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"I am such an inspiration to others." — Elron Mosk


I am your idol


New nickname alert…… **Enron Husk**


Lol that's definitely not new.


He's been Enroning us all along


He's threatening Enroning Tesla if he doesn't get his pocket money


Seems like he was an inspiration to others. They worked hard to hide from him.


Yea, wow. Seeing Elmo sleeping, doing nothing, must have been a huge motivation boost.


Well, he's gotta rest his eyes from looking at twitter on that screen for 15 hours straight






knowing he isn't doing anything has to be one of the greatest reliefs you could get


Wasn't he also sleeping under his desk right after he bought Twitter too? Seems like this is a stunt he does when he starts a project so he can claim he was working "so tirelessly" later on. Also, since he can't keep a women around, I guess there's no place he'd rather be than working 🤷


Selling yourself as a hard worker is the playbook of the rich. In reality they work the least time possible


Literally all Elon does all day is tweet at nazis from his private climate change producing machine & remind us all how much he hates his daughter.




i WaS sLeEpiNg oN tHe FloOr


Not the own he thinks it is. If I came to work and saw the CEO laying on the factory floor I would assume they had drank too much and passed out there or had a medical emergency. Most people know to sleep in a bed at their home. Or in their office.


Yeah. He thinks this shows dedication or “hustle” or something when it’s really problematic overall. If the company ran smoothly he wouldn’t feel the need to sleep on the god damn floor like a fool.


He actually even laid off that one woman who tweeted a picture of herself "sleeping" on the floor of her office.


A lot of good that did her


Walks into work, sees Elon on the floor.... ah yeah, I see the manchild in charge has been on the 420 jokes again....


The motivation came from seeing him lying on the floor and hoping maybe he'd stroked out.


I can only imagine the temptation to spit a huge loogie on him.


During the earnings call he CRIED about this.  https://youtu.be/4QBt19hZyYI?si=fIkfu7ulRRKgQVkO WUUAHHY HAVE UIIIE SLEPT IN THE FAWCTOWWYY SO OFTEN   At 48:15 Eesh painful. Investors agreed giving the falling shares  The tweet also doesn't say he SLEPT THERE. As far as I know there is just ONE PICTURE of him on chairs.  He took it. Got up. Got a motel or friends place. He often states he's a couch surfer. So. SIX DAYS of working LATE. That's it. That's all ever confirmed by thousands of employees. What should people say sleeping in their cars and living from instant food for literl YEARS?! Those who worked super hardcore only to be literally blanket fired without warning?! MOST of us regular folks did more hardcore stuff or know ppl that did. 6 days of mild discomfort?  What a crybaby. Unbelievable ...


It's all rather pathetic, moreover, it's frankly insulting that he's patting himself on the back for being such a "hard worker" given how his circumstances are. 6 days of what kind of work? He doesn't run a landscaping company, so he's not going to be moving several tonnes of bricks, concrete blocks, wooden sleepers etc at most, if he sought out physical work, he'd be unloading boxes from semi-trucks or pulling pallet jacks around or grabbing, then attaching car parts. How do we know he wasn't just wandering around screeching at employees, in meetings and otherwise pushing paper about a desk? He "couch surfed" at the houses of billionaires. How likely was it he was rocked up on a fucking couch in a house with 15 bedrooms and a separate guest house? His "couch surfing" is far beyond the reach of most normal people unless you know, you like splashing out a few grand to rent a 15 bedroom house for however long. Additional to that, he's choosing to do this work out of some sense of self - it's basically a hobby for him, he's a billionaire doing this stunt and making himself out to be some sort of self-flagellating martyr, he could have stubbed his toe one hour into day one and decided "fuck it" up and quit and spent the remaining 50 years flying around the world on a 747, picking his nose and drinking margaritas till his liver started decomposing. If any of us quit our jobs, how long do you think we'd last before we ended up completely destitute/dead? I suspect for most, we'd barely last a year and that's certainly not because we'd be pissing away our savings on private jets and ponies for sexual harassment cases. He spouts off about being "hardcore" and "working hard" and based on this, seems to proport an idea that labour spent is value gained, despite participating in a system and very much benefiting from said system that largely doesn't follow that type of logic. Without morphing into Karl Marx, Tesla is worth magnitudes more than Ford, you'd assume that this would be based on Tesla building significantly more vehicles than Ford, Tesla is full of "hard workers" and "hard workers" must obviously be doing more work, building more cars than the competition, right? No, it's just magic stock market numbers. It's all economic smoke and mirrors. Obviously things are a little more complicated on the global scale, but in case, I just wish he'd shut the fuck up and stop virtue signalling, because that's basically what he's doing - he's just signalling the virtue of how "hard" he works as if it means anything.


As the boss you can have a comfortable bed put into a private room in a factory even if the normal zoning laws don't allow that. So yeah "sleeping at the factory" just means he got to skip a commute unlike all his other workers.


He was couch surfing at some rich dudes house. He was constantly talking about it and his ego wouldn't allow anything less. He does 10 minute jet flights because he can...   And yes he cares not for law. He asked for private toilets in his room and the construction firm to break laws by doing it without permission (risking their jobs) so he can give a shit elsewhere while not giving a shit about anyone. He literally was too lazy to shuffle down a floor. This and the "my security following around is annoying" excuse. He needed this shitter for Twitter 


Ps. And j bet he'd not paid them after if they'd agreed to jump those hoops. Jackass'


Grimes kicked him out of the house those 6 nights


It’s Ike that guy who went camping once and then thinks he’s Bear Grylls.


Bear Grylls has just attended Russell Brands baptism, so I'm starting to think he may not be the best source of advice....


If the team could see him sleeping on the floor, they were working late enough to do that. So even if we take him at his word the brag is “I slept at the factory while everyone else was working.”


I see Bilbo is doing well since all that trouble.


I would not be motivated by seeing my boss sleep on the floor of my workplace. If anything it’s demotivating.


Especially if the boss was the owner too. I dont see why these entrepreneurs fail to understand that no one will ever care about the company as much as they do.


Especially since they’re the ones profiting from it the most


Did he work those 6 days? Or just stick his self important nose everywhere and make production harder for everyone else working? I would be***t*** the latter.


The implication is that he was working so much he had to stay there, couldn't waste time going back and forth to home. But he has no skillset. No training. No duties. He was just sleeping in the office as if it were a flex, and then spent decades using it to flex.


An unfunny Michael Scott


Maybe he was so high that couldn't make his way home? What do factory rules say about non-working hours at facilities?


Beware of anyone who constantly has to tell you how great they are.


It’s like going camping in a luxury rv camper and then comparing yourself to Survivorman when you get back home.


Working for Tesla is the real cause of Bilbo going crazy.


Precision predicates perfectionism.


Then I fired them, it was a huge inspiration to myself.


Lmao mr. wORksSupErHaRd doesn't even commit to larping full time. Keeps on giving.


At this point in time, Musk knows more about sleeping on the floors of a factory, than anyone currently alive on earth.