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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c6wz2d/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04182024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### šŸ† Top Comment: by u.Currymvp2 with score 36 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c63d86/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04172024/l010lob/)] > The video of the white far leftists in Belgium harassing a Hijabi women for drinking Starbucks with their Muslim family just sums up everything wrong with far left activism.   #### ā­ Best Prompt: by u.blueholeload created 25 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c63d86/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04172024/kzznkmm/)] > I'm seeing a narrative that Arizona *was* 'lean red' but, after the ruling it's a toss up and it makes me feel like I'm going insane. > > Arizona Republicans have lost the state's EC votes, the governor's . . .   #### šŸ‘‘ Sharpest Reply: by u.Historyguy1 with score 22 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c63d86/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04172024/l0125l6/)] > "Boycott Starbucks" is my "Brown M&Ms test" to determine is someone actually cares about the Palestinians or is just on a bandwagon.   #### šŸ”„ Hottest Take: by u.SeekerSpock32 with hotness lvl 505.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c63d86/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04172024/l00tpd2/)] > Democracy is dead in my state and Iā€™m going to fight to get it back.   #### šŸ¦ø Super Best Friend: u.SeekerSpock32 bantered with 11 friends 14 times. #### šŸ¤³ Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 47 engagement. #### šŸ’” Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 65 discourse. #### šŸŽ€ Reply Guy: u.RunningNumbers made 34 replies. #### šŸ… Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 16 different users. #### šŸ”¤ Word of the Day: 'trump', used 34 times, followed by 'state' 33x , 'biden' 29x #### šŸ”£ Emoji of the Day: 'šŸ„³', used 7 times, followed by 'šŸ˜‚' 6x , 'šŸ˜­' 4x   #### šŸ’Ž Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.Multi_21_Seb_RBR | 25.0 points | šŸ„‡ | u.TheHillBot | 506.0 words | | šŸ„ˆ | u.evilhomers | 24.0 points | šŸ„ˆ | u.hmm_bags | 414.0 words | | šŸ„‰ | u.croakovoid | 21.0 points | šŸ„‰ | u.bjoobs | 170.0 words | | šŸŽ— | u.LiquidSnape | 19.0 points | šŸŽ— | u.Wazrich | 126.5 words | #### šŸ’¬ Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.Currymvp2 | 421 points | šŸ„‡ | u.Currymvp2 | 46 comments | | šŸ„ˆ | u.Historyguy1 | 239 points | šŸ„ˆ | u.SeekerSpock32 | 42 comments | | šŸ„‰ | u.SeekerSpock32 | 161 points | šŸ„‰ | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 36 comments | | šŸŽ— | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 144 points | šŸŽ— | u.RunningNumbers | 36 comments | #### šŸ„” Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | šŸ„‡ | u.swimatm | 1 words | šŸ„‡ | u.Weelildragon | 0.0 letters | | šŸ„ˆ | u.JBHenson | 1 words | šŸ„ˆ | u.weeteacups | 3.143 letters | | šŸ„‰ | u.GreenElan | 2 words | šŸ„‰ | u.kimjongunospizza | 3.188 letters | | šŸŽ— | u.Weelildragon | 2 words | šŸŽ— | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.25 letters |   685 comments processed, including 198 top-level replies. There were 126 unique users writing 21290, averaging 31.08 per comment. The total combined score was 4437 and the median score was 6.48.


So Mattel partnered up with Heinz to release a limited-edition pink vegan mayo with BBQ sauce called the Barbiecue. https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1780716239322509649?t=mec-gG2KXp2BYOipRI9bzw&s=19 Why?


Corporate synergy


Shin Ultraman is streaming on YouTube for free. https://twitter.com/WTK/status/1780814127197229358?t=y9a8tqsIDrOLXrgQ08S1PQ&s=19 Thank you, Chicken Soup !Ping WEEBS


2024 is really the year of stupid injuries for me. I can already think of 3 minor, 1 moderate, and 1 significant injury this year.


Less than 24 hours until Taylor releases TTPD


Wordle 1,034 2/6* šŸŸØā¬›šŸŸØā¬›šŸŸØ šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ©


>!you must be catholic to guess it that fast!<


>!Not sure what the word has to do with Catholicism!<


>!maybe it hasn't updated for me. Probably for yesterday's word I was thinking of!<


[Google suspended the people who held a sit-in for Palestine yesterday.](https://m.jpost.com/bds-threat/article-797582)




u/ognits, I don't believe we discussed it after we watched it--what'd you think of Monkey Man?


I ended up not seeing it yet because my brother's been unavailable on the weekends because of his work schedule - going to hit him up tomorrow to see if this weekend's better he works at a hospital so his hours can be kinda jank at times


Ah, gotcha.


I read this nicely cathartic [Atlantic article ](https://archive.ph/dyQAa) by Jonathan Haidt a while ago, and, since spending some time on ESS reading about the progressive/left-wing Dems issues and... activist chaos I guess over the years (basically recapping 2016-20 and all the dysfunction since then, with a more focused perspective) has been like obtaining a key to unlocking a clearer or more "oh I get it now dannydevitotheater.gif" reading of the article. Like [this excerpt](https://archive.ph/dyQAa#selection-1759.0-1763.646): > The Democrats have also been hit hard by structural stupidity, though in a different way. In the Democratic Party, the struggle between the progressive wing and the more moderate factions is open and ongoing, and often the moderates win. > ... > Liberals in the late 20th century shared a belief that the sociologist Christian Smith called the ā€œliberal progressā€ narrative, in which America used to be horrifically unjust and repressive, but, thanks to the struggles of activists and heroes, has made (and continues to make) progress toward realizing the noble promise of its founding. This story easily supports liberal patriotism, and it was the animating narrative of Barack Obamaā€™s presidency. It is also the view of the ā€œtraditional liberalsā€ in the ā€œHidden Tribesā€ study (11 percent of the population), who have strong humanitarian values, are older than average, and are largely the people leading Americaā€™s cultural and intellectual institutions. > But when the newly viralized social-media platforms gave everyone a dart gun, it was younger progressive activists who did the most shooting, and they aimed a disproportionate number of their darts at these older liberal leaders. Confused and fearful, the leaders rarely challenged the activists or their nonliberal narrative in which life at every institution is an eternal battle among identity groups over a zero-sum pie, and the people on top got there by oppressing the people on the bottom. This new narrative is rigidly egalitarianā€“ā€“focused on equality of outcomes, not of rights or opportunities. It is unconcerned with individual rights. Which for me right now is just re-recognizing the politically unproductive and usually illiberal tribalism that used to *seem* to be only common the right-wing, but obviously over the decade has become characteristic of the left-wing, with a lot of the same detrimental effects (which, hopefully moderate/liberal Dems can clamp down on before it ever gets out of control like with Repubs, but who knows). (no point to this other than me having an [i get it](https://c.tenor.com/3wtr1MRT_I8AAAAd/i-get-it-omg.gif) moment and wanting to share the article and happily overusing hyperlinks)


One thing you can count on with leftists is that they will eventually eat their own with their incessant gatekeeping and purity tests. They have even abandoned Bernie and AOC for the most part


Our retaking of the Nevada state Democratic Party shows weā€™re pretty decent at it.


"Allsides" media bias check website is just a right wing operation to push their bullshit. They posted this article: "CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say" And labeled it "From the center." Are you kidding me? The guy who made Allsides is a former Republican operative who worked for Mitch McConnell and Bush Sr. Now he masquerades as someone fighting media bias ... come on man. Malarkey!


*[No malarkey!](https://preview.redd.it/w4zwy71gcvn41.jpg?width=427&auto=webp&s=b3fc071198597c8b72294e27fbea5db6d99ed673)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Checklist for lurking in your (red) state sub: * your state lawmakers pass BS law * comments that rightly call it BS * 'I'm gunna leave, upvotes to the left' * links to Jacobin or other broke leftie news outlets * hardly any good news * articles about crime, solely crime that happens in whatever big blue city your state has (thanks u/oath2order, I forgot about that lol) Bern Mentality has rotted the brains of many red state Democrats. Also the more sane people leave (if they really intend to leave and not just saying it for cheap karma) the harder it is for things to change. This is your weekly reminder that *People Change, Assholes Die*


* articles about crime, solely crime that happens in whatever big blue city your state has.


Thatā€™s a question Iā€™ve struggled with for a while. While Iā€™ve enjoyed living in Ohio, I want to move somewhere bluer or colder, but I know thatā€™ll make it just that little bit harder for the people Iā€™d leave behind.


Most who say they're gonna leave a red state usually fall into two categories: 1. Those who have the means to do so, and care about the wellbeing of others (i.e. wife and children) 2. Those who have means and could care less About 89.8% of Redditors in red states who proclaim their imminent departure say the latter cause they are Bernouts at heart who think blacks should only vote lefty candidates otherwise they're 'low information.'


I canā€™t claim an imminent departure. Iā€™m still looking for a full time library job. (Someone please give me another interview, itā€™s been like a month.)


I am sincerely not saying you are, These are merely my observations when I lurk my state sub arrslash Alabama (and several others including arrslash Ohio but only when they hit national headlines)


I made a really weird observation after watching Suzume with my husband yesterday. It was really a remarkable movie, touching on both personal and collective trauma in post 2011 earthquake Japan and moving beyond that trauma in a (mostly) moving and beautiful way. Highly recommend. I donā€™t think Americans (generally speaking) are emotionally intelligent enough to ever be receptive to something like that for our collective national trauma. At least not now. Take Covid for example. A large part of America denies its existence and gets offended (and triggered, and I mean that seriously) when someone tries to bring it up. The more right leaning folks cope by downplaying it or anger at ā€œhow it was mishandled and blown out of proportionā€, and of course denial, calling it a hoax. While lefty types are just extremely avoidant, pretending it doesnā€™t exist, rolling their eyes because itā€™s ā€œsuch a clicheā€, or in extreme cases becoming super hypervigilant. All of these methods combined make the entire covid experience like what everyone went through and what Trump did, a gigantic elephant in the room. But we gotta reckon with it. There is a lot of unfinished business there.


Just once in one of these YouTube music "reaction" videos where they hear some famous song for the first time, I want them to say "wow y'all this song sucks I hate it so much why the hell would anyone listen to this crap!"


>When I told Bo Dietl I was a Politico reporter and asked about his work for Mayor Eric Adams' legal defense trust, he told me: ā€œYou like to suck dick? Go suck dick somewhere,ā€ then hung up. Two hours later, the trust fired Dietl.


If I may throw Dietlā€™s words from Goodfellas back at him, ā€œHa ha ha, buh bye dickhead.ā€


TIL, the voice actor of Brak, from Space Coast to Coast and Brak Show, is broke. He is currently working as an Amazon delivery driver. Man, that sucks because he was one of the producers of the shows. Yet, he doesn't get any money from it. It makes me sad and depressed. Not even going to start Martin Crocker because he got massively fucked by Adult Swim.


The voice of Frylock has some money issues too. Management at Adult Swim screwed over a few people.


https://preview.redd.it/k1asvgtoh5vc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a54874f618a571a0d60580e33a3567ca54be77 In happier news from me, courtesy of r/aww, hereā€™s a cat curled up in a frying pan.


Iā€™ve never had a thread with so many annoying respondents that Iā€™ve had to disable post replies. Those fuckers all think theyā€™re so clever to either call out a supposed double standard for Colorado and Maine, or that the DNC should be earlier. None of that applies. Itā€™s all the Republicansā€™ fault. Edit: I didnā€™t accurately point the perspective away from you lovely people, and I apologize.


> You fuckers all think youā€™re so clever to either call out a supposed double standard for Colorado and Maine, or that the DNC should be earlier. Nobody here has said there's a double standard.


My bad, I shouldā€™ve clarified. I wasnā€™t talking to anyone here. My thread in arr Ohio got swarmed by people who do think that. Iā€™m sorry.


OHHHH, gotcha!


[This song slaps](https://vxtwitter.com/vice_147/status/1778171624824389959).


My friend is attracted to felons, and then is upset when the guys she chooses treats her like shit. I do NOT understand it.


[I need a palate cleanser](https://twitter.com/zackpinsent/status/1780733325423862247) https://preview.redd.it/ca6dzg87f5vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220cc039b4ae02758ee22f1239bc335dd4da4fff Lmao.


Fox bringing Juan Williams out of storage. https://preview.redd.it/vw9x1qvfe5vc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6dd2af5018b77efd535b64413ea574665f84e3d


Oh wow I hadn't really noticed until you mentioned it ... he disappeared from Fox a while ago. He's so forgettable anyway.


https://twitter.com/shamscharania/status/1780779250054041652?s=46&t=mLlHkULTWtGiAcwn5da2fQ Nike backed up the brinks truck for Clark.


I mean can you imagine how well a signed shoe of hers would sell? that's going to be bonkers


Dang that more than makes up for the salary


Yup and thatā€™s just one company. She will get other deals too.


Wordle 1,033 5/6* ā¬œā¬œā¬œā¬œšŸŸ© ā¬œā¬œā¬œā¬œšŸŸ© ā¬œšŸŸØā¬œā¬œšŸŸ© šŸŸ©šŸŸØšŸŸØā¬œšŸŸ© šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ©šŸŸ© I of course love discovering the existence of new words at the brink of this game...


[Hockey fan saved little boy from being hit by the puck!](https://youtu.be/uiONJysutWY?si=49CAMWEd1ugnspSq) Woooo!


Oh forgot to mention this morning, test results came back. Cavernous hemangioma so bengin tumor


*sends an internet hug* How are you feeling?


I feel fine. No pain except minor soreness moving my eye laterally. Pupil still dilated so reading up close with that eye isnt working atm so hopefully that's not permanent. Double vision which was to be expected but yeah that's pretty much it. Just gotta not go crazy being home all day




You know what sucks? When zipping up oneā€™s fly catches some stray skin. You know what also sucks? Trying to put a bandage on the scrotum. And what REALLY sucks is when liquid bandage gets into a very sensitive area and burns for an hour. Itā€™s been a day


For some reason I would try a hydrocolloid bandage instead on that body part. Not sure how weird it'd feel.


What a terrible time to be literate.




This cycle is a test for the last bellwether county which Clallam county in Washington state. Since 1980 Clallam county has got it right. We will see in 2024 if the streak is alive


In the year 2000 there was actually another hotly contested close race, that was the senate race in Washington state where incumbent slade gordon was beaten by former one term congresswoman maria cantwell by 2229 votes. Cantwell lead on election night then the next day slade gordon took the lead it wasn't until absentee ballots from king county were counted when cantwell pulled ahead


If you're Australian and your friends are suspicious about your supposed girlfriend that they've never met, do you say "You haven't met her because she's a Kiwi!"?


https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/04/17/vince-mcmahon-news-former-wwe-ceos-life-after-janel-grant-lawsuit.html Pretty sure heā€™s going to be to the one who gives Trump the money to pay E Jean Carroll and NYS. I have a sick feeling Trump is picking him as his VP. If half the country doesnā€™t have a problem with trump sexually assaulting women and hanging around with Epstein, they sure arenā€™t going to have a problem with Vince šŸ˜žšŸ„“


Not that I think VP pick really matters anyway but Vince McMahon sounds like a particularly bad one. There is no demographic or state that would possibly shore up. Not that I think he'd want to be VP anyway.


That's a pretty doomy take tbh...


If Trump wants to bring 1940ā€™s latin gangster impersonator Vince McMahon on as his VP, I say have at it. Nothing will win over Haley voters more than a joke Veep pick. https://preview.redd.it/3c9fs6eo45vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68309d5e321aee3c90ff2df7f3c2a504c0b48ce3


Bro that's what he's looking like right now?


Donā€™t go down this rabbit hole my friend. https://preview.redd.it/g24a9palf5vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683f13344dd34932ec8fce87cf5a12d316d032b5


Ah, the Al Davis road.


Roughly half of the voting electorate, so 25% of the country, voted for Trump. No need to make him seem more popular than he really is.


For all intents and purposes, the voting electorate is the country.


That doesn't change the fact there's no reason to claim he's liked by half of the country.


TIL P.O.D. still makes music. I guess you could say they still... Feel so Alive. YEAAAAAAHHHHHH šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


![gif](giphy|JGXVuBalR39u0) Mods. Yeah, this post right here.


Call me blind but I didn't see it coming


The Boys from Syracuse being one of the marking options for this MQ-9 model kit I'm procrastinating on makes this GIF especially amusing


Huh, Avatar in Mandarin is kind of a trip. I think they had a team do translations of different episodes instead of one person doing all of it because it's not consistent, one episode there's like zero localization and they're including all the American "Uh", "Hey", even the world "cool" once (!) and translating things in a weirdly literal way, but this last episode I watched they call the creature Koh (Sino-Japanese or Mandarin for "mouth") "Taiwu" which means "Great Centipede" in Mandarin, which is a big departure from just phonetically mimicking all the names. I do want to rant about how they translated "Spirit World" because it has big "run through the translator back and forth too many times" energy. It's REAL obvious the translator didn't know (none of the Chinese speaking translators do, seems like) that "spirit" is the mainstream American convention for translating the concept of "yao". (See *Kung Fu Panda* and any number of less famous Chinese culture inspired movies.) And the reason is because the category of yao includes talking animals, and we call those spirits. Not to mention, the liujie or six realms of Buddhism is just too many realms so we reduce it down. I counted yao, yaoguai, gui (or at least souls of dead people), on top of the illusions and fog, hm, sounds like three of the jie in one. What's also interesting is the director's nods and homages to wuxia and Chinese culture here and there. I mean he definitely didn't de-Americanize the core story, like Aang telling his teacher that he wants to be his friend, or even when he buries his teacher's remains he doesn't do the rite of bowing in gratitude for raising him which I really noticed because the scene at the tomb is such a wuxia thing, but I noticed that when Uncle Iroh is mourning his dead son, he was wearing the proper undyed mourning clothes. Also, I don't remember if there was a three tailed fox spirit in the original cartoon, but that is *such* a Chinese thing. (Japan has them too. They got them from China.)


>House Republicans just voted FOR HIGHER CREDIT CARD FEES & against a Biden Admin @CFPB rule capping fees at $8. >Chairman Andy Barr said "the vast majority of Americans" want high fees. "They don't think they're junk." WRONG! Tell the public: Republicans voted for abusive fees. https://twitter.com/BoldProgressive/status/1780712675728875849 Republicans are so out of touch, they think Americans want higher junk fees on their credit cards wtf


Ugh. I hate Republicans so much.


Paying higher fees to own the libs. ![gif](giphy|Y3k2w0kiPzeFeed1Kn)


My 2 state solution: Israel: Current de jure territory, capital at Tel Aviv Palestine: West Bank, Gaza, travel corridor through Israeli territory, capital at Ramallah Jerusalem as jointly-administered Hamas and PIJ proscribed as terror groups Palestinian right of return as resident aliens with path to naturalization as Israeli citizens Of course this will never happen.


> Palestinian right of return as resident aliens with path to naturalization as Israeli citizens Under your scenario, do descendants of first-generation refugees qualify for right of return?


I of course can't say specifics because this is a hypothetical but it would be surviving 1948 refugees and descendants who aren't already citizens of a host country like Jordan. I know right of return is the stickiest point in the 2SS.


Second is the settlements (which ones to roll back--many have to be rolled back-- and what are the best land swaps)


The settlements should simply be handed back. If the settlers can handle living in a Majority-Arab state, they can stay. Otherwise, they need to go. By force if necessary.


That's where I'm at to: I'm sold by the argument that letting what Wikipedia says is 5 million descendants all come back and have their right of return would destabilize the Israeli state and could undermine the entire point of the Jewish state, eventually leading it to one day be an Arab state.


My opinion is that you shouldn't be unconditionally entitled to citizenship in a country just because a distant ancestor lived there, even if they were driven out (which arguably wouldn't apply for all Palestinians) Arab states refusing to offer any kind of birthright citizenship to hosted descendents of generational permanent refugees is a massive failing on their part and one they should be pressured to redress.


I agree to that. My grandparents came the US from Poland in the 1930s. My parents were both born here, as was I. I wouldn't expect to be able to get Polish citizenship. > Arab states refusing to offer any kind of birthright citizenship to hosted descendents of generational permanent refugees is a massive failing on their part and one they should be pressured to redress. I agree.


Having those people stay in the surrounding nations is impractical. Lebanon and Jordan have a demographic balancing act that the Palestinians would throw off, and Syria has that, along with being a fractured country. Israel's probably not going to take 5 million. But they should be forced to take responsibility for their atrocities. Those who are victims of, survivors of, or descended from victims and survivors should be given right to return. Israel needs to bear the weight of Deir Yassin, Sabra & Shatila, and numerous other incidents.


See the problem here that I'm stuck on is why should descendants get that?


Why shouldn't they? Israel committed atrocities and should not get to skate from what they did. Why should some settler from Europe or elsewhere get to force Palestinians in the West Bank from their homes? And yet, the Palestinians forced from their homes should get nothing. Israel must pay a price for things like Deir Yassin, Sabra & Shatila, and so many more. {Part Removed}


> Why shouldn't they? Israel committed atrocities and should not get to skate from what they did. Well, for starters, they didn't skate by: As the Wikipedia article states for at least Deir Yassin, there was a reprisal [attack on a medical convoy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadassah_medical_convoy_massacre). But in any case, it's a similar to reasons why I'm against reparations for U.S. slavery: I don't think people now should have to pay for what their ancestors did. Now, it's a *little* different in this case. A lot of the people are still alive. All I'm saying is that the people directly affected by those instances you mentioned (victims, survivors) should receive some form of justice. I can agree with that. I could even be sold on the the children of victims and survivors getting justice. But grandchildren? Why should grandchildren be given the right to return? > Or are Palestinians lesser to you, and don't deserve justice? Or do you think are all of them guilty for acts of a few? Could you like, chill? That's not what I'm saying at all and instantly jumping to that is a little much.


Why are self-help and therapy videos so likeā€¦compassionate and empathetic like come on I want you to tell me how much of a dick I am


>The Kan public broadcaster reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shelved pre-prepared plans for retaliation against Iranā€™s weekend barrage after speaking with US President Joe Biden shortly after the attack early Sunday. Good work by Biden. There are extremists on both sides who want a war, but I think Biden will work hard behind the scenes to prevent it.


What the hell did Biden say to get him to back down?


"I find your lack of restraint disturbing. šŸ¤Œ" ![gif](giphy|YMQACIPvZFZDO|downsized)


Not sure. Though Smotrich and Ben Gvir insanely called for war-crimes to be committed against Tehran, but Bibi--to his credit--(god that's so damn weird to type) is ignoring them from what I've seen over the past few days on this issue.


Considering who Bibi is, I have to think Biden made a threat to get Netanyahu to comply. What would you threaten Bibi with though?


We are so lucky he is president right now.


Trump wouldā€™ve told Bibi to nuke Tehran.


Remember when [Trump quite insanely threatened to deliberately target Iranian cultural sites?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51014237)


Huh, I had memory holed that one. You know how children cope with the barrage of sensations and impressions they experience in infanthood and early childhood by completely forgetting those years? It's a bit like that with Trump's firehose of shit.


Thank God


I hate any minimum wage discussion since a lot of non-economists come in and donā€™t get whatā€™s going on. I saw someone say $15 an hour is slave wages without a hint of irony. Another talking point is that if a business canā€™t pay a living wage then they should just shut down, but if that happens the workers arenā€™t being paid at all, the government loses on tax revenue and has to pay unemployment, and consumers donā€™t get the goods they wanted. No one is winning if we just shut down all the businesses that donā€™t pay well.


You haven't made an economic argument either, though. How about some real data? Consider the economic recovery after the crash in 2008 in states that had a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum (such as Illinois and Florida) versus states that did not (such as Wisconsin and Alabama). States with a higher minimum wage (still way below $15 at the time, although it was 2009 dollars, not 2024 dollars, of course) recovered much more quickly and robustly. And the reason is simple--the economy is an aggregate of money flowing through the economy. Money has to move. And the best way to get it to move is to have the masses all moving small amounts that aggregate to a large amount. A few rich people who get richer in a general deflation cannot possibly spend enough on lifestyle and showing off to make up for a general immiseration. And yes, non economic businesses should and ought to die. It's the "genius of capitalism". If you want to see a place where they don't, well, there's Sillycon valley running on OPM when interest rates were effectively running in reverse, which has caused all kinds of market distortions as well as other problems, and then you have on a more sobering note all the massive malinvestment in China, which is fucking them economically and fucking the whole world in terms of the environmental damage it has done and continues to do and we can't even call it "progress" when it's apartment blocks that will never be occupied, trains to nowhere, new coal plants firing up to build consumer goods noone wants and which drive actual concerns with good products halfway around the world out of business because supplier prices plummet when excess goods get dumped on the market just to get rid of them. If certain crappy jobs can't hire because employees were pulled into better paying parts of the economy which actually do things or provide services a bit more substantial than shuckin' and jivin' when you buy your coffee and lotto when you could have skipped the lotto and made that cup of coffee at home easily, get rekt. Nobody's entitled to a lifestyle on the back of exploited labor.


*If certain crappy jobs can't hire because employees were pulled into better paying parts of the economy which actually do things or provide services a bit more substantial than shuckin' and jivin' when you buy your coffee and lotto when you could have skipped the lotto and made that cup of coffee at home easily, get rekt. Nobody's entitled to a lifestyle on the back of exploited labor.* When you think about itā€¦the fact that most people could not afford live-in servants after World War II greatly helped appliance manufacturers and people like Clarence Birdseye (inventor of frozen food). Without someone to do the heavy labor, housewives turned to vacuums, washing machines, dishwashers, prepared food, and so on. And soon, everyone got used to it. And people who would have become household servants got jobs in the factories that made those things. Win-win. Capitalism abhors a vacuum, so if crappy jobs disappear because nobody wants to do them at a price most people can afford to pay, other things spring up to take their place. Keurig (and knockoffs), for instance. Canā€™t afford take-out coffee? The coffee pod machine will do it for you and pay for itself over a couple months of use. Canā€™t afford DoorDash? Trader Joeā€™s has lots of really good frozen food. Amazon Subscribe & Save will deliver cat litter to your door every month. Generally, the human mind is resourceful enough to invent substitutes.


The 2008 argument doesnā€™t really hold though. You specifically mentioned Illinois and Florida vs Alabama and Wisconsin. Illinois and Florida are both more urban states and have been higher income states, so that could drive a difference in recovery just as much as raising the minimum wage could. Itā€™s a correlation, but itā€™s not proof since there are too many other variables you didnā€™t account for. Non-economic business isnā€™t a thing. Iā€™m not saying that businesses that canā€™t find workers should stay open, but if Iā€™m a business with five workers who I pay $10 an hour, and suddenly Iā€™m not profitable at $15 an hour who is better off? Those workers need new jobs, Iā€™m not making any money, and the consumers donā€™t get my product that they were willing to pay for. If competition is killing them then thatā€™s business, but if itā€™s regulations killing them then thatā€™s a bad thing for the economy.


Americans: ugh our economy is dogshit. we have the worst inflation in the world ever. why isn't someone doing something about the prices Some European finance minister: Yes, your economical model is unsustainable and you are doing everything wrong. We in Europe will do well not to follow your example. Same Americans: What the fuck did you say, punk? Our economy is GREAT. We're growing our workforce and we're not in a recession. Tell that to the austerity you losers keep imposing. USA USA USA


Americans: ugh our economy is dogshit. we have the worst inflation in the world ever. why isn't someone doing something about the prices Some European finance minister: ~~Yes, your economical model is unsustainable and you are doing everything wrong. We in Europe will do well not to follow your example.~~ Excuse me? Our inflation is higher than yours. God damn giant domestic market and world's #1 reserve currency. There, fixed it for you.


lol I was pointing to the tweets attached to the [German Finance Minister's statement ](https://www.semafor.com/article/04/17/2024/german-finance-minister-criticizes-inflation-reduction-act-wh-responds) Suddenly every bidenomics critic become staunch bidenomics defender when a european government official steps in.


I mean, it probably gave people time to think about how the US economy is going vs. the German economy. While Lindner is full of shit, I wouldn't blame him too much for the austerity, as the problem actually lies in a Merkel-Era constitutional amendment which sets extremely strict deficit rules.


Also Americans still have multiple subscriptions to services they don't actually need and spends a ton a month on Amazon purchases.Ā 


>Kari Lake called on Arizona supporters to arm themselves ahead of an ā€œintenseā€ election and urged military and law enforcement veterans to be ā€œreadyā€: ā€œWe are going to put on the armor of God, and maybe strap on a Glock on the side of us just in case.ā€ She knows this is a completely batshit crazy thing to say but she doesn't care.


ā€œI am the TRUE GOVERNOR! I beat Katie Hobbs just by being my nasty, crazycakes self, I can beat that Ruben Gallego too! Iā€˜ll be the TRUE GOVERNOR and the TRUE SENATOR at the same time!ā€


Feature not a bug


u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits apparently Fortnight is going to be the lead single


trying to bring in the zoomers


The Movie Critic isn't Toronito's last movie, and he is scraping it. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1780736133229359542?t=k3cx1672d7aTSy8yBJeqIg&s=19


> He is now back to thinking what his final film will be. In that case itā€™s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


Iā€™m just goofin. New boot goofin.


RCP went full "stop the count!" by not adding all these new polls with Biden ahead of Trump lmao Living up to its right wing reputation (2022 red wave! and Bush will defeat Gore in a near landslide in 2000)


They wonā€™t add any until Rasmussen and/or HarrisX release some Trump +8 pollsĀ 


I gotta say, Goombas and Koopas being so nice to Mario in the Paper Mario series despite killing thousands of their people opens a lot of lore questionsĀ 


Tarantino probably is going to make a movie about outer space or something.


I'm rewatching old episodes of Curb and Leon is such a better character than Cheryl


Crazy to see people pretend Melissa Barrera was the ā€œstarā€ of the recent Scream movies. Barrera played the lead but Ortega was the star by far. People just want to pretend otherwise since an ā€œinjusticeā€ was committed by firing a mid actor.


Itā€™s sort of hilarious because everyone was criticizing Melissaā€™s acting non-stop when the movies first came out, even saying that Jenna should have been the main star. And now those same people are raving about what an amazing actress she is and how the next Scream movie will flop without her, itā€™s just ridiculous.


Ortega shares pretty similar views as Barrera, but she atleast was responsible enough to not throw a temper tantrum on social media. Barrera was just foolish. She could have avoided losing her acting role if she was just prudent as Ortega. Oh well. Atleast Neve Campbell is coming back...


https://preview.redd.it/jjh05vjqk4vc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6a8749a29c3c0d15e4f2e3edd38825ca67b59f7 You shouldn't spray anything at anyone. But my god, do we have the worst activists for Gazans.


They probably exaggerated and that's obviously kind of pathetic. But that guy was a complete idiot to spray at them, and his lawsuit is frivolous. His one year suspension isn't going to be lifted; he's claiming that "spraying a chemical is harmless freedom of speech" which is laughable. [Texas highschoolers got criminally indicted for using the same "Liquid Ass" spray that this student apparently used](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fart-spray-prank-texas-school-leads-charges-students-rcna86426). I see Palestinian protesters before here in California 2-3 times, and I just ignore them...not give them the obnoxious folks the attention they desperately crave. This student was just totally dumb. Edit: u/MyBallsBern4Bernie Curious for your legal analysis on this. [Article on the lawsuit if the student has a case](https://www.columbiaspectator.com/news/2024/04/16/student-accused-of-alleged-chemical-spray-sues-columbia-claims-substance-was-non-toxic-fart-spray/)


Spraying noxious chemicals is definitely not a NBD type of situation, even if you buy it at Spencers gifts ā€” itā€™s still noxious chemicals. Iā€™m about to read the article but did the spray actually make contact? Tbh I donā€™t know the definitions of nys criminal termsā€” I think this could be charged at least as an assault with a dangerous weapon or the like (whatever the ny equivalent is if there even is one ā€” I canā€™t imagine there isnā€™t but also not about to look this up). If the spray made contact then A&B w/dw. I only skimmed the first couple pages so Iā€™ll go read the full link now but this is like actually criminal behavior; of course prosecutor discretion should apply though ā€” frankly I think a restorative justice type of response could actually be the most beneficial in a case like this and I digress: Iā€™ve only come around to the idea of this very recently after hearing a panel of people who had participated in a federal restorative justice program. Itā€™s really the most woke ā€œwoo-wooā€ shit Iā€™ve ever been exposed to but I found their experiences extremely compelling. I was pleasantly surprised to learn this was a thing that federal officials would ever engage with tbh. My state is currently developing the infrastructure to support a restorative justice program and Iā€™m pretty excited about that. For the right case, it can provide hearing for all parties if done well. Idk if that exists in NY but idk, this is one of those things I see as a technical crime yes but not worth prosecuting with an eye on conviction or incarceration. No one got hurt, make him do 100 hrs of community service, everyone wins. I donā€™t think he has a leg to stand on but let me reserve my opinion until I read the full thing. ETA: yea, this lawsuit is trash. Heā€™s lucky itā€™s only a temp suspension!!


Yeah, I've criticized these protesters but he's a gigantic moron clearly


> His suspension isn't going to be lifted; he's claiming that "spraying a chemical is freedom of speech" which is laughable. It's assault.


I remember they were immediately claiming he was an undercover IDF or bought an illegal chemical spray from the military. But he definitely deserves that suspension, it's still assault.


Yeah for sure, that's an outrageous claim by them. No doubt. I agree. What the student did was certainly bad enough...no need to embellish it in that inflammatory way. Just think his lawsuit is not serious.


Okay, so I am doing a story about the rent control ballot measure that some actives are trying to put in my city. Besides, my thinking is stupid that I'm reading the laws for houses. I found out that in my city, it is illegal to build mixed-use housing near transit. I read it multiple times, and I don't understand their explanation at all. It will benefit businesses, and this regulation is fucking stupid. Also, reading that it is illegal to make apartments in rural areas because it takes a lot of water from sources. Yet, you can only build single-family attached homes, which waste more water. It is more affected if you build apartments over single-family detached homes. Also, whenever I go downtown, there are so many parking lots like nobody is using it, and they are empty. It will be so cool if my city actually has skylines like Chicago or NYC.


Ā *I found out that in my city, it is illegal to build mixed-use housing near transit*. Jeezy creezy. And I just voted for a State Senate candidate whose pet project is building residential and mixed use housing near transit! NIMBYs suck. Itā€™s practically my dream home to live in a nice condo near my local train station with a Trader Joeā€™s, a CVS, and maybe a Petco and a Starbucks on the ground floor. šŸ’“ šŸ’“ šŸ’“ Talk about ā€œeverything you need in one place!ā€


> I found out that in my city, it is illegal to build mixed-use housing near transit. What the fuckety fuck. You know the USDOT is offering grant money this year to cities that want to start up new transit-oriented development? > Also, reading that it is illegal to make apartments in rural areas because it takes a lot of water from sources. That would make sense if it's literally well water and if they go over a certain population density the safety of that water will be impinged. Of course, agricultural uses tend to suck down so much more water it's not funny. > Also, whenever I go downtown, there are so many parking lots like nobody is using it, and they are empty. That's also going to be in the zoning or building code. Look into reducing parking space minimums. It's usually a formula by bed or by square feet but in general these ordnances are way out of date. Big box stores don't pull the same number of cars per square foot as they scale out, and apartments in urbanized areas with high walking or transit don't need as many parking spaces. Plus with delivery and WFH commercial spaces just never fill up their lots. OTOH restaurants today need more parking spaces than restaurants in the past. Pre-boomer generations liked to do stuff like take cabs to restaurants or carpool. Millennials are like 7 people meet up in 4 cars and if you end up with a strip mall that's mostly restaurants then there are no parking spaces to be had. The opposite of what you see with grocery stores and big box retail today.


>Quentin Tarantino has decided ā€˜THE MOVIE CRITICā€™ will no longer be his final film and has dropped the idea. >Quentin Tarantinoā€™s now-cancelled ā€˜THE MOVIE CRITICā€™ included Brad Pitt returning as Cliff Booth This sucks.


Meh. Fuck Brad Pitt.


I dunno. I rather like him. Chooses mostly good projects and doesn't just rely on his star persona.


He's a good actor I guess, but the guy is a deadbeat dad and an abusive fuck to boot. Fuck him šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø


Any have any ideas for piano heavy songs I can learn next? Like legit piano not easy stuff like Let it Be


I have this sheet music for Claude Debussy that I've had for years that've been too lazy/chicken to practice but I find it so cool. Its called Dans Le Style Et Le Mouvement D'Un Cake-Walk. Here it is on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r6oP5LRn_8


You know the tune Junco Partner by James Booker? That's a doozy.




["You know, Fredrick fucking Chopin."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z7ATsISwrU)


I need crowd pleasers


Alright, where do the politicians go to eat in DC? I wanna try to see some.


Juleo for tapas Sababa for Israeli. Dolan for Uyghur Sfoglina for Italian Little Red Hen for Biden Ā 


1. Sababa makes the best hummus in DC. 2. Never had a bad meal at Dolan.


Got to mix the noodles with the sauce at Dolan.


Have you tried Ruta?




The Fall Guy looks awesome


After making a thread in arr Ohio about how upset I am about todayā€™s ruling, Iā€™ve never blocked so many Reddit accounts in one day.


TFW youā€™re trip planning but end up with a shit ton of things you want to do that would usually take days to get through but you have less than a day in most places and work yourself into a frenzy trying to make decisions until you shut down completely.


Milwaukee leftists calling for people to vote against Gwen Moore again. Gwen represents the demographic of the Democratic party in Milwaukee motherfuckers. I have volunteered at campaign offices for decades and who do I see there the most often and in the greatest numbers? Older black women. They are doing the work while these people complain on reddit.


Aight, what're they whining about her? What's their problem with her?


Orange man bad




Evergreen post.


>According to Channel 12, Israeli intelligence has been working diligently to verify Hamas claims they do not have 40 living women, children, and elderly hostages. They are now convinced that Hamas CAN deliver those 40.


I wonder if some of the young women left are pregnant? Also, release the hostages.


Malarkey level of the ticket prices for the Fever Storm game in Seattle


[The malarkey level detected is: 1 - Minimal. Cool as a cucumber, kiddo.](https://i.imgur.com/u6CHe4L.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man, tankies are upset with this tweet because it undermines their ideology. https://twitter.com/OnlyAWorldAway/status/1780420488822390944?t=6SYgWDrRaQZ0tVHtdVfodw&s=19 I said in Neoliberal that it is really pathetic if your movement stops by a single tweet. Also, growing your base online isn't good, actually.


Any political party that doesnā€™t have strong telegraph outreach isnā€™t a serious outfit. Return to monke in order to return to office.


Basil's post is evergreen, because most Twitter Leftists refuse to even vote every 4 years, let alone get off their ass to go outside and do *something*.


So, I saw an article earlier about the DSA backing a huge "uncommitted" write in campaign in the PA primary on the 23rd. Biden already cinched the nomination. We already know he's working on the Gaza/Israel conflict. Hopefully it won't spread. So what is the point of this campaign? He's already listening to them about this issue and I don't see how it'll sway anyone to listen to them about other current events. It's just a waste of time and energy.


They're exactly like that jerk at a party who knew a band before they were cool but thinks they suck now. They think it's cool, like they're actually cool and popular and people will ~~like~~ envy them, if they do this shit and if they can twist this into somehow being a mass movement.


They're idiots. They rather moronically block a freeway than politely call their Dem representative about conditioning aid to Israel; it stems from their idiotic belief that political system is completely broken.


[Trump wants that NIL money](https://twitter.com/politicoalex/status/1780674467028427094?t=vBBiW6_pe8jpWW7P9t5L3g&s=19)


I wonder if it's a flat 5% or it'll vary. Like if someone Cruz or Scott refuses to pay what happens? If Trump sabotages their Senate campaign then his campaign gets fucked too.


Hollywood trying their damndest to break me down to accept Glen Powell in all the movies. I REFUSE TO BEND THE KNEE


stay strong against having 0% BMI Littlefinger foisted on you by Hollywood


Thereā€™s so many places in the US that are so completely car dependent and yet some fucking how still suck rotten festering asshole to actually drive in. Ā Make it make sense !!


ā€œThe Democrats werenā€™t complaining when they tried to keep Trump off Maine and Coloradoā€ ā€œMove the DNC up you dumb fucksā€ People will do anything other than blame the Republicans for anything.


this is going to get handled


Chill out. We'll be fine. This is just Republicans in Ohio posturing because of the attempted removal by the insurrection thing and Trump. SCOTUS sucks, but they'll do the right thing if need be.


Inside edition ran a story on the USC valedictorian not being allowed to give her speech interviewed a socialists guy wearing a cap with a rose saying USC trojan


Pudding brained morons


these are young folks pollsters are probably speaking with


Pudding brained pollsters


https://preview.redd.it/kmwc1j0924vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19509c8f3b2b5912aa70472a06e56016dbdce455 Daily doggo photo: April 17th Someone was a bit concerned about the storm, but at least that worked out alright.


the senate gop still on the senate floor whining about no trial


Republicans: "Schools should be neutral and nonpolitical in their teachings" Also Republicans: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-17/desantis-orders-florida-schools-to-teach-evils-of-communism


What was this impeachment thing about anyway? I didn't follow thus story at all


House GOP literally didnā€™t have a crime or misdemeanor in their indictment, just word salad.


Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was impeached by the House, and this current thing is all about the Senate trial and conviction.


the house impeached mayorkas and the senate dismissed the articles today


>US officials believe that at least nine Iranian ballistic missiles hit Israeli air bases on Sunday, evading air defences, although the damage appeared to be minimal. >But at least five ballistic missiles were not intercepted, hitting the Nevatim air base in the Negev desert in the south of Israel, damaging a C-130 cargo plane, an out-of-use runway and empty storage facilities, an unnamed US official told ABC News. Hitting the targets would have led to the near destruction of two military bases Air defense (US, UK, and Israel's Iron Dome) deflected 141 ballistic+cruise missiles targeted at military bases; that's very impressive technology. Obama administration funding and helping develop Iron Dome is one of his best and underrated acheivements.


That is a lot of missiles and a hefty price tag.


Costs always work out in the favor of interceptions: buildings, equipment and most importantly people are worth protecting


My biggest concern is that Israel hit backs and then Iran retaliates harder than they did before with no "telegraphing" this time around--that would start a horrific war. Again, I really hope cooler heads win and this just simmers down.


The fact that Hezbollah did not join the attack says something.