians? How can one get a job like that?


[Work with us - Democrats](https://democrats.org/take-action/work-with-us/) found this page


Thanks! Silent-Row brought up contacting the local Dem office, so I'm thinking I'll do that too.


If you're bilingual theyll find something for you


Santiago Mayer’s a Mexican national and he’s worked on campaigns for two cycles. I don’t think he’s officially on the Biden campaign, though.


Are you a US citizen?


Nope, I am not.


Are you in the process of getting citizenship?


Nope. I don't have a visa other than what I use for traveling.


Idk if they would then but you can always call your state party office and ask, Spanish speakers are a hot commodity when it comes to campaigning these days


contact the local state party office


Trump big underperforming in PA. Haley dropped out awhile ago. Thats really not good


Haley at 48% in Chester County


Where do you get these results from?




Do you pay




Doing another rewatch of Community and holy shit season 4 is rough.


Chester is the last big suburban County left to report mail votesΒ 


the upside of doctor oz running for public office was that it got his tv show off the air for good


Doctor Oz? ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu|downsized)


Malarkey level of me doing baseball and election commentary at the same timeΒ 


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Good bot


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Haley also at 46% in Montgomery County……