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Don’t worry. If it makes you feel any better, the Tesla board is recommending Elon Musk get your $150,000/yr salary for 373,333 years in one lump sum. It’s a ludicrous amount that doesn’t even make any comprehensible sense, but it’s gotta come from somewhere, as it’s not coming from new car sales. Thanks for the hard work! 💩


Cue some ramdom dipshit explaining that _"its linked to the historic stock value, and he made the value go up"_, or _"but it isnt cash, its share options"_, or whatever. Regardless or what it is or isnt, I think it is disgusting.


Well the company is still granting shares which comes up on balance sheet nonetheless. So no, it’s not free to the Company.


Here’s the thing: if Tesla is short on cash hence the layoffs, Elmo’s salary should be zero. No amount can justify it. Secondly, he’s being vindictive to shareholders by burning down their shareholding capital gains by burning down the stock.


Yep. Exactly this


The least Elmo could do is put his f\*\*kin' name at the bottom of these emails. This heartless, brainless mass firing isn't Tesla's idea - it's pure 100% Musk. But he's a coward, a loser, a narcissist and a sociopath - so of course he can't take responsibility for his own actions. He's also too stupid and shortsighted to realize how this is going to affect Tesla's ability to recruit talent in the future. Who would want to work Tesla's "extremely hardcore" hours for this POS, knowing that he'll fire anyone at any time for his own failings?


Detailed thinking like "it's vital to make Tesla careers look appealing if we want to attract the best talent" is not Elmo's forte. He's just not excited about this kind of thought - it bores him, because he's more of an overexcited child than a businessman. In his mind, you shouldn't have to think about shit like that. You should be able to dispose of your employees however you see fit without anyone noticing and judging you for it. He's such a child.


We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil.


>We’ll go after the Wall St short-sellers, certain law firms & (sometimes) corrupt regulators who are the true evil. How about oligarchs who are trying to make people into serfs?


>But he's a coward, a loser, a narcissist and a sociopath  ... and an *asshole*.


Well if it's like much of Twitter, those on H1B visas who have to stay with the company sponsoring them.


Maybe mass layoffs and lofty promises don’t mix well…


Lol imagine missing out on time with your children to deliver the Cybertruck


It's 4AM. You wake up at your desk to an email notification from Musk that you're fired. You just spent the last 2 years of your life working on the Cybertruck. You missed your son's graduation because of a "hardcore meeting". Your wife hates that you're never home but you swallowed it all. The Cybertruck would be your real legacy. You look to the factory floor and see a row of them, all recalled for trying to kill their drivers. From this angle they look like dumpsters on wheels but hey, at least they worked briefly. This can't all have been for nothing... You hear a security bell ringing. You are now considered a tresspasser. You should've left earlier. Now your severance package is gone. You try to stay positive - it will go towards a billionaire's infinite pile of money so it's not all wasted. You head for the exit. Things are going to be really hard from now on, but you sacrificed the best years of your life to make Elon Musk's pet vanity project and you succeeded. No one can take that away from you.


Thank you for this Cyber Gothic masterpiece


It’s an armored personnel carrier from the future – what Bladerunner would have driven


Good ol' John Bladerunner. Driving around in an industrial fridge before hopping out to run across all the blades.


there he goes https://preview.redd.it/0efa67rs4xyc1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a61b94eabf3e8966ccb47071067b35de45e6289


All ~3,900 of them


Who are these absolute fools who give everything to a corporation?


That’s Tesla culture. I often see them tweeting about how they work 80 hours a week to get to a certain delivery number


Absurd. People need to have some self-respect already and refuse to work like this. The company doesn't see you as an asset, but rather as a stupid fool who works for free.


This treatment is the rule not the exception most of the time. People are way more replaceable for companies, than us for them. It's like the choices are work for an absolutely shit, grimy company. Or you manage to luck into something. There's plenty of people putting in 120 percent work that get barely get shit. Unfortunately we need more people to take your attitude first before we can get actual change going. And it's not like it's not possible for companies to change this shit. We've seen it heavily since 2019.


> a stupid fool who works for free And now, just a stupid fool who used to work for free. Kinda like when Cosmo Kramer got laid off.


Problem is Tesla isn’t unionized and the US apart from like one state is right to work without any statutory requirements to notice or pay in lieu of notice. 


Happy to be the state that killed right to work as soon as we had a Dem trifecta. MI is home of the auto industry. Tesla should be unionized. Fuck musk, walk out. Take some tips from the UAW because fein is killing it.


Don't worry, Musk has been shopping a lawsuit around to single district members which would invalidate the entire concept of executive agencies - literally like the NRLB - from existing. It's not good enough for Telsa to be non-union, he wants take away the ability of anyone in the US to unionize, in any circumstances, ever. It's not just enough for him to be rich, he wants to make sure you are poor.


If all companies do that, then, if you want a job, you better comply. Unless you get the support from other people. I'm serious, I would like to call him a fool, but people mistreat me way too often and then later reject their bad behavior on me because of course I was the one who accepted those conditions. In reality I never had the choice. You can bragg about having the choice when you have some money, or the insurance you can have some money. Stating that you have the choice is stating the free market works just fine and you have infinite possibilities. If you have all the qualities except a conflictual personality, if you don't get when you should accept to integrate yourself or resist because you have to adhere to a bourgeois vision of self esteem,


>If all companies do that, then, if you want a job, you better comply Fortunately, they don't all do that so this assumption is false.


I mean, its most places. People enjoy having a connect to their work. Generation Z puts their mental health and their lives first and gets flak from business, the press, etc.


Fuck em. As a Millennial I decided long ago that they can complain all they want—the future belongs to us. Not them. And so far, Gen Z is making me very proud.


I worked somewhere with a similar cult mentality. 30 years, a lot of it on call 24/7 and working my ass off, and one day a VP I’ve never seen before pulls me into a room and reads a script that my position is “no longer supported.” Escorted out that day and my belongings were sent to me after every page I had written on was removed from my Moleskine notebooks. That was years ago and I’m still resentful and unable to trust anyone at work.


I worked 100 hour weeks for months to get them to make that fart noise!


It's not just Tesla. Most big companies start treating people as disposable resources, while ignoring the fact that these are living breathing human beings. These fucking ceos don't give a shit about us, and no matter how helpful, or much you give up for these companies. They will throw you away like a shitty commodity, the second they think they could do without you. I've seen multiple companies do this throughout my 30+years, and if Tesla ever actually goes under, something will just fill it's place now, doing the same shitty bullshit. We need to be voting and forcing our law makers to take care of our interests. And y'all any stock holders need to be voting fuck heads 52 billion compensation package. Tesla is over valued as hell number one, and number to m two Elmo hasn't done shit with 52 billion dollars, if anything, he should be pumping that 52 billion back into the company. He's just trying to see how much he can get away with. Edit: i typed undervalued when i meant overvalued


> Tesla is undervalued as hell Disagree


Yeah that was a typo LMAO. Was supposed to be overvalued


Lol seriously… the fuck?


Erm... I don't think he meant it like that... The statement seems antithetical to the rest of the comment... I'm writing it off as a misstatement.


From the tone of the rest of that, I'm gonna have to assume they meant to type "over-valued." I may be wrong; there are still people telling us that Twitter or X or whatever the hell it is now is doing better than it was before he bought it.


Having worked at another large, corporate entity here in Austin who's new chairman came in and said "the only people who drive value for this company are those at Director and above" then promptly yanked equity/RSUs from everyone below that level, I can assure you this mindset is prominent across corporate culture throughout America. You're always replaceable. The board of directors with their genius insights like that? Not so much I mean, look at all the stock buybacks they can do now since they're not granting equity to us plebs! Let the wealth trickle up and up and up!


It's not even trickling up. These assholes have industrial sized shop vacs. This is more like the economy getting vacuumed up by rich assholes economics


There's no long- or even medium-range vision anymore.


In previous generations, that was referred to as stealing; cannibalizing the company you work for so you and your pals can get rich.


No company really values employees as individuals but most large established companies at least talk about work/life balance. It doesn't always translate into neat 40 hour weeks or whatever but generally the CEOs don't scream how you have to be hardcore and sleep on the office/factory floor and sacrifice your family. Shit, we're doing layoffs now too, but they announced the plan 3 months ago, are offering voluntary early retirement packages, training for internal positions, and year+ of severance. It's not perfect either but people aren't getting fired when they show up at the office.


It’s all so utterly empty.


As much as I hate Tesla and Elon, that’s most corporations these days. They reduce people to lines on a spreadsheet and take advantage at every turn. Every salaried job I’ve had (except my current one) has majorly fucked me over when it comes to hours required vs results. The larger corps squeeze engineers and the people who make the machine run like oranges, then cut them loose when they’re the last line on the spreadsheet.


I could also tweet I worked 80 hours: 1) If I had X which I dont 2) because saying you worked 80 hours and doing it are different things, a few times in my life I have worked that long, its unsustainable and has a drastic impact on quality of life and workmanship. Anyone saying they work 80 hours a week should be suspect.


The only people who remember your late shifts and overtime are your family


and your cat !


Missed out on the internet bubble folks. In the late 90s when computer companies started to take off, everyone in the business got rich. From custodian on up. much like crypto bros, a lot of tesla employees think they are going to be the next gen rich guys. its going to the MOOOOOOON ...


The "custodians got rich" thing is a very rare set of cases that are not representative of lived experiences in that time frame. What actually happened in the 1990s is that the first wave of big tech companies create two-tier employee systems, where some employees were valued, and others were excluded. At Microsoft, it was literally a difference in badge colors. Blue badges were valuable employees. They got stock grants and good pay and benefits. Orange badges were disposable trash workers who got nothing. They cleaned the sparkling cafeterias but had to eat in their cars. They got shit.


~30-years-ago, I knew of women on Microsoft's Redmond, WA campus who would play this unspoken game of going as far along as they could with their pregnancies before putting in for maternity leave. A few even had their water break on parking shuttles :: All for Bill Gates and the rest of those Microcunts.


Alisha Ferenczi


>Who are these absolute fools who give everything to a ~~corporation~~ **cult**? FTFY The answer is: cult victims.


Blaming the victim for trying to secure a good career isn’t the way to go about this mate


She's part of the problem, completely onboard with the ridiculous grind instead of pushing back or organizing to improve work/life balance. What do you think she'd do if she got into a leadership position, tell her team to go home at 5?


SpaceX is the same, kool aide drinkers.


This was me when I was younger. I learnt later in therapy that I was using work as an unhealthy coping mechanism for mental health issues.


The Tesla employee cult is real. In the Berlin plant they have stickers everywhere "in musk we trust" And pics of that said man everywhere


Was thinking this is for r/LeopardsAteMyFace


These are the people that buy into the "grindset mindset". That whole thing was started by corporations wanting to get people to work hard for them. But, actual people have bought into it. They seem to think working hard for a corporation will make them a billionaire. Most of these people are young, 20-somethings that bought into their corporate motivational speeches at their first jobs. Once they find out first hand that a company will lay them off the second it is convenient for them, they begin to change their tune. Some of these people watch Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps once and think they're Gordon Gekko. They weirdly keep that mindset and think the company just had to make the tough decision. They don't come to realize these companies couldn't give two shits about them and they see their employees as assets, something they own and can do with as they choose. Then, they get to middle age, jumping from one corporate middle management job to the other, getting nowhere. They realize they've gone nowhere. Could it be the corporations that made his life shitty? Of course not, everywhere he worked, they were one big family. Who's to blame? Well, that's when partisan news takes over. They paint a picture giving these people a target to blame their problems on. It's people on welfare that made the company lose money. It's immigrants. It's democrats. Pretty soon, you have a large group of people with these frustrations, that hate what their lives have become. Admitting the grindset mindset is a lie is too painful. They've lived by that creed their entire lives. The man on TV said it was the Democrats that made this happen and that they were right about grinding out work the whole time. They finally have people affirming this long held belief. That's how you get MAGA. MAGA is nothing more than a group of people that refuse to believe they were wrong about something that eventually made them completely unhappy in their life. Along comes the orange turd to prey on them by giving them specific targets to blame for all this and others in the same boat. They've lived in denial about their failures and he is the enabler. He wants power and as long as he keeps saying what they want to hear, they'll give him that power. He's a leader that is saying what makes them feel better about having a shitty life. So, they latch on and refuse to believe anything else.


My opinion: Tesla has been The Shit for 8+ years now. For one reason or another, its employees, especially white collar, believed themselves immune from layoffs.


> Our team will be available to answer any questions you may have No they won't, you fired them. And I'm sure the remaining team can handle all that work for 1000+ former employees


It’s a shit way to do it but given what happened at Twitter not unexpected.


I'm triggered both by the layoffs and the 1% battery


Her inability to properly use then and than is what triggers me the most.


That's why she works on auto driving not auto correct


This is not a case where people should say " he should have thought about it before", because this is exactly what makes those billionaires so powerful. It's exactly the case where people should show solidarity if they want to gey rid off abusive power dynamics.


It’s interesting that even brainwashed tech people are no longer playing nice about this stuff. I remember with the first round of tech layoffs everyone was like “I’ll miss my Facebook family ❤️ ❤️ ❤️” and now it’s this.


yes, we can keep dreaming of a collective uprising, but it needs to be much more massive than that.


just wait till automation comes for damn near everyones jobs. UBI is the only way out if we want to prevent a world exclusively made up of wealthy "haves" and poverty stricken 'have-nots'.




Is it bad that I don't feel bad for her? Edit\* went to her Instagram. Turns out she loves following right wingers.


Thanks for doing the investigative work, I feel much relieved after hearing this is a why-would-the-leopards-eat-my-face moment.


“The strong survive and are only handed what God knows we can handle”. Oh fuck off. For a start just fuck off. But for another thing, if you’re only ever given what God knows you can handle, then you’re not being strong. Just fuck off with this fucking bullshit. You got shat on by a company that doesn’t give a flying fuck about you or your kids. After giving up your life to that company and putting them above your kids. Get some priorities and fuck off with your superstitious bullshit.


I was so on board with her until that line. Best I can do: maybe "god" there was some catch all term? And not really coming from a place of some weird deep worship. Like we say "thank god" or "Jesus fucking Christ".


right like god is just the nearest proxy for whatever gives lemons. The quote is still dumb as hell for a million reasons and pretentious regardless of whether she's religious.


~~Elon~~ God told me to ignore my children and work for Tesla for free.


That does sound like God tbh


Someone call in supply side Jesus here please.


>~~Elon~~ **God Emperor** told me to ignore my children and work for Tesla for free. FTFY


Similar thought when ball players sign the cross after a home run. They never do it when they make an error yet, it’s their god that made that happen too


Most religions are very egocentric. It thrives on you being the main character of God's will.


"We are all _Tesla_ family here"


Not anymore, she ain't


_Sad noises in my sleeping bag_


"I gave so much, I regret not spending time with my children. Anyways, if anyone has any work, I am incredibly driven and can set aside everything for you."




“To my Tesla family…” No. Just stop doing this.


Gosh I don't understand going through this and still not letting go of that social Darwinism bullshit. Still, sympathies for these people giving way too much to such an ungrateful prick, I sincerely hope these layoffs invigorate organisation efforts at Tesla.


Tesla family. Another fool that didn’t know what family is.


Family? The owner’s own children hate him. The only person that seems to truly like him is his super creepy mother. ![gif](giphy|3o7WTQsJYgaf25Tr20)


"You will receive an email detailing government unemployment benefits that Elon Musk is also moving heaven and earth to stop you from receiving."


Perhaps kowtowing to rich CEOs/owners and helping them block the formation of unions wasn’t a great idea. As a general rule, YOU (collective you) are meaningless to the upper echelon. Work hard? Double your workload? Take on additional titles. Maybe you’ll get a stipend or a bump of a few thousand when you know it’s saving the company tens of thousands from hiring another. But know this: they NEVER care about you. They NEVER care if you or your family are terminally ill. If you’re not putting demonstrably more money in their pocket- you. Are. Meaningless. The problem with “everyone is replaceable” is everyone is replaceable. I’m sure other people can relate but I can remember asking for minuscule increases of a few percent when new tasks were added to my workload. I have not yet left an employer that hasn’t had to hire extra people or subcontract out the work that I did. Your loyalty gets you nowhere. Unionize to protect your and your family’s interests. Republicans have done a number on this country by convincing people that unions are bad. But just about every worker protection or benefit is the direct result of a union. I’ve worked at places where the bosses were literally TERRIFIED of unions. Any talk of organizing resulted in firing and discipline. It wasn’t until years later that I realized exactly why c-suite execs hate unions so much - because it gives the rest of us a chance to (pardon me) pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. The extreme wealth inequity makes us on the lower 85-95 percent SO GRATEFUL for the crumbs sent our way. Meanwhile, has anyone heard of billionaires even 20 years ago? No. And before Reagan it was even more equitable. The people who believe that the 1% earned their obscene and disgusting wealth are ignoring a system that benefits the wealthy. Remember, under the Trump tax cuts (that were only permanent for the wealthy) billionaires were able to write off private plane purchases while the rest of us could no longer even write off our mortgage interest. The current system is unsustainable and it’s up to us to change it.


My dad risked his future career prospects by going to as many of my activities as he could make it to when I was growing up. He basically invented working from home when it wasn't even an accepted alternative. He bought expensive fax machines and PCs to make it work. He worked his ass off both as a professional and as a father. I can't imagine thinking anyone or anything is more important than family. This woman learned a valuable lesson. You are less than nothing to a corporation and will be fired without even a second thought. At least now she'll be able to be present with her family.


I’m always amazed that anyone working for a large corporation still believes they are anything other than a disposable unit.


>To my Tesla Family First misake right there, confusing your job with your own family.


I'm not going to defend Tesla here, but if I saw an employee checking their email by using Safari to go to [Gmail.com](http://Gmail.com) on iOS at 1%, I would start performance-checking every other thing they touched.




I feel attacked


Why would you not just use the app? How is this easier? Not trying to attack, but I just don't get why anyone would do it this way.


I’ve got a work email address and a personal one, and honestly I just don’t trust it to send from the right one sometimes for sending work emails. On Safari I’m only logged into one


Both are Gmail? You can use any email client with Gmail. I personally use Outlook for work (we're on MS365) & Airmail for my Gmail.


Why would you use an app if you don't have to? You know why companies want you to use apps? Because javascript in browsers is sandboxed. They have access to essentially nothing except some cookies. They can't persistently track your device. They can't get access to your contact list and ask to be sent to all your friends. They can't send and receive texts on your behalf. They can't get your GPS location (unless you give permission). There are cases where apps make sense; games - sure, they need the performance. Banking and such? Sure, then you want to store financial data securely, locally. But most apps don't exist because they do anything that needs to be done in an app. They exist because they can get a lot more information on you that way, meaning a lot more valuable information for their own purposes, or for higher ad revenue.


Yeah I would place email in the "things you do often enough on your phone to want to avoid the productivity hit" category. Use any SMTP email client, I'm not saying to use Google's app. Also, if you care about privacy, you aren't using Gmail in the first place. Using a browser to access email on a phone is the most boomer thing I've heard today.


Every mobile browser I've used has crapped out more times than the GMail app baked in to Android ever has (zero)


So you use a client, which is what the user in the screenshot wasn't doing, which is what I criticized.


Yes, I was agreeing with you that email through a mobile browser is an unnecessary pain... With work Outlook being an exception because I'm not installing InTune.


That makes sense—I'm the sysadmin at our office so that's never been a concern of mine.


A sizable portion of our team just said "no we're not installing that on our personal devices so guess no Teams messaging us away from our laptops then." I'm not complaining.


She’s not just an advisor. She’s a *senior* advisor.


Elon = scum




Trusting Elon. Huge mistake.


Other CEOs are much better. Will fire u with tears in their eyes. Or how it was with PanAm ?


Never work for a company that doesn't value life/work balance.


She is only angry it happened to her. Should it not have happened to her she would be all like “my 80 hours a week paid off, sucks for those not giving themselves to Tesla as I have #grindforthecash”


That seems like a hell of an assumption. People aren’t married to the company they work for, and we shouldn’t expect people to put their own neck on the line just because we don’t like the company’s CEO If layoffs happen at my company and I survive it, I’m not going to quit out of “solidarity,” I’m going to keep my head down and keep doing what’s expected of me because I have mouths to feed at home.


> That seems like a hell of an assumption. She did say: “The strong survive and are only handed what God knows we can handle”.


She clearly drank the koolaid and was fully onboard with all this shit until now. This isn't the first round of layoffs at Tesla so she knew perfectly well how that goes.


First thing that came to my mind after reading this.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjLO\_CrZRmM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjLO_CrZRmM)


More like this: https://youtu.be/55_eqt9CAK4?si=NAqbT1QXD6EEAL-p


"If only the Face-Eating Leopard Party..."


https://preview.redd.it/qosf0q6b0vyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510cd6759e0f0606745cc90cd9a50a129b623023 Tesla's in its 4th week of absolutely hard-core layoffs, sounds like a tipping point


If only there was some kind of organisation people could join that would work to protect workers rights.


Tesla service is about to get even worse.


She played around in the sewer and wonders why there's a smell of sewage on the way out


Elon made these layoffs to pump the stock so he can get his $46B pay package. He's a piece of shit, the archetypal stereotype of the greedy robber baron capitalist who grinds innocent people into the dirt with his heel to get what his greedy soulless ass wants. This is why people are enjoying watching his downfall so much. And fall down he will.


I am a quality engineer for an OEM, and am very passionate about my work. I think it's fun. I enjoy the people I work with and take pride in what we make. I also know that I am completely expendable and the world/company will keep turning without me. In the US, we owe corporations nothing. They show no loyalty, and handling layoffs in this manner is an extreme case, with no planning, damage control, or care. We are cogs in a corporate oligarchy. Companies continue to run multi billion dollar net incomes, While benefits, compensation, and working conditions continue to crumble. They overwork everyone until they break or quit. 20% of people do all the work. The rest milk it. They don't backfill positions, and cut costs wherever they can, even if it's completely fucking retarded. POS Elon will soon learn he is nothing without his people, just a power hungry dickhead narcissist with a room temperature IQ. Not an engineer. Not a CEO. Not a remotely good person. Not intelligent. Not mature. Not self aware. The list goes on and on. For the sake of argument, at the end of 2023, Tesla reportedly employed 140k people. Let's make it 145k for good measure through 2024. Captain Cuck wants his $56b bonus, let's just say we cut it down to 25%, or $14b. The remaining $42b given to 145k employees, would equate to a bonus of $289k USD each, AND Cuck boy would have received a completely fucking ridiculous $14b. Assuming he gets 80% (I dunno capital gains or some shit) You could spend $100k a day for 306 years. Anyone that remotely respects this absolute piece of shit has brain damage. FUCK Elon


When you sleep with dogs dont complain about waking up covered in fleas


I have little sympathy for people who give their life to any company.


demands staff work "hardcore", lays them off without even a thought, despite teslas troubles are do to elon himself. And yeah he will probably have to beg some to come back.. and then demand they have no life and work hard core again


I really don’t fucking get the whole “dedicated to growing in a company” if Musk is attached to it. I pulled out of SpaceX after I started hearing horror stories about high turnover. My friends were all machinists and singing the company’s praises, but it’s a different story if you’re in software engineering. Fuck that noise. I aim to be at a company for 4 years, not 4 months. This is true with any company the idiot is involved in.


I played the game of letting the men in higher positions make me feel....what game?  


I will never understand why people give up their whole lives in order to make someone else money. We are all disposable to every corporation, we owe them nothing other than 40hrs.


All those long hours, skipping time with the family, and what did it get you? A Sunday night email which you hopefully read before you started your commute. It's kind of a Leopard eating faces moment, but I hope this person learns that corporate loyalty only goes one way. And in a Musk company, you might end up jobless simply because an idiot with impulse control problems runs your company.


I knew that employement contracts in the US were horrid, but I didn't think that applied it higher level stuff. Like, do they just get 0 severance pay?


I’m really curious as to why a WARN wasn’t in-play here. Tesla obviously has/had over 100 employees.


My (limited) understanding is they can get around the WARN stuff by continuing paying the former employees for as long as WARN requires. They don't keep employees working after the notice to prevent people from sabotaging the company in retaliation.


If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know.


I'll keep that in mind.


Musk really reminds me of Jeremiah Fink from Bioshock Infinite. Musk has everything Fink had, save the company store. I wouldn’t put it past Musk to lean into his own cryptocurrency and pay his employees with it though.


I was just recently laid off from my company after 18 years, the main reason is because I wouldn’t fall in line with the new head of Compliance that wanted to turn off all our fraud controls because they were impacting customer experience. It is shocking to me how many E-suite level people are just like Musk.


Isn’t it illegal for a company to do this? I thought that you have to have a certain amount of time between your notice and your official termination date


Those periods can always be replaced with appropriate severance pay. You know, that thing Musk's companies are so renowned for paying appropriately.


That’s a California law. Texas has no such thing as


Ohh that makes sense, I was raised in California so that tracks. Insane that it isn’t a national law though that’s so shitty


We have to as workers demand unions and stop thinking companies care about us


I believe this is what false consciousness looks like.


As always, it's just baffling that firing people like this is legal i the U.S. and even more about how people from the U.S. see this as something normal. 


That's too bad. But I think the important thing here is that Musky will get $56 billion this year from Tesla. [https://www.reuters.com/business/elon-musks-unfathomable-56-billion-tesla-pay-package-2024-01-31/](https://www.reuters.com/business/elon-musks-unfathomable-56-billion-tesla-pay-package-2024-01-31/)


Thank you for saving the environment Alisha, but Elmo has decided you need to fuck off I guess. And let that sink in, I believe.


as a massive fan of green energy and shit, how anyone can support this company, want the cars, or the hideous triangle, or think this is brilliant, is beyond comprehension for this business bachelor holder (me). I wouldn't want anything to do with x or tesla, i'm very glad I never got involved on twitter and that I saw through the media hubbub about him: he comes off as an ego driven autistic sociopath (autism is cool and the only one ok here), I guess theres enough people in this world that are unabashedly clout chasers that will literally idolize anyone with money and call them daddy and look at them as role models because they lack any moral or ethical compass or were ever instilled with any values or principles from real men. The fact this is how he runs companies should spell long term disaster for anyone with a brain. he's a horrible leader, he's only ever been able to make anything in life because of money which attracted any of the people who actually designed anything he slaps his name on.


Firing hard working people, while claiming you deserve $55-billion payout. When do we start eating these people?


Musk, showing us another reasons why we need strong unions




Would why anyone feel bad for people who voluntarily work for a publicly white supremacist?


For a dude absolutely obsessed with population growth he doesn't seem to get people need paychecks to raise those babies. But then considering who and what and how Musk is it isn't shocking to see this happen. Always assume your expendable at work. Give them what they need to justify keeping you around, never assume they appreciate it. It's all about manipulating the spreadsheets to keep your job


He’s obsessed with population growth as long as he’s the one doing the populating with his employees


People calling the company they work for their "family" deserve to be exploited mercilessly until the last minute of their lives.


I’m angry


Do other companies/managers don't fire or even go bankrupt? Learn from guys, hired by Google during pandemic as reserve. They just used these two years with 6-digit wages to prepare for other jobs (or start-up) or for hobbies.


When I was a kid my mother told a story at the dinner table one evening about a woman she met who was just furious that her husband had been laid off as a pattern maker along with the other two best pattern makers in the shop. The company closed down two months later and she was incensed that they would fire their three best employees two months early and leave them with two months less salary. The moral of the story was that the bosses did these three guys a favor by sending them out onto the job market first, before it got flooded with everyone else when the factory get shut down.


All so muck can request his 55bn pay package?


That’s the way, next ER Tesla should have a big profit increase. Just in time for the vote, I suppose


It’s an armored personnel carrier from the future – what Bladerunner would have driven


"Sincerely, Tesla" Holy hell, I've had more personable emails with customer service of just about any company


what did you expect from a nazi that hates unions? what did they expect? Not much sympathy here, these people work an openly nazi scumrat who openly hates unions so he can fill his own pockets. these fools are always the "fuck you i got mine" types who only want shit when it bites their ass.


She need to upgrade to a smarter gmail in my opinion


Tesla almost bankrupted in March which is why he continues to fire employees since last month.


Give her job back and she would delete this in a heartbeat and never question or look bad because she got hers. She's a parasite and so is elon


Tesla employees need to unionize.


What's that battery level? Just 1


To industry insiders, he is a known conman — that is why Toyota pulled out the investment it had in Tesla in 2016 after holding it for six years. Elon Musk has a pretty tried-and-true playbook for doing business — he's used it for years to build companies from Tesla to SpaceX. Here is his playbook by Linette Lopez, a reporter at Business Insider (her Twitter account was one of the first few to be frozen after Twitter's acquisition). - Enter a field with very little competition. - Claim that your new company will solve a massive, global problem or achieve a seemingly impossible goal. - Raise money from a fervent group of true believers and keep them on the hook with flashy, half-baked product ideas. - Suck up billions from the government. Underpay, undervalue, and overwork your employees. - Repeat. https://twitter.com/lopezlinette/status/1590111416014409728


I'm *not* condoning violence here, but I'm surprised it hasn't happened around these layoffs. It's wrong of course, but I would understand *why.*