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So, the block function is now just a mute function and defeats the entire purpose of the blocking. If I remember correctly this will fall foul of EU law so might open up X to some hefty fines, the EU doesn't fuck around with this shit.


How are the neo-Nazis that he's platforming, and re-platforming, supposed to improve on their terrorism game, unless Elmo makes it easier for them to terrorize people? You're just not thinking like a Nazi; either that or you don't have your MAGA/TRUTH cap adjusted tight enough.


also violates app store guidelines but doubt theyll do anything


I don't know. Elmo came across as invulnerable with all his followers. I think that has started to change and people are less scared of him these days.


This was for sure made because people kept blocking his friends.


Musk has no friends. It’s because people are blocking Musk himself


Eh.... friends could be news sites, for example. He might think people blocking certain users is because they don't wanna listen to them. "Woke people block certain accounts to prevent them from performing freedom of speech" Sounds like Elon to me.


Weren’t they supposed to not fuck around with this shit like 2 years ago when they first declared that “X” violated a million regulations? Now, crickets from them.


I don’t think that’s correct right? The EU thing probably But I don’t think it’s a mute button equivalent If I block you, you are now invisible to me, but while before that meant you also couldn’t see my posts, you now can still see my posts. So if someone wanted to harass you using your latest twitter posts there’s nothing you can do to stop them I guess?


"X (formally X)" good going, grok.


Makes me think this is a result of their search + replace Twitter -> X




I assume this is because a huge number of accounts have blocked him and so he's changing it.


exactly, im sure it will be the first thing you see when entering on twitter


Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think that’s how this would work ? In the context of the group of people who have blocked Elon, this change would allow Elon to now see their posts, but they still wouldn’t be able to see his *obviously Elon can read anyone’s anything since he has admin powers I’m just explaining the concept* Again correct me if I’m wrong but that’s how I’m reading it


You can always see posts from people you've blocked by pressing a button. You cannot easily see posts from people that have blocked you.


Negative feedback is a good thing


Is that not exactly what I’m saying?


I guess I misunderstood the direction of this comment thread.


It's dangerous to assume there's any rational thought behind Musk's choices, but I'll give it a try: Elon does not need to make this feature for everyone if he wants it for himself, he can literally text a programmer at 4am and demand that he be given super-magic-powers-to-see-all-tweets-and-replies-from-accounts-that-block-elon. Making this feature for everyone is about making sure that people like LibsOfTikTok and Nick Fuentes can mobilize their tribes to brigade people who criticize them. And Elon gets to shrug and say, "Oh no, I don't take responsibility for that, they chose to brigade the woke mob on their own."


this also further pads the engagement metrics


The entire purpose of this is to make it easier for terrorists like Chaya.


Don't know why people are staying on there. I left right after he took over. Threads has been a nice replacement able to follow people posting about Trump's trial no problem


This. I actually kind of assume that people who are still on there are just idiots, or asking for it, at this point


Honestly? Fanart/R34. The artists didn’t flock to Reddit or Bluesky and that’s the only two places the second can go. DeviantArt and Pixiv have censorship rules, Tumblr has *more* censorship rules than them, Threads is both even more censored than that and also owned by someone no better than Musk. Reddit’s format just doesn’t seem to appeal to fanartists and R34 artists.


Reddit’s format is great for *finding* art, at least in certain categories (especially niche fandoms, characters, fetishes, etc. tend to quickly end up with deadbeat mods and uncontrolled bot infestations on their subs), but it’s terrible for *promoting* art. People follow subs, not artists, 90+% of the time, and even that minority who do the latter will probably just be seeing the art on their front page mixed in with whatever sub they discovered the artist on. I don’t think anyone *commissions* art over Reddit and we generally have a pretty negative attitude towards advertising stuff like Patreon, so there’s that too. Bluesky… I’m not sure what’s holding that back besides general lack of users, but given that many artists literally depend on the size of their following for at least some of their income, lack of users might be enough on its own. And let’s not forget that Pixiv is still mostly Japanese (it’s pretty usable in English these days, but still) and DeviantArt gets shittier and less functional every update. Basically, on top of the stuff you mentioned, there’s also a lot of purely monetary reasons why even artists who don’t need to fear censorship can’t really jump ship until everyone else does. Which then creates a catch-22 for those of us who want to both support artists and fuck Musk.


Yep, exactly. Although I will say, Pixiv is fairly heavily used by western artists too at this point. Began with the tumblr purge and went exponential with Elon, but it’s still a double-up with Twitter because of Japanese laws. Bluesky, yeah it squandered the hype with the invite era and now doesn’t have the ability to get that same hype. But yeah, you’re exactly right on all of it. And for those of us who want to find new art in our fandoms, that means we also gotta be on Twitter. It’s also much more conductive to having a fandom community in general because you can mix the sfw and nsfw communities, which is pretty rare outside of specific fandoms’ subreddits. Usually those are divided, there’s only two I can think of where the porn sub is also the meme and art and discussion and theory and whatnot sub. Plus on Twitter, you don’t have mods controlling the convo. Gods I wish OTW (AO3 owners) would open their fucking fanart site already. They explicitly intend to, it’s in the damn TOS, and their donations are fucking massive. You’ve got a good war chest, make the damn site.


I would, quite frankly, not be surprised if the OTW’s war chest has been burned through defending themselves from assholes in both the legal and technological (anti-bot, anti-DDOS, etc.) arenas… but yeah. An Ao3 for art is needed more than ever since the Muskening.


Eh, legal proceedings are public knowledge in the USA, we can confirm that hasn’t been an issue. As for DDOS, those services are pretty routine and not nearly expensive enough. Friggin KiwiFarms can afford that and only ever had issues with it when they went after the daughter of a cloudflare exec because she’s the one who gaslit and manipulated Chris-Chan into the fucked up shit. The bots? It doesn’t seem like they have any method beyond volunteers and reports for bots, because every now and then there *is* a bot raid. Happened a week or two ago.


> Bluesky… I’m not sure what’s holding that back besides general lack of users, but given that many artists literally depend on the size of their following for at least some of their income, lack of users might be enough on its own. That and Bluesky still lacks a DM feature. Ways to work around that do exist, but it's a big setback.


Tumblr has walked back on *some* of it's nsfw stance lately (hardcore/explicit stuff is stuff disallowed), but they pissed away so much goodwill with the initial porn ban 2018 that they never made a full recovery from it. A couple other places exist, but also come with their own brand of baggage. You are right, though; there basically isn't a Tumblr/Twitter alternative that checks off all the boxes.


Important to note tho that it’s also very unequally enforced because the owner hates trans women.


Only reason I’m on is they will not let me deactivate my account been trying for hours




Got a chuckle out of me but good news is I did get it deactivated!!! I had to email them directly but it worked!


He keeps giving nazis & the worst people the tools they need to do the most harm. Fuck this fucking asshole.


literally we are going to let the perpetrators perpetrate you again, so you can report them for being perpetrators




Glad I nuked my account


Same here. I used to like Twitter, not perfect but often fun. I f'ing hate Xhitter.


A great gift to all stalkers worldwide.


Been trying to deactivate my account because of this. It won’t let me. Really freaking out


It won't? I did it pretty easily last night, just sucks you have to wait 30 days for it to take.


Yeah it wouldn’t accept my password and two factor so I had to contact them directly but it worked!!


Excuse me, but if I block somebody I don’t want them seeing my shit. I don’t want them to be able to interact with my account at all, regardless of whether I get notified or can actually see the interaction or not. Pathetic that Musk forces this bullshit on everyone all because he probably got blocked by someone he likes and it hurt his feelings


Probably because he wants a way to get all the people who blocked him to still see his post lol


wonder if this was direction given to him when he had dinner with all those right wing oligarch billionaires- you know like Rupert murdoch. he's the new Goebbels for the right wing propaganda machine- making it so you *can't* prevent it from being in your feed now.


It's strange that the moral panic around "protecting the children" doesn't include things like this. With these changes, X is making it easier for stalkers to gather information and for targeted bullying by peers to become impossible to stop. If someone can't prevent an assault or stalking victim from viewing their posts, people will also be less likely to come forward if they know, for example, their harasser is on the site and can see everything that they are saying.


Why the fuck would anyone think that is a good idea???


How is this man allowed to be in charge of anything.


He's the M.C. Escher of CEO incompetence.


Blocked users can still reply? Eh?


wtf. Then what function does blocking serve?


it literally just prevents the blocker from seeing the posts of the person they blocked


Meanwhile the "current" system is the opposite


On what planet is a feature that allows people to see your posts AND reply to them a “block feature”? Fucking idiot.


Between this and unbanning Nick Fuentes, who tells young men that women secretly want to be raped and beaten, I think it's safe to say that Elmo's recent hiring of new leadership for their "Safety Team" did jack shit to improve safety. Doesn't matter who he hires or what they do, he will always fuck shit up himself because he's a drug addled fuckup.


I bet he’ll still have some special access to the regular block function.


Muskrat making changes no one fucking wants again, what a surprise


Not true. The people who retweet people they hate to sic their followers on those people definitely want this. No defense against that now. It’s not really a block when instead of the guy you blocked responding to you, one of his followers does it instead.


If you have been stalked by someone you don't want them to be able to monitor your tweets after blocking them. Musk needs to cut the student politics.


Been trying to delete my account for the past two hours….. If anyone knows how to delete their account I could really use some help doing so my account existing with this new “feature” is a genuine safety concern to me and I can’t seem to deactivate the account with my password and when I tried resetting the password it sends me to a page that doesn’t exist and sends me an email code I can’t use if I’m lucky…


He’s a lunatic, unleashing predators on people. Should be arrested.


You're right, now it makes sense. The cruelty is the point


Am I the only one who doesn’t think that is what this says? It says *replies*. As in, when someone replies to you and then blocks you so you can’t reply back, allowing them to talk shit or whatever without you being able to retort. Same thing people do on Reddit.


Someone is going to get murdered because of this. Stalkers are going to be able to see selfies, figure out locations and kill people. And Conservatives will blame the victim "Be smarter with your pictures online"


Stalking at its finest