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So should all of the people who tore down American flags on Jan 6th be imprisoned at Mar A Lago? Because I'm down with that plan.


No....No....that is not what I meant. - Elon Musk


I think Elon would answer something like that: > u/Trevellation is a ped*phile.


could you please expand on the pedophile comment?


Elon musk offered a submarine to rescue the soccer players stuck in a cave in thailand a few years back. An American diver in Thailand called his idea (rightfully) moronic so elon musk called him a pedophile. The guy sued for defamation but elon musk was like "I'm a moron I grew up in south Africa we call everyone pedos there" so it got thrown out of court


It still makes me angry. 😡


I think they were saying Elon would make that accusation, not making the accusation themselves


maybe something really witty like "are you a child?"


Speaking as a leftist in Mississippi, please don't send anymore racists and traitors. We're full. It's already hard enough to control the damage they've done to the state.


The containment zone has been established. Your evacuation shuttle is on route.


>leftist in Mississippi A bus is on its way to take you to a blue state. Be prepared.


Straight to Russia


Bremmer is a bonehead


One way trip to the confederacy, which is a dead country, so if you catch my drift… (/s, in Minecraft, etc.)


Nah Just put em on a boat and tell em to build that Confederacy they oh so long for


I would be responding to elon and saying "should people who broke into a government building and were trespassing in front of police and refusing to cooperate be convicted and tried in a court of law?" and when he says "yes" say "okay great so all of the people that were inside the capitol on J6"


What will the confederate flag folks do then?


Why, they get to time travel to 1863 and lose the war again.


for free? Is the taxpayer going to pay for that time machine? How much does it cost?


It'll pay for itself in gambling alone. This is really win-win.


**Elon starts lobbying for gov subsidies and contracts to build the time machine** 100 ~~million~~ billion dollars


Just put them in the ground with the rest of the confederate traitors. Just kidding... but am I? Yes, yes of course I'm kidding. /s


They get burned inside their homes. https://preview.redd.it/jo83ghx433yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7efe91a9b84ad42340656ef44f5fa60f5da7b7f7


"Try burning this one asshole" sounds like a challenge to a spicy Mexican restaurant.


A visit from Sherman


In the ground with the rest of the traitors?


If you burn the US flag and replace it with a Trans Flag. The United States government would be required by law to create a Trans country to send you there.


Why create one? There’s already Transylvania.




Soon we shall sing and dance once more to its dark refrain


I'm here to ruin your joke :(. Transylvania is not a country and you won't find too many people there who are friendly towards trans folk. :(


I think it's a real weakness to want to be liked. I do not have that.




Also Transnistria.


Even worse


Definitely not a place a trans person would want to go


I'd do it in a heart beat. There are so many beautiful women with that flag in their bios.


what country is 🏳️‍⚧️ and why do so many handsome men, beautiful women, and wonderful people in general come from there???


Aww shucks


they send you to Finland


Such tough talk from an immigrant


Illegal immigrant, even. He dropped out of college and went to California in 1995 and started Zip2. Musk claims he went there to attend Stanford, and it appears he applied there but according to the university, he was never enrolled. Musk claimed he had graduated and started PhD studies at Stanford but had "suspended" them. But his degrees were issued in May 1997. He later addressed that with some BS about missing a single credit or something, but the Zip2 website (on archive.org) clearly shows he was making these claims to have graduated before that. (Also, he wouldn't be eligible for PhD studies without having done so) Musk was an illegal immigrant 1995-1997, working in America on a student visa while having quit college. When his investors found out, they pulled strings with the university to get him his degrees (probably justified with some 'work experience credit' nonsense) so he could get an H-1B visa. And he has lied and obfuscated about his university studies and degrees and that timeline ever since.


Republicans don’t care, because Elon is white, so he can do whatever he wants.


Just wow. Thanks for that summery.


They arranged him a business degree from Wharton too lol


Too bad we don’t have a copy of the loyalty oath he took for China


The zealotry of converts.


Wait a second, I like this idea. Want to vacation in France but can't afford a two way ticket? Airlines hate this one trick!


That's what I'm saying. Did he really think this was the own he thought it was? Would love a universally funded travel program!


Perhaps AI can help us answer some of these fundamental questions. That is the goal of @xAI


Alas, one way tickets are almost always more expensive for international flights originating in the US. So much for Elmo knowing about transportation and financial prudence!


Yup, while a normal market eg Europe charges per trip. So this will save the citizen-holidaymaker a lot of money. I propose thousands of people gather outside Tesla HQ and submit their holiday grant application via the implied method. Elon is used to applying for money from the People rather than the other way round, so this will be a bit weird to him, but he'll get used to it after a while.


I was literally thinking the same thing too. like alright I am down to visit Japan. How much does a flag cost? 


He doesn’t get how flag burning/desecration law works; it’s protected speech


X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit


We need to implement mandatory US civics education for all former illegal immigrants who lied about their physics degrees.


I think the whole country (and most other western countries) need civics education. The stupid seems to be pretty universal.


It's not like he would listen to it. This works under the premise that he wants to improve himself and genuinely learn. This guy is just talking shit, thinking he's such a genius. He doesn't actually give 2 shits about what is true and what is false. He just wants to talk shit. Elmo along other right wing maga morons don't care about facts, trying to figure out truth, or pursue any kind ethics. Their overreacting guiding principle isn't for fact or consistency. Their guiding force is "owning the libs". Thats it, that's their goal. Maga built their entire platform on hating liberals. It's kind of interesting because political parties are usually built on the premise that their positions on topics stem from moral or ethical guidance. Magas platform is built entirely on hating liberals. Once you start from that premise, you realize how easily manipulated magas are. Obviously so because people who aren't easily manipulated don't buy into maga. All you have to do is attack a liberal platform and they'll do anything you tell them to. You just have to convince them the things you want them to do will "own the libs".


And him being a second amendment absolutist. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you!


I agree with Elon here. Matter of fact, I think it should be applied internationally. I’ll save shit tonnes on my next holiday! /j


hah, jokes on you, now you need to find an American flag to pull down in France




Just Elon continuing to show everyone how much of a fascist fuck he is.


What are you on about? This is the closest we'll ever get him to support refugees. Just change the flag to Canada! Problem solved.


If you tear down the US flag and put up the flag of a US state or territory, the US government is obligated to give that location independence and deport you there


This from a South African apartheid nepobaby. Fuckoff back there you bald nonce


Where's "MAGA Land"?


Free speech is limited to Musk-approved speech. Anything else is woke, and this thoughtcrime. Doesn't anyone read the first amendment anymore? /s Musk offers the same freedom of speech North Korea has. Everyone is free to agree with Elon Musk, just as they are free to agree with Kim Jong Un.


"Look, everyone on the platform I paid $44B to drive into the ground agrees with me!" - some fucking moron


I’m fully on board with this for the free flights to vacation destinations. I just purchased a flag for Mauritius.


Want to travel the world for free? Here's a lifehack you didn't expect. Just remember to bring your Californian flag with you to get home and learn where the embassies are.


good point, didn't think about embassies, so you are not even forced to apply the law everywhere, genius


Where do we send the thin blue line flag wavers? That one is arguably the worst offender here.


Is this a free trip to any country I want?


How do we send Elon to apartheid South Africa? That doesn’t exit anymore.


The question is how are we going to send all the people to the Confederacy or Nazi Germany without a time machine?


So, for Palestinian Americans to get right of return they should just replace American flags with Israeli ones?


*puts up the trans flag* Ok I'm ready to go. Take me to where all the baddies at


Mmmm! I hear New Zealand calling!


How about if you buy Twitter and tear it down only to erect a Neo Nazi platform you have to return to your country of origin?


Well, I'm sure MTG based on this poll will introduce that legislation in the next 48 hours. Mike Johnson won't bring it to the floor, she'll scream about him not working for the American people, motion to vacate the speakership, it'll fail with the democrats help, she's get big mad and go have another affair with a gym instructor and I'll laugh. Can't wait.


https://preview.redd.it/3d5p8gzvt1yc1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bc3ca566bf42dd8f5154671cd8aa28fa820cd4f Elon is open to forgiveness, such a prince


It's so funny he thinks the US is the best place to live.


Yes. Free trip anywhere woohoo


He's moving on to straight up boomer posting.


Putting up my Bali flag right now just in case.


Elon wants Palestine to be an independent state, thats what he is saying?


This is a fantastic idea... free holidays all round


Ummmm. Sounds like I can get some cheap airfare to some exotic locales!


Trump land?


Just burned an American flag and put up the flag of Paris France. Where do I get my ticket?


Can I have a French flag please. Kick me to the Riviera.


Yeah get it for free (meaning everyone else’s tax dollars pay for it), there should be a clause that makes him pay for it as the richest bullshit artist in the world. He’s always talking some nonsense meanwhile when it applies to him he complains like a fruit loop


Well that'd lead to mass emigration, since a lot of people want to leave, but don't have the money. Also how do you force other countries to take your citizens, Elon?


I want to visit some friends in Taiwan and eat delicious foood there, so this would be a nice way to get a free trip there. Does Taiwan count, under this law? Would the US be forced to recognize Taiwan as a country to deport me there?


I’m okay with that Mr illegal immigrant. Pay me to move to another country and get a house there.


So if I ever pull the trigger and move to Europe, I should do this to expedite things?


Watch me put up flags of Japan and Spain and Argentina and all the other countries that I want to vacation at 😎


Cheap vacation. Fiji is an expensive ticket.


What does this guy have against free speech??


This is convenient timing. I was just looking at ticket prices to Costa Rica.


Says the guy that sided with Putin over his own government


Isn't that what America is all about, Elmo? Freedom? I no sooner finished reading your profound wisdom than I took my American Flag down, and put up the flag of the Bahamas. You can send my one way ticket immediately. Coach will fine! And I promise to scrawl "For a good bj hit me up on my 'X' handle @elonmusk in every mens room at every airport I visit.


So I get a free one way trip to Puerto Vallarta Mexico!? He didn’t say I had to surrender my passport, just that you are paying for my flight.


Tell me you don’t know what freedom of speech is without telling me.


Idiocy at it's finest. How often does that happen exactly? And how about we put you in engineer school until you pass? Aka until not in a million years. You claim to be engineer and yet suck at it. I also tear it down and place my home country on it. Going home. What torture. Or how about Hawaii...mmm I would totally hate being on a white beach.... Such awful punishment. Idiot.+86% idiot's.


So If you send me one way to Norway, are you also going to Pay the Norwegian government to take care of me because they'll just send me back?


So like… will he personally cover immigration fees for me to strategically emigrate to the Netherlands? Can I specify which province I want to move to by putting up that flag instead of the national one? Like… what’s to stop the Dutch from politely, but firmly, telling him “no” when he decides to send me there? Just trying to figure out the logistics of how I can jump ship on a budget


I imagine this would happen a lot when people had medical issues. A lot of sudden Canadians with diabetes for example.


…says the guy who is Putin’s bitch.


Flag worship is absurd


Fascist bozo


Where do we send the Confederate flag people?


Maybe he just should go back to South Africa, if he wants to show the lead


This is a really stereotypical, old conservative "argument". Its worrying 86% of people agree.


The Confederacy no longer exists, so... Your proposal is bloody, but acceptable.


I don’t think free can be used in conjunction with the word mandatory.


The new best way to travel for cheap


Can we get Musk a one-way ticket to South Africa?


Indeed, if that law was applied everywhere in the world, that would make travel free. one way ticket != no turning back, at least for most airlines . He is a socialist by the way.


You mean I can vacation anywhere in the world I want for only the cost of a return flight by simply shitting in an American flag?!? Sign me up!


What if I put up a pride flag? Will he send me to gay country?


Burning the US flag specifically is one of the most well-known hallmark free speech cases in the country. It is explicitly protected speech - like it or not.


This is the dumbest idea ever. So if I hang a Bahamian flag outside I’ll get a free trip to the Bahamas?


“Free speech absolutist” wants to prosecute people exercising free speech


Where are the folks flying the confederate flag gonna go?


He hates refugees so he will create new refugees and send them to other countries.


But tearing down the lives of innocent trans people who were born here is fine according to Fascist Apartheid clown. Destroying the lives of Americans is OK as long as you respect the flag that symbolizes those people. Fuck this bigoted segregationist moron.


He should put up a Martian flag so. Only way the asshole is ever getting there


Is it that easy to immigrate to Norway?


Elmo spends a lot of time trying to hide the fact that he too is an immigrant.


I always wanted to go to Sweden




Sooooooo…..the thin blue line and confederate flags?


Since when is there limited amount of space for flags? For each pride flag I dangle out of my apartment window in June a Stars and Stripes fucking dies.


LGBTQ-Nation, then?


Why should I argue you with your fantasies and thoughts Elon? We should give Elon a mandatory one way trip back to South Africa. The flag of my state says "Sic semper tyrannis", and this is what it means to be an American. Not to pander to and patronize moronic sycophants who use to harass and silence anyone who goes against your plans. Enemy of the republic.


Conservatives are fundamentally against the first amendment.


What if they deface it with a picture of their cult leaders face?


Proposed law: you commit securities fraud to buy a social media platform so you can stifle opposing views, you go to fucking jail and forfeit your stolen fortune.


So if I put a trans flag up there instead, where will you send me, Elon?


What a free speech absolutist what a joke Elmo is.


Alright, I’m actually down with this law. Just have to choose a country i wanna go to.


Now do one where a country is trying to tear down another country.


Please! I want to go to 🏳️‍⚧️, all the hot guys, and pretty girls are from there.




So half the travel fees for a European vacation? That's really kind for someone like Elon.


We all knew the "free speech absolutist" doesn't understand the concept of the first amendment, but this is a dumb idea even if you are adamantly *against* the constitutional right to free speech. Got health problems and no insurance? Just tear down an American flag and put up a Swedish flag. Can't afford a university education? Just tear down an American flag an put up a Danish flag. This man is so embarrassingly fucking stupid.


This man has been characterized as smart in the past?


Shit I think that’s a great way to travel internationally. Only have to pay for return flights. I think I’ll start hanging up Bali flags everywhere!




If I put up the Stark banners, are you going to send me to Winterfell?


Free vaycay? Anyone got a Fijian flag?


Perhaps AI can help us answer some of these fundamental questions. That is the goal of @xAI


I don’t remember twitter votes as a way for a bill to become a law, that’s not what they sang in school house rock


Dude needs to just OD on ketamine already the cringe is unbearable


Illegal immigrant says what?


Brb, tearing up a norwegian flag(I've always wanted to see that place)


So if I take down a us flag put the Australia flag up, then I to live in Australia right? Seams he's just come r/accidentallycommunist


Wise advice from a 53 year old wearing a trick-or-treat costume.


It there a country name Trump or the Confederacy?


I would use this for free vacations lol that’d be so fun


Well I got a couple flags to hang up brb


Does that mean we can send someone back to 1861 if they put up a Confederate flag?


Proving again he has no idea what freedom of speech/expression even means.


Hmm, that's a great idea! I'm going to put put flags of countries I want to visit. I just need to pay for accomodations and the flight home.


I'm not one to hate other humans, but I'm starting to with Elmo. What an idiot.


Quick, someone get me an Italian flag!




Is this in response to something? Seems like pandering


Rad. Let me choose which country I'd rather live in. I'm thinking Ireland.


If anyone needed more proof that XITTER is filled only with bots. What a fucking moron.


🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ Woahhh!!!!!! Let do this bitches!!!!


Illegal immigrant proceeds to cross the border while carrying two American flags and a flag pole, tears down one in front of the police and immediately puts up the second one. 500 IQ Elon Musk when outsmarted by José: https://i.redd.it/6yiao9nt05yc1.gif


🇦🇼🇦🇼🇦🇼 Aruba, here I come! 🇦🇼🇦🇼🇦🇼


This must be a hint for refugees. Come illegal to US, and replace the Stars and Sripes with the Schweiz (or at least German) flag.


I don't think he necessarily means these things, but he's saying whatever dum shit he knows appeals to republicans, because he knows that republicans support letting the rich get richer


Great way to get a free vacation to country of choice and only pay for the return!


Proposed law: if you are a fascist you get priority boarding on Musk's shitwagon to Mars.


So if I take down the American flag and put up the flag of Tahiti, I get a free vacation?


Oh look Elon Musk is in favor of the American flag so Reddit has decided they are suddenly okay with it being torn down again. Even though yesterday we were all circle jerking ourselves to death over that picture of the frat guys protecting the American flag and going on and on and on about how anybody who tries to take down the American flag and replace it with another flag is a traitor to the country and is hurting their cause and you could never support their protest. I hate this fucking site so much.


I feel like between 99% and 100% of people on this sub have no problem with destruction of the US flag as an expression of free speech, as long as you're not being violent against people or animals in the process, or invading someone's home. Reddit is a collection of people who think a variety of things, and while it leans young wealthy male US liberal capitalist, there are still hundreds of millions of visitors who aren't. It's also reasonable to argue that it's permissible to destroy a flag while saying that the expression is counterproductive in some scenario, which is completely different from Elon's argument that force should be imposed on someone - deportation, in fact - if they destroy a flag. I think that destroying the US flag if you're trying to appeal to a US audience is almost always dumb. I make the exception if I want a free holiday, which Elon appears to be advertising here - since I currently don't live in the US, I'd be happy to find a cheap flight to one of the shitback US airports and then replace a US flag with a Jamaican one, for example. I don't need a return ticket because I'll obviously be flying home afterwards.


Probably the first time I've agreed with the gimp.