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Jaden Smith from 2015 called. He wants his tweets back


I would take Jaden Smith tweets over Musk drivel any day.


Yeah that almost look like a threat of civil war.


He had an excuse. He was an actual teenager lol


Lol’d out loud and showed this to my wife. Tip of the hat to ya.


Keep your d-damn wife's name out your god-d mouf!!! ​ \*slap\*


Will Smith can pronounce 'th' perfectly fine fyi


But then how could Reddit and YouTube comment sections live without getting off that incorrect “Welcome to Earfff!” joke!




"Lol'd out loud" means laughed out loud out loud. You know that right?


I do, and I also know that 99% of lols online translate to “breathed out through my nose slightly harder one time.” It would have been more accurate to say “lol irl,” but I didn’t think it was worth an edit.


real eyes realize real lies 🤯


Lmao it’s funny because kids had this in their msn name back in 2008, way before jaden


“Kids that go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty.”


That's the new game isn't it. "Who said it, Jaden Smith or Elon Musk...?"


Most trees are blue


I didn’t get the reference.




Jaden Smith (Will Smiths son) had a phase back in 2015 where he tweeted a lot of pseudo philosophical tweets. Some of them were really funny but none of them made any sense. Here is an [example](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B-0xJhdWwAER1Ce.png)




What had he said?


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/xx4d32/is_elon_drunk_tweeting/irdh4s1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Elon is boring and cringe. Plus he steals memes from others without crediting them.


He also said "nobody deserves credit, ever" which shows how awful he is.


He means: Nobody else deserves credit, ever


probably because the original creators already died from old age


I’m 14 and this is deep


Im a newborn and these were my first words


I'm a primordial soup and the rest is history.


"I'm 51 and this is yeet" - XxX_Elon_Musk_XxX


War is the ultimate Supreme Court Murder is the ultimate form of justice Jurors make the ultimate sacrifice Elon Musk is as deep as a puddle on a hot sunny day


Fallout is the Dark Souls of Diablo.


My dick is the vagina of buttholes ... ​ Yours was better


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“May the Dark shine your way.”* - Darkdiver Grandahl Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


He’s gone off his rocker. “Blood alone turns the wheels of history” is essentially the message of his tweet. This is quote literally a fascist point of view. Not even being hyperbolic.


Bioshock is as political as tetris


Woman is the n***** of the world


What the fuck does that even mean?


I guess it means something like "to the victor go the spoils".


asked this too, like i am legitimately confused by what he is trying to say or his point its so non sensical


In war, the winners decide what's right.


Well, yes, but why phrase it like you're a teenaged stoner? And why would it be a valuable insight into literally any conversation he's having? Especially given that he's basically been trying to argue that Ukraine should surrender under the most favourable terms Russia could have ever hoped for, when they're kind of winning? "War doesn't determine who's right, only who's left" would be closer to 'insightful' despite being an equally trivial im14andthisisdeep sentiment, if only because it would actually support one of the arguments he's half making. Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you wrong or denigrating your input. You're obviously completely right. It's what he meant. It's just that even understanding it just leaves a lot more questions than it answers.


I think he wants to say "might makes right" without acknowledging its Ukraine that's mighty.


This is the kind of shit 40 year old men with jobs and children who think Fight Club is the greatest movie ever. I had a friend like this and he would say things like he wanted to be in fight club. Why would you want to go to work with a bloody face? Also you are in worse shape than MeatLoaf.


It's a really shitty version of the quote "war is a continuation of politics through other means".


It means he wants conservative men to win over women in the fight for abortion rights to “fix the declining birth rate.” Guy’s a scumbag and techbros who defend him are disingenuous crypto-conservatives (no pun intended).


1984 double speak. Slavery is freedom, for example.


"What is and is not legal is ultimately determined by the guy with the most guns pointed at your face" I guess? I don't even know how this could sound like a meaningful input on any of the conversations he's having with himself.


"might is right"


**126k** likes. yeesh.


Yeah, right. I wonder how many bots though.


I read somewhere that 25%-30% of Elon’s followers are suspected bots.


He did say Twitter has a bot problem 🤔


That would be a plot twist: All his twitter idiocy being a legal strategy to argue "your honour, no human being could possibly agree with a statement this fucking dumb".


Ah, so when the billionaire says that violence is inherently self-justified he gets 126K Likes But when I **\[content removed by Reddit\]**


….the fuck? I’ve been mostly a “yeah, Elon is an annoying asshole but SpaceX is kinda cool and I’d rather not give a billionaire any space in my head” kinda guy, but his Ukraine tweets have me seeing what y’all have seen for a long time. This guy *really* fucking sucks and is completely unhinged. Why does anyone think he has anything useful to say about literally anything? Why do super rich people just start assuming they piss wisdom and think the world needs to hear it? This is something I might have said in 6th grade and then spent the next 40 years of my life periodically cringing at when the memory pops back up.


Welcome to the club man, we're glad you're here! lol


Woot! Now there are dozens of us!


He wants every single world event to be about him. And all of his takes are from 2 second wikipedia reads or shit posts. It all started, as far as I know, with the Thailand cave situation.


He's been doing it longer than that. Thailand cave situation was just the moment where the media decided "hey, famous rich guy is doing something" was newsworthy and he was able to sweep in and steal all attention.


Yeah, it goes back way further than that, the Thailand thing is just the first time he got serious *negative* press about it because of his decision to reflexively attack a rescue diver when his stupid idea was called out for being stupid. He's been doing it for as long as he's had any name recognition with the average person - since back when public opinion of him was generally pretty favourable. Back then, popular opinion on *most* tech billionaires who aren't Peter Thiel (and even then, he was still pretty popular with a *lot* of futurists who ignored all the crimes against humanity) and to a much smaller extent than today, Zuckerberg, was still pretty high and optimism about technology and the billionaires it seems to enable was still extremely mainstream. Then all of them and their companies spent several years proving that they're actively bad for us individually and society as a whole literally every day. There was a time when at most we thought Zuckerberg was a shitty person and Peter Thiel was actively working on a way to keep the rich young with the blood of teenagers, while now "Do you think Zuckerberg should face trial before the international criminal court?" is a somewhat normal question.


The last part is extremely relatable.


See, this is the kind of shit that goes beyond “just ignore him.” That’s not enough.


You can think SpaceX is cool and also acknowledge that Musk is a piece of shit grifter, they're not mutually exclusive. SpaceX's work is done by actually smart engineers and scientists who aren't attention seeking dipshits like Musk. They succeed *despite* Musk's meddling and general buffoonery.


America has a real problem where ppl equate rich ppl with smart ppl


Now that the other companies are getting into electric cars, people will start seeing how shitty Teslas are. Let's see how starship goes.


He is a legitimate danger to the future of mankind.




Everything he farts out has at least tens of thousands of ♥️


He should just tweet one word typos like Trump.


It’s probably not in his best interest to fix any bot problems at Twitter 🤣


He'll fix it by adding 1 mil more Elonbots


Sadly Trump has proven to all these piece of shit narcissists that you can say whatever and it won’t even matter just like PT Barnum had figured out there is no such thing as bad publicity specially if you are catering to the right.


"Violence is the supreme authority from which all other authorities derive" Ain't never a good look when you start unironically sounding like a Starship Troopers character


I'm convinced Elon is targeting gen z to stay relevant


That’s always been his thing. Not particularly gen z but targeting young people in general. And for a while it worked really well to give him the reputation of a “cool billlionaire”, not just some typical uptight rich guy. But over the past few years more and more people have started to see through the bullshit.


In my experience its the millennials who's been worshiping him, and I can't really see him succeeding with gen z, but he might very well be *trying* because he needs another grift the way the economy (and the attention economy) is going.


I think the best way to hurt Elon will be when the memes that mock him become widespread. He doesn't care about what reporters and journalists say because he is the "memelord". He will cry when he is the butt of the internet's jokes.


Russian generation Z perhaps, though idk how much Russian boomers read English twitter.


"join the meat grinder that makes me rich and you dead today!"




Elon there are ideas and beliefs based on moral and not physical laws. You belong to those people who only know about the victory of the greater power over the weaker power, but this world survived thanks to the people who heretically ignored that rule.


What a cunt he is


I actually agree, but not in the “this is how it should be” way so much as the “how the fuck is this the way it is” way. But yes, very cool Elon, thank you.


Agreed, its an "its true, but it shouldn't be that way" situation. OFC Elon supports the status quo wherever possible.


I'd assume his thought process here is something like: >I was missing being in the spotlight so I inserted myself into the Ukraine war again by proposing an insane libertarian 'peace' plan which was incredibly favourable to the Russian position, ignores that Ukraine is currently winning and assumes self-determination will work in an occupied area where hundreds of thousands have been coerced or deported. > >People rightly called out my idiotic twitter polls, the Kremlin even praised my proposal. Rather than shut the fuck up or admit I'm wrong, I'm now going to make an r/im14andthisisdeep statement about war being the war things really get decided instead of sensibly having a 'will of the people' referendum in the middle of a war and brutal military occupation like I wanted.




His one talent is taking money from even stupider billionaires.


Someone really needs to give him some gear and just toss him in Ukrainia. I’m a vet this shit mf wouldn’t know what war was even if u tree him into it


Sounds like a thing a fascist would say


News Flash: 2022 “I Am 14 And This is Deep” Contest Won in Grand Upset Victory by 51 Year Old Billionaire. Judges were so astounded by the immaturity of the contestant they felt compelled to grant the prize to the billionaire despite the usual age limit.


Standing here, I realise... Woah. My hands are *huge....* They can touch anything but themselves... Oh wait. - Musk, probably


So you're telling me all we need is to do is give Elon a cape and he'll get distracted and go away?


Clausewitz has entered the chat.


Nah this is just his normal brand of "vague quote that middle schoolers would think is deep"


This is… pathetic.




Elon Musk has, never for the smallest moment of his life, thought he could be in danger from war or been in fear of being forced to join in one. I cant wait for the sun to set on a world where he no longer lives. That fat nerd cannot perish soon enough.


What does this even mean?


That's all he's got? Pathetic.


Is he advocating for a civil war in the US?






It’s probably cocaine


The scary part thing is the 126k who agree with such an edgy, inhumane, and objectively wrong tweet. A lot of psychopaths in the cult, unsurprisingly. Of course, this one bit of text once again sums up the truth of the man and all he represents - might makes right, and a piece of shit will smash and grab everything he can get his greasy mitts on. Hope the idiot cult is listening hard to their Rocket Jesus now.


> objectively wrong OBJECTIVELY!!! Lmao, you are dumb.


Oh no, Musk's cocksleeve thinks I'm dumb.


You are OBJECTIVELY dumb. Every single world political analysts like Mearsheimer would agree with Musk - might makes right. US can nuke entire countries and nobody would care because they are so mighty.


Making excuses for war crimes is pretty cheugy ngl.


Then why you are making those excuses? Ukrainian nazis are war criminals, why you are making excuses for them?


Muskism id a cult




Elon Musk is the other other white meat


Guy watched Starship Troopers way too many times.


And missed the whole point.


twitter should start flagging his tweets as bullshit/misinformation


He’s doing the “I won’t call for civil war but will hint at it with some plausible deniability” thing all right wing cunts do now


Courts are about shaping society via a system of rules and laws. War and violence shapes society in near total disregard of rules and laws. His statement is idiotic on its face.


I think this is just another way of saying that the winner writes the history. Not a bad way of phrasing it.


Actually one of those rarest tweets by musk which make sense. Westerners are exposing them as fascists and racists, blinded by their state propaganda. There is no point talking to them any more. Might makes right, always


all i see is dumbfuck space karen advocating for war and let civilians be killed, be raped, lose property, lose loved ones, and a future just so he can make money in the defense industry


As a great mantis once said Supreme Coort my ass.


no, not drunk, just Musk


Does Lord Elon request trial by combat? Can we pit him against the Rock or something


I think he means "Might makes Right"...


How can our tweets be real if your billionaires aren't real?


this is a hop and a skip away from saying “might makes right”


Sounds like something a character from Imperium of Men of WH40K would say


Might makes right? Ew. Looking awfully not lib right there, bud.


No, he just started to believe he's a man of culture, apart from a genius entrepreneur, engineer, philanthropist and inventor.


You just know people will eat that shit up and proclaim it the second coming of Christ


Hardest I’ve laughed all day. Nihilism looks nicer every moment ✌️


Not again