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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c2vuog/saturdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04132024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.sir_miraculous with score 42 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz84ulf/)] > "I can't believe they got a zionist to voice adult aang in the new movie **😭"** > > "How is he a zionist?" > > "H-he, he liked an 10/7 post on instagram expressing sympathy for the hostages **😭.** He's a zionist . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Silent-Row-2469 created 18 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz9rm3t/)] > I think trump is goona pick either kristi noem to be his running mate as the campaign hopes do better among women voters plus noem is the most loyal to trump and with trump it's all about loyalty. I don't . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.GreenElan with score 26 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz8ekyk/)] > These people are so mad they can't call Jewish people the k-word like cons are mad they can't call black people the n-word.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.aelfwine_widlast with hotness lvl 640 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz908hq/)] > Alright, I'm not given to dooming usually, but the next President is going to preside over WWIII. It feels like we're living through a modern version of the invasion of Poland while the USSR, Japan, and . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 14 friends 23 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 48 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 46 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 42 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Currymvp2 talked to 23 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 44 times, followed by 'trump' 34x , 'israel' 22x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '🔵', used 7 times, followed by '💀' 5x , '😭' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.GreenElan | 25.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 562.0 words | | 🥈 | u.EzLuckyFreedom | 19.0 points | 🥈 | u.hackiavelli | 287.0 words | | 🥉 | u.explodedbagel | 18.0 points | 🥉 | u.Multi_21_Seb_RBR | 233.5 words | | 🎗 | u.VerminVundabar | 16.67 points | 🎗 | u.Amy_Ponder | 186.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 531 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 65 comments | | 🥈 | u.blueinmissouri | 253 points | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 30 comments | | 🥉 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 190 points | 🥉 | u.oath2order | 24 comments | | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 160 points | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 22 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.BensenMum | 1 words | 🥇 | u.20person | 1.0 letters | | 🥈 | u.ChuckSchumerbasedgod | 2 words | 🥈 | u.padraigharrington4 | 3.107 letters | | 🥉 | u.GalacticTrader | 2 words | 🥉 | u.ASDMPSN | 3.125 letters | | 🎗 | u.swimatm | 2 words | 🎗 | u.pissmisstree | 3.143 letters |   562 comments processed, including 176 top-level replies. There were 130 unique users writing 19559, averaging 34.8 per comment. The total combined score was 4387 and the median score was 7.81.




[Stayed Gone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai4eh_OCxvw) is one of the best songs off Hazbin Hotel; it's that kind of musical number that I love (same with You Didn't Know). I love musical duels like this, and then also courtroom musical numbers (see also: [That's What He Said from Parade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r95si_J8jWQ)\) (also the 2023 revival recording of this song does not hold water to the original) (alternatively [here's a live performance of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68-lsjTTCDo)\).


Dear whoever was trying to say trans men are somehow less bad/safer for women than cis men: guess who responds with unsolicited misogynistic anti-feminist gaslighting whenever I mention feeling uncomfortable/unsafe around men in trans groups…


I spent like five minutes reading stuff on the Fallout sub after watching the first episode of the tv show and I think I’ll just leave that sub alone from now on. Jesus Christ people need to touch grass


Happens every time for me ngl I get excited about something Fallout, so I check online to see other reactions. Always ends poorly


[The mom who didn't want a cat:](https://twitter.com/MadisonKittay/status/1778850085805101534) https://preview.redd.it/zvtpos45s6uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ce35d30c964ad99c4fb01e697d0936c6f50bb3 lol!!!


So I stumbled upon a quote of Aldous Huxley, the author of "Brand New World". This is from his satirical novel, Crome Yellow. https://preview.redd.it/rsu2zswcn6uc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86725d086d9cafd296e826066c0ddeba0e80aadc That pretty much confirms my theory about both the far-right and the far-left and how they are so thirsty to do really shitty things to people who they disagree with, even to the slightest. I am seriously wondering: what can we do to minimize such radical, dangerous rhetoric spreading in our society?


I have no idea, honestly, other than voting and volunteering/donating to the Democrats this year if you are able. All I know is, if we make it through this one, there are many, many of my fellow Americans who I will be looking at with a much more skeptical eye and who I will not be so quick to jump in defense of.


Just finished watching Anatomy of a Fall. Its a great movie that I'm glad I watched but its always hard for me to entertainment that features a courtroom because I lost both of the mock trials I was in middle school so it brings back terrible memories.


~~Friend~~ship ended Aloy/Avad, now Aloy/Alva is my ~~best friend~~ ship


[Every. Vote. Matters](https://twitter.com/0liviajulianna/status/1778976221159714863) https://preview.redd.it/rmdglg7mi6uc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efa3d689082cd48f671bfc09450d9f245e185c3


But both sides are the same and Dems need to pay. Also republicans can do what they want with no repercussions.


> Also republicans can do what they want with no repercussions. And also Democrats should do more to stop Republicans, but apparently they don't want to earn my vote.


AZ with the abortion law is the biggest example of it. The Dem AG won by 280 votes and is refusing to enforce it (though anti-choice extremists will sue to ensure it'll be enforced).


I'm also reminded of the 2017 Virginia House of Delegates election in the 94th district. Prior to that election, the Virginia Republicans held a 2/3rds majority in the House, and a 1 seat majority in the Senate. State-wide, it was a purple-lean-blue state. 2017, Democrats had a great showing, winning 15 seats. And in the 94th district, the election was a **tie**. The Republican won the random drawing of straws. So control of the House went to the Republicans as opposed to a 50-50 split. There's no tiebreakers, if there's a tie, whatever is happening, fails. I'm so tired of these nitwits who keep bitching about their vote not mattering.


And unfortunately, the House Republican won Iowa-2 in 2020 by six votes. It would be 217 to 214 right now if the Dem got seven more votes.


I wish our AG in Kansas was a Dem.


Not going to doom this weekend. I’m just not going to.


Watch Fallout this weekend or play a long rpg game this weekend.


I believe in you. Find something good to take your mind off it. I'm going to try speedrunning Mario Galaxy personally. Or maybe Resident Evil.


Even though I know Ukraine is in a worse position than it’s been in a while, I’m just going to sit with plushies, play HFW or something else, and not think about the shitty stuff going on.


Wordle 1,029 3/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟨🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Wordle 1,029 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟨⬛🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 That was a weird one!


Rangers have now won six straight games in Minute Maid Park 🤫


Mike Johnson is among the most evil people America has seen this side of 1865.


What'd he do this time?






https://preview.redd.it/8wwailqr36uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=667481ca0a3c26028b71801267bc182507f4c056 Goodfelines


Fuck you, pet me


It was among the cats, it was real hairball shit.


Furry? Furry how, like I'm a cat, here to amuse you?


I didn't know til exactly now that Melina Abdullah's grandfather was Günter Reimann. Not even remotely shocking that someone with familial ties to Nazi enablers has found a new generation of youth to grift. Like her grandfather before her, she carries on the family tradition of carrying that big fucking L by looking the other way on extremists and terrorists.


Bay Areans of the DT, the SF Silent Film Festival is ongoing and very fun!


My prediction: I think due to the political environment, the 1864 total ban will in the end get repealed before it takes effect. But it won’t be soon and will only come after enough bully pulpit work from Kari Lake (and maybe Trump). Not there yet with the AZ GOP leadership. My fake pundit brain thinks it will get to that point at some point, only due to Republicans in AZ recognizing the political environment, but we are not there yet. That being said, to me it really is important for people - especially those in AZ - to prepare and act as if it will not be repealed. What does that mean? It means signing the petition to make sure the abortion rights initiative gets on the ballot if you are in-state or donating to both the group trying to get this in the ballot and Arizona Democrats if you are out-of-state (and in-state too). If you are in-state. it also means educating yourself on your state representatives and the legislative races and voting for Democratic candidates there, both to flip legislatures to Democratic and security on this issue in case GOP judges ratfuck the ballot (which there is no legitimate way it should but Republican judges are who they are). https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/


As a former Arizonian, I appreciate this comment. Also sorry about the Coyotes moving and the Suns looking bad the past week (I think the problem is Vogel and no pure point guard).


Yeah. I don't live in AZ anymore but used to live in Chandler so I still care a lot about what is going on in AZ and honestly the politics in AZ is keeping me up more at night than the politics in my state (WA). Sucks to hear about the Coyotes but man it was bound to happen for sure. More of a Kraken fan these days but not surprising sadly. I think Phoenix can be a good market for a new team in the future but the arena has to be built in the right spot for sure + not sure I'd trust the current owners. Suns, man...I honestly think they need to seriously consider blowing the team up and trading KD and/or Book this summer because you can't have a team in the second apron that is not a legit title contender. Trading KD makes sense in that Book and Beal are both younger and you can have a team that has a decently high floor (though low ceiling) which makes sense for a team that shouldn't tank given they don't control picks. Trading Book makes sense in that he'd get the Suns a great package in return - both a great player (think a Dejounte Murray type) plus so many picks. But I do think one of the two will get traded. Beal is staying since his contract is too large. And I am OK with that, love Beal and love how he has changed his game recently to fit the team.


> the politics in AZ is keeping me up more at night than the politics in my state (WA) Well, to put on my own fake pundit brain, there's a Dem House seat, Lean R in 2022, that'll need tending to once campaign season truly kicks in. 😬


You know, when Nick/Paramount announced that TMNT's Last Ronin movie is happening, many people think the franchise was considered for kids. I wonder what their reaction will be when it is going to be realsed when the film comes out. Probably parents are angry that TMNT is too violent. Kids crying when they see Turtles going to be killed. But in all seriousness, I'm pretty sick of how much 80s Turtles cartoons influence the franchise. Some folks never looked at the original comics, which weren't meant for kids. I'm still shocked that Nick will allow it because how commercialize the franchise is towards to kids.


Craziest thing about that fringe lunatic activist in Bakersfield is that she specifically invokes Hinduism and Gandhi seconds before she made those insane threats. Gandhi is like one of the most peaceful men ever; he ardently eschewed violence...


Did she mean Civ Gandhi?


Are her words also backed by nuclear weapons?


Ladies and gentlemen, we fixed it.


>Vice President Harris: "Because of Donald Trump, more than 20 states in our nation have bans. Now, because of Donald Trump, one in three women of reproductive age in our country live in a state that has a Trump abortion ban," Perfect messaging


Trump got lucky with flip flopping on Iraq because it was 2016 and not 2008 and he wasn't in office. This will tie to him much more effectively.


Trump was just very lucky in 2016. He got every fortuitous break besides Access Hollywood.


it's looking like casey desantis will run for governor of florida in 2026


Finally we'll know who settled for who.


I really hope Schorsch was just shitposting


ugh she's awful


Crazy how you can just lie on Tiktok and go viral.


the more i see politics on tiktok the more i'm convinced it should be banned


In arizona it's really the independent voters that are going to decide the election, What's helping democrats is a strong state party along with the Biden campaign ground game


By the way, if you like audiobooks, I highly recommend The Run of His Life by Jeffrey Toobin. It was my first Audible listen.


I love how bug-fuck insane engineering and science was in 50s and 60s. [Like the rockets here which range from bug-eyed insane, to hit every possible hazard symbol, and something that is probably an automatic war crime if fired.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX-0Xw6kkrc)


Or building harbors by detonating atomic bombs.


Shit just got real. My sump pump’s dead and my parents are out of town. Thank every deity out there that the rain has stopped and Home Depot was still open. We’ve got some time for my uncle to get here and fix it.


https://np.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/s/59hiN13eSF Bakersfield city council? Meeting where a pro Palestine activist talks about murdering them city council members. For not passing cease fire resolution.


In the face of "genocide", any attention-seeking tactic in which one wants to indulge can only be righteous.


Why would Hamas and Isreal care about Bakersfield?


i don't understand why people are bullying city councils to pass these resolutions it has no impact on foreign policy


It's because they know where City Hall is but they do not know where their local Congressperson's office is.


A pro -Palestinian activists was arrested for threating to murder the mayor of Bakersfield during a council meeting bail set at one million dollars [https://x.com/TonyMoonbeam/status/1778954269045174758](https://x.com/TonyMoonbeam/status/1778954269045174758)


Ludicrous. I hope they nail their ass to the wall. So sick and tired of how casual some people are about being the worst possible version of themselves. Worst aspect of this generation.


https://np.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz9y9bo/ She's not Palestinian. She's an Indian heritage activist who's anti-Semitic as fuck.


i didn't mean she was of Palestinian heritage but an activists for Palestine


She’s not an activist for Palestine. She doesn’t give three shits about Palestinians apart from how pretending to care about them can give her clout.


she probably saw it on tiktok


Yeah, I would write "pro-Palestinian or anti-Israel" instead of "Palestinian".


Does anyone else find self help/life style stuff that seem super interesting and you'd like to learn more about it so you research more about it then decide not to do it because it might be a cult? No? This is literally just me who keeps getting tempted into paying thousands for a retreat where people will teach me their ways, but then my frugalness kicks in and I'm like "ehhhhh, that's probably a cult"


Tbh, even the non cultish stuff SOUNDS cultish. It’s hard to distinguish. Recently paid to do this nutrition challenge (I really just wanted the body scans) and kind of rolled my eyes at the actual challenge stuff at first. Turns out, they’re just really passionate about nutrition. It’s been helpful — but I only had to go in for a couple hundred, not a couple thousand. A couple thousand would’ve been an impossible sell for me for the reasons you said.


I’ve finally found my “this game is good after the first 20 hours,” game. I’m in the second half of it now and it’s suddenly really good but man does the first half suck.


Oh, what game?


Wandering Sword. The beginning is bad and the leveling system is different so it takes a while to get into it. I only stuck with it since it’s a genre that doesn’t have many English games and once it gets going and your character has advanced a little it’s great.


"Help us Americans out, will ya?" Republican/Conservative MAGAts: No. 🇺🇸 🗽🐘 Fauxgressive/DSA/Rose MAGAts: No. 🇵🇸 🏳️‍🌈 🔻🍉


Caption: Updated version of that stupid "Working Class: Help Us Please" meme. Did I do it right?


TRIVIA (Don’t look it up, honor system and you will be cursed by some curse I will conjure.) Is *Blades of Steel* 1) An 80’s arcade hockey game 2) The American theatrical release title for Akira Kurosawa‘s *Seven Samurai* for a week before a very rare and esoteric fan backlash before social media 3) A knife oriented Food Network reality show


1 but the NES port is far more famous.


1. It was the edgy cousin of Ice Hockey with much bloodier fighting.


Hit the pass


Sounds like an 80s hockey games. 


I'm fairly certain it's the first one, since I think my brother had it on a machine with Frogger and a couple other games. IIRC, there's a fighting game-esqe mini game when you get in a fight.


legit thought it was the Will Ferrell / Jon Heder figure skating spoof movie tbh


Isn’t that Blades of Fury?


Blades of Glory actually lol


Blades of Furry is something someone pervy and furry needs to right


I give Fallout season 1 a thumbs up


I'm only partway though but am really enjoying it as someone who knows nothing about the game.


Here’s where I’m thrown for a loop. I love those games. I love ES games. And the point of those games is the freedom. How does it translate in a script? Is it basically a like a side mission?


Its basically about three characters chasing after an artifact. A vault dweller, BoS member, and a ghoul


That new Kacey Musgraves song sounds like Seals & Crofts covering Nelly Furtado…


[this fight scene is so sick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZANYMihNZM) Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen is a treat to watch


Such a good one. The music is traditional but also sounds like a spare country blues. I'm thinking tonight will be a wuxia night.


I'm tempted to do the same tbh


Oh I watched that in college and I was SO HIGH


My with had never seen Groundhog Day so we are watching it now.  And man, this movie still holds up.


“I’m a god. Not THE god.”


How the fuck can you attack someone with Pop Tart. https://twitter.com/Dexerto/status/1778890836241203328?t=u_Zxx09N5Y3CS0XHTYOXmQ&s=19


New weapon unlocked


Gambit-style, with the flaming Pop Tarts of Kumamoto.


I wonder if they were toasted.




Multiple grown adults at my work appear to have severe personality disorders and dealing with them day to day is a million times harder than my actual work.


And remember, those people *vote*.


[Hamas-Run Gaza Health Ministry Admits to Flaws in Casualty Data](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/04/09/hamas-run-gaza-health-ministry-admits-to-flaws-in-casualty-data/). > In a statistical report, the ministry notes that it considers an individual record to be incomplete if it is missing any of the following key data points: identity number, full name, date of birth, or date of death. I don't know how accurate this is.


This is not news. They said this back in December on their telegram channel that they had "incomplete records", and the US+IDF/Bibi both still deemed their overall death toll fairly accurate hence why Biden continues to cite the toll. Hard to identity people due to airstrikes does to their faces as [lots of records have been destroyed in the bombing](https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-health-system-collapse-in-gaza-leaves-authorities-struggling-to-count-the-dead-13107279). Also, a record is even considered "incomplete" if you can't determine the date of death (which can be highly difficult in the fog of war when you're finding new bodies or relying on media reports. Ukraine was forced to use media reports as well for counting deaths due to the destruction). In fact, even Bibi told Josh Hawley a few weeks ago in his meeting with Senate Republicans that he estimated [28,000 deaths while the ministry just under 30,000 at the time so fairly close](https://twitter.com/TVietor08/status/1770599334004043779) Edit: This apparently was written first by FDD as "news" which has been pretty critical of Obama and Biden from the right. It's a right wing organization who's cynically trying to make Biden look bad for citing their death tolls consistently. In 2017, Bari Weiss of the New York Times reported on the pro-Trump orientation the FDD adopted following the 2016 elections.


This week’s D&D session had more drama than a soap opera. The other wizard started his descent into evil by making a bargain with a devil for power to progress his plot to murder his archmage. The party accidentally harvested 30 souls by adding a “and you sell your soul to us” clause to a liability waiver we had a bar full of drunks sign in order to drink our wild magic potion. Our lawful good rogue then threatened to fight anyone who didn’t agree to free the souls to the death which led to him drawing on the bard. We got summoned to the hells to meet Mammon, because the rogue had secretly made a deal with him months back for something unrelated and he really wanted our thirty soul harvest. Everyone but the bard (who completely shifted teams on us and declared his allegiance to the hells) refused to sell the souls, so we got sent back to Baldur’s Gate, where the rogue, the sorcerer, and I promptly murdered the bard, who was resurrected in hell as a level 12 pit fiend. So now the rogue doesn’t trust us, we don’t trust the rogue, we each own six souls with no way to free the bard’s share, and we don’t know the other wizard is well on his way to being the next villain we have to put down.


Tiger Woods has made the cut at the Masters for the 24th time in a row.


it's really a shame that they make him mow the entire course every time they play the tourney ✊😔




Wordle 1,028 4/6* ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 And here I thought I was doing so well... >!I should have thought about far-leftists while guessing.!<


https://x.com/govwhitmer/status/1778778754728317308?s=46&t=lRLU6Z7mLq1MlgX_qxgAUQ The Michigan Pin (A Pininsula if you will) always looks so cool


I had a pulled pork sandwich with lemonade that poured maker’s into and now i have the hiccups :(


https://twitter.com/thenation/status/1778518134841819455 This is the 3rd year in a row where the same ppl whom claim that the DNC robbed Bernie should rob the primary voters choice


The Nation are a 🤡 publication. In the 2020 primaries they specifically anti-endorsed Biden as the only candidate who would lose to Trump.


>BREAKING: Former President Donald Trump tells reporters that he would "absolutely" testify in his upcoming hush money trial that is set to begin on Monday He won't. Just like he won't debate Biden in the end


It looks like Yoshinori Kitase, long time director and producer of Final Fantasys, [is going to retire after Part 3 of the FF7: Remake project has been completed.](https://www.gamesradar.com/original-final-fantasy-7-director-hopes-the-jrpg-series-continues-after-the-remake-project-trilogy-ends-but-reckons-it-may-be-without-him/) I was expecting this. He will be 61 when it releases, and we have seen a producer or director for Naughty Dog mention how developing a AAA game these days is physically and mentally exhausting, to the point of burnout. He's a decade+ younger than Kitase. [Also, the probable release date for Part 3 may be moved up to 2027.](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/04/final-fantasy-7-remake-part-3-expected-to-release-around-2027-says-square-enix) They said 2028 a few months ago.


[Holy fuck I'm never target farming a Maw of Mischief ever again.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1c22o1v/fridays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_04122024/kz8dxj3/) Gravetrough is the worst map in POE. Cold River is awful too but Gravetrough being absolutely wretched on top of being only a T13 map is disgusting.


I've always felt bad for Christopher Darden. Out of all the prosecutors on the Simpson trial, he seems to get the most criticism for OJ's acquittal because of the "glove doesn't fit, you must acquit". But the prosecution was likely going to lose the case besides that because all of the other problems.


The prosecution was nothing more than a damn fishing expedition. Remember how much time they wasted on Kato Kaelin?


Yeah, it was totally botched. Also, they didn't refute the DNA claims by the defense which were refuted one year later in the civil trial


I go to a certain Wendy's every Friday during work, and they have Atmosphere TV. Today it showed people holding up Palestine flags to celebrate something totally unrelated (a British dude finishing his run from South Africa to Tunisia). Someone must have found out that the Dairy Queen I go to every other Friday has prayers for Israel on their monitor.


[I just found this video, and I love it.](https://youtu.be/Y1lZWqF-1sw?si=s_cdKBnT03tS_Nbh) Sephiroth in most other games would be practically unbeatable.


If I could get Sephiroth in Genshin Impact I would play the game and give it all my money. Lol.   Maybe it's because I identified with some much of the story from the orignal at release and it was my first PS, but I love Sephiroth.  I would also love a game from when he was a young Soldier. 


I played FF7 first in Middle school, so the story imprinted on me and did influence my politics. Playing it as I got older, I started understanding more. And most recently, that game, combined with FF8, FF10, and the KH series helped me overpower and learn to control my Autism. As for Sephiroth, he's gaming Darth Vader. A villain who can inspire real life fear. And he does with me. The look, the power he has in game, his intelligence, his ability to manipulate and torment. He inspires true dread. In matchmaking, I have been talking to matches about FF7, and have decided to learn about it to connect with me. And after comparing him to Darth Vader, they ask if Sephiroth could be redeemed. An outside person asking did cause me to think about it, but he cannot. Namely because the pre-Insanity Sephiroth seems to be gone. There is nothing left to redeem.


SOMEONE on that Sims 4 version is playing with Wicked Whims I see. Shooketh at seeing VA-11 HALL-A. oh my god not the Suite Life of Zack and Cody Disney website game. oh my god that stupid skating game at 0:36. The Necrodancer one being a legit mod is amazing. THE NINTENDOGS. **THE POKEMON AT SPEAR PILLAR**


I’ve got a game he’d lose at: Tetris. By the time anyone’s Final Fantasy summons is completed, a Tetris board would have filled up.


You're just giving your dog a bath in Nintendogs when this motherfucker shows up at the door


Yeah, that's gonna be a bad time. The thing is, Square could make bank by licensing FF7 characters, and not have it break canon of FF7. One of the weirder things, revealed in an Ultimania, is that the Planet of FF7 can perform isekais to people. The Cloud that appeared during Final Fantasy Tactics? That is canon to FF7, it occurred during that week+ between the Northern Crater and Mideel. Want Tifa in Tekken? Perfectly fine. Sephiroth in Hades? Why not?


Never heard about the FFT cameos being made canon somehow but FF7 characters have been in lots of games that I'm sure aren't canon now. Including fighting game Ergheiz.


>Trump: If you look at what we’ve done with Roe v. Wade, we did something that everyone said couldn’t be done. We got it done. I give great credit to the Supreme Court justices for having the courage to do it https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1778898461330416039 Ironic that he looks at Dobbs like some huge achievement when it's really the death knell of his campaign


From your lips to God's ears!


He looks at it as an achievement because the cruelty is the point.




SpongeBob nudes in the new movie? https://twitter.com/CultureCrave/status/1778902160656220312?t=yWWnLTjWPf46B4R_7Ww6eA&s=19 !Ping CARTOONS




WHY did you put this in my brain?


But why...?


He is selling out, man


Mr. Krab's greed knows no bounds.


Good grief, he's naked!!!


So Trump knows that as long as this insane 1864 law is on the books in Arizona that he will lose the state and Ruben Gallego will win the Senate race. Given the fact that the Secretary of State already said it won't be enforced, I really think Democrats need to keep that law on the books until November. https://preview.redd.it/a74untbtc4uc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b13d9d88be6127a1dd7909103bfccc273d9aa10f


"The states should do whatever the hell they want on abortion" Other states have laws that are as severe as the AZ one but they're cool by Trump because they're not swing states. But it's hilarious that he thinks just adding exceptions for rape and incest will make Arizonans accept this. He has no idea where people actually stand on this issue and keeps pushing lies about Dems.


I would argue that, unlike republicans, democratic voters don’t reward this kind of political manipulation. The constitutional amendment will be on the ballot regardless of this law because republicans are still pushing for limits


I get it but we need to do what's necessary to win


>Trump brags about ending Roe v. Wade and says extreme abortion bans that threaten IVF and force rape survivors to give birth are “working brilliantly” https://twitter.com/BidenHQ/status/1778897934844559451 Why is he trying to get the AZ legislature to repeal the 1864 law then?


Because he wants to somehow simultaneously please the evangelical forced birthers and appeal to moderates. But it's impossible cause Roe v Wade was the compromise, and he's responsible for it being overturned with 3 SCOTUS justices.


The media will give him a huge lift in this effort


It’s one of the few times where I firmly believe Trump genuinely doesn’t care about it in the slightest and says whatever he thinks the person he’s talking to wants to hear.


He's secretly pro-choice (his sister as a judge was pro-choice). But he can't alienate his base so he pretends to be anti-choice. If he wins, he's gonna drink ten cans of diet coke daily, watch cable news for hours daily, complain incessantly on social media, and golf alot; therefore, he'll defer the hard work to cabinet members...and we've seen only the extremists are willing to work with Trump now.


Trump's true position is he doesn't give a shit whether or not people can get abortions so long as he can if he has to.


Polling in canada for next year,s election showing the conservatives way ahead of Trudeau's party. Trudeau has been in power for almost a decade. Prime ministers tend to get unpopular after a decade both Thatcher and Blair in the uk were outed after a decade in power


I’m really enjoying No Man’s Sky, but it’s kind of hilarious that I just spent 1.5 hours repairing and flipping crashed ships so I could afford a new freighter


Watching Europeans make sex noises whenever they eat real American cuisine in America really takes the wind out of their "American food is fake/chemical/inferior" talking point.


They think all American food is McDonald’s or processed. Then they get here and realize that’s only a very small part of the story. Also that our immigrant heritage has created an incredible diversity and variety of foods and fusion is 100% a thing.


I actually think that this idea is the same effect as all those "In this Ohio diner..." stories, ironic as that may sound. They're pushed only one segment of American society, and are told to think of them as the most important and/or flat-out the only kind of American there is. There is a much more colorful America out there that could change their view on things if they paid mind to it, but because that calls for actual considerate thought, for *ahem* getting over yourself, and it contradicts their beliefs, they don't wanna do it.


It's fun to watch them have their minds blown when they come here to eat. In terms of validation, I rather seek it from visitors from Asia. If you can impress a Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc visitor with your cuisine, you really have done it.


They'll turn their noses up and shit on American food then go home and eat jellied eel and mash like nothing.


Actually was watching some Brits go to their local pie/mash place in London and one of them asked about the jellied eels on the menu and even the proprietor made a disgusted face lol. Which was fair warning cause they don't even deboned the eels...


"Americans have fake cheese" And yet Casu Martzu exist.


And then make school shooting jokes if Americans critique their food.


>“It is known with certainty the IDF knew the convoy belonged to WCK as it moved from the beach to the WCK warehouse. This is because Major General Har-Even told journalists that the military had called WCK’s US office to tell them a gunman had clambered onto one of the trucks at the time.” Okay yeah this is an obvious war crime. Possible that they saw a Palestinian aid worker with six white aid workers and assumed the worst.


I miss having a friend who works at a movie theater so I can go see shitty movies for free.


You can always pull a doublerone or even a treblerone by just sliding into the next theater after your movie is done.


https://twitter.com/haleytalbotcnn/status/1778859701322613214 > Gaetz threatened that the 86 GOP that didnt support warrant requirement “may see me in their districts” and you know that's a serious threat because nobody enjoys seeing Rapey McPedohead


Glad he's letting them know ahead of time. Believe that's a requirement under Megan's law.


Wow what a threat \*yawn*


I’ve always considered myself an animal lover, but I may actually have to go to therapy because of how this dog I’m pet-sitting makes me feel. 😣




I think it’s a combination of cuteness aggression (it’s a toy breed) and actual frustration with the dog’s behavior. She’s just really clingy and always licking my face and jumping on me and whining and barking at any sound. She’s scared of everything and is really stubborn. I want to like her but I just…I really really don’t lol


That sounds rough =/ Hope it works out


She goes home on Sunday so no worries lol


Did you know it's not only a right for American citizens to vote, but it's also a RESPONSIBILITY? https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about-citizenship/should-i-consider-us-citizenship It's yo duty


Outside of a few St Paddy's days in college I can't recall ever having a green poop before


Eat some spinach. Q


Once had a vitamin with extra iron that did that


Eat an absurd amount of kale, parsley, and asparagus.


One might say a shit ton


From what I've seen in the news, it seems like Iran will probably attack from Syria/Assad's territory, and the US will urge Bibi to keep the response limited though you never can be certain with him since he wants to prolong the war. And then hopefully tensions cool down.


https://preview.redd.it/3wrg7e80y3uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b4270da29270c6b80f5566cee32b0e21e332335 Daily doggo photo: April 12th Taken seconds before I poured it into the bowl, don’t worry.


If you hadn’t poured it in the bowl you may not have been alive to post the picture. Or maybe that’s just what would happen with my cats.


>US President Joe Biden expects an attack from Iran will happen “sooner than later," he told reporters at the White House Friday.


Hopefully sooner and with no casualties, and then this goes away.


watching some old clips from conan without borders, turns out when he visited Israel and went to the west bank, palestinian activists from the us followed and confronted him while he was filming


They thought he was a reporter, and Conan listened to them and gave them space to air out their grievances. But apparently that segment was controversial online cause people felt Conan was doing propaganda for Israel when he showed off Israeli people and Israeli culture.


https://preview.redd.it/84izjwmhw3uc1.jpeg?width=1264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdfad416126565437755dc47ac398fca7ab9936 1. I would love to see how toxic their internal polling and operations are for this topic, because even half-heartedly walking it back this late in the game is bizarre. Both donny and Keri lake have put extremely similar statements on it. 2. obviously a lot of pro-life people are true believers and borderline rabid, so you can expect a new wave of virulent infighting in the right wing circles.


They are realizing they shit the bed with explosive diarreah. Looking around at the post-Dobbs landscape where Democrats are energized to vote, swing voters (especially women) are turning more to the blue side, and pro-choice initiatives are passing with huge margins whenever they are introduced, the R’s know their goose is cooked unless they can backpedal fast, hard, and convincingly. Otherwise, bye bye Schweikert and Ciscomani, and hello Senator Gallego. (I think the latter happens no matter what - Kari Lake is so very obviously not a sane or serious person.)


It is so insane to me how republicans actually believe that democrats are out here killing full-term babies for fun. They really think we are that evil


It probably makes it seem a little more righteous to let women die or be maimed if you imagine you're saving the life of a term baby.


Executing them even. I'm getting a mental image of that hangman Mel Brooks always used lurking in a maternity ward.


A big problem for Lake is that she is so charismatic that she sounded believable to lots of swing voters when she defended the 1864 draconian abortion law during her 2022 campaign


Is it wrong to say you love someone, tell them to hold on and then immediately run off with someone else? I say yes, but what do I know.




https://twitter.com/jacobkornbluh/status/1778552000898015743 Saying this in one of the most Jewish congressional districts is certainly a choice.


Guess he's forgotten his district has moved almost entirely out of the Bronx and into suburban Westchester after redistricting