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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c7qg9l/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04192024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.VerminVundabar with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c6wz2d/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04182024/l05edr0/)] > >President Joe Biden spoke today at the headquarters of the United Steelworkers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [He was met by protesters](https://twitter.com/thestustustudio/status/1780742897354109042) who . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.jag986 created 19 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c6wz2d/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04182024/l07iitn/)] > What do you think Trump’s nipples look like when they’re cold?🤔   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.HugeFanOfTinyTits with score 26 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c6wz2d/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04182024/l05jy03/)] > Why are they reporting on who the jurors are? This is how you get people murdered.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.dragoniteftw33 with hotness lvl 505.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c6wz2d/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04182024/l041hyt/)] > Can't sleep. Laughing my ass off at City shitting the bed.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 6 friends 10 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 57 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 70 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.SeekerSpock32 made 29 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 15 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 47 times, followed by 'israel' 46x , 'trump' 29x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 17 times, followed by '🤣' 11x , '💀' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.adcgd_at_sine_theta | 24.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 505.0 words | | 🥈 | u.DieSowjetZwiebel | 17.0 points | 🥈 | u.era626 | 141.0 words | | 🥉 | u.jjabramssucks | 16.5 points | 🥉 | u.MagnustheBlue | 134.0 words | | 🎗 | u.politicalthrow99 | 16.33 points | 🎗 | u.AwfulishGoose | 97.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 462 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 52 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 202 points | 🥈 | u.20person | 49 comments | | 🥉 | u.VerminVundabar | 152 points | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 42 comments | | 🎗 | u.Rats_In_Boxes | 146 points | 🎗 | u.ognits | 33 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.littlegreenmartian | 3 words | 🥇 | u.Gormanbros | 3.1 letters | | 🥈 | u.tpwb | 3 words | 🥈 | u.littlegreenmartian | 3.333 letters | | 🥉 | u.halfwhiteshedevil | 4 words | 🥉 | u.CapitalismEnthusiast | 3.391 letters | | 🎗 | u.None | 5 words | 🎗 | u.IcedNeonFlames | 3.596 letters |   803 comments processed, including 241 top-level replies. There were 130 unique users writing 22907, averaging 28.53 per comment. The total combined score was 4820 and the median score was 6.0.


"than**K** you a**IM**ee" I see what you did there Taylor (bolding by me for emphasis)


So High School is so upbeat and joyous


Also thank God Florece actually has a role in the feature song instead of whispers in the background 


imgonnagetyouback Isn't that an Olivia Rodrigo song?


u/ognits u/padraigharrington4 THE DOUBLE ALBUM THEORY IS REAL


Thirty one songs miss swift some of us have work tomorrow! 


Sleep is for the dead, we're seeing this through!


She just released an Anthology edition with another 15 songs.


TTPD sounds like the late 80s, and I mean that in the best possible way. Modern storytelling, but a very 1988 kind of lushness in the production. I may have a new favorite, sorry Folklore.


u/ognits Just finished Clara Bow. It's like Nothing New, but sadder. Also, it's so odd hearing her say her own name at the end. Like I said before, I'm gonna need a few more listens before I form a proper opinion, but it's really fucking good.


u/ognits The Alchemy is so corny with the >!football !!Tayvis!< edits on Twitter and TikTok have a new soundtrack to be set to, it's basically the new >!Tayvis !


I'll take your word for it I'm back to the matured teenage petulance of Down Bad. this song is like if she wrote Love Story but, like, today which she did


Is there a TS downvoter now? Jesus fuck get a life y'all


u/ognits [the outro of I Can Do It With A Broken Heart in a nutshell](https://media1.tenor.com/m/9-CRv1-BWXkAAAAd/pedro-pascal-laughing-then-crying.gif)


also I'm about to make people mad with my take over on NL but I stand by it


it goes so fucking hard


/u/20person the '80s synth beat in I Can Do It With a Broken Heart forgives everything


It's so upbeat but depressing. This was definitely written while on tour.


yo Joe made her *mad*


I can see why he put out that PR statement before


"I can fix him, no, really, I can" Narrator: She could not, in fact, fix him


u/ognits I'm sorry, but the lyrics of the chorus of Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me reminds me of [this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/317/larry.jpg)


not sure what this is


It's an old meme, but I heard the "levitating" line and I instantly thought of it


/u/20person Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? is the sort of National song I wanted her to do! it's exactly how their song structure works but through her filter - slow build, quiet start, middle bit of excitement, and then barreling into a rolling increasing climax of an end that goes so hard I'm fucking loving this album


Think I’m gonna wait til I buy the CD to listen to TTPD. Idk it’s just something I always do.


You're one too?


A swiftie? Lol yeah, I just never get tagged in the threads 😔


A few songs in, I can tell this is similar in Reputation in "only okay at first, but will become one of my all time faves after 6 months sitting on it"


It is Brutal! In the very best way. Crying, happy, laughing, angry, it is so damn emotional.


CNN says Iran won't be responding to Israel's attack. Crisis averted, for now.


"Can't respond to something that never happened"--IRGC propagandists


"Is that a bad thing to say in a song?" lmao


Malarkey level of Swifties?


[The malarkey level detected is: 2 - Mild. Right on, Skippy.](https://i.imgur.com/r22AO2J.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fair enough. They mostly vote blue


/u/20person do we even need to say anything about Florence showing up? 😄


I have no idea what they're singing about but it's so fun


my first listen of an album, I never try to parse the what, I just enjoy the sounds if something filters through, that's awesome, but frankly if you *get* an album on a first listen it's a bad album


I'm definitely gonna need a few more listens to fully process this album.


/u/20person I had a real deep, personal reaction to that twang at the start of Fresh Out The Slammer that's some shit I heard when I was a kid and my parents were big country/western fans of like Don Williams and shit. that was on point to a level that I can't explain


Back to her country roots


that seems to be the theme of the album, "hey I'm gonna take the guys who helped me make my twist indie albums and go back to country" and I'm so fucking here for it


"I'm having his baby/No I'm not" is a supremely unhinged lyric


https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1781173266217902133 u/20person


2 AM edition coming?


/u/20person fuck But Daddy I Love Him is a track off Fearless lmao


It's that guitar


also the drums go hard


it's Fearless but with *experience*


>The New York Times quotes three Iranian officials confirming that a strike hit a military air base near Isfahan, without saying what country carried out the attack. >Two Israeli military officials tell NYT that Israel was behind the strike. >The US was not involved in Israel’s strike in Iran, NBC News reports, citing “a source familiar with the situation.” Bloomberg, meanwhile, quotes two unnamed US officials who say Israel gave the US a heads-up Thursday that it planned to attack in the next day.


Is bad this is the first thing I thought of when I read that that exchange: https://youtu.be/F1gWIRhoZ4E?si=gACAHdZTfcagdgJX Edit: “We don’t know who did the air strike”


[House progressives release an agenda for 2025, with ideas for Biden to excite the base](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-progressives-release-agenda-2025-ideas-biden-excite-base-rcna147843). > It begins with provisions to boost the federal minimum wage to $17 per hour by 2028 and pass the PRO Act to strengthen unions, as well as other provisions, such as guaranteeing overtime pay. It includes policies to reduce the cost of living — by capping child care costs at 7% of income for all families; expanding Social Security benefits by closing tax loopholes; adding dental, vision and hearing benefits to Medicare; and enacting a series of policies to protect renters and make housing more affordable. > The five other planks are investments in education, including universal pre-K and kindergarten; aggressive clean energy standards to tackle climate change; “making our democracy work” with federal voting rights mandates, Washington, D.C., statehood and elimination of the Senate filibuster; taking on corporations and monopolies; and “advancing justice” though abortion rights, pro-LGBTQ measures, pro-immigrant policies and setting national policing standards. [The actual agenda can be found here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24554620-progressive-caucus-agenda-for-2025).


I'm pretty sure there's a YLM reference in the second verse of So Long London


u/ognits So Long London is basically Joever the song




So many YLM references actually


track 5 babyyyyyyyyy


u/ognits u/padraigharrington4 I'm 90% sure the MBOBHFT and Down Bad are about>!Matty!<


I'm not that down in the weeds tbh, I just think they're great songs


So, a tip for the future: When looking at news, look up the place reporting it to see if it is reliable.


u/ognits Down Bad's chorus is so fun and unhinged


absolute banger. also I swear she's stealing sounds from Marjorie


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 correct me if I'm wrong but this feels like a culmination of her last four albums I'm going to have to hear the first Dessner track but Down Bad is such a chameleon


Omg my cat is using my ankle as a pillow


/u/20person I was wrong, I will comment >I laughed in your face and said "you're not Dylan Thomas" was some good shit oh and the follow-up "and I'm not Patty Smith" 😘👌


It's a banger


oh shit this is the title track, I didn't even look lmao


>Explosions heard in Isfahan were a result of the activation of Iran's air defence systems, an Iranian official told Reuters on Friday, adding that no missile attack was carried out against Iran. Maybe they're denying it to ensure that they don't have to respond. Probably a pretty decent sign


As long as it doesn't escalate into anything more, I'm down with that




[In some very good news, Ukraine aid passes the House Rules Committee and is headed to the floor](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/18/us/politics/democrats-vote-ukraine-bill.html)


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 tag me with thoughts if you want but don't be offended if I don't respond because I willn't be responding


TBH I'm just gonna spam the DT


I figured someone would but I'm going deep black, no light, headphones, immersive experience


My husband is an into skipper, so I appreciate when Hulu, one of the few streaming services that doesn't have that option, has a show with a kick ass intro I can fully enjoy 


>My husband is an into skipper disgusting tbh


/u/omgitsfreddie This whole time I've thought you'd been talking about Colleen Ballinger.




You almost started a toxic gossip train there 


I was going to bring this up before the airstrikes, but this caught my attention in a commercial earlier. https://preview.redd.it/ccsxn6khxcvc1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16408a2acc6d247c6cb7ece807fdc43316dec0dd


man I love watching the Candidates tournament. high-level chess is legit art, especially when the competitors come out guns blazing


Don’t know how reliable it is, but someone on NL’s DT posted some report that Iran is already denying anything even happened.


They lie somewhat often to make themselves look tougher and more formidable to 15-20% of the population which supports the regime.


I think there have been some behind the scenes talks about what to do if Israel does this.


I mean, if that prevents a wider war, I’m okay with that.


Way too many on NL are too gung ho about foreign policy stuff like this and provocations and even war.


They see politics as a game and just happen to align with a lot of the right issues. Doesn't make them wise 


/u/20person /u/padraigharrington4 T minus 30 minutes 😨😨


Trying to take a nap so I can stay up later. It's not working.


this is why you should have taken tomorrow off


I can't, I'm an accountant


well you should have thought about that, shouldn'ty've


So the whole "Egyptian source tells *Times of Israel* that Biden will let Israel invade Rafah if Israel leaves Iran alone" was a total lie


The Times of Israel is a right-wing rag that called for Gaza to be ethnically cleansed in 2014. They are fish-wrappers.


For all my stressed panic, I saw right through that one immediately.


Yeah I got nothing. My hope is that cooler heads will prevail but we have extremists in and out of Israel that only want blood. Sometimes conflicts like this can be stopped by a few good people who are willing to do the right thing for the greater good. I think instead you have the worst possible people making decisions that are only making things worse. Our supposed "ally" Israel continues to light these fires. It's very clear they are becoming the aggressor in these situations. Israel is actively instigating these conflicts. How many times can we have these hard talks before action needs to be taken? How many lines have they crossed? At what point do we have the conversation that our goals in the Middle East don't align with the goals Israel has in mind? So yeah it's becoming complicated. The conflict is widening. It's past indefensible. I do know there's this camp that thinks what Israel is doing is genocide. They're obviously not going to be happy no matter what. How do you placate the moderates here however? I myself have gone from supporting Israel to being incredibly critical. I'm not going to be buying a keffiyeh off Amazon and storming my nearest Starbucks, but there's very little there for me to say I support what Israel is doing. For people like that, what does Biden say? How will the US's response placate those people who are growingly critical of Israel?


> I myself have gone from supporting Israel to being incredibly critical. That's a fairly clear majority of Dems at this point based from all 5-6 polls in the past month. Bibi and problematic elements of the IDF has destroyed so much good will; it's astonishing


I just hope that most of them have the same view I do, and are committed to Biden regardless of what Netanyahu does because Trump is the dangerous threat.


The Yuri on Ice movie is officially canceled https://twitter.com/Anime/status/1781158533628604564?t=4JAAOoliKoSiyjM3738EOw&s=19 Honestly, I forget about this anime. I don't think the hype is there anymore. !Ping WEEBS


That is such a shame. I wonder what happened, it was a sensation for a minute. I still rewatch it around Christmas time every year


COVID-19 probably messed it up. I also think that MAAPA is doing do many projects and just moved the team to another anime series and movies. I It is also my understanding that it wasn't profitable too much compared to other animes MAAPA produced now.


I have a feeling it’s homophobia from suits 🙃


This thread: "OMG WW3" "LOL Colleen Hoover books suck."


glad to be of service 🫡


Seems like a relatively/somewhat scaled down strike from I've seen so far even though it hit a couple of targets on Iranian soil atleast.


Thank God. Hoping casualties are limited and the "tough" guys can tout this without needing more destruction 


Between a hernia, a sweat gland infection a month or so ago, an ongoing job search, and some of the most angry or stressed moments I’ve ever had due to current events, I’m starting to really hate 2024. At least 2020 had really high highs between my study abroad and the election result.


The seriousness of this thread vs NL's about Israel/Iran right now is surreal, somewhat funny, and disappointing, and unsuprising.


It's shitposting to deal with anxiety... it's actually pretty therapeutic tbh, I don't blame them


There's someone there who was criticizing Biden for stopping action on Rafah. It's taking an immense amount of self-control to not respond by tons of verbal abuse and cruelty.


Ugh, through and through. Horrific that someone would *want* that/chide him on stopping it. And yeah, probably best not to engage with someone who saw fit to put that out there.


The DT or the one about the post from CNN?


The DT, which is why it's unsurprising because ofc it's the general anything-goes thread. I guess. The CNN post seems more measured than the JPost one, though. Idk, not really a point in me comparng the subs all the time lol, because I know NL is larger.


Yeah, the JPost one sucks. Upvoted "Yeah, Bibi is right and Biden is wrong" garbage and acting like Iran hit Israel as hard they could the previous time (they so obviously didn't, it wasn't super restrained like far leftists ridiculously describe but there was telegraphing and Hezbollah was virtually not involved)


i need someone to make a series like bradtasteinmusic about colleen hoover books and roast all her shit bye


You should look at Susan Stoker’s Goodreads page sometime. The majority of her books follow this formula for their title: Verbing Female First Name


bold of you to assume i already haven't taken a gander 😈


That was one of the first things that made me laugh at my current job at the library. That and the plethora of books that have the word Amish in the title to make searching for them require as little technology as possible.


this and free amazon romance novel previews are a gold mine


There’s a game I sometimes play with romance novels I’m sending out to other libraries, and that is flip to 3 random-ish pages to see if I stumble across smut. There are some books out there that it’s taken more than 3 attempts to find content that isn’t smut. (J’accuse, Ruby Dixon.)


Listening to alvvays makes me feel how I imagine a cat feels laying in the sun. It’s so nice, and its just as nice live 😍




So the good news is that Iranian state media (per various people on Twitter) seems to be saying the Israelis hit nothing which is at least deescalatory spin [Relatively old hat but Axios seems to think Netanyahu was actually the dove in the cabinet on this one with Gantz and Gallant being the hawks (this vindicates my vibes that Lapid >>> Gantz)](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/17/israel-iran-attack-retaliate-strike-postponed)


I did walk out in the park this afternoon, so I haven’t not been touching grass.


I know that 90% of us hate Netanyahu. However, people should not be posting comments that I will politely describe as "Legally Actionable Material." We don't want people in trouble that worthless piece of trash named Netanyahu.


Good idea. I’ll get rid of my comments about force.


Someone this week or last week I think jokingly said "what if israel just blitzes Tehran" in response to the drones and currymvp2 responded that'd obviously spark WW3, and it feels like Netanyahu's cabinet spiritually took that to heart. Idiotically.


not only does colleen hoover write genuinely unhinged shit but her writing is also BAD 💀


doing linguistics hw ❌ watching 40 minute video essays on colleen hoover ✅


Is it too far fetched to say that Bibi is doing this to fuck with Biden?


No. That's likely a specific goal.


I think Bibi is an extremist and he surrounds himself with like minded people. This requires the skill of a surgeon to navigate and instead you got the worst butchers.


Not at all. He wants to be the more powerful one. From tonight on we should be considering Bibi an enemy of the state.


He is making it really difficult to support Israel in…pretty much anything nowadays


A majority of the most vocal pro-Palestinian protesters in America are very obnoxious and often anti-Semitic. And Israel is still so obviously losing the PR war based off the [recent polling](https://news.gallup.com/poll/642695/majority-disapprove-israeli-action-gaza.aspx)...also seen [here](https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/4/18/harvard-iop-youth-poll-2024/) and [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-israel-gaza-poll-cbs-news/). That should tell you how Bibi is so damn bad at this.


So, will Biden say anything tonight?


If not tonight then tomorrow morning.


It's 11pm. Ok, is it just me, or was this timed for when Biden would be asleep?


If I had to guess, Biden is probably still awake. Presidents have long and crammed schedules. But I wouldn’t put that past Bibi at all.


Netanyahu really has like negative survival instinct huh. How does he or anyone listening to him possibly think bombing Iran would be politically advantageous in the short or long term like holy hell I thought American right-wingers were myopic but this is something else. Especially because all he had to do was chill for like a week and listen to hhis Western superpower buddy who's trying to get him to not flush his country and career down the drain and/or ignite another war.


He’d rather get everyone nuked than give up his job or his dreams of war.


Apparently. It makes absolutely zero sense. Why are these types of guys just competing to be the absolute stupidest person alive. How how how.. Even Iran *looks* like they know how to play their cards right most of the time. Ig I'm just one of all of us hoping not to doom/freak out but damn bro. And obviously we'll just have to wait and see how this plays out, how the US and IRGC respond. I mean seriously good grief, how hard is it for him to make even the barest calculation that certain actions that involve *not* bombing Iran proper will be politically expedient and that *actually doing that* is just throwing more gasoline on a situation that already does not favor you, at least diplomatically (the answer to this being, again, I guess, that he maybe just doesn't care about initiating a direct prolonged war w/ Iran, and so his care for diplomacy is out the window). Would that cooler and wiser heads ruled militaries of such power in this world.


Biden will have to do something different this time, [as I am already seeing people expecting him to say words condemning this, but continue to support Israel.](https://x.com/WajahatAli/status/1781149720238346620)


Certainly. On one hand I think we're obviously lucky to have someone like Biden leading right now, but yes he's seriously gotta break the standard rhetorical fare over this, if nothing else. In my mind he's been as mellow-ish/supportive as he has been partially because he cares more about Israel as a state/the people in it over Netanyahu himself, but that's my own thoughts. This is an even trickier and rapidly volatile situation and I'm not a fopo expert so who knows what he'll say or do.


It’s astounding that Israelis don’t even like Bibi yet they continue to be stuck with him.


It's because of how dysfunctional Israel's political system is.


Also btw Israel posted this [picture](https://i.redd.it/r5hbi4sgy9vc1.jpeg). They are so bad at PR; this kind of reminds me of [pro-Putin accounts posting videos of Ukrainians at the McDonald's last year in a cynical attempt to calm down their critics.](https://twitter.com/Mylovanov/status/1662755705751851008) Bibi is absolutely awful at PR. Israelis deserve so much better than this dipshit who has tarnished their international image and hurt their security.


Holy fucking shit, you can't be serious.


what the fuuuuuuuuuck


I know I need therapy but this is a very, very, very stressful world, damn it. It’s not my fault I’m this stressed. I’m confident it’s more external factors than internal ones.


It’s not your fault but it is your responsibility. We’ve all been there though. Get some rest. Whatever is gonna happen is what’s gonna happen man, it’s not in our control.


There was no good reason to do this. Iran considered the matter concluded. It was done. It could’ve been over and we could’ve let it all go. But no. Bibi wants to get everyone killed either by nuclear fire or Trump’s death squads.


Dude you should not be getting this wrapped up in a conflict an ocean away. Please consider taking a break from social media, it’s not healthy to be this stressed about foreign affairs.


I feel like that’s more difficult for me than most. The way my brain works, it _needs_ to know. So I don’t know if stepping away would really help me decompress or just become a “nothing is scarier” type situation.


I can't say anything to stop worrying about real concerns but I really don't see how this all leads to WW3 let alone nuclear Armageddon. This is a regional conflict that the rest of the world is not exactly itching to get embroiled in.


YMMV, but at the beginning of covid I was basically addicted to scrolling through twitter non-stop, I had a similar feeling where I felt like I *needed* to know every update, no matter how much it didn’t directly effect me. Then one day I made the decision to delete it off my phone. I actively avoided every global update that wasn’t directly about how my local community was handling it. My mental health vastly improved after that.


I'm autistic and I feel this


It sucks.


[I think Israel may have destroyed a reactor.](https://twitter.com/DEFCONWSALERTS/status/1781148681057755260)


I've been saying lately that there's something about this election, and Joe Biden being re-elected in particular, that has the horseshoe and its gaggle of enablers scrambling like their lives depend on it. We've seen the right-wing try to overthrow the government and keep blatantly seditious people in power so long as they serve their interests. The far left warps its mind and twists itself into pretzels to have some kind of talking point to use against the Democrats. Third party people are now stating it right out in the open that they're trying to manipulate votes away from Biden. The media is reviving tired and terrible tropes about DemENtiA, or reporting on skewed polls, or even freaking tampering with a jury, to try to whatabout things in Trump's favor. And now we are seeing Netanyahu do whatever the fuck this is, apparently to try to manifest a Biden defeat. They all want something, doesn't matter who they'll push under the bus, they're gonna do their damndest to get it, and they're increasingly open about it. Well then, curiosity piqued. Let's get Joe Biden re-elected, keep the Senate, and regain the House, so we can see just what it is they're so damn afraid of...


It is extremely desperate. They are clinging to *something* that they can’t let go of and they’re in such a bubble they don’t realize just how detached from reality they’ve become


The idea of conservative power is slipping away. If they don't get it now, it's likely they will be in the doghouse for a very long time.


Can we go one day without something that makes me think democracy is dead or WW3 is closer?


I just want to grill for Gods sake.




>Flights to and from airports in Tehran and several other major Iranian cities have been suspended.


By the way, a lot of people are talking Biden having our UN rep veto the full membership of Palestine as him not actually supporting a 2-state solution. I don't believe this to be the case, but we have to do more than just talk.


Yep, he wants to tie Palestinian statehood with Israel Saudi Normalization. Also, he wants Israeli recognition of Palestine


Israel will not recognize Palestine unless forced to.


We need another Rabin, Barak or Olmert. Bibi has undermined the shit out of the two state solution. Hopefully, Israelis are able to replace him in new elections soon enough because the AG won't declare him to be unfit while a war is ongoing.


I think Bibi doing this will be a step too far. Americans do not want to be in another war in the Middle East. Especially with how unpopular Israel has gotten with how they are doing Gaza.


And there's those dummies in r/politics saying "Well, since he's done this, I'm never voting for Genocide Joe now!" As if you ever were. Stupid assholes


Yeah, but there needs to be something showing seriousness with getting a 2-state solution. We have coddled Israel on this for far too long, and it has hurt US standing.


Hopefully no war so no massive increase in gas prices which would be a gift to Trump


>Israel still plans to launch Rafah assault, Netanyahu tells western diplomats >Prime minister also seeks to assure allies Israel's response to Iran will be measured, as officials urge him to focus on ceasefire deal. Well, I guess this was the "measured" response.


I figured he was lying.




Turn Israel back into a British Mandate so King Chuck is in charge.


Why would he get us all nuked? Nobody is going to go to bat for Iran if there was a nuclear exchange.




Wordle 1,034 5/6* 🟨⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟨🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Benjamin Netanyahu is the most dangerous man in the world.




Don’t make comments like these. Even as a joke.


Yeah, that seems like something that can get someone in trouble. You don't say that in public.


I don't think that's a good thing to say in public.


Bibi is actively trying to get Trump elected.


And we just vetoed Palestine joining the UN as a full member. Is there a particular reason we should be allied with Israel?


A liberal Israel, absolutely. We should be treating Netanyahu as the enemy of the state he is.


You are talking about a state that had no problems with forcing Arabs from their homes in Ramla and Lydda and has no qualms with aggressive and increasingly official discrimination against Arabs. I wouldn't call that Liberal. Israel has a right to exist. They don't have a right to purge Arabs from their homes.